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Why did you people come here originally?, i came for the women


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Jimbobs1 I hope you found some happiness with your wife.

I read a UN assessment that at any one time, one million woman in Thailand are engaged in some form of prostitution. If the is true, then there must be millions of ex sex workers now just going about their lives.

True, but you can have NASA do a background check on them. Initially, I thought that should read 'NSA', but it turns out that Thai women really ARE from Venus and NASA can prove it. Goes a long way to explaining how they can breathe through their ears.

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why come to Thailand to find a girl,

Maybe you have heard about Thai women love you long time, many men come to abuse the girls, mainly because they believe all they hear, they love it ,they enjoy doing it, but really because they are Ignorant about Thai women , don't ant to know the truth. do not take time to learn about Thai culture, they just come to gratifiy there sexual needs and don't care, Sorry had to be said , see how long it is before I get banned or reprimanded.

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Came here as an exchange student, moved back 9 months later.

I did not meet my ex in a bar, I did me my current in a bar, it was salsa dancing night and we quickly found out that we are both horrible.

I respect your honesty, but none of my friends met their wives or girlfriends in a bar either.

That doesn't make them better than your friends, just a counter to what you find as normal.

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husband is a teacher, I am writing about traditional Thai medicine. I know many people who come here to study Thai bodywork, study Buddhism, or to teach. I've also met westerners who own yoga studies here, herbal product businesses and import/export businesses and happen to love the culture. These are the people I gravitate toward. They are not my community, but I also have met a large number of people who come here as missionaries. There are also a lot of people here working with NGOs and doing charity work. I'm not sure why this forum seems to attract such a narrow slice of ex-pats, but trust me, there is variety here. Hopefully posting here may bring some balance - and let onlookers know that there are many many reasons one might end up in Thailand.

Indeed so, and a careful read of this thread reveals this.

But for some reason the "narrow slice" you refer to are exceptionally vocal on TV and also insist on believing that they represent if not 100% then at least a very large majority of the westerners who come here. i

I think it is because many of them feel isolated lonely and a little angry. " What do you do when your dreams come true and they are not quite like you planned?" (The Eagles). I would also guess that those who come for purposes other than the bar scene have other interests to occupy them and are not just killing time waiting for their favorite bar to open.

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My life in the uk was very expensive, 3 x greeeeedy wives got the houses, pub, and the whole caboodle.I walked away with nothing

I expect the same here if it goes tits up

Ok well you've admitted to marrying a bar girl but all that proves is that you've not learned any lessons.

The fact that you've been knocked three times by three different women in the UK hasn't taught you anything.

You've just rocked up here and made another questionable choice with regard to women.

Good luck to you but I see a train wreck ahead.

Still, at least it'll be cheaper when you split up

Thank you for your concern, over 6 years now together now its great

Yes i have weakness for beautiful women, you only live once i believe

And this is the 1st time ive ever had children, i was always chasing the money.

I feel happy and contented and a completely different man from my hedonistic 20s and 30s, growing old i guess

It will not be cheaper because i left my Xs with property and bills to pay, this one has my kids so i expect to pay for the rest of my natural life,

And if just rocked up is 6 years,(a long time in a loveless marraige) i suggest you look at your own relationship and i will try not crash the train ime driving

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husband is a teacher, I am writing about traditional Thai medicine. I know many people who come here to study Thai bodywork, study Buddhism, or to teach. I've also met westerners who own yoga studies here, herbal product businesses and import/export businesses and happen to love the culture. These are the people I gravitate toward. They are not my community, but I also have met a large number of people who come here as missionaries. There are also a lot of people here working with NGOs and doing charity work. I'm not sure why this forum seems to attract such a narrow slice of ex-pats, but trust me, there is variety here. Hopefully posting here may bring some balance - and let onlookers know that there are many many reasons one might end up in Thailand.

Indeed so, and a careful read of this thread reveals this.

But for some reason the "narrow slice" you refer to are exceptionally vocal on TV and also insist on believing that they represent if not 100% then at least a very large majority of the westerners who come here. i

I'm thinking the cross-sectional representation of posters reflects the English speaking foreigners found in Thailand.

So out of every 100 posters

95 here for sex, two businessmen, one NGO, one missionary, and one random type.

Not forgetting the posters, news sources and assorted forum admin that don't live in Thailand, which I haven't included in my stats.

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I came here originally to participate and do my small insignificant part in a war in 1965. I left in 1966 after my tour of duty was completed. Didn't return again until 2005, to see if it was feasible to retire here. Still couldn't retire until 2008. Did the women factor in?...For sure. Did I play in the bars? ...For sure...for a short while. Found a woman not in the bar industry ( no ill reflection meant on the gals who have worked there) and settled down. My life now is not much different from living in the States...Just cheaper...and I have a younger wife. That's my story...And I'm stickin' to it.

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I came here originally to participate and do my small insignificant part in a war in 1965. I left in 1966 after my tour of duty was completed. Didn't return again until 2005, to see if it was feasible to retire here. Still couldn't retire until 2008. Did the women factor in?...For sure. Did I play in the bars? ...For sure...for a short while. Found a woman not in the bar industry ( no ill reflection meant on the gals who have worked there) and settled down. My life now is not much different from living in the States...Just cheaper...and I have a younger wife. That's my story...And I'm stickin' to it.

Good for you,

I would have liked this post but i have used up my quota of likes, WHAT NONSENSE, who makes up these rules?

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Thai girls are easy?

Question is where are they just as easy or easier?

Does such a place exist?

Its a valid point , and ive not been to every corner of the globe ,Angeles city in the Philippines?

Maybe the cat & fiddle pub in Bootle saturday night

Nahh Patts is a den of iniquity , beats anywhere hands down

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I came to Thailand because i wanted to run away from high taxes and Christmas, i hate them both so i spend June summer in the Algarve then December warmth in Thailand earn in one place spend in another,, i do it because i can,, 6 months in one place 6 months in another and when Thailand doesn't do it for me anymore maybe Cambodia, the beaches are better than Thailand and no scammers there,, let's wait and see.

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After my first trip to LOS did i get the Thai syndrome. LOL !!

I did come for the fun and joy that LOS are known for. And yes i love the girls.. So to say that i not come to Thailand for girls and party would be a lie,,...

I have been living in Pats for 5 years. But after running out of cash did i have to go back home. So now i am happy back home in Europe with my Thai wife. Never thought i would marry a Thai girl. But after many years in LOS and go with the birds. Did i finaly find a special girl :-)

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I hope so too, for her sake. It sounds like she'll need to be as cynical and jaded as you are to avoid winding up with the sticky end of the stick, so to speak

Oops . . must've struck a nerve.



Because I prefer not set up home with an ex-brass?

Don't fret, SC. Yours is, indeed, different.

To be honest, I've found that women are generally better treated as individuals, rather than as peons or commodities. That's the old romantic in me, from growing up in a time when life was more clear-cut. We've moved on from seeing things in black and white, Sometimes I feel your life could be a bit more brightly coloured if you let slip your ever-so-grown-up cynicisim.


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I leave the folly of moving a woman into my apartment after a handful of sexual encounters to my foreign counterparts because, unlike many of those I've met here, I'm perfectly capable of being alone in my own space and happy by myself.

Quote: "I'm perfectly capable of being alone in my own space and happy by myself"

Good for you. Me too.

I like watching YouTube videos about anything and everything. I don't crave skirt.

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I first came here to lose my virginity when I was 25 or so(true story). Not really totally my fault that I was in that situation. After all, we all know how many farang women are like & how they hate men. And of course I wasn't about to shell out 8,000 baht for just an hour's fun time. Hell, I can make that last a week over here. So... I saved up some cash and booked a flight to LOS and got it over with. Had a great time. That is history as they say and now I am married to a Thai girl(not a bargirl just a simple shopworker).

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I first came here for work when working for an engineering company in the USA. We did jobs world wide but in the 90's Asia was booming and Thailand was on of the fastest growing.

5 years of bouncing around Asia I finally accepted a job with an engineering company here in Thailand. Been living here almost 20 years now. Women was a plus but never the reason and actually never even heard of any of the stories of Thailand prior to coming here.

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Thai girls are easy?

Question is where are they just as easy or easier?

Does such a place exist?

Plenty of places. You need to get out and explore. Cambodia is good and getting better the past 10 years. Philippines is alright, was much better 10-15 years ago but not so safe anymore. Traffic in Manila is bad and pollution is the worst. South America (Columbia, Brazil etc) is just as cheap SeAsia and the girls are great too.

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A number of flaming and/or off topic posts, and posts quoting same, have been deleted.

A reminder that the topic is why people came to Thailand. And before we got sidetracked into contentious debates between members who felt compelled to judge the responses of others, we were getting an interesting variety of replies.

Please confine your posts to why you came here and how that has worked out for you. No commenting/judging the reasons given by others.

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I had never been to Thailand before I came here on what was originally planned to be a 3-month engagement with a client. I absolutely hated the place. I originally found Thailand, filthy, smelly and generally unpleasant. I was wrong.

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sounds like a unique reason you came here OP. No it wasn't my reason or perhaps it was in a roundabout way. I came to visit an exec friend in Hong Kong and he brought me to Thailand a few times for holidays. I must say I wasnt impressed, reason was probably the way he threw money around like it grew on trees. 3 years after that I came to BKK to get a visa for another country and found out it took 3 days. I stewed and moaned because in my mind I hated bkk and thailand (or didnt care for it much). it was during the wait for that visa that I discovered I liked BKK and thailand. I think it was because I was not with that original guy who brought me here. I ended up burning the tickets to the country I got the visa for (India) and stayed in bkk for 2 weeks and never looked back. never did go to India, never will go either. strange how things work out sometimes. my life has followed this kind of pattern. meeting my wife 7 years later was similar. life is stranger than fiction

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