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Are some Nationalities born to condemn others?


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Well, if i was a citizen of the great ol empire........

What "great ol empire" might that be? Persian? Roman? Chinese? British? Japanese? Moghul? American? Inca? French? Dutch? Spanish? Portuguese? Byzantine? There you go, that's covered people from about 75% of the globe, then.

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Well, if i was a citizen of the great ol empire........

What "great ol empire" might that be? Persian? Roman? Chinese? British? Japanese? Moghul? American? Inca? French? Dutch? Spanish? Portuguese? Byzantine? There you go, that's covered people from about 75% of the globe, then.

I think he meant Klingon.

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We all started walking upright somewhere in Africa .

Only one of many hypotheses.

Besides, not everybody is walking upright yet. The OP crawls. Or trolls.

Another hypotheses says we came over from space. I choose to believe this. biggrin.png

Now, on a more serious note. Nations are like people, - they are born, they flourish, they decline, they die.

Some choose not to develop. Whether it is a Good Thing or not - I am not a judge. But they do get bullied by more developed Nations. It is life.

Another question is OP. Is s/he developed enough to post this question? What is his purpose? What stage of life s/he is in - just born? coffee1.gif

Edited by ABCer
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I dislike the Welsh. The people that will only welcome you to the hillside, but not let you in their houses.

Somebody told me they do strange things with sheep too?????

She goes by the name of Baaaaaaarrrrbbbaaaarrrra if you dont mind

I must admit she is a bit of a "looker"

Mint sauce anyone??

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Yes, the Israelis hate absolutely everyone! blink.png

Never in my life did I see a greater pile of rubbish turned up-side down!

Even saying that absolutely everyone hates Israelis would be closer to truth but still not a fact.

Only a session of fornication after somtam can bring about such a lie.

I wonder, how did you, Somtamnication suffer from Israelis hatred? Any scars? Tattooed number? Scorched in the oven?

A piece of advice: have nothing to say - say nothing; If the urge is too strong - fart. giggle.gif

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I dislike the Welsh. The people that will only welcome you to the hillside, but not let you in their houses.

Somebody told me they do strange things with sheep too?????

She goes by the name of Baaaaaaarrrrbbbaaaarrrra if you dont mind

Mutton dressed as Lamb ? Or just a cross dresser.

I dont want to make a mistake next time i'm in the Rhondda

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Nobody's born with anything and best of all a brain that hasnt been riddled with crap such as religion and prejudice......sadly due to one/both of the above it gets corrupted quickly.

Part of the joy of interacting with young children is their innocence. Cue the paedo comments.


Hate is something people are thought, not born with.

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  • 1 month later...

I dislike the Welsh. The people that will only welcome you to the hillside, but not let you in their houses.

Somebody told me they do strange things with sheep too?????

She goes by the name of Baaaaaaarrrrbbbaaaarrrra if you dont mind

Mutton dressed as Lamb ? Or just a cross dresser.

I dont want to make a mistake next time i'm in the Rhondda

If she was from the Rhondda, then she'd be carrying a can of bow in one hand, and a large donor kebab in the other biggrin.png

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I dislike the Welsh. The people that will only welcome you to the hillside, but not let you in their houses.

Not many would let "beetles" in their house, they should be stomped on at every opportunity! Or at the very least actively encouraged to go elsewhere as they are seldom welcome or appreciated anywhere.

Edited by CharlieH
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