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Making power company over payments whilst away

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Are you saying that you want to over pay, so that payment will pay for future months, while you are gone??

I would think, you could, but I have never tried. You can also sign up for autopay, or whatever that is called, from your bank account ...but that takes a liltle work and time. But it is a good solution for people who are here and not here, for large amounts of time. I used to do that for all my bills here.

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Tried this once....threw the power company office into a mass frenzy and we had to leave.

I also used to pay my rent, in advance, when I would be gone for some period of time. And also, because the rent seemed so cheap to me in those days, it didn't seem worth going to the bank twice ...just pay two months is easier. You might think a landlord would appreciate that. But apparently, my landlord, didn't do any checking into where money was coming from into whatever bank account I paid into. So after about 6-8 months of doing this, she had a complete meltdown!

We had to meet, in person, I had to bring all my receipts, a person to translate, (because she could not grasp this simple concept over the phone, even in Thai) and she was still so pissed off beyond belief, as I proved my case ...that I didn't owe her more money, and she had been paid!

I think she just would check her bank balance, and finding it to her liking, she just spent the money without question. And then wanted to blame me when she didn't have more the next month!

She tried to BAN me from doing this! I guess I could have just paid her late, would have been more to what she is "used to" I guess ..but however, that house had a big flood, and I moved out before it became more of a problem.

There are some funny people here!!

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Are you saying that you want to over pay, so that payment will pay for future months, while you are gone??


I would think, you could, but I have never tried.  You can also sign up for autopay, or whatever that is called, from your bank account ...but that takes a liltle work and time.  But it is a good solution for people who are here and not here, for large amounts of time.  I used to do that for all my bills here.

Yep, that's what I want to do. I did hear that setting up the Thai equivalent of a standing order was tricky, hence the question. Oh well, I'll just have to rely on friends paying it for me for a few months.

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I do this at the MEA office near Central Chidlom. Tried to do it elsewhere and they couldn't understand how to do it even with a native speaker requesting it for me. At Central Chidlom the payment clerks don't know how to do it but will ask you to wait a couple of minutes while they get a manager to do it. I usually figure out what my average bill is and then prepay for about 4 months.

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Why do people make things so complicated here at TV. Go to your Thai Bank and tell them you want auto debit for your electric bill. They will give you a pre-filled form, which you take to the electric company (EGAT, PEA, or any others) and within a month (or less depending upon your billing cycle) your bill payment will automatically be debited from your account

I have done this twice with two different electric companies and so long as I keep enough money in my account to pay the bill there has never been a problem. For those of you that are paranoid that the electric company is going to take all you money, open up a separate account with your bank (without debit card, so no fee) and designate that account for you auto debit

This can also be done if you have a account with your local water company

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