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Good Thai Foreigner relationships


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You are a very fortunate man to have such a kind loving companion. I only wish the same for myself and all the foreigners spending their lives in Thailand. You mention Canada, am from also , teaching to cover my ass and save some of my small savings till pensionalbe 65.

I married a thai woman and bought her a ring 22K not 24 with stones, a wedding ring for life, after a month she pawned the ring for 2,000 Baht, instead of asking for some money. She got a tenth of the value. She lost me.

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You were lucky you only had the wife stay in hospital overnight.

I had to put up with sister-in-law plus hubby in the room overnight and many more during the days. They all meant well though so can't really complain.

Edited by Bpuumike
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I cannot understand why people give their wives a regular income to provide for their parents and other family members. Do these family members not work or want to work? I have no objections to my wife giving financial help to her parents as she earns her own money, as that is the done thing in Thailand, but there is no way I would ever give financial help to anyone other than my own wife or kids.

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Yeah, the hospital thing. It i pretty common where I am here in Thailand. Someone has even a minor ailment and you MUST go visit them, even if they aren't close friends. She is doing the right thing according to Thai custom. Be happy that you have people like that around you. If they don't care about you, it will become apparent IMMEDIATELY as people won't give a rat's ass about what happens to you. It sounds like you have a positive situation.

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I cannot understand why people give their wives a regular income to provide for their parents and other family members. Do these family members not work or want to work? I have no objections to my wife giving financial help to her parents as she earns her own money, as that is the done thing in Thailand, but there is no way I would ever give financial help to anyone other than my own wife or kids.

you mean even you could financially afford some support you wouldn't mind that your wife's parents, respectively the grandparents of your children (if any), live in misery? i am not referring to any other "family members"!

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Met my wife over 10 years ago . Best thing that ever happened to me.

Had a family history of heart problems and was on a statin, blood pressure medicine and daily aspirin. Wife everyday asks me if I took my medicine....ALL the time. She also badgered me daily about going to see a doctor here in Thailand ,,,even though I saw my doctor in the States regularly (think she didn't believe me). I finally relented and told her I would get a heart scan ($150). Did and the doctors said really can't tell as it wasn't clear and that I needed a angiogram , at the time didn't know what one was but if the doctor said I should do one ...well...first I asked how much is it ...he told me $350 ...so I said OK.....When? tomorrow 8am ...OK Does the angiogram (wife spends the night with me) and I find out I have two blocked arteries and some smaller ones. Doctor then says "you want an angioplasty to put in two stents";;;I say "how much"...he says (150,000 baht)...I then ask him why is it so much and why he just didn't do when he had the camera's up my arteries...He said he couldn't with out my permission and that the stents alone (from USA) were 100000 baht.

Told him I would think about it. Went back to the States told my doctor I had two blocked arteries and wanted to see a Heart Specialist (have to be referred)...He said "'So whats the problem you have one good one!" ......make a long story shorter...finally saw the heart specialist who said the same thing but finally relented when I told them they wanted to do the angioplasty the next day in Thailand.

America's Cost .....$70,000.... Nothing to me as insurance paid for it all but sent me the bill anyway

Thailand Cost....$4,000

I know long boring story ....but the point was ...if it wasn't for my Thai wife badgering me about my health ...I would be dead today of a Heart Attack

Lucky I have her.

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NorthernJohn, I would like to ask you, did you have your hip operation in Thailand or in your home country?

I am a little older than you. I had a hip operation8 years ago in Australia & it was very successful. The surgeon did me as a private patient in a public ward. He could do this because he does a lot of such operations for public patients there.

He operated on me accepting only the public health fee, being a pension recipient the government paid for the hip device. The most expensive fee I had was for the anaethasist which cost only $2,500 (from memory) & the 4 day hospital stay cost under $300.00. I was on my feet the day after the op & went home on the 4th day. The resulting hip has given me very little problem since (although you always know it is there). Here in Thailand I cycle between 20 & 30kms every second day.

Just over a year ago my other hip started giving me curry with deferred knee pain which gt very bad. After getting back on the bicycle I have managed to keep it at bay but I will have to get it done soon.

I am hoping to go back to AUS by next year to have that done.

My questions are:

(a) Did you have the op here in Thailand?

(B) How successful has it been?

© If you had it done in Thailand, what hospital & what was the overall cost?

(d) What sort of follow up care are you having?

I have been reluctant to investigate my next op here in Thailand as I have had a lot of horror stories from other people (not necessarily from the Thai practitioners).

As my psudaname suggests, I live in Sayuek (Buriram Provence).

Yes, I am in a successful 6-7 year marriage with my Thai wife.

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After two failed marriages to Thai women over the last 30 years, my second marriage ending after my wife left me for a guy with a much larger disposable income than i had, and in the process left me nearly broke after she claimed the house, car, and emptied the bank account....

...on her return she paid the full bill for me and left to fly back to the UK, When I was leaving the hospital I bid farewell to her sister, she pushed an envelope in my hand and told me it was a get well gift from Anna, It was B50.000 cash. that's when I realized i had been wrong tarring all Thais with the same brush, she owed me nothing yet gave me so much, Then while I was still recovering at home another girl i had known for a while lent me her car until i returned to the UK in a few months , asking only that if and when she needed it we would swop for her moped, Two act of unsolicited kindness shown to me by Thai women with truly nothing to gain.smile.png

On the contrary, the first ex-wife gained immeasurably from taking care of you.

You mention the second ex-wife cleaned you out. That was the one that left you bitter on Pattaya beach. What about the one that preceded her? The one that helped you? Was that a rancorous separation?

Great story by the way. Some of the bitter, twisted and cynical need to take note.

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One more me-too note. I've been with my current Thai GF 7 years now. We have a lot of things going against us, but for some strange reason it's working out. I couldn't be happier, and she seems pretty happy too. I've recently developed Parkinson's disease and she's really made my life a lot easier. Thanks for the topic.

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I cannot understand why people give their wives a regular income to provide for their parents and other family members. Do these family members not work or want to work? I have no objections to my wife giving financial help to her parents as she earns her own money, as that is the done thing in Thailand, but there is no way I would ever give financial help to anyone other than my own wife or kids.

you mean even you could financially afford some support you wouldn't mind that your wife's parents, respectively the grandparents of your children (if any), live in misery? i am not referring to any other "family members"!

If my wifes parents are living in misery it is not my fault or responsibility. I made sure what sort of family my wife had before we got together. I was with a few Thai girls before I settled with the girl who is now Mrs Possum, and everyone of them was more interested in what they could get from me, rather than me myself. Mrs Possum was never like that, and that is why we are still together and very happy after eight years. She, her sister and brothers all look after her parents.

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I have known my wife for 5 years and been together now for almost 4 years.

I was beginning to think that there was not many great relationships here. Thank you northernjohn for staring this thread and the others here who have the guts to stand up.

Sadly, most times we only hear about the bad experiences. My wife such is such a treasure that my only regret is that I never met her years before.

I hope more are not to shy to come foreward and tell us how happy you and your wife are.

Once again northerjohn, many thanks.

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IMO it's pretty simple... Ask yourself why you're here rather than Japan or South Korea. We have more money here, and we have the upper hand. Japanese girls, or South Korean girls can make their own money. They don't need us, if they want a man they can get a Japanese Man, Korean Man same money... Not true in Thailand.

I'll be leaving soon. "Regular" relationships the same as rape. If that's not true, why can't you get them in Korea, Japan or anywhere else you don't have the upper hand financially?

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I cannot understand why people give their wives a regular income to provide for their parents and other family members. Do these family members not work or want to work? I have no objections to my wife giving financial help to her parents as she earns her own money, as that is the done thing in Thailand, but there is no way I would ever give financial help to anyone other than my own wife or kids.

you mean even you could financially afford some support you wouldn't mind that your wife's parents, respectively the grandparents of your children (if any), live in misery? i am not referring to any other "family members"!

Naam, you never heard about the phrase : you can't choose you own family, but you can choose your family in law.

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Been married about 11 years now. Have 3 wonderful daughters, one was part of the package, lived in several countries, helped the family improve their lives, bought thai property that I signed away, fought, loved, lived and watched my kids (and my wife) grow.

My wife doesn't cook, rarely cleans, rarely takes care of me, but I could not imagine life without her! there are parts I'd change, but she would also want to change me and that's not going to happen - so we have learned to live with each others faults.

Here's to another 11 years ( then maybe I'll trade her in! ;)

Sent from Thaivisa app on Galaxy S3

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Old Time (Thaim) Values.

How to be a good wife – By Sunthorn Phu

Sunthorn Phu lived in Thailand from 1786 to 1856 AD, so his life spanned all the first four reigns of the present Chakri Dynasty in Thailand. Here is Sunthorn Phu’s advice on how to be a goodwife. It is titled “Supasit Sorn Ying,” or translated “Maxims for Teaching Women.”

If your husband loves you, don’t be stubborn; honour him every day; do not be wilful. When it gets dark, you should not stray away but light the lamp, go and see to the bedroom, make and clean the bed, sweep away dust. And every night when he retires to bed crouch at his feet and pay him homage. Never forget! If he is stiff with aches and cramps, ease them with soothing massage. When you go to sleep, be decorous; don’t let your hands and feet stray over him while you are asleep. If you sleep thus your goodness will shine forth.

Don’t go on sleeping till the sun is high; you should get up before your husband, and prepare water for him to wash his face. Then do the cooking and prepare the tray of dishes to give a beautiful effect, along with the spittoon, polished and shining. Make sure no dust is in the drinking water.

And if you know he has to go somewhere but find that he has not yet woken up, then gently get him up without delay to eat his food. Sit near him while he eats, in case anything lacks; don’t give him cause to shout for it. Pay careful heed until he’s finished eating. Then you yourself may eat. Don’t eat before he does; it is not seemly, and he won’t like it.

If your husband is in the Royal service and must go in and out the Royal Palace, then you must prepare his carrying-case with betel and tobacco. Always try to wait on him, serve him, as a friend would do. If you thus serve your husband without fail, then you will prosper and rise in others’ esteem. A true-born lady always shows her nature; don‘t throw your good behaviour to the winds. It is not good to be half-man, half-woman, and no one will admire you for that.

And if your husband should rise up in anger, you should abase yourself to quench his wrath. Do not allow yourself to raise your voice and answer back. If he is fire, you should be as water sprinkled on him. If both of you are aflame, the fire will spread anger which then can never be suppressed. Your private conjugal feelings will escape, to become known to all the world outside. What neighbours didn’t know, they now will know. So therefore, don’t indulge in your own wrath.

Be pleasing to your husband; he will love you dearly. Never fail to do the household chores. And if he should fall ill, do not disturb him but smile, console, be pleasing as before; talk to him only when he’s well again; tend to his needs and pander to his mood. Whatever he doesn’t like, you shouldn’t do. Guard your speech, and don’t be talkative; keep your own counsel don’t show your feelings outside.

All the bad things forbidden by your husband you should avoid; your manners should be thus. Do not be stubborn and neglectful; speak only with sweetness.

But if you have a quarrel with your husband, don’t spread tales of the quarrel behind his back. Always suppress your own emotion and keep it to yourself, don’t let the quarrel linger on; banish its shadow. Then you will be called one who uses her brains and knows how to conceal all evil things.

Do this, and those who know you will admire you and think you clever. And your husband will be pleased.

Although I consider myself open minded, progressive, and not overly in accord with the feminist movement, I think I will side with them (feminists) in respect to the above article on how a woman should treat her husband. I guess some like living under feudal society mores.

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. "Regular" relationships the same as rape. If that's not true, why can't you get them in Korea, Japan or anywhere else you don't have the upper hand financially?

It's not rape if it's consensual. Even if there is a difference in economic background.

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