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My way are the Thai way


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Just curious.....how many other Farangs' with Thai wife's encounter this phenomenon! My wife irons my underwear...I've told here a 1000 times not to worry....she still does it! When I use something I return it to the spot I got it from when I'm done. ....My wife just leaves it where it is when she's done (loses stuff ALL the time). Hundreds of other example's

This is not a Thai wife bashing thread...I love my wife dearly.BUT....I'm seriously curious if others encounter the same and to what degree. Basicly you tell them (ask???) how to do something (and no matter how many times you tell them or ask) they still do it their way. NOW I'm not saying my way is the best way....just asking my wife to think about it ....ask the question why she does something a certain way and not another ?

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Well, you dont ask but TELL. You want an equal household, to be a team and to learn from each other. She apparantly NOT.

Have had same problems and just did not bother about it anymore after a while. Its the little things as you describe which can make a bad day even worse.

Hanging up the clothes etc to dry outside, i always hung childrensclothes/schooluniforms, our clothes all seperate. After drying i put it all where it needed to be inside. Needless to say how she did it. Watched it always with amazement and just shook my head.

Funny creatures !!

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They do have some strange ways in comparison but, most of what she does will be taught to her by her mother, if you havnt learned it yet the Mother is the center of the universe, the all knowing not to be challenged oracle.

If you want her to do it different, get her mother to tell her and she will change immediately.

Edited by CharlieH
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They do have some strange ways in comparison but, most of what she does will be taught to her by her mother, if you havnt learned it yet the Mother is the center of the universe, the all knowing not to be challenged oracle.

If you want her to do it different, get her mother to tell her and she will change immediately.

Is that a promise.

So many things she does that I would rather do myself but she feels they are her job.

In the west it would be called abusing your wife here it is respecting her beliefs and feelings.

Truly a crazy world.

Occasional she will do some thing my way. I for sure don't even try to tell her how to do the laundry. LOL

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Yep, I see it too. Its really more of a "difference of habits" with my wife. If she agrees to do something differently, it often takes a very, very long time for her to learn new habits, or (more often) to unlearn her old ones. Often, ideas and concepts that I am accustomed to (even if they are not part of my current habits) are completely alien to my wife. Many times, she will not identify with the idea at all just because she has absolutely no familiarity with a concept - she sees no benefit or purpose.

My advice when it comes to these things, is persistence. Be nice about it, don't make fights, but keep at it in an encouraging way. My wife has had numerous epiphanies on such subjects, sometimes years (literally) after we first talked about it. I've just accepted that just as it takes a long time for me to see things the "Thai" way, it takes a long time for my wife to see things any other way.

She is now enthusiastically trying to pass-on some of her new habits to her family, and its just as frustrating for her as it was for me.

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When I was a kid, sometimes I was reluctant to wear underwear, and my mum used to always say.... 'get some underpants on.... You might get hit by a car or something.... Oh the shame'.....

In Thailand, there is a very strong possibility you might be in an accident each time you step out the door ;)

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'they still do it their way'

This is a female thing, not a Thai one. My mother hated ironing, yet religiously ironed our bedsheets - pity the fool who dared to ask why.

Not so sure.....Had an old Thai guy (a carpenter) who I hired to build me a flower box (a fairly big one). The good Thai wood (hard as .....well really a hardwood type).....so when he had to cut the wood he would use his hand saw....which wasn't so easy since it was some typed of hardwood. Me, being the smart and helpful (I thought) farang showed him my electric saw and told him he could use it. He looked at, shook his head and went back to the hand saw....I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders....oh well...best left alone...Did a great job. Just took him a few days more

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My x Thai gf drove me crazy leaving things where ever she wished. My home before had a huge lovely living room that I decorated and made it comfortable but classy. Something you might see in a magazine. I was out of town and came back to find big rice bags in a pile in the middle of my

room. There were many places she could have put them but there they were. I did not get angry but asked her why there. Her reply " why does it matter where they go". No concept on keeping something nice or in order. I now call it the "rice bag mentality".

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A generation ago, men's underwear in commercial laundries was strictly washed by men. And female underwear strictly by females. So the fact, that Thai-Females are allowed to get near a man's underwear these days (with or without iron) is some sort of "woman's liberation Thai-style".


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They do have some strange ways in comparison but, most of what she does will be taught to her by her mother, if you havnt learned it yet the Mother is the center of the universe, the all knowing not to be challenged oracle.

If you want her to do it different, get her mother to tell her and she will change immediately.

Wise words. Everytime my wife has said something like 'you wash the dishes'

or 'can you make your own dinner', I'll say 'what will your mum say when I tell her?'.

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As Rudyard Kipling wrote:

Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the two shall meet,

Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;

But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth.

When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth.


Edited by metisdead
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why women iron underwear and socks is something I don't understand but most do it.

Humm ... au contraire ... I'd offer the arguement that the majority of "women don't iron underwear and socks"

Well all I know (with one exception) either did it, or let the home maid do it or at least complain they it should have been done.

That beside the strange habit to clean the dishes BEFORE putting them into the dish washer....That is even more strange.

We should post that in the "Ladies" forum. But I must admit I am too coward to do that.....

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They do have some strange ways in comparison but, most of what she does will be taught to her by her mother, if you havnt learned it yet the Mother is the center of the universe, the all knowing not to be challenged oracle.

If you want her to do it different, get her mother to tell her and she will change immediately.

Wise words. Everytime my wife has said something like 'you wash the dishes'

or 'can you make your own dinner', I'll say 'what will your mum say when I tell her?'.

On washing the dishes I take approx. 10 % of the duty. Putting dishes into the dishwasher: 30 %. Turning it on 70 %.

Cooking 60 %.

Washing clothes with the washing machine 70 %. Hanging the wet clothes for drying 95%.

Ironing: 0%

Watering the flowers 10%

If I want good Farang food I must cook it myself.

Pizza, Schnitzel, Spaghetti, Steak and similar things......

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This not between Thai or Farang way, this is between your way and hers. My wife is very Thai, and exactly the other way around. When I or one of the kids don't "keb" everything we use she gets very annoyed. When I'm cooking she cleans and stores every tool, herb or ingredient that I'm not holding in my hand or is on the fire... Sometimes I have to take the same knife clean from the drawer 3 times while cooking!

The great advantage is that the house is squeaky clean and organized and that she always finds what I loose ;-)

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