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What's up in Soi Siam Country Club?


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I've heard it's good out that way, but just keep yourself to yourself, only mix with people you know, a mate of mine lives out there, he told me there is a farang police volunteer that will turn you in given the chance, and everyone hates him.

He is helping the most corrupt institution in Thailand, why would he do that ? You tell me.

Keep yourself to yourself, trust nobody, have a good time.

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No dogs in my village �

Where is your village?

Not far from temple in Nongprue

Oh there are plenty there, the nearest to the temple being NIBBANA, am I correct?

I've almost rented a lovely house there, but when I actually visited the place I figured out that the pictures in the ad where taken some 10 years ago, if not more.

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To be honest, beyond the new landlord's policy on pets on the property, this 'no dogs' criteria isn't really viable when renting or buying anywhere in LOS. The OP has seen these dogs when he has gone to view this property so he is put off. Then he finds a wonderful, dog-free village across the way and jumps at it. About 3 months later, there's dogs... and he has just signed a 1-year lease. Where the <deleted> did they come from?! If they aren't soi dogs expanding their empire, there's always somebody moving in and they may have dogs. Dogs attract dogs.

Recent experience of my wife who moved into a quiet village on the Dark Side while I was overseas. Within a week, she had a chronologically challenged farang who lives 4 houses further up the hill come and berate her for our dogs barking. There's already about 4 soi dogs and some mutt in the next soi that gets to howling at the moon every tea time and kicks them all off but NO, these were our NEW dogs barking in HIS soi. She was charming at first, explaining that dogs, well, they will bark, especially at the cats that had adopted the patio while the house was empty. He got offensive and used the 'F' word a few times which was rude and initially upsetting for Mrs NL... so she told him to F-off in the end.

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To be honest, beyond the new landlord's policy on pets on the property, this 'no dogs' criteria isn't really viable when renting or buying anywhere in LOS. The OP has seen these dogs when he has gone to view this property so he is put off. Then he finds a wonderful, dog-free village across the way and jumps at it. About 3 months later, there's dogs... and he has just signed a 1-year lease. Where the <deleted> did they come from?! If they aren't soi dogs expanding their empire, there's always somebody moving in and they may have dogs. Dogs attract dogs.

Recent experience of my wife who moved into a quiet village on the Dark Side while I was overseas. Within a week, she had a chronologically challenged farang who lives 4 houses further up the hill come and berate her for our dogs barking. There's already about 4 soi dogs and some mutt in the next soi that gets to howling at the moon every tea time and kicks them all off but NO, these were our NEW dogs barking in HIS soi. She was charming at first, explaining that dogs, well, they will bark, especially at the cats that had adopted the patio while the house was empty. He got offensive and used the 'F' word a few times which was rude and initially upsetting for Mrs NL... so she told him to F-off in the end.

Sound like another dog owner that thinks that anyone who complains about their barking dogs is just an old whinger. It always amazes me that the people who own these said dogs seem to be able to sleep like babies through their incessant barking at night, so that means everyone else should be able to as well.

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To be honest, beyond the new landlord's policy on pets on the property, this 'no dogs' criteria isn't really viable when renting or buying anywhere in LOS. The OP has seen these dogs when he has gone to view this property so he is put off. Then he finds a wonderful, dog-free village across the way and jumps at it. About 3 months later, there's dogs... and he has just signed a 1-year lease. Where the <deleted> did they come from?! If they aren't soi dogs expanding their empire, there's always somebody moving in and they may have dogs. Dogs attract dogs.

Really? There are no dogs in my condo building, nor in the car park, nor in the surrounding area. In fact I cant remember when I last heard a dog barking there. The absence of noisy animals in/near the building was one of my primary reasons for selecting it.

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Recent experience of my wife who moved into a quiet village on the Dark Side while I was overseas. Within a week, she had a chronologically challenged farang who lives 4 houses further up the hill come and berate her for our dogs barking. There's already about 4 soi dogs and some mutt in the next soi that gets to howling at the moon every tea time and kicks them all off but NO, these were our NEW dogs barking in HIS soi. She was charming at first, explaining that dogs, well, they will bark, especially at the cats that had adopted the patio while the house was empty. He got offensive and used the 'F' word a few times which was rude and initially upsetting for Mrs NL... so she told him to F-off in the end.

Your wife "moved into a quiet village" and brought with her all the noise and made this village noisy like many others, putting a stop the "quiet" aspect of the village, and then you're surprised that the people are complaining?

I wish you'd take your dogs and wife together with you overseas. It's like going to the beach and then leaving your garbage there, take them with you for god's sake! I wonder how your overseas neighbors would react to you bringing some "souvenir" from Asia, including the barking dogs and the upset Asian wife throwing "F" words at people.

Edited by Rimmer
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To be honest, beyond the new landlord's policy on pets on the property, this 'no dogs' criteria isn't really viable when renting or buying anywhere in LOS. The OP has seen these dogs when he has gone to view this property so he is put off. Then he finds a wonderful, dog-free village across the way and jumps at it. About 3 months later, there's dogs... and he has just signed a 1-year lease. Where the <deleted> did they come from?! If they aren't soi dogs expanding their empire, there's always somebody moving in and they may have dogs. Dogs attract dogs.

Really? There are no dogs in my condo building, nor in the car park, nor in the surrounding area. In fact I cant remember when I last heard a dog barking there. The absence of noisy animals in/near the building was one of my primary reasons for selecting it.

Here's a clue, (most) dogs can't ride elevators.

Here's another. Most dogs don't hang around in car parks either, be it a condo one or otherwise.

Any condo (like a hotel) is a pretty safe bet for being dog-free so maybe the OP should try that instead.

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Recent experience of my wife who moved into a quiet village on the Dark Side while I was overseas. Within a week, she had a chronologically challenged farang who lives 4 houses further up the hill come and berate her for our dogs barking. There's already about 4 soi dogs and some mutt in the next soi that gets to howling at the moon every tea time and kicks them all off but NO, these were our NEW dogs barking in HIS soi. She was charming at first, explaining that dogs, well, they will bark, especially at the cats that had adopted the patio while the house was empty. He got offensive and used the 'F' word a few times which was rude and initially upsetting for Mrs NL... so she told him to F-off in the end.

Your wife "moved into a quiet village" and brought with her all the noise and made this village noisy like many others, putting a stop the "quiet" aspect of the village, and then you're surprised that the people are complaining?

I wish you'd take your dogs and wife together with you overseas. It's like going to the beach and then leaving your garbage there, take them with you for god's sake! I wonder how your overseas neighbors would react to you bringing some "souvenir" from Asia, including the barking dogs and the upset Asian wife throwing "F" words at people.

Edited... you aren't worth it.

Edited by NanLaew
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Recent experience of my wife who moved into a quiet village on the Dark Side while I was overseas. Within a week, she had a chronologically challenged farang who lives 4 houses further up the hill come and berate her for our dogs barking. There's already about 4 soi dogs and some mutt in the next soi that gets to howling at the moon every tea time and kicks them all off but NO, these were our NEW dogs barking in HIS soi. She was charming at first, explaining that dogs, well, they will bark, especially at the cats that had adopted the patio while the house was empty. He got offensive and used the 'F' word a few times which was rude and initially upsetting for Mrs NL... so she told him to F-off in the end.

Your wife "moved into a quiet village" and brought with her all the noise and made this village noisy like many others, putting a stop the "quiet" aspect of the village, and then you're surprised that the people are complaining?

I wish you'd take your dogs and wife together with you overseas. It's like going to the beach and then leaving your garbage there, take them with you for god's sake! I wonder how your overseas neighbors would react to you bringing some "souvenir" from Asia, including the barking dogs and the upset Asian wife throwing "F" words at people.

Oh dear... and here I was trying to be helpful and giving you advice on settling in on the dark side and the best you can do is flame.

Read the post: there were howling dogs BEFORE our two ever showed up. The village was never quite quiet.

Read the post; the angry old duffer cussed at my wife FIRST. There is absolutely nothing so funny as someone whose native tongue aint English saying the F-word, even more so when they get angrier when you laugh at them and they use it more and more, even dragging your mother into it.

Did you know my wife can say f-off in 5 languages? She can probably tell you to do the same in yours.

Sorry, our dogs don't travel well and anyway, I don't particularly like dogs either but the old saying is true, once you have your own dogs, your never notice the neighbours.

PS. Just chatted with the wife on the phone. She bought half a dozen chickens today. I reckon old Olaf/Hans/Whatever is going to be bloody apoplectic.

The problem is you can move into the quietest village on the dark side (or anywhere else for that matter) but then suddenly get the neighbours from hell complete with dogs and chickens. I'm a dog lover from way back but was always conscious of annoying my neighbours if my dog was barking when I was out. When he did I bought a citrus puffer collar for him, a very humane way to stop a dog barking. I never said to my neighbours, "tough sh*t, dogs bark, that's their nature". That attitude is what's wrong with the world today.

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Oh dear... and here I was trying to be helpful and giving you advice on settling in on the dark side and the best you can do is flame.

Read the post: there were howling dogs BEFORE our two ever showed up. The village was never quite quiet.

You explicitly said that your wife moved into a quiet village:

"Recent experience of my wife who moved into a quiet village on the Dark Side while I was overseas."

That means no dogs whatsoever. At least until she brought hers.

Did you know my wife can say f-off in 5 languages? She can probably tell you to do the same in yours.

I'm very impressed with your wife's skills.

PS. Just chatted with the wife on the phone. She bought half a dozen chickens today. I reckon old Olaf/Hans/Whatever is going to be bloody apoplectic.

It's people like her (and you, that supports people like her) who make some villages horrible places to live.

PPS. There's a house down the street for rent as well. Interested?

Definitely not.

Edited by koeko
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One fellow posted a little while ago that the open air market is very good. One of the best around and better than the ones on Soi Bukhao. Had some pictures and videos too I think.

Where is the open air market? There is a big fresh food market on Siam Country Club rd that's open in the evenings, but that's nothing special and certainly doesn't rival Soi Bukhao market.

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One fellow posted a little while ago that the open air market is very good. One of the best around and better than the ones on Soi Bukhao. Had some pictures and videos too I think.

Oh because the food market on soi bukhao is a reference??? it is small, dirty, polluted and very little choice.

On the other side, the market on soi chayapruk 2 could be a better reference for what an open air food market should be.

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