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Older Guys, Younger Ladies, An Alternative View......"Maybe You Die"


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I agree with you Richard, which is why I referred to the lack of Familial memory by the part of Westerners. It was an attempt to point out that even as recently as our Grandparents, the same Familial dynamic was a driver in the West.

Then people turn up here all judgmental about Thai society, and the truth of the matter is, their Great Grandmothers would recognize the situation young women still find themselves in here.

To eat, or not to eat, that is the question.

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I agree with you Richard, which is why I referred to the lack of Familial memory by the part of Westerners. It was an attempt to point out that even as recently as our Grandparents, the same Familial dynamic was a driver in the West.

Then people turn up here all judgmental about Thai society, and the truth of the matter is, their Great Grandmothers would recognize the situation young women still find themselves in here.

To eat, or not to eat, that is the question.

Many Thai women have taken "to eat" and made it an art form. There still isn't equality in the masses in Thailand because of the new dynamic called consumer debt. I know gals with master's degrees and good government jobs who are so far in debt they can barely afford to eat. The new car scheme, the new house scheme, and the indespensible smartphone have buried them.

They want to live like a Westerner on a third world income. They are just as vulnerable to the older farang as their Isaan village counterparts.

And the older farang is just as vulnerable to them.

Blether, let's go back to the Great Depression. All I really know about it is the US part and what my parents and their friends told me about it. But I do know that there wasn't the crime rate or the sense of "entitlement" that exists today. There were no food stamps or other government benefits. Fend or go hungry.

People have changed somehow. It's not only about getting what you need, but getting what you want which is a new house, a new car, a smartphone, a computer and an internet connection. Oh, a big screen TV.

I don't see hungry people barely able to eat the way some of the world is and was. I see people who are turning to consumerism as the unattainable goal, driven by debt. I see greed. Of course there are exceptions with happy marriages and real love.

With all due respect, I truly think you look at the industry of getting money from farangs through rose colored glasses.

Edited by NeverSure
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On the contrary, so let's make it clearer so that there is no doubt whatsoever.

Anyone leading with their wallet here is asking for it.

You will never, never see me recommend that policy to anyone. Never.

I advise the opposite, spend nothing. maybe you were typing when I wrote.

I suggest that farangs learn to spend nothing on the family except time.

They should also remember what it was like when they first started out in life, no one gave them everything on a plate. Don't do it with your lady either. This is not rocket science.

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I think the reason why this is a hot topic on the forum is because many of the members are old men with young girlfriends or wives. They get defensive because they don't want to believe they are the sugar daddy for their young woman! As the op said. This has been a normal thing for many western societies but I still cringe when I see that 70 year old man walking hand in hand with the 20 year old girl lol!

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I know my great, great, great grand parents name on one side of the family.

I also know why one of them got shipped out with his brother from Ireland all them years ago to an island south of Victoria.

But also look at it honestly, not many rich girls marry old guys.

I know of a Thai lady that married a much older guy, she like 35 and he in his 70's.....she is now quite rich after his demise. She has 3 cars and an estate.

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This is not a subject I harp on about on ThaiVisa.com, but since you brought up the subject Blether...

IMO, which is what you have asked for... Well no my opinion specifically, but that of any responders to that Biblical post (I didn't read it all).

Equality between men and females has resulted in the realisation that Women who are and can be self sufficient generally choose to be with someone of their own age.

This equality did not exist throughout history, thus I would assume ignorance of anyone who expects somewhat bigoted values to exists and prevail in todays society of greater opportunities for Women.

We all know that Thailand is a society whereby education is not afforded to everyone in equal measures. This leaves hungry, poor and sometimes desperate people.

For the purposes of this topic: Women without any alternative turn to men for financial support, in many cases they turn to older-men because younger men will or can not afford them the life and minor luxuries they aspire to.

We all therefore know that these 'arrangements' are just that. The relationship between older man and younger ladies in the majority of cases are borne of financial needs - the lady in question makes somewhat of a career decision.

So.. While I agree with much of what 'the blether' writes he still dances around a much simpler fact - In most cases a financially independent lady is far less likely to be with an older man because she has choice. Equally so in many cases a financially insecure lady will simply take her chances where-ever she can.

Where the 'love part' comes into it... I'm sure many get mixed up between attachment, desire, passion, love... I'm sure love does exist.

However, for many the assumption is that the relationship commenced through some form of dishonesty... i.e. the guy being dishonest with himself that a young girl is truly interested in him, additionally there is dishonesty on the part of the lady that she is letting the guy believe that he is truly the object of her desire....

I would suggest that in many cases this assumption is not wholly inaccurate while respecting the fact that as with all generalisations its never accurate all of the time.

Good point I agree girls that need money go for money those who don't go for attraction.

So as long as the guy knows its a money thing its ok.

I had this discussion with a Thai lady i know she makes a lot more money then most guys in here. She said she was happy she never had to make that choice. Also she said something about the girls that married for money (she meets them as her co workers are foreigners in a big international company). They are a totally different breed and among each other they brag about how much money they get and measure love in way of getting things.

The moment i heard that it reminded me of when i was married back in the Netherlands and my (now ex) came in contact with such a group of ladies and became part of it. They were also constantly bragging about how much they got and finding new ways to get money from the husband. If you read here on Thaivisa you will see many guys married with Thais in the west have the same experience.

So its a totally different game they equate things they get with love and as long as you pay they are often loyal.

That kinda shows what i mean they are bragging about their provider and how much they got from him and are going to take from him. This is more or less what is been said by richard.

Its also quite normal if you marry to be financially secure then that is what you brag about and care about. If you marry because of other reasons you will talk about the other reasons ect ect.

I just worry for the guys that are not smart enough to protect their assets in a relation like that.. because they want the money and if they can have it without the guy.. then better even. Then they are financially independent and go to what really attracts them.

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because I read here about poor people who can hardly effort to eat.

Here we are looking hard to find a cleaning woman for 10.000 Baht per month and no one want to do this dirty work.

So we are now 4 month without cleaning in the office.

So no one is desperate and hungry. It is just more comfortable to stay at home and ask your rich husband for money than working hard from morning to evening for much less money.

Beside if having to choose between a poor young Thai husband who may cheating and drinking and an older rich educated Farang which is neat and nice they choose the old guy.

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Herb Simon, age 78, with his wife the former Miss Universe 'Bui' from Thailand, age 44 -- I wonder how he has ever made it without this sterling advice from the Thai Visa Members (BTW Herb's net worth is now estimated at $US 2 billion):


And might I add, that he is damn HANSUM-looking!

Must be a blast for this woman to go to bed with him every night... True love!

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It's the Family Tree Game!

Can you name your Great Grandparents? Bonus point if you can name any Great Grandmothers maiden name.


What's my point?, Your Great Grandmother will recognize the choices faced by young women here. Anyone before her would absolutely have recognized it.

Here's one for you.......do any of you recognize this?

When Debt Comes Through The Front Door, Love Goes Out The Back Door.


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Herb Simon, age 78, with his wife the former Miss Universe 'Bui' from Thailand, age 44 -- I wonder how he has ever made it without this sterling advice from the Thai Visa Members (BTW Herb's net worth is now estimated at $US 2 billion):


You have found one exception to the Generalisation, of course there will be many more. However, that doesn't make the generalisation that 'financially independent women do not date older men' any less accurate.

It would be the same as suggesting that Volvos are highly reliable cars then posting evidence of one which has broken down.

The singular can not outweigh or disprove a general observation.

To clarify my point further: Could you or would you suggest that this relationship examples more than 50% of relationships in Thailand between older men and younger ladies.

Rod and younger women, Hugh and his playboy bunnies or anyone else of wealth with a younger lady will not disprove this either - we are at best discussing a huge generalisation which while not perfect can be assumed to be representative of the majority.

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I think the concept of "Double Love" is very valid here in Thailand.

Many girls have grown up without a positive fatherly influence. Either because the father is a dysfunctional alcohol, or he took off at the first available opportunity. This creates a yearning in these girls that I will label: "Father Hunger".

I will use my current girlfriend as an example. She is 22 years younger than me. She is beautiful and bright and works as a lawyer. She studied law at Songkla.

She put herself through college by working part time as a waitress and working full time during summer breaks. She also has a student loan of about 200KTHB.

Her father is a nasty alcoholic and drinks lao khao daily. My girlfriend describes him as distant, abusive and angry.

My girlfriend is very loving with me. But there are two distinct facets to this affection:

The first is the playful intimacy and sex you would expect in any good relationship.

The second is harder to describe, but it is like a gratitude that is given in return for my providing fatherly wisdom and guidance regarding day to day issues. Buying a second hand motorcycle is a recent example.

And so I believe that this is why so many Thai girls are happy to be in a relationship with an older guy. They get to sate their Father Hunger as well as enjoying the other regular benefits of a relationship such as trust, intimacy and sex.

In the past the threat to double love relationships was of course the bloke getting to old to keep up his end of the sex deal. But the drug companies have intervened to provide a solution to that problem and so, in my humble opinion, the future is very bright for double love relationships.

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I don't think so far I've suggested anything (Volvos?), but I will here: I'm guessing at age 32 when she married Simon and having been Miss Universe since age 19 (correction) Ms. Bui had been-around-the-block enough to know what she wanted and didn't want regardless of what Mr. Simon himself wanted out of the arrangement.

Edited by JLCrab
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I think the concept of "Double Love" is very valid here in Thailand.

Many girls have grown up without a positive fatherly influence. Either because the father is a dysfunctional alcohol, or he took off at the first available opportunity. This creates a yearning in these girls that I will label: "Father Hunger".

I will use my current girlfriend as an example. She is 22 years younger than me. She is beautiful and bright and works as a lawyer. She studied law at Songkla.

She put herself through college by working part time as a waitress and working full time during summer breaks. She also has a student loan of about 200KTHB.

Her father is a nasty alcoholic and drinks lao khao daily. My girlfriend describes him as distant, abusive and angry.

My girlfriend is very loving with me. But there are two distinct facets to this affection:

The first is the playful intimacy and sex you would expect in any good relationship.

The second is harder to describe, but it is like a gratitude that is given in return for my providing fatherly wisdom and guidance regarding day to day issues. Buying a second hand motorcycle is a recent example.

And so I believe that this is why so many Thai girls are happy to be in a relationship with an older guy. They get to sate their Father Hunger as well as enjoying the other regular benefits of a relationship such as trust, intimacy and sex.

In the past the threat to double love relationships was of course the bloke getting to old to keep up his end of the sex deal. But the drug companies have intervened to provide a solution to that problem and so, in my humble opinion, the future is very bright for double love relationships.

Yes understanding the family dynamic of your girlfriend/wife is very important.

This is a serious question. Does your girlfriend have a teddy bear? Does she take it with her when she travels? does she talk to it?

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Lets be honest- Bui would not have married Herb if he was a bank manager (or plumber)- no way, no how.

Love can of course exist in old man/young lady marriages- but the reality is that in every case i know of old farang/young thai wife, his young wife will be sleeping around behind his back.

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Lets be honest- Bui would not have married Herb if he was a bank manager (or plumber)- no way, no how.

Love can of course exist in old man/young lady marriages- but the reality is that in every case i know of old farang/young thai wife, his young wife will be sleeping around behind his back.

but the reality is ... No -- that's your reality.

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