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Extradition Treaty with Singapore? Thai Face Gone?


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I would have thought that Thailand and Singapore have a mutual extradition treaty, but since (as far as I know) “Boss” the Red Bull cop killer is still hiding there I guess they don’t. If it is in place, the Thai justice system is showing just how corrupt it is. They've apparently done nothing to serve the Thai citizens in a responsible manner by bring this human waste back to face trial and punishment.

So I guess the importance of saving face is gone in Thailand. After all, how can the Red Bull family have any face left? The son, Boss, obviously has substance abuse issues that led to the manslaughter of a policeman, and rather than manning up to his problem and allowing justice to take its course, the old man tries to frame one of his employees and involves a senior police officer in a cover up. He then ships junior off to Singapore and lies about a feigned illness. (Cripes, let’s face it, nobody ever believed the “case of sniffles” bullsh*t.) That brings us to the police, where some were clearly involved in attempting to help the “Red Bull family” by facilitating the cover up. On top of that, they have done nothing to seek justice for the killing of one of their own, so face obviously means nothing to them. Finally, the last star of this disgusting drama is the prosecutor’s office who allowed the Red Bull family heathens to arrogantly ignore their multiple summonses. No face left there, either.

Thailand is quickly becoming a joke, and ASEAN is only going to magnify that. My prediction is that when ASEAN kicks in, Thailand will not bother to comply with policies that don’t suit them but try to unfairly exploit the one that do. (But this something that should have its own thread.)

Anyway, I veered off course a little from my original question about an extradition treaty with Singapore, but once I got going I had to vent a little.

(BTW, for those who are tempted to tell me to leave the country if I don't like what's happening in this situation, save your breath. There are many things I still like about Thailand (although the list is shrinking) to keep me here. I can easily isolate myself from the worse of the "Thainess" and enjoy a peaceful existence near the beach.)

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