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Visit from the police. What was that all about?


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Sounds like a PI sort of thing to me. I mean, what are they going to do with the picture? Hang it on the wall down there at the station? I don't think so.

Somebody somewhere, and not in Thailand, wants proof of your where abouts. For sure dude, that's all it could be.

Why not in Thailand? The BiB would not be interested in someone looking for you from outside Thailand unless it was for something very very serious, like paedophilia, or a heavy involvement in drugs, human trafficking, or something that involves Thailand itself.

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One visited me but neither of us could understand each other, I was building a house at the time ( yes doing the work illegally myself) he did say it looked good though.

I got the Wife to call him later ( I took his phone number and name off his badge)

He didnt want anything never took photos just interested in what I was doing, didnt even check my Myanmar staff for id

Later w e called him back asked for the 1000 baht a month police red box and also gave him and the captain at the station a bottle each of red n black Johnny walker..............they said they didnt drink whisky hahahaha so another rmyth out the window.

I told em to pop in any time and told the staff to give them a drink out of the fridge if we werent there and we also told em come anytime for a drink some fish or fruit as they had helped us with a neighbour who thought he owned our road by telling him to f.off basically. The local plod had also helped us when a cow kicked our car which the owners denied but eventually with him there they paid us a few thousand in compensation.

Cripes Im making them out to be helpful!!!! which so far??? they have been, am quite happy with them........for now?

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I would of been asking why they want a photo before I agreed to it... Open your mouth and ask don't just say nothing..

Often saying nothing ... esp. with police ... is the smartest thing to do. May not seem the manly thing to do to some, but then, some are stupid.

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Living and lived in Thailand for more the 25 years the first thing that came to my mind was.....OOOOOPS.

No police, stake out your house.

Police checking on foreigners is not done.....Immigration job, in uniform!

secondly.....ID and in uniform.....always!


I note plates!!

(just in case)

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Don't listen to the old cynics above!!! :-)

The police cant extract money from you if you're not doing anything wrong, and especially if your wife is the type that doesn't panic or scare easy.

If your paperwork is fine and your not doing anything really dumb like growing pot or running illegal gambling with your wife then forget about it.

Obviously you're not for a long time in Thailand and do not realise which dangers lurk out there for foreigners. If people with powers want to scam or extort you, they will find a way.

Good luck that we old farts have a better understanding of those perils.

Edited by sniffdog
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Never had this sort of inspection but I'm known the the local cops so might be ticked off the list at the station as "no further action", no idea.

But sort of related and included here for that reason: During the 2010 Red-Shirts in Bangkok events when there was a curfew and limitations on too many people being at a gathering a group of us farang were at a farang run business at about 8pm a senior cop of some type pulls up in front of the shop/house and asks if we are OK and frightened about the fighting in Bangkok? As general muttering of no problem here, gesturing to the very quite towncenter around us, he bid us good night and drove off.

I can understand that within a station there will be a cop/s who have language skills and will be the point person for farang related matters so get the local inspection jobs tasked by immigration, spot checks and background awareness intelligence building.

Good that they have time to do it - I can't see them being organised enough to be anything else.

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Well I was stopped where I live riding a bike. First police roadblock in Thailand. They did the picture thing which I did not mind. Nothing to hide, nothing running from. I asked them why and the said it was for the community board at the local police station. At first I thought BS, send to check if I was wanted somewhere. Well went to the police station/ fire station and there it was. It was part of a community outreach program the police were doing to show their involvement in the area. Good work me thinks.

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I believe that their exists a law requiring Farangs to report to the police station every year. So if you don't go they are entitled to come see you. I may be wrong.

I have had two visits from Nissan reps since I ordered a car, they looked around the house and took photographs. You get used to it.

When i financed my new truck, the tanachart bank reps came to my place and took a photo of me holding my work permit. Then they went on to take pictures of every room in my house. I really didn't feel comfortable with this. When i contacted the office they just said this is normal when the foreigner doesn't own the property where he lives....saai.gif

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Well I was stopped where I live riding a bike. First police roadblock in Thailand. They did the picture thing which I did not mind. Nothing to hide, nothing running from. I asked them why and the said it was for the community board at the local police station. At first I thought BS, send to check if I was wanted somewhere. Well went to the police station/ fire station and there it was. It was part of a community outreach program the police were doing to show their involvement in the area. Good work me thinks.

Otherwise known as the perp board.

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Unannounced home inspections, frequent required reporting to immigration offices, photographing of personal possessions,...maybe next you'll be asked to wear a yellow Farang Star.


What? You're saying that you don't already have one?

Edited by somchaismith
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attachicon.gifth.ch.quno vom hause fritz.JPGPolice and various salesmen are screened first by my 24 hour security guard. Never had any visits since I hired the guard.

Are you sure he cannot be persuaded to let them in for a bone and a nice head scratch?
shhh! don't let the secret out. They still think Rotties are like what the movies portray.

And a tummy rub

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Or, if Falang staying on "Marriage O Visa": Immigration is authorized to involve local police to check out if "couple is actually living together". Then police will report back to immigration.

This only comes into play, when immigration has reason to believe, that the marriage was only performed for "Visa-Reasons".


My mate who lives in Phra Yuen, near Khon Kaen had the same visit some weeks back, seems as though someone got the idea and shared it around!!!

Same thing, no asking for any documents, just was told it was new directive.

Just another way for Thais to say 'welcome'

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Or, if Falang staying on "Marriage O Visa": Immigration is authorized to involve local police to check out if "couple is actually living together". Then police will report back to immigration.

This only comes into play, when immigration has reason to believe, that the marriage was only performed for "Visa-Reasons".


My mate who lives in Phra Yuen, near Khon Kaen had the same visit some weeks back, seems as though someone got the idea and shared it around!!!

Same thing, no asking for any documents, just was told it was new directive.

Just another way for Thais to say 'welcome'

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lol did they point at you when the photo was being taken, this happened to japanese bill, he found a few weeks later that had to pay 50 k baht once a year or he would be charged for illegal firearm ownership, when he said he did not own a gun he was arrested and shown an old colt revolver, he paid to avoid the prison sentence

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They may be following up on the story that foreigners have bought up most of the agricultural land in Thailand.

Could be a lot worse. Some years ago Zimbabwean special branch got wind of a coup plot masterminded by some one called Macdonald. All the Macdonalds (mainly whites) in the country suddenly disappeared for three weeks with no word to their families. They were later returned unharmed, apart from a rather scary time being interrogated and knowing that no one knew where they were, and without apology.

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The better to scam you with, my dear!!!!

Seriously, though, sometimes I think the police chiefs just get an idea on a whim and send the police out to see what they can find. I have seen it where I live...not with foreigners, but with other random stuff. Word gets around that police will be looking for something on some day, so people seem ready for those things.

I would find it disturbing, to say the least. I don't like seeing them around my neighborhood.

Disturbing to say the least. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. to see a cop sitting on my motorcycle in the apartment parking. Am I wanted or paranoid, one or the other or both, I thought.

There has been an incresed police prescence on the highways in Isaan and in the town of Kalasin.

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Have done excruciating research on this, so I went to my Thai-Medium. The old lady has connections to ghosts and government officials (you can't beat that combination !)

Her findings: They need to know where the Farangs live, in order to escort them safely out of the country in case of coming massive civil-unrest. I asked " what has a Farang to do with civil-unrest in Thailand ?

= " Since everybody knows that wicked Bangkok-Lawyers have already sold off 1/3rd of the land to Farangs, Thais may want to re-claim the land (if necessary with the machete) !"

I have seen the light and it cost me only 250 Bht as a "consultants-fee".


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Don't fool yourselves, the police are after someone, otherwise they would not leave their comfort zone, regarless of what stories they are telling and they have been ordered to.

What have you done recently? Maybe they are looking for you?

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The better to scam you with, my dear!!!!

Seriously, though, sometimes I think the police chiefs just get an idea on a whim and send the police out to see what they can find. I have seen it where I live...not with foreigners, but with other random stuff. Word gets around that police will be looking for something on some day, so people seem ready for those things.

I would find it disturbing, to say the least. I don't like seeing them around my neighborhood.

Disturbing to say the least. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. to see a cop sitting on my motorcycle in the apartment parking. Am I wanted or paranoid, one or the other or both, I thought.

There has been an incresed police prescence on the highways in Isaan and in the town of Kalasin.

Considering the scrapes you get into, I'd imagine you are on their watch list.

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this happened to me in hua Hin, I told them to eff off saying you want my photo go to immigration, I have been told they are just getting an idea of your wealth and often ask to see inside the house! I would not open my gate for them ( electronic ). They also want to earn by looking after your house when your away, just another scam.

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Unannounced home inspections, frequent required reporting to immigration offices, photographing of personal possessions,...maybe next you'll be asked to wear a yellow Farang Star.


Looks pretty downtown without WW2, etc

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The better to scam you with, my dear!!!!

Seriously, though, sometimes I think the police chiefs just get an idea on a whim and send the police out to see what they can find. I have seen it where I live...not with foreigners, but with other random stuff. Word gets around that police will be looking for something on some day, so people seem ready for those things.

I would find it disturbing, to say the least. I don't like seeing them around my neighborhood.

Disturbing to say the least. I woke up at 5:30 a.m. to see a cop sitting on my motorcycle in the apartment parking. Am I wanted or paranoid, one or the other or both, I thought.

There has been an incresed police prescence on the highways in Isaan and in the town of Kalasin.

Every Monday morning

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Sounds very "fishy" to me. They must think you are up to something no good. Hope you

are not......If you are, They alrealy got your number.....watch out.............

Or they could be up to no good which means . . . RUN!

(We really shouldn't wind the OP up into a paranoid state, however much fun it may be)

Nice try guys but sadly no cigar.

I am not paranoid, merely curious.

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