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St Georges Day.


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Happy St Georges Day all you Englanders.....
At least in Thailand you’re allowed to wave St. George’s flag. In England, many councils forbid it, lest it might offend some believers of non-Christian faiths. Political correctness gone mad.


Enjoy the festivities!



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Happy St Georges Day all you Englanders.....
At least in Thailand you’re allowed to wave St. George’s flag. In England, many councils forbid it, lest it might offend some believers of non-Christian faiths. Political correctness gone mad.


Enjoy the festivities!



That's new isn't it? You need planning permission to fly a Union flag (and I think a St George's cross), and you can't display a flag on a Hackney carriage in London, but when did they ban waving them?

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Never heard of this St.George day, but then again, I'm an American... :D

Thanks for the link about St. George - So that's why there are no more Dragons in England!

I didn't know that St. George flag was the flag of England, I thought it was that other one ( I used to call it the "Rolling Stones" flag when I was a kid :D )

Can't picture not waving your own country's flag in your own country though... :o

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Never heard of this St.George day, but then again, I'm an American... :D

Thanks for the link about St. George - So that's why there are no more Dragons in England!

I didn't know that St. George flag was the flag of England, I thought it was that other one ( I used to call it the "Rolling Stones" flag when I was a kid :D )

Can't picture not waving your own country's flag in your own country though... :D

Rolling Stones Flag :o

It's no wonder to me that 50% of Americans do not know where New York is :D

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happy birthday boo

and have a great day and thanks for the reminder redrus

why is it that more english people can tell you when st.patricks day is than st.georges?

and no theres no punchline - its a fact - although i cant actually prove it to the anally retentive of you that may ask

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Happy St Georges Day all you Englanders.....
At least in Thailand you’re allowed to wave St. George’s flag. In England, many councils forbid it, lest it might offend some believers of non-Christian faiths. Political correctness gone mad.


Enjoy the festivities!



Never bothered me, I flew the St, George's flag proudly from a flag pole by the main gate of my business, never had any adverse comments only positive ones. :o and if I was still in England I would always fly my flag!!!

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Never heard of this St.George day, but then again, I'm an American... :D

Thanks for the link about St. George - So that's why there are no more Dragons in England!

I didn't know that St. George flag was the flag of England, I thought it was that other one ( I used to call it the "Rolling Stones" flag when I was a kid :D )

Can't picture not waving your own country's flag in your own country though... :D

'That other one' you're referring to is probably the Union Flag, which represents England, Wales (absorbed), Scotland, and Northern Ireland; thus the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Doesn't take a masters in British history to work out or the fact that the red cross in the centre represents England and that the others on there are also separate flags, just a bit of insight about other countries other than your own :D.

You can't not wave the flag in England but, as said, it's not very politically correct in todays' over PC world it seems :o - possibly something to do with hundreds of years of aggression on our part and now having to sit back and let the others do the flag waving. All that will change in a couple months though, especially if The England go all the way. :D

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Happy St Georges Day all you Englanders.....
At least in Thailand you’re allowed to wave St. George’s flag. In England, many councils forbid it, lest it might offend some believers of non-Christian faiths. Political correctness gone mad.


Enjoy the festivities!



It's nothing to do with right-wing football hooligans, the BNP and England's less than sqeaky clean history then, is it?

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When I first moved here and stuck the Thai flag next to my house on a thirty metre bamboo pole I was quickly told to remove it! You are only allowed to do that on official or government buildings. You can hang it @ a 45 degree angle tho..some of our elder readers might relate to that :o

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So many of you seem to believe everything written in the Daily Mail!!!

No one cares about St Georges day because it's a non event! What do you want? Morris dancers, yippee dee!! At least when the Irish celebrate St patrick's day they will make an effort to drink Guinness - the few English sad enough to celebrate this will probably toast it with an insipid drink of Carlsberg or Heineken.

All St Georges day means to me was having to go on a boring parade with my cub/scout group - happy days!!

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St Georges Day is a day where you should be proud to be English.

I don't celebrate St Patrick's Day.

Hope you enjoy being stuck in League Two Imp boy, at least you wont have to go through the humiliation of losing in the play-offs again this season :o

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Never heard of this St.George day, but then again, I'm an American... :D

Thanks for the link about St. George - So that's why there are no more Dragons in England!

I didn't know that St. George flag was the flag of England, I thought it was that other one ( I used to call it the "Rolling Stones" flag when I was a kid :D )

Can't picture not waving your own country's flag in your own country though... :D

Rolling Stones Flag :o

It's no wonder to me that 50% of Americans do not know where New York is :D

Hey I'm an american, and I know where new york is. My great great great ......dad, was the first english sherriff of new york when they first took it from the dutch.

Lets see from here you go I-85 north, then...................

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Guest endure
So many of you seem to believe everything written in the Daily Mail!!!

No one cares about St Georges day because it's a non event! What do you want? Morris dancers, yippee dee!! At least when the Irish celebrate St patrick's day they will make an effort to drink Guinness - the few English sad enough to celebrate this will probably toast it with an insipid drink of Carlsberg or Heineken.

All St Georges day means to me was having to go on a boring parade with my cub/scout group - happy days!!

The English don't make a great parade out of St George's day because we don't need to. Being born English is enough. St George's day just reminds us how lucky we are :o

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Happy St Georges Day all you Englanders.....
At least in Thailand you’re allowed to wave St. George’s flag. In England, many councils forbid it, lest it might offend some believers of non-Christian faiths. Political correctness gone mad.


Enjoy the festivities!



It's nothing to do with right-wing football hooligans, the BNP and England's less than sqeaky clean history then, is it?

the flag of St George unfortunately has been adopted by the BNP and presently stands for intolerace and bigotry...just like the the confederate flag in the south of the US. It's enough to be proud of who you are and where you come from without waving racist images about. I immediately associate both flags with racism and white 'purity' and no one could ever accuse me of being politically correct....

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Happy St Georges Day all you Englanders.....
At least in Thailand you’re allowed to wave St. George’s flag. In England, many councils forbid it, lest it might offend some believers of non-Christian faiths. Political correctness gone mad.


Enjoy the festivities!



It's nothing to do with right-wing football hooligans, the BNP and England's less than sqeaky clean history then, is it?

the flag of St George unfortunately has been adopted by the BNP and presently stands for intolerace and bigotry...just like the the confederate flag in the south of the US. It's enough to be proud of who you are and where you come from without waving racist images about. I immediately associate both flags with racism and white 'purity' and no one could ever accuse me of being politically correct....

Yes you are politically correct Tutsi, me old duck-bait. You were politically correct not to have voted for GWB chimp-face and to have sparred so valiantly with all those red-necks like Georgie-Porgie and Mr Vietnam, back in them good ol'days of political incorrectness on TV. :o:D

Ever go down to the Bearpit these days? :D

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yes Happy St Georges Day.

I've got an England flag flying outside my house, just the same as I did in England.

Being born English is to win the lottery in life :D

St Georges Day is a day where you should be proud to be English.

I don't celebrate St Patrick's Day.

Hope you enjoy being stuck in League Two Imp boy, at least you wont have to go through the humiliation of losing in the play-offs again this season :D

Top man Leftcross, all the best fella.... :o


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St Georges Day is a day where you should be proud to be English.

I don't celebrate St Patrick's Day.

Hope you enjoy being stuck in League Two Imp boy, at least you wont have to go through the humiliation of losing in the play-offs again this season :o

As we are currently in seventh position, and despite our best efforts, no other team seems to want to go above us! It looks like I will have the play offs to look forward to..... again!!! 4th time lucky!

I'm not saying that waving the St George cross is a racist or particularly nationalistic thing to do - it's just something the vast majority of English people don't feel is necessary on St George's day!! - unless its associated with sport. I'd rather that than what the Americans have to go through or the whipped up hysteria of 'Australia day'. At least we can have proper debate in this country without someone being accused of being unpatriotic and ridiculously villified for it!

If people wanted it - they would celebrate it - the odd pub makes an effort to make more money, thats about it!

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My two-penny worth from what in the UK, is still St. Georges day.

I think the whole concept of "Englishness" has been resurrected in the last few years.

Hence the "re-emergance" of St. Georges day and wide-scale adoption of the flag of St. George. Even noticed whole classes waving them at the Queen in Windsor on her birthday, guess that came from the teachers?

Our moronic mayor of London even put some funds up for celebrations after having been slaughtered for not doing so when supporting other faiths and cultures festivities - thats the PC bit that angers most sensible people, not just Daily Mail readers.

Nor is the flag or this new found sense of awareness regarded as somehow being linked to fascists or hooligans, as was mentioned earlier. That must come from a Guardian reader - most of us can make our own minds up, thank-you.

When I grew up here, we were very much "British", but I guess that might have been at the expense of the other members of the UK? Perhaps a little patronising? I now regard myself as English first and foremost and like a lot of others, am very proud of that fact.

Doesn't mean I'm a little Englander at the expense of a desire for knowledge and learning. Just feel more about my roots - which must be one of the most complex in history.

So, there you have it! A boring post no doubt and one that ends with a jokey pass at St. Patricks day and guinesss. It always makes me smile that the Irish celebrate with a traditional London beer that was adopted by the Irish here many, many years ago and only brewed in that country because on returning home, they couldn't get the beer they liked!!!

Happy St. Georges day!

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Happy St. George Day!

( And Happy Birthday Boo! )

I knew of the Story of St. George and the Dragon, but I , also being an American, did not know of the Day ( we all know of St. Patrick's Day, of course! )

Never heard of this St.George day, but then again, I'm an American...

Thanks for the link about St. George - So that's why there are no more Dragons in England!

I didn't know that St. George flag was the flag of England, I thought it was that other one ( I used to call it the "Rolling Stones" flag when I was a kid )

Rolling Stones Flag :o

I think Chaiisoot really meant " The Who " flag.....


(The kids look like they're all right! )

Funny, when I was a younger, I thought it was the Ginger Spice flag.... :D


It's no wonder to me that 50% of Americans do not know where New York is :D

I take issue with that pal! :D

Trust me, Americans know where we are ( we're practically the capital of the U.S. ! ), but they probably don't know that the St. George Flag is not the same as the Union Jack. Or that England is a part of Britain (sad , but true.. ). For hundreds of years, England was always synonymous with Britain here in America.

'That other one' you're referring to is probably the Union Flag, which represents England, Wales (absorbed), Scotland, and Northern Ireland; thus the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Doesn't take a masters in British history to work out or the fact that the red cross in the centre represents England and that the others on there are also separate flags, just a bit of insight about other countries other than your own :D.

Easier said than done.True, this may be well known and taught in English/British Schools, but not here in America. Truth be told, The majority of Americans would be hard pressed to even name all the countries in the United Kingdom - they'll only know England, of course, and if best, Scotland. Yes, I admit Geography or British history is not a well taught subject in school in the United States, unfortunately...

You can't not wave the flag in England but, as said, it's not very politically correct in todays' over PC world it seems - possibly something to do with hundreds of years of aggression on our part and now having to sit back and let the others do the flag waving.

It's ok, just leave the flag waving to us.... :D

All that will change in a couple months though, especially if The England go all the way. :D

All the way to what? :D

yes Happy St Georges Day.

Being born English is to win the lottery in life :D

I'm sure that's what we said too...Before 1776.... :D

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All that will change in a couple months though, especially if The England go all the way. :D

All the way to what? :D

The World Cup - Association football, or Soccer, as it is known in the ex-colonies (USA, Oz) :o . Your guys are there to - google it. If you are stinking rich, blag a ticket. It takes place in Germany in June! :D

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