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So Now We Random Drive By Shootings In Town


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Quoted from PCN

"Another shooting now from Soi Beokeow. The victim is Khun Kwanchanok aged 16 from Nakhon Sawan Province, who appears to have been the victim of a random shooting. She was taken to hospital by her friends after sustaining a shot to her leg. She explained that she was walking along the street when six young men who appeared to be drunk drove past them and one of them appeared to be carrying a firearm. Her suspicions were correct and moments later, he opened fire, randomly shooting in the air and in the direction of passers-by. Khun Kwanchanock was the only person injured in this drunken attack and Police tell us that descriptions of the shooter and the other men have been taken and the hunt for them is now on. For now they remain at large."

Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

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Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

It's easy to understand if you first assume that these powers that be are very stupid, unreasonable people.

Then everything falls into place and makes sense.

As for me, a drive by shooting isn't gonna stop me from going.

A little danger adds to the spice of life.

Besides, these things can happen in any city.

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This should make the "zebra" crossings on 2nd road even more interesting places to watch tourists now, not only will they have to realise that the traffic wont stop, but there is the option\hazard of being shot at too :D:D:o

Edited by CGW
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Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

Let's be realistic here, the only thing that will stop Farangs going to Pattaya is if Thai women could claim Social Security, and they did not go to Pattaya to look for dumb Farangs who seem hellbent on giving money away.

All the while there is a situation to exploit, farangs will flock to the likes of Pattaya.

Take away the opportunity of cheap sex, and a Farang in Pattaya would be a rare sight, why else would anyone go to Pattaya?

Let's face it lads, it's a dump, I have been living in Pattaya for over 15 years, I doubt this gives me any authority to talk about Pattaya in such a way, I will have to listen to guys that have thousands of posts on an internet forum to really understand.

But if any of you could truthfully tell me that you go to Pattaya for the crystal clear waters, the immaculate beaches, the easy laid back lifestyle, the traffic free roads, then I will go out and buy a hat to eat.

Pattaya has got too busy, the traffic is a nightmare, crime is on the up and up, not as bad as UK but maybe one day it will be, it ain't a nice place to live anymore.

It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

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It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

You really are a negative person, aren't you !!! (statement not a question.)

People like you should be living alone in a shoe box.

Is there anything in life that you do like? (that's a question.)

By the way, I'm a farang tourist who loves coming to Pattaya. I travel there for many reasons and I suggest you keep you totally inaccurate beliefs about farangs to yourself.

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Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

Let's be realistic here, the only thing that will stop Farangs going to Pattaya is if Thai women could claim Social Security, and they did not go to Pattaya to look for dumb Farangs who seem hellbent on giving money away.

All the while there is a situation to exploit, farangs will flock to the likes of Pattaya.

Take away the opportunity of cheap sex, and a Farang in Pattaya would be a rare sight, why else would anyone go to Pattaya?

Let's face it lads, it's a dump, I have been living in Pattaya for over 15 years, I doubt this gives me any authority to talk about Pattaya in such a way, I will have to listen to guys that have thousands of posts on an internet forum to really understand.

But if any of you could truthfully tell me that you go to Pattaya for the crystal clear waters, the immaculate beaches, the easy laid back lifestyle, the traffic free roads, then I will go out and buy a hat to eat.

Pattaya has got too busy, the traffic is a nightmare, crime is on the up and up, not as bad as UK but maybe one day it will be, it ain't a nice place to live anymore.

It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

Well Maig6, we've crossed swords before on other subjects, so I don't really don't want to get into a shooting match with you, so lets' just say you're entitled to your opinion, and we're entitled to ours.

And here's mine:

I moved to Pattya permanently about 5 months ago, with my wife and 8 year old stepson, and I can assure you, none of us are here for the women. I've aloready got mine, my son is too young, and my wife ain't a lesbian. :o

Admittedly we live about 12 kms from Pattaya proper, but I have to say we have settled in very well and are very happy here. I have met many other farangs here who also have families - are very happy and and are definitely not here for the women.

The traffic here is a bit bad sometimes, but in general its' a million times better than Bangkok, and I can put my hand on my heart and say that I've never been inconvenienced by excessive traffic jams. Either myself, or wife or both drive into Pattata most days, and it never takes more than about 15 - 20 mins from Mabprachan to Pattaya Klang or Jomtien and we drive around and do our shopping and other things and have no major delays anywhere. Sometimes its a bit slow, but it keeps moving and its fine.

My youngest daughter, 19 came for 3 weeks over Christmas, and my eldest daughter, 30 and her husband just finished a 2 week holidays here from the UK. All 3 had a fabulous time and found many things to enjoy themsdelves, without resorting to the local women of Pattaya for their entertainment :D . Indeed I bleive thousands of families have a great holidays here.

Many family and friends from my wife's village in Sa Kaeo have also been down to stay with us

and they have also enjoyed Pattaya immensely - without resorting to picking up women.

Most towns in Thialand - indeed the world - have red light districts. Ok Pattaya's may be larger than most, but it doesn't mean there aren't other good things to do and that residents can't enjoy a good quality of life, just because there is a large red light district in town.

Back in the 70's we used to say that anywhere outsude of Bangkok was 'wild west country', because Thais were always blowing each other away with M 16's and God knows what else. I suppose things haven't changed that much in the past 30 years and life is still cheap, and people still get murdered due to business conflicts, gang rivalries, drunken rows, affairs of the heart etc etc. The only difference is that these days a few farangs are getting themselves in the firing line. It doesn't make Pattaya a worse or better place than anywhere else in Thailand. Shootings go on everywhere - its just that more farangs are invloved in Pattaya, because there's more of them here, and they get involved in business etc.

I honestly thjink you have a myopic view of our city. There's good and bad everywhere - just open your eyes and you will see it. :D

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Back in the day, when I was a young buck in the army, I used to come to Pattaya for the fun. 24 hour bars, exceptional attention from the ladies, partying until after sunrise, sleeping until 4-5 in the afternoons. I think I went one stretch of 2 weeks where I never did see the sunshine. Felt like a vampire.

But something happened along the way. I found that there was more than just bars and girls. I found a life outside of the bar scene and started making plans to move here. That nasty business of having to work for a living is inconvenient, but the reward of being able to live here is worth it. A few more years in the bank and I can look forward to a much more pleasant retirement than what my father is "enjoying" back home.

I still go out on ocassion and have fun, but that's not any different than I would do in Canada, except here it's cheaper and you can do it year-round while wearing shorts, t-shirt and sandals (instead of thermal underwear, snow boots, touques, gloves and a parka !).

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Let's face it lads, it's a dump, I have been living in Pattaya for over 15 years, I doubt this gives me any authority to talk about Pattaya in such a way, I will have to listen to guys that have thousands of posts on an internet forum to really understand.

But if any of you could truthfully tell me that you go to Pattaya for the crystal clear waters, the immaculate beaches, the easy laid back lifestyle, the traffic free roads, then I will go out and buy a hat to eat.

Pattaya has got too busy, the traffic is a nightmare, crime is on the up and up, not as bad as UK but maybe one day it will be, it ain't a nice place to live anymore.

It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

Just a question...why are you still here if you consider it beneath your obviously high standards? Could it be the women? :D

I moved here in the early 90's from BKK with a wife and young daughter. I moved primarily because it is so much easier to get around in than BKK. The golf courses are within one hour from my home and a few of them are within 20 minutes. This beats the 2-3 hours it was taking at the time in BKK. I am not a beach person so that doesn't mean anything. I am married and have enough to take care of at home without frequenting Soi Yodsak and I am bright enough not to try and drive into downtown Pattaya on 19 April of any year.

This is truthfully written and the reasoning behind my move to Pattaya. I suggest a straw hat for your dinner. :o

Edited by chuckd
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Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

Let's be realistic here, the only thing that will stop Farangs going to Pattaya is if Thai women could claim Social Security, and they did not go to Pattaya to look for dumb Farangs who seem hellbent on giving money away.

All the while there is a situation to exploit, farangs will flock to the likes of Pattaya.

Take away the opportunity of cheap sex, and a Farang in Pattaya would be a rare sight, why else would anyone go to Pattaya?

Let's face it lads, it's a dump, I have been living in Pattaya for over 15 years, I doubt this gives me any authority to talk about Pattaya in such a way, I will have to listen to guys that have thousands of posts on an internet forum to really understand.

But if any of you could truthfully tell me that you go to Pattaya for the crystal clear waters, the immaculate beaches, the easy laid back lifestyle, the traffic free roads, then I will go out and buy a hat to eat.

Pattaya has got too busy, the traffic is a nightmare, crime is on the up and up, not as bad as UK but maybe one day it will be, it ain't a nice place to live anymore.

It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

I assume you arent living in Pattaya any more then ? :D

If you are it seems very strange that you dislike it so much you still live there :o

Its not just the women I come to Pattaya for (for 1 the wife wouldnt let me for a start)

I like the laid back lifestyle, I enjoy the beach, I love the Thai beach, I like the kids trying to flog stuff, I enjoy a drink in the bars, I like Thai food and I know all these things can be found ANY where in Thailand, but there is only ONE Pattaya

I have never rented a motor or moped in Pattaya, but the traffic is no worse than any town really (try the M25 then you will know what a traffic jam is Pattaya traffic is a breeze compared to a lot of places)

I just think you have got a lousy opinion of Pattaya (which is JUST your opinion, if I was you I'd move to somewhere that you have a higher opinion of, I'll help you pack :D

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Just a question...why are you still here if you consider it beneath your obviously high standards? Could it be the women? :o

No, I'm in Pattaya for the Crystal clear seas, uncrowded roads, lack of crime and the easy laid back lifestyle. :D

Just like you lot.

Edited by Maigo6
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Just a question...why are you still here if you consider it beneath your obviously high standards? Could it be the women? :D

No, I'm in Pattaya for the Crystal clear seas, uncrowded roads, lack of crime and the easy laid back lifestyle. :D

Just like you lot.

So <deleted> are you moaning about then ? :o

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Don?t worry about the negative comments you got over telling the

truth about Pattaya, they never handle it very well in this part of Tv.

I agree with you, take away the girls and the falang will be gone.

As for me I?m just here for the cheep booze and endless supply of

Girls, its great. I love Pattaya for what it is.

Have a nice day.


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Ice Cubes,

Yes strange isn't it that when actually faced with the truth, some posters get all defensive....lol.

Glad to see there is at least one realistic poster.

And of course you're right, close all the bars and the opportunities of cheap sex and Farangs will be very rare.

I think even these guys know that, they're just in denial.

Maybe they shudder at the thought that their 5 Million Baht house would be worthless if the women all left. :o

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Ice Cubes,

Yes strange isn't it that when actually faced with the truth, some posters get all defensive....lol.

Glad to see there is at least one realistic poster.

And of course you're right, close all the bars and the opportunities of cheap sex and Farangs will be very rare.

I think even these guys know that, they're just in denial.

Maybe they shudder at the thought that their 5 Million Baht house would be worthless if the women all left. :D

Sorry, I don't understand. :o

Why are we in denial when we are happily married we never go near the bars and the girls offering cheap sex? And none of my guests , or the thousands of families who enjoy holidays here, ever go there either.

Your statement simply doesn't make sense.

I think you better look elsewhere for the ones who are in denial.

Just a thought - maybe if they get rid of all the bars and the girls, the rest of us would be even happier here :D

Might even put a few million on my house price, beacuse we won't have guys like you bad mouthing Pattaya and putting people off from coming here. :D

Anyway - I reckon you're sitting at your desk in Japan, and bored to shit because you aren't in Pattataya enjoying yourself.

So you've decided to have a little fun and put in a troll post. :D

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

Let's be realistic here, the only thing that will stop Farangs going to Pattaya is if Thai women could claim Social Security, and they did not go to Pattaya to look for dumb Farangs who seem hellbent on giving money away.

All the while there is a situation to exploit, farangs will flock to the likes of Pattaya.

Take away the opportunity of cheap sex, and a Farang in Pattaya would be a rare sight, why else would anyone go to Pattaya?

Let's face it lads, it's a dump, I have been living in Pattaya for over 15 years, I doubt this gives me any authority to talk about Pattaya in such a way, I will have to listen to guys that have thousands of posts on an internet forum to really understand.

But if any of you could truthfully tell me that you go to Pattaya for the crystal clear waters, the immaculate beaches, the easy laid back lifestyle, the traffic free roads, then I will go out and buy a hat to eat.

Pattaya has got too busy, the traffic is a nightmare, crime is on the up and up, not as bad as UK but maybe one day it will be, it ain't a nice place to live anymore.

It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

I have to agree with this poster in my opinion...

I live in Bangkok and whenever i visit Pattaya an hour is enough, cant wait to get out of there, complete dump full of low life tourists and expats, take a walk along the beach on a Saturday afternoon and you see it all.

This said i am sure there are some nice parts to it?????

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I dont normally have much to say thats positive about Pattaya, but just for the record I will say that a Thai man was shot dead at point blank range at a quiet Moo Baan where I have a rental house....in Khon Kaen....the middle of nowhere.

There are guns and people willing to use them everywhere in Thailand it seems. Life is cheap here and we should not forget it.

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I live in Bangkok and whenever i visit Pattaya an hour is enough, cant wait to get out of there, complete dump full of low life tourists and expats, take a walk along the beach on a Saturday afternoon and you see it all.

It takes you a whole hour to hate Pattaya as well as it's people and then you have to leave. Be careful the door doesn't hit you in the ass on your way out. :D

..........and by the way, on any Saturday afternoon, the beach front is full of people who have come down from Bangkok for the weekend. Perhaps they are your wonderful Bangkok neighbours. :o

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Don't the powers that be understand that if they don't stop this nonesense they won't have jobs anymore because with this stuff going down no one will want to come here anymore.

Let's be realistic here, the only thing that will stop Farangs going to Pattaya is if Thai women could claim Social Security, and they did not go to Pattaya to look for dumb Farangs who seem hellbent on giving money away.

All the while there is a situation to exploit, farangs will flock to the likes of Pattaya.

Take away the opportunity of cheap sex, and a Farang in Pattaya would be a rare sight, why else would anyone go to Pattaya?

Let's face it lads, it's a dump, I have been living in Pattaya for over 15 years, I doubt this gives me any authority to talk about Pattaya in such a way, I will have to listen to guys that have thousands of posts on an internet forum to really understand.

But if any of you could truthfully tell me that you go to Pattaya for the crystal clear waters, the immaculate beaches, the easy laid back lifestyle, the traffic free roads, then I will go out and buy a hat to eat.

Pattaya has got too busy, the traffic is a nightmare, crime is on the up and up, not as bad as UK but maybe one day it will be, it ain't a nice place to live anymore.

It's all down to women, take them out of the equation and Farangs in Pattaya would be in danger of extinction.

I have to agree with this poster in my opinion...

I live in Bangkok and whenever i visit Pattaya an hour is enough, cant wait to get out of there, complete dump full of low life tourists and expats, take a walk along the beach on a Saturday afternoon and you see it all.

This said i am sure there are some nice parts to it?????

Hmmm, one has to wonder why you feel the need to visit Pattaya if that is how you feel... :o

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While there may be a number of you that are well rounded and in stable family units, one cannot deny that Pattaya is a tip.

I have been to Patters on long weekends for a good meal, drinks and all the 500 baht girls i can throw a shoe at. There would be nothing else to tempt me down there.

I have noticed that a good number of the ex-pats are sick and barely able to pick up there morning chang with their shakey hands. Many of the tourists seem to have chosen their clothes in the dark and dressed in a rage before stinking up the place with the distinct air of failure in the real world.

Thais that I have met are the money grubbing variety that are unable to mask sheer contempt for farangs.

Why the OP does'nt move away from the place he hates is beyond me. However, he has hit the nail on the head.

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Pattaya is about as far from me as is possible in Thailand BUT I love it, have done ever since my first visit in 1982. Jomtien was just a beach in those days..look at it now ?

Pattaya is growing and developing, wots the problem wiv that,the girls are young and the pretty ones mostly come from the North.

You talk about violence well wot greater violence is there than suicide, I "see "more of that in my village than u would beleive !

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Well I am a here for the men and the women as I am an equal opportunities monger.

I am also a sleazy lowlife albeit a rich one.

I like the company of other sleazy lowlifes but unfortunately there aren't that many around. Most turn out to be at best plastic gangsters who wouldn't frighten a small rabbit. THe Nigerians I used to do business with certainly would not be impressed.

Pattaya to me is beautifully clean and unbelievably safe but then I am originally from Johannesburg.

I spent the last 5 years before retiring in London now THAT is a filthy dirty dangerous city. A crap apartment where I wouldn't house a dog somewhere like Kentish Town is £400,000+. Madness.

Give me Sin City any day.

Oh I also raise large amounts of money for the orphanage. I'm a Catholic and one day I might need the points with the big guy.

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