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Drunks joyride on Bangkok train tracks, regret their actions in the morning


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Drunks joyride on train tracks, regret their actions in the morning
By Coconuts

BANGKOK: -- A drunk man reportedly drove his car for over two kilometers on a rail track in Bangkok’s Bang Kapi district causing delays of almost two hours to train services early Monday.

Traffic radio FM 100 reported that Karakka Rakwongpat, 24, and five of his obliterated compatriots, were first seen in a new Honda CRV on the rail track between Rong Poon intersection to the back of Petcharavej hospital on Phetchaburi Road, where the car had become stuck.

A rescue team with more than 20 men tried to move the car off the track for about two hours, but were unsuccessful. They eventually instructed the still smashed driver go backwards along the rails to the spot where he first entered the tracks.

An utterly plowed Karakka claimed that he had gotten lost and decided to drive on the track believing there would be an exit.

Police said he had a blood alcohol level of 148 milligrams. [read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/10/14/drunks-joyride-train-tracks-regret-their-actions-morning

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-10-14

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"obliterated" "smashed" "plowed "

Found a thesaurus, no idea how to use it.

You beat me to that comment.

We can probably expect Trolleyed, Handbagged, and Shitefaced in upcoming news reports.

Still, it makes for amusing reading.

"obliterated" "smashed" "plowed " = Shitfaced

I think only Australians know Trolleyed, Handbagged, and Shitefaced. I've never heard of those. I'm not saying they are wrong..just not common outside of Australia.

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20 men can't get a Honda CRV off of train tracks...


It made me wonder - Assuming a lack of a car tow away van being available, I would imagine a lever or two could be found or sheer grunt lifting power.

However, one look at the photo provided explains the situation - of the 20 men involved, one was drunk sprawled across the steering wheel, 5 of his mates are standing around impersonating meerkats, though one is holding the drivers door open.

Another 4, two of them looking almost official are also standing around. Two more official looking men on a scooter are either texting or taking photos. That leaves another 8 leaning on a concrete barricade next to the tracks, presumably giving encouragement. Not much going to happen there then.

And the car DOES have a red license plate. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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"obliterated" "smashed" "plowed "

Found a thesaurus, no idea how to use it.

You beat me to that comment.

We can probably expect Trolleyed, Handbagged, and Shitefaced in upcoming news reports.

Still, it makes for amusing reading.

"obliterated" "smashed" "plowed " = Shitfaced

I think only Australians know Trolleyed, Handbagged, and Shitefaced. I've never heard of those. I'm not saying they are wrong..just not common outside of Australia.

Trolleyed and shitfaced/shitefaced common enough in the UK. Handbagged is a new one to me though. Edited by Bluespunk
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Let me guess here, that this is a car that was sold to a first time buyer, who does not have any drivers training. He is very lucky that he did this in Thailand and not in USA where he would be paying for many years of misery. Including drunk driving loss of driving license, His insurance would double for many years and paying for damages and lost revenue too the railroad and oh by the way still paying for a smashed up car. Good thinking Boy

I didn't know that the Honda CRV was eligible for the first time buyers scam.

Too bad it wasn't a real 4 x 4 and he wasn't a better driver. But then they report he was pretty Brahms & Liszt and didn't know <deleted> he was.

I doubt daddy will be pleased either.

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Let me guess here, that this is a car that was sold to a first time buyer, who does not have any drivers training. He is very lucky that he did this in Thailand and not in USA where he would be paying for many years of misery. Including drunk driving loss of driving license, His insurance would double for many years and paying for damages and lost revenue too the railroad and oh by the way still paying for a smashed up car. Good thinking Boy

"He is very lucky that he did this in Thailand and not in USA ..."

Same comment could easily be applied to many things that Americans get up to in Thailand.

"...where he would be paying for many years of misery."

Who did he cause many years of misery? The driver would probably get a community service assignment, a suspended sentence and any actual damages would be sucked up by the railroad or an insurance company.

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Trolleyed and shitfaced/shitefaced common enough in the UK. Handbagged is a new one to me though.
"Munted" is a great description for the really "legless"
"Munted" took on worldwide meaning after the large earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand when the Mayor, Bob Parker, described the city as "munted" i.e. completely fckd, stuffed, flattened, wasted, et al
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When I was young, we used to drive to a nearby town on the rail road tracks. The car tires fit nicely on the rails and we could go like a bat-out-of-hell -- at least it felt like we were going really fast. The only downside was it works best if you let some of the air out of the tires. Fortunately, the stretch we went on was basically disused track and the it was the end of the end of the train line, so we didn't have the problem of an oncoming train.

I don't know if the track gauge is the same size here.

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Drunk driver takes road less traveled, delays train


BANGKOK: -- An intoxicated man drove his car two kilometres up a railway track in Bangkok Monday, a stunt that will earned about Bt96,000-fine, officials said.

State Railways of Thailand governor Prapas Chongsanguan said the driver and his five companions would be fined Bt96,000 baht for causing a two-hour delay to a passenger train, Thai Rath newspaper reported.

Police said the 24-year-old driver claimed he had gotten lost and decided to drive up the train track in search of an exit.

A blood test indicated the man was intoxicated at the time of the pre-dawn incident. A rescue team failed to remove the car from the tracks, forcing them to back it up two kilometres in order to clear the line.

-- The Nation 2013-10-14

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