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Getting close to Thais with "connections" -- good or bad idea?


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Over the years I have noticed many foreigners boasting about their ties to connected Thais, for example, police.

While I realize for some in business relating to some of those characters is a necessity and better to have friends like that than not, but for people not in business, do you welcome or avoid such relations?

Myself, I avoid them big time.

I don't even want to know Thais with RELATIVES like that.

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As the second poster said, I've had the odd card from people with the - "if you ever get in trouble, give me a call".

But it's usually friends of my brother-in-law (He works for a TV company).

My wife has "arranged" police badges for the cars (i.e. that basically say the car is the private vehicle of a police officer), which means at police checkpoints we're generally waved straight through. smile.png

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Good luck on sorting this out. Any tips to offer?

I'm generally good at that.

There are some telltale signs, such as how does the person person behave with people that are lower, is the person punctual, does the person like to boast or not, etc.

Taken separately, each of these doesn't have much significance, it's the whole picture that tells you about a person.

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Good topic and a question I have often pondered. I just had my motorcycle stolen and, yes, it would be nice to have a patron in your corner at times like that. However, I doubt the "friendship" would be all one way and reciprosity would be expected. Like the OP, I don't want to go there. So for that reason I'll never have a police general on speed dial and be able to have people deported. Ha!

(But how many foreigners really are powerfully connected in Thailand? Not many is my guess...)

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Any sort of brown nosing will be conspicuous, suspicious, whatever, and never good, and is a very bad idea.

Relationships with anyone should take their course as a natural process of having real friendship or respected business association. Then out of respect for what you have done, your contribution to community etc., any good, well connected people are more likely to watch your back.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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Very seldom I use my contacts but when I do make a call things get solved very quickly. This has nothing to do with boosting anything but more to get rid of some problems without paying anything. Some of my contacts I have known for more then 20 years and I appreciate I do have those contacts.

Have I ever used my contacts? Only twice since I moved to Isaan but I have never used those contacts during my 20+ years in Bangkok.

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I do not agree with those who say, stay away from it. My experience shows the opposite. Yes of course every relationship requires effort from both parties. So if I am helped out, there will be no need to ask me to return the favor. I am going to do it automatically because this is how it works. Unless it's a friendship of course, then things are different.

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I have lived my life here in Thailand with the understanding that if you were ever in a position that you had to make that call, then your troubles really begin.

Ain't that the truth. I've always believed this too. The best way is to live right, stay out of trouble and never need this kind of help.

I've also met lots of people who have given me their card and the promise of help if needed. However, I've usually taken these with a grain of salt because I met the person once in passing- in a restaurant or bar somewhere where the person was definitely grandstanding / showing off for the foreigner.

I rented a condo from a retired police officer a few years ago, lived there for many years, and hence had a lengthy relationship with him. He was a real "stand-up guy" as a landlord, and I know he liked me as a tenant. I paid on time or in advance, and took care of his property. He made the same offer of help if I ever needed it, and even though I never needed to take him up on it, he would be the guy I would call.

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It really depends on what "trouble" you are in.

I have been here many years and have quite close Thai friends in very Senior positions in the Police Department, Immigration and so on.

If I was being unfairly victimised by any Junior Officer in those Departments then I am 100% sure I could call my friends and the situation would be immediately resolved, never any question about that.


If I was in any way involved in a Criminal enterprise and asked these friends to use their influence to extricate me I am damn sure I would be thrown to the wolves - and rightly so.


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Over the years, I have been given telephone numbers/business cards/contact details from the police, army, district judges, government officials, band members from some of the biggest Thai groups around, etc. which number in the hundreds. I have been given business cards from security specialists, CIA, DEA, even a personalized dollar coin from a certain General I/C the American marine corp. The second group obviously foreign contacts. The majority of these contacts was through the wife running a bar for almost 13 years.

Please do not interpret the above as boasting, I have only written this as clarity for my viewpoint on the OP.

In all cases concerning the above, the contact details were given with a variant of "If ever you get in trouble, contact me". I have lived my life here in Thailand with the understanding that if you were ever in a position that you had to make that call, then your troubles really begin. Nothing in this life is for free.

I think that a lot of falangs who boast about having contacts here have maybe found themselves in a similar position as above and believe they have found a friend through a random encounter.

Those that have true influential contacts do not boast about it.......................thumbsup.gif

Exactly ! Why would I be in trouble ! And anyway I have enough money to get out from any trouble ! So I don't need all these name cards but give them to my friends when they travel here in case a BIB is making problems !

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Can anyone explain the significance of having a Senior Police officers card with their handwritten note on the back and what I assume was their signature. Apparently common practice to use the card if one gets into any trouble. I dunno if it is common or if it's supposed to be a 'get out of goal free' card or a message to throw away the key!?

Edited by avander
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As stated, try to stay clear. Although I do have 3 Police officers telephone numbers in my cell, from different areas, lets hope I never have to use them.

But on another note the director of a school helped me out with a car accident, her Thai connections with the Police and the townsfolk went a big way and saved me some money, as I was liable for damages to two vehicles and property damage. She guaranteed for me to the police, so to speak.

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Good topic and a question I have often pondered. I just had my motorcycle stolen and, yes, it would be nice to have a patron in your corner at times like that. However, I doubt the "friendship" would be all one way and reciprosity would be expected. Like the OP, I don't want to go there. So for that reason I'll never have a police general on speed dial and be able to have people deported. Ha!

(But how many foreigners really are powerfully connected in Thailand? Not many is my guess...)

Better tone down the fancy words if you really want results......

Some are just too linguistically gifted for our own good here.....huh? - yep!

Edited by pgrahmm
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Good topic and a question I have often pondered. I just had my motorcycle stolen and, yes, it would be nice to have a patron in your corner at times like that. However, I doubt the "friendship" would be all one way and reciprosity would be expected. Like the OP, I don't want to go there. So for that reason I'll never have a police general on speed dial and be able to have people deported. Ha!

(But how many foreigners really are powerfully connected in Thailand? Not many is my guess...)

Actually there are quite alot. You probably won't find them on this forum though. For example, several very rich and influential westerners have big financial stakes in Thailand and trust me there voices carry alot of weight around here.

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Have you ever heard the story of the Indian boy and the scorpian? Or, the frog and the snake? Of all of the advice I've recieved over the past 50 years which I have igored once, and it cost me my house and millions of Baht.... "never, never ever go into buisness with a Thai!" In my opinion that advice holds true for the so called "friend of my friend" philosphy as well!

Don't do it...not unless you are prepared to pay the price! wai.gif

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