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Good Thai Foreigner relationships


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Don't see the point of the post, bloke is married, wife happy with the payments, they get along-so what?

What a thread killer!!w00t.gif

This is the kind of tread where a mean poster like soi41 would post something like: "Sounds more like a nurse than a wife" or "how much is the rent??

And then all the nice posters will come along and tell him, what a bitter and twisted old man he is! And tell about all the nice small things their partners do for them!

That is the way it is supposed to be, until you came along with your "spoil-the-party" post! rolleyes.gif

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I pay my wife enough

Better to say that you give her an allowance.

Better still to say that you let her manage the household expenses.

Even better is simply not to discuss your financial arrangements.

Edited by Mr Average
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I pay my wife enough

Better to say that you give her an allowance.

Better still to say that you let her manage the household expenses.

Even better is simply not to discuss your financial arrangements.

I have said she really takes care of me to the point where I have had to say no. I am basically a low maintenance person.

I had mentioned rewards one of them is seeing her happy. It goes with out saying what ever is going on in my life I know there is some one who really cares for me and worries about me.

So far the responses have been better than expected but I had hoped to hear of more good relationships and some of the reasons/benefits from them.

We will see where it goes so far mild cynicism could be worse.

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This thread so fr as been far to pleasant, none of the usual cynicism.

Good luck to the OP, sounds like he is happy. I am sure there are plenty more happy people around,although TV does bring out the miserable gifts.

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20 years ,gone by so quickly ,son in university ,it was only yesterday i was holding his hand to cross the road , we have lived in the UK and here in Thailand ,i doubt i will get another 20 years but how i wish i could as i know she will break her heart when i die

, as would i if she did ,my one consalation is that she will never have to worry about being alone or poor as her familly are not to badly off and they are all very close with her ,as they are with me..

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I can only go off personal experience, but my GF is easily the most loving, hardest working, girl I have ever been with... We get into fights over the fact I would like her to relax after working from 9am-10pm, but she refuses to do relax until she can cook me food. (odd eating that late i know.. i suffer crones)...

I doubt I could get her to leave my hospital bed... She already hits me up most days about my next doctor appnt (She knows I tend to miss them, forget, ect)..

this is just personal experience, but my mrs is pretty perfect in my eyes. haha. bit lame, but she is :) .. the fact she earns more and supported us for a few months does not hurt the argument..

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Don't see the point of the post, bloke is married, wife happy with the payments, they get along-so what?

What a thread killer!!w00t.gif

This is the kind of tread where a mean poster like soi41 would post something like: "Sounds more like a nurse than a wife" or "how much is the rent??

And then all the nice posters will come along and tell him, what a bitter and twisted old man he is!

Wrong, "soi 41" is a thai apologist. Why would he say anything negative ? Wise up.

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Really great stuff here I like them all. Some of them serve to remind me of how lucky I am. I picked the General forum as on the Chiang Mai one there was a thread about best hospitals and several of the posts there were shocked that my wife would insist on staying with me just because she cares. It reminded me of the change I have made here being in a relationship with a Thai who has the old time family values. It is so easy to feel alone with all the tales of woe one hears. Even acquaintances always warning that I could lose it all.

They have no idea. I am trying to figure a way that she can have it all if I pass. Every thing here in Thailand is easy but investments back in Canada need working on. I am glad she can not read the method of taking care of your husband from around the year 1800 she would balk at the bed time bit.

Well off to try to do my yearly tomorrow she has every thing copied. I will probably show up to late to have it done tomorrow but she has a reserve plan. We will go to Makro for a shopping trip. Then come in early Friday morning. She will be rite there with me to make sure things get done rite as I can easily misconstrue some thing told me in Thai. Besides she knows as much about the duplicates as they do.

Keep the good stuff coming. Even the not so good so myself and others can remind are selves how lucky we are. Then again I think we all have the one thing in common of respecting are loved ones.

Wasn't long ago I posted in another thread that sometimes I feel as if I am living in a parallel universe sometimes. My wife turned up quite unexpectantly from Oz this week, along with her young sister who is also married to an Australian and lives permanenly in Australia. Plus my other young sister in law from the States. I also have another young sister in law who lives in Bangkok too. All ours/their kids are grown up now and all stayed home this time. So it is just an all sisters Mini-Reunion without husband or kids. (except for me of course, because I'm here). They have been visiting rellies, revisiting their old haunts from their childhood and basically having a sister 'bonding session'.

My Sister in Law from the States needed to do some paper work in order to protect me and ensure my safety and security of tenure here, where I live. The house that I don't own, if you get my drift. It cost her a tidy sum to do it too. There are few people in this world I trust more than her. She is 50+ now, with three groen up kids, and we have been friends since she first started Uni in Bangkok. At a family meeting the other day, one which I was not present, I was the subject of discussion apparently. They were asking my Mother In Law (we live in the same Moo Baan) How was I doing here. Did I have any problems. Was I happy. Etc Etc. Apparently my mother in law got a bit excited. Reckoned if anybody messed with me then they had better watch their back. Very protective she was, so I am lead to believe, The girls were all having a good laugh about it. But then. After all, she is the grandmother of my 26 year old son.

They are all off to the local hospital today to have full medical checks etc. Alot easier and cheapper than to do it at home in Oz and the USA.

My mother in Oz, now 85, has visted Thailand many times as far back as the early 80s. There was even a time when I could, and did, take her on a night out in Patpong. She has visted my Mother in Laws house here in this very Moo Baan on multiple occasions. My mother in law, in turn has been to Australia and the States multiple times, as my father in law has.

I walked away from everything in Oz. Alot actually. Had a gutful.

I don't miss it.

My mother in Oz often reminds me, I am one lucky bastard. Not many people in this world get to do what they want.

mai me pan ha krab.

another story....

The other day they took my Mother In Law (78YO) over to Banbuathong where she was a baby and grew up under the care of her Grandmother. Of course things had changed so much she recognised very little and the day was proving to be a bit of a disappointment. They were stopped on the side of the road and saw a very old woman sitting there. So my Wife and sisters decided to ask her a few questions. Cut a long story short. Turns out she is related (blood) to my Mother In Law! Can you believe that? Made her day.

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You have already been married 7 years - you know each other by now and you should know if she cares from for the right reasons.. if you are happy and love each other then don't worry about the things that seem meaningless - live for that happiness you have !

Get well soon !

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Thanks for a positive topic, it is greatly appreciated around here. I have been with my Thai wife for 7 years, we met in grad school overseas and I followed her back. Couldn't imagine myself happier with anyone, she'd be a gem in any country. If you found someone who fits that bill for you, then good on you, mate.

Don't be stupid or complacent about any relationship, but also don't assume that every mixed relationship ends up in the 'depressed Pattaya drunk lamenting runaway bar girl' model.

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