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Older Guys, Younger Ladies, An Alternative View......"Maybe You Die"


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I sometimes think that some of the posters on here are braindead.,better if you know nothing say nothing.sad.png

I don't agree with you Claudius, this is a very interesting post, just as the Blethers always are, and I'm not just saying this because he is a fellow Scot. There is no poster braindead on this thread that I can see.

Was I Claudius having a go at me?

Love is a luxury in the Third World.

Only the advent of social mobility has made it possible in the West.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is brain dead.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

In your case...not....unless that was a trick question.

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I sometimes think that some of the posters on here are braindead.,better if you know nothing say nothing.sad.png

I don't agree with you Claudius, this is a very interesting post, just as the Blethers always are, and I'm not just saying this because he is a fellow Scot. There is no poster braindead on this thread that I can see.

Was I Claudius having a go at me?

Love is a luxury in the Third World.

Only the advent of social mobility has made it possible in the West.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is brain dead.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

Rather than having a go at you Blether, I would think he is having a go at the thread and the posters, and as far as I can see so far there are none of the posters brain dead. They are all making for a very interesting thread.

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Well in my experience only desperate girls marry old men, most women like fit men, they like muscles, and flat bellies -specially in this part of the globe-, I've had lovers married to olders men(thai,japanese and westerners) and they do it just for money or a passport, but in the end they use the money of the old guys to expend it with somebody that they really like(in this case , me). In rca I've had many girls from isaan and the north that are this situation, and after two or three days getting in her beds they start to open they hearts and let all the frustraition go out, no wonder they fall in love so easilly, it must be horrible to get in bed with somene that you don't like.Posted Image

Is it impossible to be both old and fit?

No it is not. Its easy to look fitter as the average and even younger foreigner.

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I sometimes think that some of the posters on here are braindead.,better if you know nothing say nothing.sad.png

I don't agree with you Claudius, this is a very interesting post, just as the Blethers always are, and I'm not just saying this because he is a fellow Scot. There is no poster braindead on this thread that I can see.

Was I Claudius having a go at me?

Love is a luxury in the Third World.

Only the advent of social mobility has made it possible in the West.

Anyone that thinks otherwise is brain dead.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

Rather than having a go at you Blether, I would think he is having a go at the thread and the posters, and as far as I can see so far there are none of the posters brain dead. They are all making for a very interesting thread.

To be honest I was just waiting for my chance to use the "Love is a luxury" line. Once I saw the opening well, you know, I had to use it.

You know what I'm like. coffee1.gif

ps. Behave yourself bum scratcher.

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Well in my experience only desperate girls marry old men, most women like fit men, they like muscles, and flat bellies -specially in this part of the globe-, I've had lovers married to olders men(thai,japanese and westerners) and they do it just for money or a passport, but in the end they use the money of the old guys to expend it with somebody that they really like(in this case , me). In rca I've had many girls from isaan and the north that are this situation, and after two or three days getting in her beds they start to open they hearts and let all the frustraition go out, no wonder they fall in love so easilly, it must be horrible to get in bed with somene that you don't like.sad.png

Not necessarily, you go to bed with yourself every night.

Hahaha, I dont think that going to bed with me is not horrible at all, otherwise why women go to bed with me for free ? tongue.png

Beats me.

But of course you know the answer.

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Well in my experience only desperate girls marry old men, most women like fit men, they like muscles, and flat bellies -specially in this part of the globe-, I've had lovers married to olders men(thai,japanese and westerners) and they do it just for money or a passport, but in the end they use the money of the old guys to expend it with somebody that they really like(in this case , me). In rca I've had many girls from isaan and the north that are this situation, and after two or three days getting in her beds they start to open they hearts and let all the frustraition go out, no wonder they fall in love so easilly .......

Is it impossible to be both old and fit?

........ it must be horrible to get in bed with somene that you don't like.sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

I managed it for 20 years in the UK!

Sure u can be old and fit, and man how could u endure 20 years like that? what a waste of time.

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It's the Family Tree Game!

Can you name your Great Grandparents? Bonus point if you can name any Great Grandmothers maiden name.


What's my point?, Your Great Grandmother will recognize the choices faced by young women here. Anyone before her would absolutely have recognized it.

Here's one for you.......do any of you recognize this?

When Debt Comes Through The Front Door, Love Goes Out The Back Door.


Maybe I am one of the odd ones out. I even know Tom Kirby who set out to America (Wilmington in Delaware) during the civil war there in the USA. He married an American woman (Keturah) and brought her back to England to work and live on his farm. All their family are buried in the same cemetary. My grandaughter carries Keturah as her middle name :)

I have the records of very many marriages and it is rare indeed for there to be a large age gap. Most married at a young age. They married young and started families young too especially as many children died too young. From tin miners to gamekeepers, to those who set off for Australia to start life in that brave new world there are many stories of hardship.

From the 1800's to the 1960's many lived in small places. The children slept top to tail in one bed or on a straw mattress. Widows struggling to make ends meet taking in lodgers. A husband dies and the family are made homeless because the houses (cottages) were owned by the company the man worked for. When he died the company took the house back for a man with family who took the dead mans place.

Hardship has been there for the greatest majority, yet many people today are scared or ashamed to admit their heritage and ancestry. I am proud to have such a diversity in my heritage. They struggled through life in many cases. They moved to where the work was. In the case of the tin miners they moved up north on trains that were laid on and took literally everything with them except the bricks and mortar to a very uncertain future.

Wilmington cemetary in Delaware has many headstones too. As do places in Australia.

I think that knowing your ancestors past can help you understand the mindset of many poor Thai people who live in tin shacks or houses of breeze block with no plaster on the walls, no water pump or water storage. An old motor, no air con, the odd fan. Scared of the next electric bill. Living hand to mouth day after day. Sharing food as many of our ancestors did. Helping each other out. Families working and living together to survive.

Is it no wonder some send their daughters out to work in Phuket or Pattaya and similar places. Is it no wonder many young women see us as ultra rich and would marry us at the drop of a hat to get a better life. That many try to scam us thinking we will not miss a few tens of thousands of Baht.

I could go on.....rolleyes.gif

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Well Blether I dusted off the family tree (only on Mum's side) and I have their names. On granddad's side Wally Naylor was 5 years younger than Annie Hansard, he married her when he was 20. On grandma's side Ferdinand Eichler was 9 years older than Elizabeth Plowright, he married her when he was 33. Going back to the generations above and beyond I couldn't find a single example of a greater age difference. Half a watermelon thanks.biggrin.png

Mind you I accept the wisdom contained within your post in general.

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So let me get this right theblether says its OK to date a really young girl if she is incredibly poor and is doing it for survival. Then on the other hand he is saying don't help out the family, who are too in poverty. Any Thai girl who has family values (yet to meet one that hasn't) will want to help her family out, what next?.

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It's the Family Tree Game!

Can you name your Great Grandparents? Bonus point if you can name any Great Grandmothers maiden name.


What's my point?, Your Great Grandmother will recognize the choices faced by young women here. Anyone before her would absolutely have recognized it.

Here's one for you.......do any of you recognize this?

When Debt Comes Through The Front Door, Love Goes Out The Back Door.


Maybe I am one of the odd ones out. I even know Tom Kirby who set out to America (Wilmington in Delaware) during the civil war there in the USA. He married an American woman (Keturah) and brought her back to England to work and live on his farm. All their family are buried in the same cemetary. My grandaughter carries Keturah as her middle name :)

I have the records of very many marriages and it is rare indeed for there to be a large age gap. Most married at a young age. They married young and started families young too especially as many children died too young. From tin miners to gamekeepers, to those who set off for Australia to start life in that brave new world there are many stories of hardship.

From the 1800's to the 1960's many lived in small places. The children slept top to tail in one bed or on a straw mattress. Widows struggling to make ends meet taking in lodgers. A husband dies and the family are made homeless because the houses (cottages) were owned by the company the man worked for. When he died the company took the house back for a man with family who took the dead mans place.

Hardship has been there for the greatest majority, yet many people today are scared or ashamed to admit their heritage and ancestry. I am proud to have such a diversity in my heritage. They struggled through life in many cases. They moved to where the work was. In the case of the tin miners they moved up north on trains that were laid on and took literally everything with them except the bricks and mortar to a very uncertain future.

Wilmington cemetary in Delaware has many headstones too. As do places in Australia.

I think that knowing your ancestors past can help you understand the mindset of many poor Thai people who live in tin shacks or houses of breeze block with no plaster on the walls, no water pump or water storage. An old motor, no air con, the odd fan. Scared of the next electric bill. Living hand to mouth day after day. Sharing food as many of our ancestors did. Helping each other out. Families working and living together to survive.

Is it no wonder some send their daughters out to work in Phuket or Pattaya and similar places. Is it no wonder many young women see us as ultra rich and would marry us at the drop of a hat to get a better life. That many try to scam us thinking we will not miss a few tens of thousands of Baht.

I could go on.....rolleyes.gif

Many good paying jobs are available in the automotive sector in Chonburi said company's are complaining because they cant find enough staff,one does not have to be a rocket scientist to work on an assembly line in a car factory,most of the time it's not about poverty but sheer lazyness.
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Lets be honest- Bui would not have married Herb if he was a bank manager (or plumber)- no way, no how.

Love can of course exist in old man/young lady marriages- but the reality is that in every case i know of old farang/young thai wife, his young wife will be sleeping around behind his back.

Listen I am 82 not gay but I would marry Herb How about you?

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So let me get this right theblether says its OK to date a really young girl if she is incredibly poor and is doing it for survival. Then on the other hand he is saying don't help out the family, who are too in poverty. Any Thai girl who has family values (yet to meet one that hasn't) will want to help her family out, what next?.

I did not say that. coffee1.gif

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Lets face it most of the old guys you see here in Pattaya with a 20 something hottie are a punter with a bar girl ,nearly all the guys that i know are married to pleasant but ordinary looking women ,my wife is 24 years younger than me ,and we have a 20 year old son ,and to the guy who said that all younger women are sleeping around ,you must be shacked up with a bar girl or hooker as they are known in the UK ,because if my misses is sleeping around it must be while i am upstairs on the computer as she never goes anywhere without me ,,as i said earlier some people on here spout a load of bullshit. they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Spot on the only way i can get rid of the wife for a while is go for a walk in the sun.

And delusion can effect the young as well as the old.

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'Trophy Wives' - The male of the species is, by evolution, is hardwired for it. Been going on since the dawn of time. Yin and Yang - Etc., Ad Infinitum.

Love? Or just Gold digging? Here is another old saying for you Blether. Women give sex for love. Men give love for sex

The wise say we should not be cynical about Love. But true, unconditional love is extremely elusive, if not, rare. And then there many who would confuse elusive with illusive.

I have a few acquaintances back in Aust who still refer to, and introduce their younger spouses quite openly in social environments, as their 'Child Bride'. Male ego insecurity?

Thailand, plus all the other developing and 3rd world countries provide a resource for 'Trophy Wives' to those, non rich and rather average men, who otherwise would not be able to afford the same where they come from. Under normal circumstances young, hard bodied, attractive females do not, as a rule, marry fat, bald, unfit, middle aged, POOR men who cannot provide for them..

You can go back through history to the dawn of time and find many examples of 'Trophy Wives', but here a few recent ones.

So do you have love? Or a Trophy?

What about starting a topic on 'Cougars'.


Rupert Murdoch

  • In 1999 Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch split from his wife Anna after a marriage of 32 years and three children together. Anna’s settlement of $1.7 billion is believed to have included $110 million in cash and the rest in business as well as material assets. Barely seventeen days after his divorce, Murdoch tied the knot with the Chinese-born Wendy Deng who had been newly appointed as the Vice President of Murdoch’s Star TV network and was almost 38 years his junior. Anna in turn got married to investor William Mann some months later.
  • Hugh Hefner
    The man behind the Playboy enterprises has lived up to the implications of the brand and much more, with a series of women moving in and out of his life. After getting divorced from his first wife, Mildred Williams, in 1989 Hefner married Kimberley Conrad who was branded then as the Playmate of the Year. The two were separated by 32 years but that didn’t stop the couple from having two children and staying together for nine years. However things became sour soon after and after staying apart for eleven years they divorced in 2010.
  • Fred Astaire
    One of the most famous actors and performers of the yesteryears, Fred Astaire took as his second wife Robyn Smith, who at the time of the marriage was almost 45 years, his junior. He married Smith on June 24th 1980, having met her on the racing tracks since Smith was a jockey for Alfred G. Vanderbilt II. Astaire’s his first wife was Phyllis Livingstone Potter with whom he had a blissful twenty-one year old marriage till her death from lung cancer. Smith survived Astaire who died from pneumonia on June 22, 1987.
  • Pablo Picasso
    One of the greatest painters of all times and the proponent of Cubist movement in art, Picasso also led a colorful romantic life. After a series of affairs and a marriage, Picasso fell for a model Jacqueline Roque who was more than forty-five years younger to him. Rose worked at the Madoura Pottery in Vallauris on the French Riviera, where Picasso made and painted ceramics. She became his lover and then his second wife in 1961. The two were together for the remainder of Picasso’s life.
  • J.D.Salinger
    Best known for his novel The Catcher in the Rye which attained cult status, J.D Salinger was as much marked by his reclusive nature as his attempts to find a soul mate who would share his ever-changing interests in alternative therapies and spirituality. After his marriage to Claire Douglas ended in divorce, he tried to find understanding with several women, one of who was Colleen O'Neill, a nurse and quiltmaker. O'Neill was around forty years his junior; the two were married in 1988 and remained so till Salinger’s death in 2010.
  • Clint Eastwood
    Famous Hollywood actor and director, Clint Eastwood has always been linked with a number of attractive women, both within and outside the entertainment industry. After a first marriage to Maggie Johnson which ended in a long-drawn divorce, Eastwood tied the knot a second time with Dina Ruiz, an anchorwoman 35 years his junior, whom he had first met when she interviewed him in 1993. The two got married on March 31, 1996, when Eastwood surprised her with a private ceremony at his home on the Shadow Creek Golf Course in Las Vegas.
  • Nelson Mandela
    World famous political personality and anti-apartheid activist, Nelson Mandela was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Mandela has received more than 250 awards over four decades, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize. His personal life has been equally momentous with first marriage to Evelyn Ntoko Mase ending in painful divorce and his second marriage to Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, also an activist, ending in the midst of political and family discord. On his 80th birthday in 1998, Nelson Mandela got married for the third time to Graça Machel née Simbine, almost twenty-seven younger to him. She is the widow of Samora Machel, the former Mozambican president and ANC ally who was killed in an air crash 12 years earlier.
  • Paul McCartney
    Best known as being part of the hugely famous music band The Beatles, Sir Paul McCartney is a successful English musician, singer-songwriter and compose in his own right. After going through two marriages and several affairs, McCartney, almost seventy, married New Yorker Nancy Shevell, fifty-one in a civil ceremony at Old Marylebone Town Hall, London on 9 October 2011. The wedding was a "low-key affair" attended by a group of around 30 family and friends although it was extensively covered in the UK due to his massive fan following.
  • Aristotle Onassis
    Greek shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis married Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, on October 20, 1968. This was a second marriage for both and at the time Onassis was almost sixty while Jacqueline was thirty-nine.
  • Warren Beatty
    The famous American actor, producer, screenwriter and director is best remembered for his role as the legendary gangster in Bugsy. Beatty has around fourteen Academy Award nominations in his kitty, besides the award for Best Director in 1982 and another four Golden Globe Awards including the Cecil B. DeMille Award. Beatty married actress Annette Benning, 21 years his junior. Beatty and Benning share one of the most successful marriages in Hollywood, being married since 1992 and having four children together.
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Maybe the reason some of the marriages/GFs with an older farang an a young Thai girl work these days -- contrary to a post above -- is that if the young girl has any sexual interest outside of that relationship she is more likely to hunt down another girl rather than another guy

In your fantasies perhaps?

Sure there seems to be a rise in toms / lesbian couples around recently but still a very small minority and most girls are not going to go shack up with another girl.

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So let me get this right theblether says its OK to date a really young girl if she is incredibly poor and is doing it for survival. Then on the other hand he is saying don't help out the family, who are too in poverty. Any Thai girl who has family values (yet to meet one that hasn't) will want to help her family out, what next?.

I did not say that. coffee1.gif

OK my apologies, you would never write something so short and to the point ;)

You do a very good job of justifying an age gap for the poor Thai girl, which we all understand. The point that tvf is obsessed with is the fact that most men don't see this. The part I don't understand is, a girl automatically is seen as a bad one if she wants to help her family out when from the very start its obvious the relationship is financial.

My advice is don't start any relationship when the lady can't look after herself financially, I wouldn't date a girl in the west without a good work ethic so same rules apply here.

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So let me get this right theblether says its OK to date a really young girl if she is incredibly poor and is doing it for survival. Then on the other hand he is saying don't help out the family, who are too in poverty. Any Thai girl who has family values (yet to meet one that hasn't) will want to help her family out, what next?.

I did not say that. coffee1.gif

OK my apologies, you would never write something so short and to the point wink.png

You do a very good job of justifying an age gap for the poor Thai girl, which we all understand. The point that tvf is obsessed with is the fact that most men don't see this. The part I don't understand is, a girl automatically is seen as a bad one if she wants to help her family out when from the very start its obvious the relationship is financial.

My advice is don't start any relationship when the lady can't look after herself financially, I wouldn't date a girl in the west without a good work ethic so same rules apply here.

Problem with that is many of the guys here ONLY have money to get girls no social skills or looks to speak about so they go for the ones that are impressed by money nr 1. And they believe the hansum man thing ect ect.

Id say to each his or her own if they are happy like that and can keep it going (making sure the girl does not find a way to get the money without having to be with him) the go for it.

Just not my cup of tea but others might like it.

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So let me get this right theblether says its OK to date a really young girl if she is incredibly poor and is doing it for survival. Then on the other hand he is saying don't help out the family, who are too in poverty. Any Thai girl who has family values (yet to meet one that hasn't) will want to help her family out, what next?.

I did not say that. coffee1.gif

OK my apologies, you would never write something so short and to the point wink.png

You do a very good job of justifying an age gap for the poor Thai girl, which we all understand. The point that tvf is obsessed with is the fact that most men don't see this. The part I don't understand is, a girl automatically is seen as a bad one if she wants to help her family out when from the very start its obvious the relationship is financial.

My advice is don't start any relationship when the lady can't look after herself financially, I wouldn't date a girl in the west without a good work ethic so same rules apply here.

Hardly fair comparing farang in Thailand with our great grandparents. Wake up and see that most old farang meet poor Thai girls half their age in brothels disguised as pubs. This is the reason most marriages are doomed, nothing to do with the age difference.
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my simple view:

if a girl, age 20-30yrs, bargirl, or otherwise , decided to marry her "grandfather" thai or farang, age 65-85 yrs.....well, enjoy both party, i dont mind.

it is their choice. and the older guy's.

but i dont want to hear neither party crying about their decision later :)

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Lets face it most of the old guys you see here in Pattaya with a 20 something hottie are a punter with a bar girl ,nearly all the guys that i know are married to pleasant but ordinary looking women ,my wife is 24 years younger than me ,and we have a 20 year old son ,and to the guy who said that all younger women are sleeping around ,you must be shacked up with a bar girl or hooker as they are known in the UK ,because if my misses is sleeping around it must be while i am upstairs on the computer as she never goes anywhere without me ,,as i said earlier some people on here spout a load of bullshit. they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Oldman, If u r talking about my post I never said that all younger women are sleeping around, I said : in my experience , maybe you are one of the lucky ones,besides that according to what you said ur wife must be in the 40ies so she's old, u hav nothing to worry about and don't get so sentimental. I do hav slept with some barlgirls(always free of charge) must of them married to farrang, japanese and thais, so what? I just wonder where you met ur lovely wife that apparently doesn't do anything but atking care of you :)

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Lets face it most of the old guys you see here in Pattaya with a 20 something hottie are a punter with a bar girl ,nearly all the guys that i know are married to pleasant but ordinary looking women ,my wife is 24 years younger than me ,and we have a 20 year old son ,and to the guy who said that all younger women are sleeping around ,you must be shacked up with a bar girl or hooker as they are known in the UK ,because if my misses is sleeping around it must be while i am upstairs on the computer as she never goes anywhere without me ,,as i said earlier some people on here spout a load of bullshit. they know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Oldman, If u r talking about my post I never said that all younger women are sleeping around, I said : in my experience , maybe you are one of the lucky ones,besides that according to what you said ur wife must be in the 40ies so she's old, u hav nothing to worry about and don't get so sentimental. I do hav slept with some barlgirls(always free of charge) must of them married to farrang, japanese and thais, so what? I just wonder where you met ur lovely wife that apparently doesn't do anything but atking care of you smile.png

Thai girls can be very charitable to those that look to need it.

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