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Thai Buddhist group fails to win full backing


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Buddhist group fails to win full backing
Pravit Rojanaphruk
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- In an ideal world, people caught making products or participating in acts that can be deemed disrespectful to the Buddha and the Buddhist religion would be sentenced to jail - this is what activist group "Knowing Buddha" told senators, monks and participants at a seminar yesterday.

Their leader announced that she was ready to give up her life to honour the Buddha and would launch a battle against both local and foreign firms producing goods such as underwear, skateboards, stools and armchairs with Buddha images.

She has even declared war against a bar in Paris that uses Buddha statues as a prop.

"We won't allow things like this to go on," Acharawadee Wongsakol, chairwoman of Knowing Buddha, announced

Devout Buddhists created the group about a year ago.

Senior member Chulanee Kaetsorn said Knowing Buddha also had a "Buddha Watch" brigade that constantly scouted the Internet for disrespectful products and images. According to the group, since 2012, there have been 50 such disrespectful cases in the United States, 42 in Europe and 21 in Asia. And this does not include the colourful Buddha statues or carvings sold commercially in Thailand.

First battle lost

The group lost its battle against an Italian furniture maker, which went ahead with producing stools and armchairs in the form of a Buddha head.

However, Acharawadee said, their voice has been strengthened now that some senators and veteran politicians such as Sudarat Keyuraphan have decided to endorse the group.

Still, representatives from the Foreign Ministry were rather quiet when asked to take tougher action, saying there was little they could do beyond promoting mutual respect.

"We do not wish to turn this into a bilateral issue," Suntareeya Kanchana, a representative of the Foreign Ministry, said in her speech.

She explained that foreigners accused by Knowing Buddha often said they did not intend to be disrespectful, insisting that they considered such products as a form of commercial art and cited their right to make such goods.

"We must consider people's different attitudes. We cannot force anyone," Suntareeya said, adding that Thai embassies were more than willing to distribute materials that promoted respect of religion.

While it appears that the Foreign Ministry is not likely to do much more, the group is determined not to leave anything to chance and continues sending letters to embassies in Bangkok, to ASEAN countries and even to the United Nations.

For those who are still not convinced, Knowing Buddha has also published a booklet titled "The Bad Karma Resulting from Being Disrespectful to the Buddha".

-- The Nation 2013-09-28

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I notice there are plenty of underwear for sale with the US flag and the British Union Jack on them, but I never see any with the Thai flag. I wonder why?

The word hypocrisy jumps to mind.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, etc..

I, like so many others, have raised the question of clothing made out of national flags with Thais and the answers were as expected.

In my case it was with some of my university students who said it was ok to wear clothing such as T-shirts looking like cut outs from a national flag as it wasn't their flag and YES they would be very upset with anyone wearing the Thai flag in such a manner.

This Buddhist activists group's attitude is no surprise and very much in keeping with Thainess.

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I don't see how Buddha is respected or otherwise in other countries is any business of Thais.

He is not Thai property, he wasn't a Thai and he never even set foot in what is now Thailand and we don't want to see Buddhists go down the Muslim route.

I agree with you in your first sentence but I do hope your "Muslim route" comment was not meant in a disparaging way. The vast majority of Muslims are decent people who do not agree with the fundamentalist Muslims and decry terrorist activity. Please do some research.

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Remember that Buddhism is in fact an atheist belief as opposed to having some mysterious ever caring god figure who accommodates all the faithful followers of its creed in its own mentally induced and produced paradise along with the assorted books of fairy tales that accompany the worlds assorted religious beliefs.

Religious beliefs or rather the interpretation of those beliefs by its followers has caused and still is causing wars and terorism and needless deaths around the world even now.

Much as it hurts mewink.png, I have to agree wholeheartedly with your post. The history of human misery caused by such relgious bigots is beyond belief.....I always hoped that Buddhism could be spared from such idiocy.

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I don't see how Buddha is respected or otherwise in other countries is any business of Thais.

He is not Thai property, he wasn't a Thai and he never even set foot in what is now Thailand and we don't want to see Buddhists go down the Muslim route.

I agree.. but you should see all the foreigners up in arms here when some Hitler stuff is done here.

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The Five Precepts are the basis of Buddhist morality. The first precept is to avoid killing or harming living beings. The second is to avoid stealing, the third is to avoid sexual misconduct, the fourth is to avoid lying and the fifth is to avoid alcohol and other intoxicating drugs.


Care to comment, Khun Acharawadee?

This is the best comment in this thread.

Can you post this comment in the "Knowing Buddha" site?

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I don't see how Buddha is respected or otherwise in other countries is any business of Thais.

He is not Thai property, he wasn't a Thai and he never even set foot in what is now Thailand and we don't want to see Buddhists go down the Muslim route.

I agree.. but you should see all the foreigners up in arms here when some Hitler stuff is done here.

That was my point in an earlier post.

The Thais, or at least this group of them, expect others to be respectful of their beliefs, but the feeling isn't mutual.

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I don't see how Buddha is respected or otherwise in other countries is any business of Thais.

He is not Thai property, he wasn't a Thai and he never even set foot in what is now Thailand and we don't want to see Buddhists go down the Muslim route.

I agree.. but you should see all the foreigners up in arms here when some Hitler stuff is done here.

That was my point in an earlier post.

The Thais, or at least this group of them, expect others to be respectful of their beliefs, but the feeling isn't mutual.

Thing is you can't be respect all feeling of everyone. I know Hitler is sensitive in the West it is not here. Same goes for Buddha the other way around. I believe in the freedom of expression and so Hitler and Buddha are fair game both of them.

Whatever you do someone will not agree with you where do you draw the line.

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Khun Acharawadee - clean up your act at home first, then maybe (just MAYBE) people will take you seriously you.... and also my dear, dear woman.... the world is a little bigger "out there"

​Well I'm off to the Buddha bar guys...chat later, cheers !

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I don't see how Buddha is respected or otherwise in other countries is any business of Thais.

He is not Thai property, he wasn't a Thai and he never even set foot in what is now Thailand and we don't want to see Buddhists go down the Muslim route.

they already went down the muslim route a month or so ago....in India....

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Remember that Buddhism is in fact an atheist belief as opposed to having some mysterious ever caring god figure who accommodates all the faithful followers of its creed in its own mentally induced and produced paradise along with the assorted books of fairy tales that accompany the worlds assorted religious beliefs.

Religious beliefs or rather the interpretation of those beliefs by its followers has caused and still is causing wars and terorism and needless deaths around the world even now.

Well Buddhism comes in many flavors.....just see Tibets Buddhism or selling talisman for 1.000.000 Baht or telling the lottery numbers in exchange of a donation....Everyone can call himself Buddhist and declare some strange new rules...

As Buddhism is mostly a guide to think for yourself, it brings very diverse results in compare to hierarchical structure like the roman-catholic where 1 person is on the top and knows what is right and what is wrong without doubts.

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Remember that Buddhism is in fact an atheist belief as opposed to having some mysterious ever caring god figure who accommodates all the faithful followers of its creed in its own mentally induced and produced paradise along with the assorted books of fairy tales that accompany the worlds assorted religious beliefs.

Religious beliefs or rather the interpretation of those beliefs by its followers has caused and still is causing wars and terorism and needless deaths around the world even now.

Go with God my friend... wai.gif Send me all your moneys and I can save you..!wai2.gif

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I would suggest that Acharawadee Wongsakol and her group take a seriious look at their own back yard, where they can find thousands of so called "Monks" who defile Buddha and his concepts every day. Buddha said a monk should only own 4 things. 3 robes and 1 begging bowl. How many monks do you see walking around with "smart phones", iPhone, iPads in a days time? Or expensive cameras? How about those who, under normal circumstances, would be guilty of "unusual wealth"? How many of them do you see riding around (as passengers of course!) in Benz or BMW's? Over the past few months how many stories have come about about monks involved in drugs and sex?

American King James Version
You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye.

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I would suggest that Acharawadee Wongsakol and her group take a seriious look at their own back yard, where they can find thousands of so called "Monks" who defile Buddha and his concepts every day. Buddha said a monk should only own 4 things. 3 robes and 1 begging bowl. How many monks do you see walking around with "smart phones", iPhone, iPads in a days time? Or expensive cameras? How about those who, under normal circumstances, would be guilty of "unusual wealth"? How many of them do you see riding around (as passengers of course!) in Benz or BMW's? Over the past few months how many stories have come about about monks involved in drugs and sex?

American King James Version

You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your brother's eye.

look at Panthip placa where monks buy the latest computers. Specially good graphic cards which you only need for playing games.

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I don't see how Buddha is respected or otherwise in other countries is any business of Thais.

He is not Thai property, he wasn't a Thai and he never even set foot in what is now Thailand and we don't want to see Buddhists go down the Muslim route.

Well said, I fully agree. How many Muslims are disrespectful to all other religions and won't change their attitude whilst earning a living or receiving benefits in countries such as England. Buddhism is rammed down the throats of everyone in Thailand and the populous seem happy to be intoctrinated even at 3am through speakers linked to the temples. The Buddhists should value their chosen religion of course, but don't preach to others about what the can do, or how they make a living.

I also respect the other comment made on this site about the corrupt monks that have been recently exposed. Those that are trying to push this silly motion should be spending their time looking at the corruption within their own faith.

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And let's not forget all the "peaceful Buddhists", including monks in robes, who have gone on rampages of death and destruction against Muslims in Myanmar. Doesn't that sort of violate the beliefs of Buddha in regards to acceptance of others and their beliefs, as well as forgiveness towards those who do not accept him?

One of the things that I just shake my head at is that Lord Buddha specifically told people NOT to pray to him, and that he was NOT a god. Yet, you see people going to temples, or having "temples" in their own homes, such as my wife, who pray to him daily, always asking for money and possessions.

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Don't start making the Buddhist Religion into yet another EXTREMIST ACTIVIST VIOLENT AND ANGRY (Anti Religious) opinionated and Distorted movement!
Buddhism is one of the last and only remaining religions that doesn't force itself and its values down people throats.
The image whether it is in a Restaurant, on a night club flyer, or in a temple represents - peace, serenity, and freedom!
So what if its used in marketing? that's what an image is anyway - a form of marketing! deal with it...

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I don't see how Buddha is respected or otherwise in other countries is any business of Thais.

He is not Thai property, he wasn't a Thai and he never even set foot in what is now Thailand and we don't want to see Buddhists go down the Muslim route.

BBB you are absolutely right. Every once in awhile, I have to re-mention that the Buddha wasn't Thai and had never set foot in Thailand. Mentioning this just goes over their heads. They will not admit the Buddha was not Thai. I don't want to see Thailand going the route of Sri Lanka either. This person and her group are nuts. The Buddha would not be happy.

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