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Can someone answer this.


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Hi all, I was wondering if someone could help here. I have drunk most of my life and never had a real problem with, often going long periods without a drink. In the last year I have noticed a change the day after which is beginning to cause me concern. The following day after drinking, whether I have a hangover or not -usually I don't get them- I feel like I don't know myself and can't think coherently. Often I become scatty and sometimes do things without reason. It's as if my mind is not my own and I behave out of character but not in any harmful way.

It's beginning to cause me concern as one day last month I spent the entire day doing the same thing 3 times over and had no idea of why I did it. I am in my 40's, do I need to be concerned do you think?

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It might be possible that the alcohol is exacerbating some other condition that you might be unaware of as yet. Just a thought, and I would suggest getting checked out by a doctor. Couldn't hurt and I would lay off the alcohol until you do, you haven't harmed yourself or anyone else yet, but that might happen.

I hope everything turn out ok for you!

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If it's the result of alcohol you would normally have physical effects (various degrees of tremors, etc) rather than mental.

If you are certain your own effects are the result of alcohol... well, you have your answer.

Good luck.

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If drinking is causing problems in my life, I have a drinking problem. It's that simple.

Maybe you identify as an alcoholic, maybe not. You're the only one that can decide for yourself.

I did not identify. Until I went to a few AA meetings and heard others that described the same issues that I was having. Turns out alcoholism didn't look much like I had been programmed to expect it to look.

That was 1988 and after a few adjustments to my (mostly the bad) habits, life has been better. Not just "not drinking", but enjoying the heck out of it.

Trivial but profound saying: Alcoholism is an elevator to the gutter. But you don't have to ride it all the way down. You can choose when to get off.

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