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Thai Longstay Program


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I saw a really bad infomercial on UBC 9 last week. It featured a "UK" citizen named Kumar Singh who waxed effusely about the wonderful Thai Longstay program www.thailongstay.co.th According to the program and a really <deleted> website there are no less then 5 different programs offered which include a one year visa, a free cell phone, the usual 5-50% discount on "hundreds" of goods and services. The TV show and the web site forgot 2 small details, were to buy these magic cards and how much do they cost? The web site relates that the program was originally funded in 2001 and has recieved additional funding to the tune of 300 million baht. The web site is written in bad English and really provides no information at all. What did they do with the 300 million baht and 5 years? I sent an e-mail to thier Contact Us address but recieved no response. This week the e-mail address has been removed from the website. Apparently 1 e-mail in 5 years was just too much for them. It also says the tourist authority of Thailand owns 30 % of the company. They also have a map to there office on the site. Has anyone ever heard of this scam?


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Thai Longstay Program

300 million baht since 2001 and no one has ever heard of it.

They also have a map to there office on the site. Has anyone ever heard of this scam?

”No one”??? Speak for yourself. There have been threads on this in this forum, one quite recently.



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Thai Longstay Program

300 million baht since 2001 and no one has ever heard of it.

They also have a map to there office on the site. Has anyone ever heard of this scam?

”No one”??? Speak for yourself. There have been threads on this in this forum, one quite recently.



Yeah, in fact I checked out their site after reading about it in another thread, and sent them an email as well with no response (over 2 weeks now I think).

It looked like a watered down Elite card scheme, complete with fast-tracking at the airport, providing a bank account, 1 year visa and the use of a mobile phone while here, but no talk of land ownership.

Maybe they are screening the emails and only replying to those from countries they like. Doesn't make sense though, as the website is in english, so they can't be expecting a flood of responses from Japan, Korea and China.

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Thai Longstay Program

300 million baht since 2001 and no one has ever heard of it.

They also have a map to there office on the site. Has anyone ever heard of this scam?

”No one”??? Speak for yourself. There have been threads on this in this forum, one quite recently.



Yeah, in fact I checked out their site after reading about it in another thread, and sent them an email as well with no response (over 2 weeks now I think).

It looked like a watered down Elite card scheme, complete with fast-tracking at the airport, providing a bank account, 1 year visa and the use of a mobile phone while here, but no talk of land ownership.

Maybe they are screening the emails and only replying to those from countries they like. Doesn't make sense though, as the website is in english, so they can't be expecting a flood of responses from Japan, Korea and China.

Their web site says it's targeted to 22 countries:

Marketing Targets of TLM

The main target markets are in 22 countries from varieties of continental including Japan, England. Promotional activities will focus on segments with well known potential as follows;

1. Japan

2. United Kingdom

3. France

4. Italy

5. Switzerland

6. Finland

7. Canada

8. United State of America

9. South Korea

10. Germany

11. China

12. Belgium

13. Ireland

14. China

15. Netherland

16. New Zealand

17. Norway

18. Sweden

19. Denmark

20. Australia

21. Singapore

22. Russia

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LOL @ their website.

No info on costs??

No FAQ??

Distributors only listed for Japan, Korea, China???

I'm hooked now, sign me up for their most expensive program... (have to assume it's the most expensive as there are no mention of actual costs, but it does have the most privileges)...

The Blue Diamond Program...


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My landlady may be on the board of directors. She recommended that I call their GM when I was having visa problems. I didn't bother, because ThaiVisa is far better for that.

The website looked comical. I can't figure out what the program is, but I suspect it's for visitors who stay more than 30 days, and for expatriates who want to immigrate here with a few million euros or a trillion yen in their wallet. Not for me.

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My landlady may be on the board of directors. She recommended that I call their GM when I was having visa problems. I didn't bother, because ThaiVisa is far better for that.

The website looked comical. I can't figure out what the program is, but I suspect it's for visitors who stay more than 30 days, and for expatriates who want to immigrate here with a few million euros or a trillion yen in their wallet. Not for me.

I liked the part where they say they would have your 1 year visa available when you arrive (I thought you had to get that from outside the country ?)

Plus they will open a savings account (with ATM card) for you (something else I thought you had to do on your own, not to mention having to be able to show a residential address and passport. Is this account in their name or yours ? What's the point of having an account opened here, unless you are still home and able to transfer money into it. Or are you supposed to bring a huge wad with you and deposit it on arrival ?)

Still waiting for a response to my email I sent them. Maybe they are too busy processing applications to answer new requests. :o

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Try deciphering this (from the website).

Mobile phone with the best network SIM card. Member will not face the hard time connection even in the myth of the country

Clearly a Freudian slip, doubtless instigated by thoughts of the prospective success of their venture... :o

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i can tell you a little about them. i used to work with them (this time last year i lost my job with them because they had staff cutback and around 6 of us lost our jobs on the same day)

the TAT invested 100m baht into this scheme. at the time i was employed by them, i was given no work permit (was told it was 'on the way'). my title was 'product development manager'. i was employed to put together tours for the clients that they expected to get en masse. this never happened, of course.

i was basically stuck in an office for two months, not permitted to go and actually do research for these trips, and had to use just one supplier, who was the company of the 'acting CEO' at that time.

i was appalled at their website and went through it with a fine toothed comb correcting grammar, spelling etc. but now, the website has totally changed. it looks more like an escort agency site than anything else.

the thing is, they have some very talented people working for them (well they did when i was there anyway) but their ideas were so stunted its not funny. they were continually put down and had their ideas shot down in flames until the 'acting CEO' was able to twist them around and make them sound like his own ideas.

the 'acting CEO' has now been replaced by a former police officer, so you can guess what its like now!

the program was put in place to entice 'longstay' guests - more than one month and up to a year or so - into thailand. japan was their first market. but the reality is that they did not employ marketing person! how on earth they expected to get clients without marketing the product, i will never know. but their product was never really defined, so i guess if you dont have a product, you can market it!

to summarise TLM, they were a complete shamble. i feel sorry for any of the staff who are still there. they were good people with a lot of experience and knowledge. its a pity that they were being led by a bunch of clowns.

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Wauw Donna - you actually worked there!

Do you remember the prices of the different cards? Based on previous post it looks like $1800 for the top package (multiple entry 1 year visa).

I also notice that some of the smaller packages come with a "single entry 1 year visa" hmmm....


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i can tell you a little about them. i used to work with them (this time last year i lost my job with them because they had staff cutback and around 6 of us lost our jobs on the same day)

the TAT invested 100m baht into this scheme. at the time i was employed by them, i was given no work permit (was told it was 'on the way'). my title was 'product development manager'. i was employed to put together tours for the clients that they expected to get en masse. this never happened, of course.

i was basically stuck in an office for two months, not permitted to go and actually do research for these trips, and had to use just one supplier, who was the company of the 'acting CEO' at that time.

i was appalled at their website and went through it with a fine toothed comb correcting grammar, spelling etc. but now, the website has totally changed. it looks more like an escort agency site than anything else.

the thing is, they have some very talented people working for them (well they did when i was there anyway) but their ideas were so stunted its not funny. they were continually put down and had their ideas shot down in flames until the 'acting CEO' was able to twist them around and make them sound like his own ideas.

the 'acting CEO' has now been replaced by a former police officer, so you can guess what its like now!

the program was put in place to entice 'longstay' guests - more than one month and up to a year or so - into thailand. japan was their first market. but the reality is that they did not employ marketing person! how on earth they expected to get clients without marketing the product, i will never know. but their product was never really defined, so i guess if you dont have a product, you can market it!

to summarise TLM, they were a complete shamble. i feel sorry for any of the staff who are still there. they were good people with a lot of experience and knowledge. its a pity that they were being led by a bunch of clowns.

Thank you very much for your informative, insider report, donna.


Sounds like things were pretty bad and they've still managed to have gotten worse.


Thank goodness you got out when you did.

Sadly, it appears as yet another case of squandering taxpayer baht to benefit a few select "chosen" buddies. Won't be surprised when the whole system collapses.

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I think I read somewhere that Thailand has some kind of graft or corruption hotline. I'm not sure.

If it does exist, maybe someone should send them an email to see if they would be interested in finding out what happened to all the money that was spent on this program.

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the 'scheme' was dreamed up by - forgotten his name. but he was recently the minister for sports and tourism.

soon afterwards, he was booted out of the position. then, this time last year, he was brought back in again. so the 'longstay' push began again.

thats when they had the 'revamp' of the staff.

i am not sure of the cost of these cards as they werent developed when i was there.

as far as i know many of the other share holders are senior business people.

i think its a tax write off for many of them. but i could be wrong there too as i dont know how tax in thailand works.

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the 'scheme' was dreamed up by - forgotten his name. but he was recently the minister for sports and tourism.

soon afterwards, he was booted out of the position. then, this time last year, he was brought back in again. so the 'longstay' push began again.

thats when they had the 'revamp' of the staff.

i am not sure of the cost of these cards as they werent developed when i was there.

as far as i know many of the other share holders are senior business people.

i think its a tax write off for many of them. but i could be wrong there too as i dont know how tax in thailand works.

I believe you mean:


Mr. Pracha Maleenont, Minister of Tourism and Sports

That wonderful pig-faced and pig-jowled, long-term politician. Previous jobs included taking over yet another position as Deputy Interior Minister, who enjoyed the media limelight while conducting his night-time raids on posh nightclubs, the job for which he took over from Purachai, when he was re-assigned.

Gotta have a quick score-card with handy pencil/eraser just to keep up to speed with TRT's ever-reshuffling Cabinet...

Interesting, given his business background as movie (of "questionable societal value") production owner, that he took over to run a "Morality Crusade", "Social Improvement", or whatever it is they are calling it these days.

At least he's not doing that anymore. He's taken over the Sports/Tourism Ministry to take over from Mr. Kleunplome, whose father is the godfather/murderer and was taking too much of his time.

Mr. Pracha and his entire family clan are one of the richest families in Thailand with fingers in almost every pot.

Any guess on how much of the 300 million missing baht ended up in his pockets?


"Enjoying a lovely presentation with his even-richer buddy." :o

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Interesting, given his business background as movie (of "questionable societal value") production owner, that he took over to run a "Morality Crusade", "Social Improvement", or whatever it is they are calling it these days.

which explains a LOT about what their website looks like now! hypocrite!

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Malaysia,from memory, came up with the original idea of a Longstay programme and I believe that its still up and running. :o

Yes it is. See here for details.

Similar rates to the ordinary retirement visa in Thailand.

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Hi Donna! Still a bit confused. If they did not have the cards/programs when you were there what DID they have? I.e. what were they selling/promoting, if anything :o , when you were there?


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"if anything" is right there firefan.

they had, at the time i was working there, negotiated monthly rates at certain places around bangkok. i suggested to them that most people wanting to stay long term here probably wont want to do it in bkk, especially as they are retirees. i suggested phuket, chiang mai etc, which would be more conducive to a relaxing stay. they (the boss at the time) would not accept this 'idea' and wanted to stick with bkk mainly.

they were planning on sorting out visas etc but had not done it when i was still there. i expect that this is the 'card' that they are talking about.

to summarise, my main bitch was that they didnt have anything to market, and when they DID have something to market, they didnt have a person to do it.

they had no real products when i was there. it was a big fat joke.

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