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Phuket Police arrest US drugs fugitive


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Hunter is wanted for smuggling drugs into the US

So why hang around in Phuket? He flew to Phuket and chose to stay there on an overstay knowing full well the authorities knew of his whereabouts. blink.png

Another 'quality tourist' heading out in hand cuffs.


What overstay? Are we reading the same article?

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On the bright side, that was efficient, on the down side, Thailand needs to start more screening, there are far too many international fugitives heading here.

Are they not screening?

How many fugitives are heading here percentage wise?

I agree, it was efficient :)

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On the bright side, that was efficient, on the down side, Thailand needs to start more screening, there are far too many international fugitives heading here.

"Thailand needs to start more screening"

"A New York District Court issued a warrant for his arrest on July 17,” he said.

“He used his passport to enter Thailand at Phuket Airport on September 6

"We were informed by the US Embassy in Bangkok today that Mr Hunter was in Phuket."

Or maybe their countries of origin need to keep track of their "fugitives" and step up screening who's leaving their countries. It seems the US and European borders are awfully porous and the surveillance by the various police forces rather lax. If the US embassy knew his whereabouts at this point, why did the US not know he was travelling out of country in the first place. His passport should have been seized or revoked on July 17th.

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Some nice cooperation there. Well done. (Do these lowlifes seriously think Thailand is some kind of safe house?)

It sure seems a lot of people think Thailand is some kind of safe house. And, with the oft touted Thai police ineptitude by so many TV posters, it seems many of you think so too.

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On the bright side, that was efficient, on the down side, Thailand needs to start more screening, there are far too many international fugitives heading here.

You must have info that we don't. How many are heading here?

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Why are so many of you anti drug dealer yet you have no trouble buying the same from a doctor or pharmacist. I would ask understanding rather than condemnation. This guy is about to have his whole llife ripped apart by the US probably forever unless he has a hell of a lot of money for a very good lawyer:)

How is he going to have his life ripped apart by the U.S? People choose their own paths to follow and there are plenty of signs along the way saying "Do not enter, Wrong Way go back" The Police and Judicial system do not make criminals and you can't blame them if people choose that life.

I guess your saying if it wasn't for laws, and the authorities there wouldn't be criminals.


Edited by chooka
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Perfect photo opportunity on the back of someone else's investigation. All the Thai's were asked to do was to pop around and pick him up.

You must be speaking based on year's of law enforcement experience. I don't know the details concerning how the warrant and arrest was executed, but I would tend not to describe it in such flippant terms without more information.

Several posters have congratulated the police on the arrest only to qualify it with additional comments about their lack of action in other areas or the manner in which the suspect is photographed.

I don't know how many posters/readers are/have been in law enforcement or are/have been Royal Thai Police. I suspect that many "experts" have acquired their expertise in this field from watching television shows, reading novels and chatting with others.

While the photo shots of suspects may strike the western eye as odd, we are not back home and those standards might not be valid. The finger pointing seems to leave no doubt in the readers mind, who the "bad" guy is. It may have evolved from a time when the literacy level of the readers was much lower than it is today and the photo was worth "A thousand words". Just a theory.

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Perfect photo opportunity on the back of someone else's investigation. All the Thai's were asked to do was to pop around and pick him up.

You must be speaking based on year's of law enforcement experience. I don't know the details concerning how the warrant and arrest was executed, but I would tend not to describe it in such flippant terms without more information.

Several posters have congratulated the police on the arrest only to qualify it with additional comments about their lack of action in other areas or the manner in which the suspect is photographed.

I don't know how many posters/readers are/have been in law enforcement or are/have been Royal Thai Police. I suspect that many "experts" have acquired their expertise in this field from watching television shows, reading novels and chatting with others.

While the photo shots of suspects may strike the western eye as odd, we are not back home and those standards might not be valid. The finger pointing seems to leave no doubt in the readers mind, who the "bad" guy is. It may have evolved from a time when the literacy level of the readers was much lower than it is today and the photo was worth "A thousand words". Just a theory.

Do have a few years experience in the field and my 1st encounter with the BIB was when I was involved in an exchange program. it was a real eye opener watching them from the inside. There wasn't anything I could take back with me. I enjoyed tho an all expenses paid working holiday.

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Hunter is wanted for smuggling drugs into the US

So why hang around in Phuket? He flew to Phuket and chose to stay there on an overstay knowing full well the authorities knew of his whereabouts. blink.png

Another 'quality tourist' heading out in hand cuffs.

What overstay?

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Perfect photo opportunity on the back of someone else's investigation. All the Thai's were asked to do was to pop around and pick him up.

You must be speaking based on year's of law enforcement experience. I don't know the details concerning how the warrant and arrest was executed, but I would tend not to describe it in such flippant terms without more information.

Several posters have congratulated the police on the arrest only to qualify it with additional comments about their lack of action in other areas or the manner in which the suspect is photographed.

I don't know how many posters/readers are/have been in law enforcement or are/have been Royal Thai Police. I suspect that many "experts" have acquired their expertise in this field from watching television shows, reading novels and chatting with others.

While the photo shots of suspects may strike the western eye as odd, we are not back home and those standards might not be valid. The finger pointing seems to leave no doubt in the readers mind, who the "bad" guy is. It may have evolved from a time when the literacy level of the readers was much lower than it is today and the photo was worth "A thousand words". Just a theory.

I too am amazed at the amount of "law officers" and "lawyers" who comment on this forum with such wonderful gems of insight. I was also doubly amazed at one person condoning drug trafficking, or at least that's what it appeared to be. No doubt the drug traffickers need a lot of moral support to help them sell their filth?crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

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Why are so many of you anti drug dealer yet you have no trouble buying the same from a doctor or pharmacist. I would ask understanding rather than condemnation. This guy is about to have his whole llife ripped apart by the US probably forever unless he has a hell of a lot of money for a very good lawyer:)

Because the vast majority of us can see the distinction between the death & destruction this guy traffics in, and the aspirin & cough syrup purchased at the local pharmacy. And no, the US isnt ripping his life apart: he did that to himself! ...and to countless others. Yeap, he can have my "understanding" alright.

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On the bright side, that was efficient, on the down side, Thailand needs to start more screening, there are far too many international fugitives heading here.

Or rather, the countries the fugitives are fleeing from should do a better job in not allowing their criminals to so easily escape justice. Who's better equipped to track an American drug runner, Thailand or America?

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Perfect photo opportunity on the back of someone else's investigation. All the Thai's were asked to do was to pop around and pick him up.

And pop around to pick him up they did, flawlessly. As for following up on someone else's investigation, why would the Thai authorities be investigating an America drug runner? He had a valid US passport, indicating he was good to travel (passports are a privilege not a right).

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On the bright side, that was efficient, on the down side, Thailand needs to start more screening, there are far too many international fugitives heading here.

Just so. Just look at the pictures and consider how many Thai cops it takes to arrest one alleged crim. If RTP were to collar everybody they'd be run off their feet leaving none to collect cash to keep their merry-go-round in motion.

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What the hell are they so proud of? They caught another small fish that nobody is interested in. And they had the nerve to smile on that photo lmfao. I think they should only take photos when they really did something that counts like arresting politicians.

Somebody was interested in him, the American Embassy. Unfortunately, arresting politicians is easier said than done as is evident in many western countries.

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Why are so many of you anti drug dealer yet you have no trouble buying the same from a doctor or pharmacist. I would ask understanding rather than condemnation. This guy is about to have his whole llife ripped apart by the US probably forever unless he has a hell of a lot of money for a very good lawyer:)

You have a very skewed view on life if you can equate a drug dealer to a dr/pharmacist. Doctors and pharmacists are trained and, for the most part, regulated. I don't think anyone has been shot by a doctor/pharmacist but the same cant be said for drug dealers. As for his life being in ruins, he's a 48 year old man, he knew the consequences of his actions.

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