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Is my friend blacklisted from Thailand?

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An old dutch friend friend of mine was deported back to Holland a few a weeks ago . He was caught with a small amount of weed in Pai ( small hippy town 2 hours north of Chang Mai)

He has been in contact with me a few times to find out if he is blacklisted. Its important for him to come back at somepoint as he has 2 small Children over here.

Is there a way of knowing for sure if someone is blackliste? or is it just a case or taking a fight back to Bangkok and finding out at the passport control.

Personally I think Blacklisting is only for serious offences.

I would just like to say that the police treated him well in Pai as he's a well known figure there, He's been let of before a few times for smoking weed ( its a medical thing for him) but this time he was busted on a Motorbike at a checkpoint down the road from the dealer haha (bit of a set up really)

Hes not a Gansta. thats why I would like to ask TV members.


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Correct. Upon deportation they let you know if you are welcome here again or you should stay away. By the way you cannot find it out for him unless you are well connected. He can find it out personally by calling the embassy.

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Wonder when Thailand will put those fingerprint scanning machines at the airports like the malaysians.

I very much doubt if your friend is blacklisted.

But he will be in a hot soup if he re enters and keeps getting high, as the nexttime will be a lot messier and a definite blacklisting.

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Past experience with friends , I was booted for no work Permit in '93 but came right back mai mi ben ha! So the usual thing to blacklist is stamping a persona non grata stamp in the passport.

Ask him ,he may have that stamp and just not read Latin!

In diplomacy, the term persona non grata (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally meaning "an unwelcome person", refers to a foreign person whose entering or remaining in a particular country is prohibited by that country's government.

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I am also a member of a dutch thailand forum,but why smoke weed for medical reasons in a country where its illegal.

Most dutch expats on said forum always boast about how cheap and easy it is for medical care and prescription drugs in Thailand .

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Easy - apply for a new passport - then no risk of blacklisting

How would that help?

The blacklist is in the Immigration Department computer available at all the immigration desks.

He would, in addition, need to change his name but they might even be able to trace him through his date of birth.

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Medical reasons 555 biggrin.png cannibas is illegal n not used in Thailand for medical reasons ...

He been caught a few times ... post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

I don't think because he is well known should make a difference.

If anything he should of been taught a lesson to discourage others from being stupid ..biggrin.png

Quite right, illegal is illegal full stop.

A mate of mine got deported last year (visa) and was told as long as they never stamped persona non grata in red inside his passport he'd be welcome back.

But, you know Thailand. Why doesn't the guy invest in a cheap holiday - then if he's thrown out it won't have cost a lot. Why didn't he stay legal?

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I wonder how much weed he had?

Someone told me recently that you can get life in prison for possessing a small quantity for personal use. He cited an example of a farang girl who (apparently) got put away for seven years for possessing a couple of small joints.

Is this so - or is it just rumour? Would any one care to comment on how heavy handed the law can be in this regard?

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I wonder how much weed he had?

Someone told me recently that you can get life in prison for possessing a small quantity for personal use. He cited an example of a farang girl who (apparently) got put away for seven years for possessing a couple of small joints.

Is this so - or is it just rumour? Would any one care to comment on how heavy handed the law can be in this regard?

Mess with "drugs" at your own risk in Asia !smile.png

One female volunteer presently on death row in Indonesia and another currently on trial.

Edited by Sceptict11
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many answers and a lot of blabla......

they are to lists in Thailand

1. the Blacklist

2. the Watchlist

on the blacklist real criminals, on the watchlist everybody when get deported

new passport does not help because is checked by birthdate, birthplace and name

may be he get a chance at a small bordercontroll without Computer, at any airport no chance

Edited by a1port
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Past experience with friends , I was booted for no work Permit in '93 but came right back mai mi ben ha! So the usual thing to blacklist is stamping a persona non grata stamp in the passport.

Ask him ,he may have that stamp and just not read Latin!

In diplomacy, the term persona non grata (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally meaning "an unwelcome person", refers to a foreign person whose entering or remaining in a particular country is prohibited by that country's government.

Do you actually know as a fact that Thai immigration officials stamp an actual persona non grata into the passport of blacklisted individuals? Or are you assuming that maybe they do?

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I wonder how much weed he had?

Someone told me recently that you can get life in prison for possessing a small quantity for personal use. He cited an example of a farang girl who (apparently) got put away for seven years for possessing a couple of small joints.

Is this so - or is it just rumour? Would any one care to comment on how heavy handed the law can be in this regard?

Off -topic, so you only get a short reply and further discussion is not encouraged here.

Sentence depends on 3 factors:

1. were you caught at a border crossing: it is called smuggling and punished much, much harder.

2. the quantity: above a certain amount it is no longer considered for personal use and you are considered a dealer.

3. the kind of drugs you are caught with, which are classed in I believe 4 groups.

Life for personal use is not done but penalties can be hard (long) and a foreigner will be deported and declared persona non-grata.

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i had a friend same thing small amount of weed 5 years not allowed to return , married had to resettle in vietnam with thai wife. happens very often more than you think i know about 10 people it has happened from 2 to 8 years expelled, they put a stamp in your passport ,do not let your home country see that , lots of questions to answer of the why variety?

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Sorry, but no sympathy from me. "Only had a little bit"....like being a little bit pregnant? The Law is the Law and I have no time for druggies.

These people corrupt our children and we don't need them in Thailand. We have enough home-grown problems in this country without allowing Ferang to come here and just think that they can "get away" with flouting the laws of their host country.

Good riddance to him and anyone else involved in the drug culture.

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I wonder how much weed he had?

Someone told me recently that you can get life in prison for possessing a small quantity for personal use. He cited an example of a farang girl who (apparently) got put away for seven years for possessing a couple of small joints.

Is this so - or is it just rumour? Would any one care to comment on how heavy handed the law can be in this regard?

Mess with "drugs" at your own risk in Asia !smile.png

One female volunteer presently on death row in Indonesia and another currently on trial.

Mess with drugs in any country and you do it at your own risk.

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