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DSI to probe Thai workers berry-picking fiasco in Sweden and Finland


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DSI to probe berry-picking fiasco

Kawintra Jaiseu
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will take over a case in which workers from the Northeast were duped by a promise of berry-picking jobs in Sweden and Finland - then left unpaid and unaided abroad.

Some workers suffered extreme stress reportedly to the point of suicide, while some struggled just to get money to return home.

Former berry-pickers Winai Kaewkebkham, from Khon Kaen, and Sudjai Thongsri, from Chaiyaphum, yesterday urged Pol Lt-Col Kornwat Panprapakorn, the chief DSI investigator for the Northeast, to help after they failed to get paid.

Kornwat said northerners and people from Phetchabun and Chai Nat were lured to work overseas but had to pay Bt120,000 in travel expenses. An initial probe found a company that sent Thai workers to Sweden had caused 500 people to suffer total losses of about Bt100 million, he added.

Winai said a Chaiyaphum-based agency hired him and fellow villagers to pick berries from July 20 till October 10 for about Bt100,000 per head. So, people borrowed money to fund their travel to Sweden but found hard living and working conditions and didn't get paid as promised.

Winai claimed a fellow worker, Buala Laophrom, hung himself in a public toilet because he had blown his life savings to travel in hope of earning money from the job for his family. "Now all the family has is his ashes," he said, adding that other workers also faced debts after returning to Thailand.

Facing the prospect of being unpaid for their labour, Sudjai said he and 50 fellow villagers, who picked berries in Finland, had filed a complaint to the Finnish government and labour union to punish the company involved. He also wanted the DSI to punish the Thai company involved. He said the affected workers were "saved" by fellow Thais in Finland who raised funds from selling berry juice to buy them tickets home.

-- The Nation 2013-10-16

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This has happened countless times, just with different destinations (Taiwan, Japan, Middle East, USA etc.). The scammers have connections, farmers don't. Easy to predict the outcome.

Edited by zakk9
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So guys, that was the end of 2013 season!

Anyone betting against, that we are going to see a repeat in 2014??coffee1.gif

Quite funny, they didn't get paid because of to little berries to pick, and their returntrip was paid by fellow Thais, who raised money by selling berry juice!whistling.gif

Conspiracy theory, anyone??

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This has to be one of the worst laid out stories I have ever seen.

The fact that someone committed suicide is hidden in paragraph 7, after the fact that some idle people maybe got conned out of 4k USD, but 500 people lost 100mn?

Am I right in saying they borrowed 120k so they could earn 100k what a load of crock who makes these things up
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Why probe anew? please refer to pervious years, same issues same complaints, and probably

same outcome, nada, nothing, and next year it will be the same, where Thai people and

picking berries involve, there will be cheating and scheming...

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This has gone on for many years, in Sweden as well, but how can it be that the farmer has to come up with 100.000 baht or more travel-expences?? this I do not believe. A ticket cost maybe 50.000, does the train from Khon Kaen, cost the same as well..... just suspicious...

I'm sure the Thai farmers loved travelling business class.

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The 'Department of Serious Incompetents ' will be about as much good on this case as they are on all the other cases they are involved in; in other words completely useless. If there is a Thai company involved, which would be the limit of DSI involvement, then it will become a bump under the rug very speedily because they can't go upsetting High So business owners. Result...case closed...Next !

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Each had to pay THB 120,000 in travel expenses to be able to make THB 100,000 per head.

A-rai wa? xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.C4LgKzwLl8.webp xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.C4LgKzwLl8.webp xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.C4LgKzwLl8.webp

When Thais try to make up stories about how much money they have lost, and should be compensated for, this usually happens, as they don't know math. Fortunately none of the journalists and investigating officers know math either, so none of the people involved will ever realise that something is wrong.

And don't forget that "An initial probe found a company that sent Thai workers to Sweden had caused 500 people to suffer total losses of about Bt100 million" which means they now each lost 200,000 baht. Tomorrow it will probably be 300,000 baht. The more the better when the PTP government eventually has to compensate them in order not to lose their vote.

As I said: A-rai wa?

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Why Thailand doesnt organize a plane to bring all those people back home ...... ? that would be the best way .... its also possible for the ministry of foreign affairs in Bangkok to fill up a complain with the Finish embassy .

Good point. Perhaps that's why the erudite PM/DM wants to buy 4 planes? She will dispatch them to anywhere Thai citizens are in trouble and need a ride home. Wonderful caring government in action. whistling.gif

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Sombody have to stop all this nonsens about findng Money in plocking berries in Sweden and Finland !

There are Gangsters that protend that they are serious Promotors !

Every Year, same story. Thai, Vietnames etc..

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Why Thailand doesnt organize a plane to bring all those people back home ...... ? that would be the best way .... its also possible for the ministry of foreign affairs in Bangkok to fill up a complain with the Finish embassy .

Yes, I wonder just how much the embassy will laugh when they see the loss "calculations" in the complaint :-)

Anyway, in Finland the embassy or foreign ministry, which the embasy is under, has absolutely no power or control over the actions of private companies, so they will likely not accept the complaint, but simply tell the plaintiff to file their complaint with the Finnish courts, where it belongs.

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Each had to pay THB 120,000 in travel expenses to be able to make THB 100,000 per head.

A-rai wa? xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.C4LgKzwLl8.webp xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.C4LgKzwLl8.webp xshock1.gif.pagespeed.ic.C4LgKzwLl8.webp

When Thais try to make up stories about how much money they have lost, and should be compensated for, this usually happens, as they don't know math. Fortunately none of the journalists and investigating officers know math either, so none of the people involved will ever realise that something is wrong.

And don't forget that "An initial probe found a company that sent Thai workers to Sweden had caused 500 people to suffer total losses of about Bt100 million" which means they now each lost 200,000 baht. Tomorrow it will probably be 300,000 baht. The more the better when the PTP government eventually has to compensate them in order not to lose their vote.

And the compensation may happen through carefully handpicked jasmine rice that was offered to tourists at the airport. thumbsup.gif

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Im sure there is more to the story than what is being told.

Thais have set a precedence about truthfulness and fairness when dealing with non Thais.
Why should it be any different when they are guests in another country.

I am not saying they are lying ... Just that it might be a possibility when money is involved and they are used to being pampered by the police when they are the perpetrators in a crime against a westerner.
A certain image of a policeman comforting a Thai man who held a Chinese girl and molested her for 5 hours comes to mind. Thais get away with a lot in Thailand and they know it.

I don't think its OT, as there is a mindset that is ingrained in Thais at birth that must seriously be taken into account.

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"...Ticket to ride blue line highway

Tell your friends, they can go my way,

Pay your toll, sell your soul

Pound for pound costs more than gold

The longer you stay the more you pay...

Blue lines, gonna blow your mind....

Dreams of buildin houses, tractors in the fields

A kid or two, no sniffin' glue!

A brand new set of wheels.

Thai picker gets arrested, already done big time

He's paid neung saen, he paid saeng sawng

He don't feel so fine.

A businessman is caught with 24 pickers

He's in his chair, goin' nowhere

Drinkin' blueberry wine.

Most migrants reject it, governors don't correct it

Gangsters thugs and agencies are thoroughly respected

The money gets divided, the agents get excited

Now I'm broke and it's no joke it's hard as hell to fight it!

Blue lines, I've done my time..."

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This has gone on for many years, in Sweden as well, but how can it be that the farmer has to come up with 100.000 baht or more travel-expences?? this I do not believe. A ticket cost maybe 50.000, does the train from Khon Kaen, cost the same as well..... just suspicious...

The infamous middle man. Often drives an old Mercedes, wears dodgy silk shirts, posseses middle aged pudgy wife with big hair and dame Edna glasses, but having many other younger suitors. Often to be found at the local Chinese temple at new year time.

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This has happened countless times, just with different destinations (Taiwan, Japan, Middle East, USA etc.). The scammers have connections, farmers don't. Easy to predict the outcome.

Thai companies who want to hire people in this sort of way should have to register and pay a large holding deposit then there would be none of it to fleece their own people, they do not give a shit about their own just easy money.

Or there should be a government department were the people can check to see if they are legal etc, to easy though.

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in here finland this was known on news.

the owner of the company told , thais quit picking too early.

well..another thought

Why do Sweden and Finland use Thai people to pluk fruit ?You have to fly them in from halfway around the world when you can just as easely get fruit pickers from countrys like Poland like fruit farmers do in my country descent hard working folk and most of them return every season and never any hassle with them.

I do not believe for one minute That the Finnish and Swedisch governments would allow such slave labour in this day and age.Do you have some more info from Finnish newspapers or websites because Thai newspapers are crap any way.

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Despite various efforts to settle down the salary disputes, 20 Thai berry pickers out of total 50 are to return home without drawing any salary.

“The berry pickers incurred on an average a loss of Euro 2000 while 20 of them even did not receive any salary,” the representative of the berry pickers, Taneli Hämäläinen told STT on Monday.

Berry company Ber-Ex said that most of the berry pickers had accepted the salary but few of them declined as they thought the amount was low. They claimed that they were the victims of human trafficking, but allegation was rejected by the prosecutor.

The last batch of 16 members of the Thai group is scheduled to leave Helsinki Airport on Tuesday ...16 berry pickers had to stay for more time as the Thailand Labour ministry, which is paying for their return tickets delayed to find out cheaper tickets for them.

Nothing about berry pickers selling jiuce to pay for the tickets

Edited by kirk0233
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The so called D.S.I should investigate (if they do at all, another topic) corruption in their own back yard instead of sticking their noses into affair was they have no jurisdiction at all. This is a job for the Thai consul or Ambassador where the dispute happened.

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