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Thai Court postpones case against British labour rights activist


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Court postpones case against British labour rights activist

BANGKOK: -- A Thai court postponed a case against a British labour activist for the fifth time on Friday after failing to locate the defendant.

Bangkok Southern Criminal Court adjourned the case until November 11.

The activist, Andy Hall, has been accused by Natural Fruit Ltd of criminal defamation and breaking the Computer Crime Act for disseminating his research on violations of migrant labour rights inits factory.

Hall, currently residing in Myanmar, has refused to attend the court hearings, the first step in deciding whether his case will goto a full trial.

"I will not attend the court until I am legally obliged to do so,"Hall said. "I will not negotiate or engage with Natural Fruit untilthey drop this malicious case."

Natural Fruit, producer of canned pineapple and juice concentrate,is a large employer in Thailand of migrant workers from Myanmar.

The company is suing Hall for Bt300 million (US$9.4 million) in compensation for accusing it of hiring Myanmar minors and other violations of Thai labour laws, in a report issued in May by Finnwatch, a Finnish advocacy group.

The pending case has galvanised support for Hall from various human rights organisation.

"Criminal charges against Andy Hall reflect an attempt to stifle serious reporting on alleged abuses by one of Thailand’s top fruit processors," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch, in a statement issued in April.

"Freedom to investigate abuses by corporations is critical to ensure compliance and accountability under Thai law and human rightsstandards.

-- The Nation 2013-09-13

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One day the world will wake up. And see Thailand in reality, not hidden. Behind smile, religion, and dangerous people

I hope there are hoards of organisations supporting him on this issue in the same way they do when it comes to protecting copyright matters in Thailandwhistling.gif

Why isn't the likes of UNICEF defending him?

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The problem here is not, whether international organizations (in this case maybe the ILO instead of UNICEF) will support Andy Hall, the unbearable defamation laws of Thailand are the problem.

If you describe reality or write the truth, you can still be a criminal, according to Thai law, just because you write or describe things. That is so silly, but at the same time it is a sharp tool to stiffle any opposition. Remember how Taksin came down on any critical voice with litigations in the 100s of million Baht as compensation?

The Ego is much bigger than the truth. Or you could say, to avoid feeling insecure, anything is allowed to kill off the threat to the image.

And here we got business and financial issues on top of that.

I wish Andy Hall good luck, but he better never puts a foot back onto Thail soil. Or else he might end up like the accountant from Australia several years ago, who was to check the books of a major sugar mill. The owner's son (?) had him killed, because he had his fingers in the pot. Anything, even killing, is better than loosing face.


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If you are a "British" Labour Rights Activist, what the hell are you doing pokking your nose into a Thai Company? Won't anyone in the UK take any notice of you?

I say, keep your nose out of other people's business or else face the consequences (don't hide like a rat if you have such pure intentions).

Edited by BuriramRes
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Sounds a little bit friuty to me

Lee B, it seems to me that you have amassed a total of 937 posts based upon one-line inane and pointless comments. Do you ever offer anything that is of any significance?

BTW, that's one word wrong out of seven ... it's fruity...!

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In most other countries Defamation is a civil offense. Am I right in saying that only in Thailand and China it is a criminal offense?

No, there are no suits involved in criminal law, so all actions in defamation are based upon civil law, even in Thailand.

China has its own rules, so to defame someone there could be construed as 'treason', a criminal offence with severe penalties...!!

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If you are a "British" Labour Rights Activist, what the hell are you doing pokking your nose into a Thai Company? Won't anyone in the UK take any notice of you?

I say, keep your nose out of other people's business or else face the consequences (don't hide like a rat if you have such pure intentions).

You worthless ...

Edited by dru2
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In most other countries Defamation is a civil offense. Am I right in saying that only in Thailand and China it is a criminal offense?

No, there are no suits involved in criminal law, so all actions in defamation are based upon civil law, even in Thailand.

China has its own rules, so to defame someone there could be construed as 'treason', a criminal offence with severe penalties...!!

Thanks George. So why is it seemingly so easy, and prevalent, to bring such cases in Thailand and so damned difficult elsewhere? (China excluded of course - another Moa legacy?)


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The Natural Fruit Company would have been much better off to ignore the claims and fix it's employment practises.

The amount of negative publicity will shine a spotlight on the company that will, I think cause is to loose many customers

in Europe. At least I hope anyway.

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Employers no matter where and no matter what the laws of the land "require" have a moral obligation to provide their employees with a fair and livable wage AND a safe and healthy workplace. Any employer who fails to do so should be exposed to public ridicule and criminal or civil prosecution. If it takes someone from outside the country to do so because the government within the country is too weak or controlled to look out for it's own workers, then so be it. The rest of the world should at least boycott the company as well as any other company that would buy these tainted products!

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I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

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In most other countries Defamation is a civil offense. Am I right in saying that only in Thailand and China it is a criminal offense?

Yes. In many countries there is a concept of freedom of speech, so defamation is civil. In Thailand and China freedom of speech does not exist and it is possible such actions are criminal and could result in jail time. LM offences are an example.

Edited by Time Traveller
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I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

Face is not a western concept. Lay off the fox news. This is a completely Thai phenomenon.

Have you removed yourself from western tyranny with a pension perhaps? Thanks god for laws that protect and provide for such thing, or did you just rob a bank wild bill hickup style and come to Thailand?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

Face is not a western concept. Lay off the fox news. This is a completely Thai phenomenon.

Have you removed yourself from western tyranny with a pension perhaps? Thanks god for laws that protect and provide for such thing, or did you just rob a bank wild bill hickup style and come to Thailand?

Self employed Let the free market work for me and it did.

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I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

Face is not a western concept. Lay off the fox news. This is a completely Thai phenomenon.

Have you removed yourself from western tyranny with a pension perhaps? Thanks god for laws that protect and provide for such thing, or did you just rob a bank wild bill hickup style and come to Thailand?

Self employed Let the free market work for me and it did.

How quaint. Of course all the rules and regulations put in place to protect this pension aren't worth two hoots either. or did you bury it all under the bed?

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I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

Face is not a western concept. Lay off the fox news. This is a completely Thai phenomenon.

Have you removed yourself from western tyranny with a pension perhaps? Thanks god for laws that protect and provide for such thing, or did you just rob a bank wild bill hickup style and come to Thailand?

Self employed Let the free market work for me and it did.

How quaint. Of course all the rules and regulations put in place to protect this pension aren't worth two hoots either. or did you bury it all under the bed?

Wow. Do you always hold your breath and stamp you feet when someone has an opinion that differs with yours? Really, those rule and regs hold zero impact on me but it's like that being self sufficient. Additionally, be advised that your pension is only as safe as the crooks that manage it. But to the point I was only making comment that this foreign labour guy really should have larger fish to fry in his own back yard than some juice producer in Thailand. But by all means allow him to ....protect their pensions.

Edited by 1plumber
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I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

Face is not a western concept. Lay off the fox news. This is a completely Thai phenomenon.

Have you removed yourself from western tyranny with a pension perhaps? Thanks god for laws that protect and provide for such thing, or did you just rob a bank wild bill hickup style and come to Thailand?

Self employed Let the free market work for me and it did.

How quaint. Of course all the rules and regulations put in place to protect this pension aren't worth two hoots either. or did you bury it all under the bed?

Wow. Do you always hold your breath and stamp you feet when someone has an opinion that differs with yours? Really, those rule and regs hold zero impact on me but it's like that being self sufficient. Additionally, be advised that your pension is only as safe as the crooks that manage it. But to the point I was only making comment that this foreign labour guy really should have larger fish to fry in his own back yard than some juice producer in Thailand. But by all means allow him to ....protect their pensions.

These guys aren't suing out of some westernisation. They are suing because pooyais normally get away with it. And yes fruit caning operations do exploit people and the free market deems to pay them often less than 300 baht for an 8 hour day.

There are limits sometimes.

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A few on here going completely off tangent, harping on about westernization or foreigners sticking their nose in, blah blah. <deleted> are you talking about? The point is, allegedly, this company is working minors and/or taking the piss out of its migrant workforce. It happens here, a lot, and the defamation laws stink, we all know this. So why defend the place willy nilly, it makes you look complete tool?

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