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Careful! Always check your passport stamp

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Same has happened to me 3 times so far on a non B although the visa number was in the arrival card, the first time it happened i was traveling with a thai lawyer, she took my passport and went to the immigration officer who made the mistake,

She was kind of arrested and taken to an office where she had to write an apology after which they corrected the mistake, after this i always check before leaving the counter although they do make a point of stamping randomly on any page then closing the passport so you have to search for it,

Dont be intimidated by the the masked face with the roll of the eyes to move away...stay and check.

Ever since I started "bookmarking" either the next empty page in my passport where the 30d stamp should go, OR the page with my visa if I have one, I've not once had this problem with the random placement you mention. It did happen back in the day.

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I just got back from Hua Hin Immigration and had no problem getting my improperly stamped passport changed to match my annual visa extension. The officer told me to make sure I enter the number associated with the re-entry permit in the field on the arrival card marked "Visa Number". I did not do this the last time and perhaps I helped create my own problems. I am now bit wiser regarding this procedure as well as being more skepitcal of BKK airport Immigration doing the right thing. Thanks again for the original post of this issue and I hope a lot of people learn from this.

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Ok, question from a new forum member and someone headed to Thailand for the first time. I understand that U.S. ppt holders get a 30 day entry without a visa. However, I will arrive on 30 Jan and depart on Mar1. To my count that is the 30th day. Will I have issues with the one month stamp?

If so, is it better to extend at the Immigration Office (I will be in the Krabi area), get a visa before I go, or do a border run? If it is only 1 day over would it be easier to pay the 500 baht or will that result in unnecessary delay when I depart?

Thanks for any advice...


Edited by jcmarcus
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I hold a triple entry tourist visa and arrived on my first entry in August.

A few weeks in however, my friend wanted to visit Manila for a few days. So because I didnt want to use up my first entry, I required a re-entry permit.

I aquired this from Patong immigration relatively pain free, and made my short trip to the philipines.

Now back on topic-

When leaving BKK the immigration official seemed perplexed that I was using a re-entry permit, and began to tell me I didn't need one. I explained that I wanted to keep my first entry active upon return. Eventually he determined it was okay and stamped my passport.

Philippines trip over, I was then preparing to meet immigration again at BKK airport. The official once again seemed confused and unaware of the need for the entry permit. I tried my best to explain, but we were getting nowhere fast. Eventually a senior official (female) made her presence, enlightened the bemused offical and completed the re-entry permit, keeping my first entry intact.

I was prepared for immigration issues from the great abundance of information on this site.

The best advice is check with immigration that the dates are correct and that they honor existing visas & permits.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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