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is it me who is (-) or is it you who is (+)


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Sorry people Thailand has plummeted down the slippery slope and it now appears to attract scum, deadbeats, alcoholics, child molesters, on the run criminals, oh and lets not forget the number of farang murders, beatings and the like.

Huh? There were a lot more weirdoes, criminals and nuts proportionally 30 years ago. There was plenty of murders and plenty of crime. Have you never heard of Charles Sabrhaj? Thailand is full of Western yuppy-types, choir boys and wimps nowadays. There is no comparison to the old days.

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Ok, I feel you.

Now, no children, no grandchildren and just a lousy fireman advisory job,

If I were you I would feel worse.

Note: not all the drug arrests involves a black peddler. Add a few scats, Brits, kiwis, Aussies and very large quantity of Thais.

African Chief, please s l o w l y read my post again and absorb, I have never said I am Childless I did say I once divorced, but didn't see the need to report to the likes of you that I have been happily married for the last 8 years, and no she is not Thai or African. Nor did I mention anything about "arrested" black drug dealers.

Please point out in my post where I stated I was "just a lousy fireman advisor" again I didn't see fit to explain that I am the Chief Engineer of a Chinese/UK joint venture that manufacturers high tech rapid response vehicles for the world market.

Instead of quickly reading a thread with you thumb stuck up your (insert wherever you wish) please be so kind as to understand what was said and not answer stupidly or ignorantly. Thank you

I certainly think you'll make an excellent "Grumpy Old Man" wherever you go. You are an example to us all.

Like you, I think my best times are behind me, although I accept that is largely due to my advancing years rather than any fundamental change in the shape of the world Despite my behaviour, I have to admit that I am not as young as I once was.


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my attempted post was to simply point out that Thailand's better days are over


Sounds like your better days are over too. smile.png

but how would you know>> another newbie with less than 2 years as a TV member but knows it all. you obviously cannot read. I did ask for answers from the old brigade not newbie <deleted>, and yes Sir you are a newbie, so kindly go back to your vipers nest and don't risk getting bitten. comments from the likes of you are ........................ insert what you want ! TV should open up memberships forum titled " I am new here but I know it all" for sure will fill or become a filled topic full of inexperienced nonsense by those children wet behind the knees

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Id say you summed it up pretty well, many people seem to think some of us are here for the "love of Thailand" we arent, some us happen to have married Thais who have good well paid jobs and even more surprisingly "keep" their husbands in the financial and other respect..

Having said all that I still prefer Thailand in many ways to where i am currently visiting parents...............the UK

So long as i dont have to have much interaction with the Thais I get along just fine, thats the way I like it and thats all that matters.

Having been back just a week Im itching to get out, put the tv on all i say is chavvy slappers, the woman who won Big Brother( tripe indeed) wets the bed and shows everyone her t**s a fine example of "modern England", yet I am probably the only one under 50 here who thinks like this anymore.....that does depress me slightlysad.png

The trick to having a good fulfilling life is to keep the television unplugged. In any country.

I dont have a tv never watch one Im happy enough.

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my attempted post was to simply point out that Thailand's better days are over


Sounds like your better days are over too. smile.png

but how would you know>> another newbie with less than 2 years as a TV member but knows it all. you obviously cannot read. I did ask for answers from the old brigade not newbie wanke_rs, and yes Sir you are a newbie, so kindly go back to your vipers nest and don't risk getting bitten. comments from the likes of you are ........................ insert what you want ! TV should open up memberships forum titled " I am new here but I know it all" for sure will fill or become a filled topic full of inexperienced nonsense by those children wet behind the knees

I think your over reacting to stuff and want folk to feel sorry for you, which we do with folk at times, but going into a lengthy rant sort of shows where you are coming from. ............Stay cool chum........thumbsup.gif

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my attempted post was to simply point out that Thailand's better days are over


Sounds like your better days are over too. smile.png

but how would you know>> another newbie with less than 2 years as a TV member but knows it all. you obviously cannot read. I did ask for answers from the old brigade not newbie wanke_rs, and yes Sir you are a newbie, so kindly go back to your vipers nest and don't risk getting bitten. comments from the likes of you are ........................ insert what you want ! TV should open up memberships forum titled " I am new here but I know it all" for sure will fill or become a filled topic full of inexperienced nonsense by those children wet behind the knees

So life experience is now judged on TV time.....

Take your medication sir....hope it is not the suppository type.

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Id say you summed it up pretty well, many people seem to think some of us are here for the "love of Thailand" we arent, some us happen to have married Thais who have good well paid jobs and even more surprisingly "keep" their husbands in the financial and other respect..

Having said all that I still prefer Thailand in many ways to where i am currently visiting parents...............the UK

So long as i dont have to have much interaction with the Thais I get along just fine, thats the way I like it and thats all that matters.

Having been back just a week Im itching to get out, put the tv on all i say is chavvy slappers, the woman who won Big Brother( tripe indeed) wets the bed and shows everyone her t**s a fine example of "modern England", yet I am probably the only one under 50 here who thinks like this anymore.....that does depress me slightlysad.png

The trick to having a good fulfilling life is to keep the television unplugged. In any country.

I dont have a tv never watch one Im happy enough.

I haven't had one for twenty years. I've witnessed the things output at other peoples houses.

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Things have gone down in Thailand, things have gone up.

I can real out as many stories of the charm that was Thailand twenty plus years ago as the next man, and yes it is a shame so much of the charm has gone.

But there is another side. When I first came to Thailand, Thais treated Farangs with respect and reverence just because they were Farangs.

That is almost never the case now, Thais have grown confidence in their own abilities and developed a critical view of Farangs - To my point of view this is a wholly positive change.

If they could just make the next step, and having recognised the disproportionate percentage of scum Farang that wash up in Thailand and start shipping them home - the place would improve tremendously.

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I also enjoyed the tale. OP, we share some common ground. HK from 77 at Stanley with 1 RGJ with lots of time on the border although probably more spent in Wanch at the CFC, OCH and the rather more up market Bull and Bear in Central. I enjoyed my time in Thailand but decided to move on when that enjoyment began to fade and I thought it time to find a new challenge. I'll maybe move back after retirement. We still have the house. However, knowing what I know now, I'm not so sure.

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I also enjoyed the tale. OP, we share some common ground. HK from 77 at Stanley with 1 RGJ with lots of time on the border although probably more spent in Wanch at the CFC, OCH and the rather more up market Bull and Bear in Central. I enjoyed my time in Thailand but decided to move on when that enjoyment began to fade and I thought it time to find a new challenge. I'll maybe move back after retirement. We still have the house. However, knowing what I know now, I'm not so sure.

Hello. What do you know now that's making you unsure?

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Positive or negative is something that can be both extremes to different people. Things change, we know that. The world / universe is constantly changing, we must adapt accordingly. I too, have travelled extensively and yet I haven't found another country I'd prefer to live in. That's after 30 years of living here.

I am constantly being reminded how polite, thoughtful and ready to help that Thais are. This has ALWAYS been the case for me. I believe it's something to do with Karma and now ......

wait for the neg brigade to come out of the woodwork!

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mate I get the drift...I grew up as an expat workers kid...every 2 years a new country. That included Africa, Indian subcontinent, Asia, middle east and the Pacific

When I turned 18 (early 80's) I moved back to Australia to start my own life. Itchy feet happened pretty quickly and I started on my own circuit of new country's as an expat worker...still doing it now and have no plan to settle.....

What I reckon is that when you first go to any new country you slip into a benign acceptance mode for a while. Even when you've seen it all before and you can see all of the same warning signs. Eventually by the end of the contract I'm usually keen to get the Fark out.

Now I'm in jaded mode......fly into a new country for work and I think "same sh*t different country.

Having said that I still love the rush of being in the chaos. Sometimes I just have to slap myself to remind myself why I prefer the chaos to the sterility of "Home"

Anyone that has lived or worked in a country before and after independence knows the systematic decay that usually follows.. Sad but true when you see the economy and infrastructure start to decay

That's why Thailand is a step above.......it never had to claw back its independence, it held onto it.

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I lived in thailand for 4 years so not qualified to answer as an old timer. I have however known many long time Thailand residents over the last 30 years and the theme of the op has been heard many times. I can recall my first visit to Pattaya 30 years ago visiting a mate and his freinds whinging about how the place has changed for the worst from the 'old days'. My mate for the record said their nuts and he welcomed the change.

It's the old story in a differant setting "You can never go home"

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the reactions to my original post have somewhat surprised me, there are of course the usual's, who didn't read what I wrote carefully and responded to issues that were not there. Then there were the "youre a grumpy old sod, bugger off and take your medication" brigade, then there were those who actually read, absorbed and understood what I was trying to project.

To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart, let me put the record straight, I am not. I am fully enjoying life, a senior position in a joint venture with a 6 figure USD salary per year. My wife (Chinese) and I own a 6 level Villa in China, she drives a BMW x5, whilst I drive a Hyundai, we owe no one any money we are both very self sufficient. For ,my age I play a pretty mean game of squash, I am fit and healthy and have never taken any medication in my life.

So with the record now been put straight, I am fully aware that things never stay the same and change is inevitable, however, in the case of Thailand, that expected change has been rather rapid and as a few posters have suggested, Thailand is the best of a bad lot. Has anyone else noticed the number of threads talking about relocating to the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia., the Phils and even Myanmar. Now I wonder why ???? You can turn over any stone or rock and find nasty's underneath, it just seems to me that Thailand has too many stones.

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I was born and raised in HK, an spent time in Thailand, Thai wife etc. etc.

I have fantastic memories of Phuket 20+ years ago. But I will never try to relive them, that would just ruin the memory i had.

So the trick is to always find new adventures, and make new memories. That's what keeps you young at heart.

Saying that, I still spend my evenings down Wanchai !!!

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There were just as many lowlifes here when I moved here 25 years ago. If I looked at myself 25 years ago now, I'd probably put myself in that category. Long hair, dope-smoking, whoremongering drunk. How we get so responsible in middle age.

Reminds me of a John Sebastian song from Woodstock but can't remember tge name.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I admire your sense of adventure early in life, sounds like an amazing ride. It seems a far cry from your life today, living in a 6 story villa and driving a BMW in China. Sometimes it isn't the place, but ourselves and the things we value in life that change.

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the reactions to my original post have somewhat surprised me, there are of course the usual's, who didn't read what I wrote carefully and responded to issues that were not there. Then there were the "youre a grumpy old sod, bugger off and take your medication" brigade, then there were those who actually read, absorbed and understood what I was trying to project.

To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart, let me put the record straight, I am not. I am fully enjoying life, a senior position in a joint venture with a 6 figure USD salary per year. My wife (Chinese) and I own a 6 level Villa in China, she drives a BMW x5, whilst I drive a Hyundai, we owe no one any money we are both very self sufficient. For ,my age I play a pretty mean game of squash, I am fit and healthy and have never taken any medication in my life.

So with the record now been put straight, I am fully aware that things never stay the same and change is inevitable, however, in the case of Thailand, that expected change has been rather rapid and as a few posters have suggested, Thailand is the best of a bad lot. Has anyone else noticed the number of threads talking about relocating to the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia., the Phils and even Myanmar. Now I wonder why ???? You can turn over any stone or rock and find nasty's underneath, it just seems to me that Thailand has too many stones.

I can think of a fourth reaction. Someone who has carefully read your topic, has a reasonable amount of intelligence but just doesn't understand what you are getting at. You ask "is it me who is - or is it you who is +" . Then you suggest that those who are wet behind the knees, newbies etc will be the pluses, then you tell them not to post, you don't want to hear from them. I just don't get it, but from the tone of your responses to those who don't agree with you or see things from a different perspective I don't hold out any hope of enlightenment.

And the length of time of membership on TV is really quite irrelevant as to whether a person is a newbie to Asia or not. But for what it is worth I think some things may have gone downhill but I don't live in Bangkok and I don't frequent any of the places you mention any more so I wouldn't really know, I live in the country where things are pretty much the same and wouldn't have it any other way.

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the reactions to my original post have somewhat surprised me, there are of course the usual's, who didn't read what I wrote carefully and responded to issues that were not there. Then there were the "youre a grumpy old sod, bugger off and take your medication" brigade, then there were those who actually read, absorbed and understood what I was trying to project.

To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart, let me put the record straight, I am not. I am fully enjoying life, a senior position in a joint venture with a 6 figure USD salary per year. My wife (Chinese) and I own a 6 level Villa in China, she drives a BMW x5, whilst I drive a Hyundai, we owe no one any money we are both very self sufficient. For ,my age I play a pretty mean game of squash, I am fit and healthy and have never taken any medication in my life.

So with the record now been put straight, I am fully aware that things never stay the same and change is inevitable, however, in the case of Thailand, that expected change has been rather rapid and as a few posters have suggested, Thailand is the best of a bad lot. Has anyone else noticed the number of threads talking about relocating to the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia., the Phils and even Myanmar. Now I wonder why ???? You can turn over any stone or rock and find nasty's underneath, it just seems to me that Thailand has too many stones.

I can think of a fourth reaction. Someone who has carefully read your topic, has a reasonable amount of intelligence but just doesn't understand what you are getting at. You ask "is it me who is - or is it you who is +" . Then you suggest that those who are wet behind the knees, newbies etc will be the pluses, then you tell them not to post, you don't want to hear from them. I just don't get it, but from the tone of your responses to those who don't agree with you or see things from a different perspective I don't hold out any hope of enlightenment.

And the length of time of membership on TV is really quite irrelevant as to whether a person is a newbie to Asia or not. But for what it is worth I think some things may have gone downhill but I don't live in Bangkok and I don't frequent any of the places you mention any more so I wouldn't really know, I live in the country where things are pretty much the same and wouldn't have it any other way.

Ok lets try again where you see this sign - replace with negative and this one + replace with positive, in other words I am asking is it me who is negative about Thailand and is everyone else positive. judging from the feedback, it certainly does not appear that everyone is positive.

And just an aside, please see link from todays Daily Star.......................http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/341000/Princess-Diana-murder-SAS-witness-in-fear-of-his-life.

The statement ............Thailand’s “ask no questions” culture and low cost of living have been a magnet for runaways for years. unquote Now that says a lot in my humble opinion

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It is different, probably not as much as you think, more likely that you've grown out of rubbing shoulders with 'scum' on the streets of Bangkok such that it is now more apparent. The servers could probably have done without your abridged life story to get this point across, but, with that, I can see where you're coming from.

Btw, Bkk and Pats are not the be all and end all. CM has sadly outgrown itself but is still quite charming and is surrounded by amazing scenery. There are loads of other places worth being, and, at the end of the day, I think we're still pretty lucky to be able to have the choice.

All the best in China.

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the reactions to my original post have somewhat surprised me, there are of course the usual's, who didn't read what I wrote carefully and responded to issues that were not there. Then there were the "youre a grumpy old sod, bugger off and take your medication" brigade, then there were those who actually read, absorbed and understood what I was trying to project.

To those who think I am a sick and boring old fart, let me put the record straight, I am not. I am fully enjoying life, a senior position in a joint venture with a 6 figure USD salary per year. My wife (Chinese) and I own a 6 level Villa in China, she drives a BMW x5, whilst I drive a Hyundai, we owe no one any money we are both very self sufficient. For ,my age I play a pretty mean game of squash, I am fit and healthy and have never taken any medication in my life.

So with the record now been put straight, I am fully aware that things never stay the same and change is inevitable, however, in the case of Thailand, that expected change has been rather rapid and as a few posters have suggested, Thailand is the best of a bad lot. Has anyone else noticed the number of threads talking about relocating to the likes of Vietnam, Cambodia., the Phils and even Myanmar. Now I wonder why ???? You can turn over any stone or rock and find nasty's underneath, it just seems to me that Thailand has too many stones.

I can think of a fourth reaction. Someone who has carefully read your topic, has a reasonable amount of intelligence but just doesn't understand what you are getting at. You ask "is it me who is - or is it you who is +" . Then you suggest that those who are wet behind the knees, newbies etc will be the pluses, then you tell them not to post, you don't want to hear from them. I just don't get it, but from the tone of your responses to those who don't agree with you or see things from a different perspective I don't hold out any hope of enlightenment.

And the length of time of membership on TV is really quite irrelevant as to whether a person is a newbie to Asia or not. But for what it is worth I think some things may have gone downhill but I don't live in Bangkok and I don't frequent any of the places you mention any more so I wouldn't really know, I live in the country where things are pretty much the same and wouldn't have it any other way.

Ok lets try again where you see this sign - replace with negative and this one + replace with positive, in other words I am asking is it me who is negative about Thailand and is everyone else positive. judging from the feedback, it certainly does not appear that everyone is positive.

And just an aside, please see link from todays Daily Star.......................http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/341000/Princess-Diana-murder-SAS-witness-in-fear-of-his-life.

The statement ............Thailands ask no questions culture and low cost of living have been a magnet for runaways for years. unquote Now that says a lot in my humble opinion

Well he will certainly be able to ask any questions he might have about his new home here on TV. And apart from his possibly being mentally ill perhaps he could have walked in your footsteps, except that things have no doubt changed in the UK military too, I'd hazard a bet that you are probably negative about that now. I try to stay out of negative thinking, it doesn't get me anywhere, I've noticed.
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You have had a interesting and varied life no doubt it and your comments are about Thailand as you see it now from your room in Bangkok now most of the things you criticize are true and you dont get them in your present country of choice but as a person who is doing very well in China i dont think that is fair comparison is mainland China a great place to live for its people.

And of course some old timers in Thailand also see the changes and are not over the moon but you cant turn the clock back and some have looked at shipping out the to new Thailand. Burma Cambodia, Vietnam all corrupt countries already who as far as i can make out are willing to take anybody who wants to come for tourism or business and going to make it easier for them than Thailand does, how long will it take for all the lowlifes you can see from your room in Bangkok to be standing on the streets in the new big tourists destination's not long i think they will come with the sand and cement.

Of course this cound'nt happen in China.

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