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Wealth and age have no bearing on one's status as a loser.

The term "loser" is best reserved for those Westerners -young and old - who come to Thailand blaming third parties for their ills.

We're talking ex-wives, Western women in general, political correctness 'gone mad' and/or rampant immigration back home.

Somewhat predictably, these losers are the ones who spend most of their time complaining about Thai women, being called "farang" by the locals and the visa rules.

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I invariably lie when I describe my prodigious wealth and palatial lifestyle. Not really from any sense of insecurity, but in the interests of exercising my feeble and limited imagination.


For example, that story about the new corrugated iron roof - a slight exaggeration, it was salvaged from a nearby building site

And we didn't eat the dog... we only had a pet rat.


You have a roof?? and can eat the rat too?? I dont know where I went wrong we can only eat the rat sh*t


MANY old farang are indeed losers because they complain most of the the time and think they know it all. that's my experience with MAJORITY (not all) of old farang I have met here. They rarely seem able to communicate as in "2-way communication". They have been "around" (as in: coming to let's say pattaya since the '80s, knowing shit about genuine Thailand and its culture) and therefore think they should be heard. Often there is no interest in what YOU (the younger guy) do or think. It's mostly me, me, me. When it comes to the language they pretend they can speak Thai but basically only their wives understand what they are saying (and when they are not native english speaking the same goes for their Thaiglish, only the wife or GF understands it). Most seem also constantly jealous that other blokes (like myself) who live here have not experienced all the shit they have been through, such as: losing a house, losing a car, losing 3 wifes, etc. They say that's "just a matter of luck" and never (ever) will understand that luck is 5% of it, and 95% is using common sense. In other words: Yes, many farang are total losers. But some are great too (so i was told)...

So you are not looking forward to your old age eh ? coffee1.gif

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I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

You forgot to tell us how big your penis is...

whistling.gif He did........... 10% of the USA 10 times over whistling.gif

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I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

You forgot to tell us how big your penis is...

whistling.gif He did........... 10% of the USA 10 times over whistling.gif

Lions and tigers and bears . . . oh my . . . that's a big one!


Top 10% personal income in the US starts around $82,500 USD (in 2010) - so maybe somewhere in the 85-90K range now.

That's not that much, and almost certainly not enough to have the spare cash to buy Thaivisa unless you're a lot closer to the top of the 10% than the bottom.

On the other hand, congrats on the marriage proposals...


I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

Yep... I got enough to buy a few of these forums too, but I needed shoes instead.

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hahahahahaha, what a load, age and wealth have nothing to do with it, if anyone has to come in here saying how good they are then they are losers. If you are happy and doing what you want then you are a winner no matter where you live.

i must be a lose seajae as I am a better fisherman than you cheesy.gif

we will have to discuss that one mate.........sounds like a challenge to a fish off to me w00t.gif


I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

So you have a 100$, big deal! whistling.gif


Most of us are young, mobile and global so we just head elsewhere...not an issue. smile.png

Most? Where are you getting your statistics -or- are your just pulling it out of your arse?


Most of us are young, mobile and global so we just head elsewhere...not an issue. smile.png

Most? Where are you getting your statistics -or- are your just pulling it out of your arse?

What Spade really means is, most are approaching middle age fast and can't find stable employment and can't afford a house in their own countries.

I mean this honestly and hope Spade does not take offence, but I think that's the reality for most and it's not necessarily their fault.

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I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

Well!!! Helloooo handsome violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif


I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

The last thing we need is 10 of these forums. Please don't.

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So you are not looking forward to your old age eh ?

1/ my mission here is temporary. i will not live here forever.

2/ nowhere i am saying that this behaviour is inherent to becoming/being old. if i hear a guys from 25 saying interseting things, i listen and get into dialogue. i'm old too compared to them.

below is a classic chat with such a typical loser. mind you they will ALWAY search contact and ask the first question, so a chat gets started, in order to TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES.

loser: hey how it's going?

me: not too bad...

loser: how long u in thailand yet ?

me: er, couple of years.

loser: ah a newbie, i'm here 15 years, blah blah blah (me) blah blah. blah blah blah (me) blah blah blah blah blah (I) blah blah blah blah (me) blah. so, how much u pay for the house?

me: 5000 baht.

loser: ah a small place, i see. blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah.

me: er not really, nice place, 2 bedrooms, i like it. what do u pay ?

loser: i own a house.

me: and what did you pay for the house?

loser: oh that's a long story, blah blah blah (me) blah blahblah blah (I am the king) blah blah blahblah (me) blah blah blah blahblah blah (I rule) blah (me) blah blahblah blah (me) blah blah blah. (me) blah blahblah blah (I am a genius) blah blah blahblah (me) blah blah blah blahblah blah (I rule) blah (me).

me: dude, what - did - you - pay - for - the - house ?

loser: 2.500.000 baht

me: that's the quivalent of 500 months of rent, which means i can easily live here 25-30-35 years and still pay less than you

loser: yes but i own a house which i could sell, you don't

me: er, your wife owns that house or your kid, not you. and in 25 years you're what? 88. let's pretend the house is yours and you sell it and get let's say 10.000.000 baht, what will you do with it at that age?

loser: you're not a pleasant guy to talk to... goodbye.

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I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

It's that top 2% that own the USA, we others are renters.


Thailand + old farang + young girl = according Western standard, very bad.

I think that many people in there home countries are very very jealous....

My ex wive said: " have fun in slave country ", she mentioned the women ofcourse, who all work in a bar ofcourse. LOL


Many of us have a serious reason to be here. Often because we could not find in our home country what we aspected of life. So..... I left too and end up here.

Good luck boys!

I can stay and leave my home country any time want,i can own property and a bussiness in my own name.

Said people who love Thailand so much can be found here complaining in sub forums about property issues ,visa issues ,money issues and maybe after they change the visa rules again many will be leaving in hordes again to neighboring countrys same as when thaksin was in power.

I do not need tips from so called loaded young internet millionaires making loads a money but then start topics as where can one eat for a 100 baht a day living in some crappy studio in bangkok.

As the visa rules will change you so called young internet warriors guys are just living in Thailand on borrowed time.

And i hope some of these internet warriors dont have a thai wife and kids because when the shit hits the fan if one can not show a legal source of income in most western embassys no visas will be granted to falang hubbys country of origin.

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I have seen many losers in Thailand but I don't mean how much they have in the bank account.

1) Know one farang who has plenty of cash but behaves as he only knows how to live in Pattaya and when he comes to the villages he things money can buy everything but nobody wants him except some bar girls from Pattaya. They keep telling me they live in Isaan but most of the time they seem to be enjoying their weekly trips to Pattaya. For me that is a typical kind of loser. A loser for me is also who knows all the dirty words from Pattaya in Thai but nothing else.

2) Know many farangs in Bangkok that are in the age group of 60-70 years and they have been running some very large companies worldwide in the past and at one time in their past they were posted to Thailand. Many retired here in Thailand and they are great to talk to and also I also learn from them. They all have one thing in common. They don't complain about Thailand and they adapted well to the culture and how things is done in Thailand. Further more, they would never talk how much money they make, because that's no one business.

3) Then I know those farangs that work offshore or are retirees and I must say many fit very well into Thailand, especially in Isaan. I prefer to mix up with them because when talking to them they got a brain and not only talk bum bum stories. Many might not speak fluent Thai but they behave.

I am 48 years and I came to Thailand when I was 22 years old. Thailand had great opportunities 26 years ago for young farangs that liked Thailand. Work was plenty available and I was able to build some assets up in Thailand. Was burned once in 26 years with a bar girl and the relationship went on only for 4 months before I ended it.

The one that have to post how much money they make are the real losers in this country and of course the farangs that come to Thailand and lose all their money marrying some bar girl and then complaining that she only married them for the money. I know many farangs that not only lost once money to a bargirl but many times, so the only thing they can talk is Thai ladies are all bad and Thailand is a bad country. You can spot them easily in our area because they will come from nowhere with an expensive bottle imported liquor and want to find your companionship to tell you all those problems they face. MIL wants money for pickup, wife wants to build a house now from my money, wife needs money for settling some debts that she left when the loser went back to Europe to find money to keep the relationship going and the story goes on.

For me Thailand is a wonderful country but I get tired of those farangs that come to invade my village because I am permanently located here in the village.

That's why most of the time I prefer to enjoy a beer for myself and not listen to all those rubbish. I kicked out several losers of that category out of my village that came with a bottle of liquor to just talk plain rubbish, get abusive and even want to attack local villagers when they both are drunk and I prefer that those bar girl keep those paying hubbies with no respect to the local village life as far away from our villages because they like to invest my home as I am the only farang here.

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I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

Please don't. We like George & Co !thumbsup.gif

As for the stupid headline, Try to take a look in the visa section with posters asking "I have 5000 in my savings account, how can I stay another year?" Or the most popular thread i general topics: "How to survive on 100 baht a day" Who are active on those threads? Yes you guessed it! Younger farangs!

Nothing wrong with that, but please give us a break from age-facism bah.gif

The good thing about being a young man in Thailand, is that I can't be called a dirty old man. Maybe a male chauvinist pig, but, not a dirty old man. I can still play football with my children.


I am 58 and I am in the top 10% income bracket of the USA. I am far from a loser. I could buy this forum 10 times over.

This has got to be the funniest comment I've read in a thread for a long time...based on the current topic. If one has to brag about money like this then your the biggest loser of all. A 58 year old ego maniac...

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