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Why is Yingluck not going to Washington?


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Yingluk and PTP have nothing of any real value to offer the U.S, they have done nothing other than give speeches and have photo ops when it comes to tackling corruption, there has been no discernable progress with the situation in the south of Thailand and rather than make any real progress in the area of reconcilliation the government is simply taking steps to control parliment and the judiciary by strategically placing family members and acolytes in key positions.

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As has already been mentioned, the real power is not with the government. It is with the military. The confusion over who actually is in charge of the gov't only adds to the problem.

The other big issue is that the opposition Democrats tend to get involved in foreign policy matters, such as the NASA use of U-Tapao, which makes the situation even worse.

If Yingluck went to Washington, she would likely have to make notes and then check with others to see if they agree. This isn't a commentary on her or her gov't; it's a commentary on how Thailand works.

If the gov't can come up with a tempting offer, then Yingluck would be invited to Washington to sign the papers, otherwise there isn't much for her to do there.

For a long time Thailand was a very important country. It was the democracy that existed between communist regimes and military dictatorships. it was strategically important. This is no longer the case.

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Historically, the real power in Thailand has not been with the government. The US government takes greater stock in keeping good relations with the Thai military. Although the PM hasn't been given an official invitation to the US, I wonder how many generals have been to Washington and how many high ranking US military have been to Thailand in the past year?

It's a point well made but I think really relates to a past era.The key relationship is with the Thai government of whatever political stripe.However you are absolutely right that the strong links between the Thai and US armed forces continue whatever the political vagaries - though there are constitutional issues should the former undertake a military coup.Obama avoided this constraint in Egypt by denying there had actually been a coup - perhaps he had been listening to some of the more meatheaded members of our forum for inspiration!

As far as the Nation opinion piece by Kavi I think it is wish fulfilment and unsupported speculation from beginning to end.Kavi is a notorious cheerleader for Abhisit and not in my view a journalist worth taking seriously.See below for an example of his unvarnished partisanship.


Whether Yingluck visits Washington in the future is not in doubt.Mor importantly the Obama administration on more than one occasion has made it clear it wishes the current government to succeed.Hilary Clinton was even more specific by giving support to "this government", ie one elected by the Thai people unlike that of Abhisit's - formed in political back rooms and the barracks.

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

For political leaders, particularly those from developing countries, an invitation to the White House is tantamount to an actor winning an Oscar.

For Yingluck it would be immeasurably legitimizing, since she's seen as a puppet for her brother. It would do much in protecting her and her party from the threat of a coup, because it would be far more difficult for the resulting government to be recognized by the U.N.

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After the display put on by Yingluck when Obama was here I expect Michelle has told Obama in no uncertain terms "don't even think about it, she ain't coming here"

I am definitely not going to argue with this...... They may be like two peas in a pod.... Sad part? Neither of them know what they are doing....


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Because she need to go to Wall Street first. That's the Wall Street school of English.

At least she attempted to speak English, unlike some of the great leaders from say China, Japan, Russia, etc, who couldn't utter a word of English at all.

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Thailand has chosen to strengthen ties with China at the expense of US policy in the region. There are many good reasons for doing so and it is hard to blame them but they made their choice and are not likely to be viewed as a staunch US ally anytime soon. The unstable political situation in Thailand has persisted since 1932 so that is hardly an excuse. The article itself is absolute drivel.

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

Get real. The US is Thailand's largest trading partner and its #1 export market. Link That even though Thailand doesn't export cars to the US because Thailand's cars don't meet US safety standards.

The US is the world's largest economy by twice as much as second place, and without the US trading, Thailand would fail tomorrow.

Myanmar is an excellent example. Yingluck was boasting about how Thailand was to get a new deep water port right up until the moment that Japan's PM and about 30 of its business CEO's went to Myanmar, inked a deal, and shocked Yingluck and many others in Thailand. Yingluck had egg on her face and it was a deliberate slap-down for screwing around with China.

Yingluck had just been to Japan to sell them on the location of the port, and the Japanese as only the Japanese can, just smiled and acted all nice, and then jilted her.

Thailand already had the big industrial park marked out, but the US and Japan marked out big industrial parks in Myanmar farther up the coast, leaving Thailand in the dust and out of luck.

Yes Yingluck "needs" to go to the US but she isn't welcome. No invitation has been forthcoming. Thailand is being snubbed by at least the US and Japan.

Thailand needs to decide which side it is on, because there are war clouds with China in Asia.

China is currently stockpiling huge amounts of food staples & iron ore which could be an indication of them getting ready to go to war.

The war in the south & corruption here hardly rate with the US as it does not impact them directly. She might get an invitation if she were to get really serious about something intellectual property rights as there are certain big business groups in the US which could benefit from that & Obama looks pretty keen to keep them happy with Monsanto being a prime example.

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i am thinking she dare'nt go

look what happened when her brother went...

Yes I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps if she had a different last name and was to busy running the country to chit chat on skype. On the other hand I am sure she could obtain a invitation from a shopping mall or a photography studio.


remind self to check spell check

Edited by hellodolly
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This would be Yingluck's first ever trip to America in her life would it not?

Actually, she is supposed to have graduated from a college in Kentucky with a masters in business. So, no, it wouldn't be her first visit.

If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell to you...really cheapcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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You guys ever try to get a visa to USA for Thai woman??? enough said.

It's no different for the Philippine or Chinese women. Has nothing to do with politics. Statistically, these women present a risk of not going home if given a visa to visit the USA.

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"Why is Yingluck not going to Washington?"

That's simple. In Washington the shopping is crap

plus now there's only the winter collection to chose

from. Poor girl will roast her buns out here if she

buys anything over here...she ain't that daft!

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

For political leaders, particularly those from developing countries, an invitation to the White House is tantamount to an actor winning an Oscar.

For Yingluck it would be immeasurably legitimizing, since she's seen as a puppet for her brother. It would do much in protecting her and her party from the threat of a coup, because it would be far more difficult for the resulting government to be recognized by the U.N.

your reasoning is flawed. She has already met Obama. It hasn't legitimised this government any more so than the legitimacy it may already have! and the UN will recognise any government of a state that is a UN member regardless of it's political views or how corrupt a government it may be.

Edited by ggold
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You guys ever try to get a visa to USA for Thai woman??? enough said.

It's no different for the Philippine or Chinese women. Has nothing to do with politics. Statistically, these women present a risk of not going home if given a visa to visit the USA.

Isn't that a good reason (for Thailand at least) for her going there then? biggrin.png

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