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Thai insensitivity continues..


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Assume it was "yak" = "giant"

Not exactly a slur.

Okay, a better translation than "white-skinned fat dude," but something must be missing here, or his wife's Thai is poor.

Yep, the return wasn't spot on either.

Female giant is 'Yak sinee', I would have replied 'Doo Yak sinee dam pit pee'

Is the Thai word for big, or giant "Yai," not Yak? Sorry if I am wrong.

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Assume it was "yak" = "giant"

Not exactly a slur.

My wife often uses "yak" for too fat or fat and walk like a yak, etc, etc.

Never heard it as something polite. But that might differ from person to person from area to area.

The Thai word for fat is "Uan" not "yak', sorry again if I am wrong.

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Perhaps the OP is fat and maybe a lot older than his Thai wife and looks it?

Some Thai people think this is repugnant.

Just saying, that`s all.

Doesn't matter. She should to keep her opinion to herself.

One of the many reasons I enjoy Thailand, is that on the whole, people keep their opinions to themselves. I much prefer that to the West, where it's filled with egotistical know-it-allls who never run out of opinions.

Unfortunately, old Thai ladies seem to be excluded from this little rule. I've even had one giving me hell before because according to her, I didn't phone my mom enough. I didn't know who she even was, but she sure was giving me hell.

So an old lady who you claim to not know scolded you for not phoning your mother enough. Perhaps these old Thai ladies have psychic powers?

As for keeping one`s opinions to themselves, it appears plenty on here have many opinions to share, most of them totally negative about what seems to be their daily struggles with the Thais and living in Thailand.

It appears that so many farangs in Thailand these days have plenty to gripe about, nothing here seems to please them. Their lives must be one form of living hell and suffering here in the LOS, only in their cases Thailand is not the LOS, but more of a LOG, land of gloom.

Yeah, so they don't need people making unprovoked rude comments about their appearance.

Funny face!

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Assume it was "yak" = "giant"


Not exactly a slur.



Okay, a better translation than "white-skinned fat dude," but something must be missing here, or his wife's Thai is poor.


Yep, the return wasn't spot on either.

Female giant is 'Yak sinee', I would have replied 'Doo Yak sinee dam pit pee'


Is the Thai word for big, or giant "Yai," not Yak? Sorry if I am wrong.

Different word.

Yai = big

Yak is giant, or a giant.

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Last year, a student of mine handed in her test paper. She said "I was fat"

I said to her " pood arai" and she said "I was fat" So, I asked her why she said that?

She said I called her fat ( she is a bit chubby).

Anyway, I said to her she was fast. All the other students were still working on the test.

I explained to her the word was fast not fat. She did apologize.

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Perhaps the OP is fat and maybe a lot older than his Thai wife and looks it?

Some Thai people think this is repugnant.

Just saying, that`s all.

Not really Mr Beetlejuice, If what you are saying is true, the wife is only there because of her husbands wealth.

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Assume it was "yak" = "giant"

Not exactly a slur.

Okay, a better translation than "white-skinned fat dude," but something must be missing here, or his wife's Thai is poor.

Yep, the return wasn't spot on either.

Female giant is 'Yak sinee', I would have replied 'Doo Yak sinee dam pit pee'

Is the Thai word for big, or giant "Yai," not Yak? Sorry if I am wrong.

Yes, point taken here, but I did hear my wife refer to someone as"Yai" who was a good bit taller than me, and I'm 6ft.

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Perhaps the OP is fat and maybe a lot older than his Thai wife and looks it?

Some Thai people think this is repugnant.

Just saying, that`s all.

Doesn't matter. She should to keep her opinion to herself.

One of the many reasons I enjoy Thailand, is that on the whole, people keep their opinions to themselves. I much prefer that to the West, where it's filled with egotistical know-it-allls who never run out of opinions.

Unfortunately, old Thai ladies seem to be excluded from this little rule. I've even had one giving me hell before because according to her, I didn't phone my mom enough. I didn't know who she even was, but she sure was giving me hell.

So an old lady who you claim to not know scolded you for not phoning your mother enough. Perhaps these old Thai ladies have psychic powers?

As for keeping one`s opinions to themselves, it appears plenty on here have many opinions to share, most of them totally negative about what seems to be their daily struggles with the Thais and living in Thailand.

It appears that so many farangs in Thailand these days have plenty to gripe about, nothing here seems to please them. Their lives must be one form of living hell and suffering here in the LOS, only in their cases Thailand is not the LOS, but more of a LOG, land of gloom.

Yeah, so they don't need people making unprovoked rude comments about their appearance.

Funny face!

If someone walks, or should I say waddles down the street with a massive belly wearing a simmet, and covers himself in tattoos, you can expect Thais to make degatory remarks, as they do not look anything like that themselves.

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Yai means big, not tall...

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Yes, but if a person is big and not tall, then they are fat, which in Thai is "Uan". again, if a person is tall and skinny, they are "Pom", I am enjoying this little debate.

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Assume it was "yak" = "giant"

Not exactly a slur.

It was a slur. The OP. wife is thai. You thai apologists should wise up, and think before you chime in.

Exactly what I was thinking - love these GCSE level Thai "students" who think they know the meaning better than his Thai wife.

Aah.... Thai Visa forum, always good for a chuckle...

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Yai means big, not tall...

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Yes, but if a person is big and not tall, then they are fat, which in Thai is "Uan". again, if a person is tall and skinny, they are "Pom", I am enjoying this little debate.

Me too. I am learning some new words and nuances.

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Yai means big, not tall...

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Yes, but if a person is big and not tall, then they are fat, which in Thai is "Uan". again, if a person is tall and skinny, they are "Pom", I am enjoying this little debate.

A bodybuilder or wrestler is "tua yai"...has nothing to do with fat.

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It is only getting a tiny bit worse, step by step, drip by drip every day. Basic daily nicety and simple human respect is getting eroded here every day.

just like it has eroded ages ago in the west. the world is like that. end of story.

But, there are some of us trying to preserve respect and civility. Holding the door for someone, stepping aside to let someone pass, saying please and thanks and actually smiling have not died altogether.

It is easier to notice the clouds rolling in than it is to appreciate a sunny day. Don't give up, be nice to someone today and it does make a difference. :)

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So an old lady who you claim to not know scolded you for not phoning your mother enough. Perhaps these old Thai ladies have psychic powers?

I have no idea. Just some lady who lived in the neighborhood, and had too much time on her hands I guess.

As for keeping one`s opinions to themselves, it appears plenty on here have many opinions to share, most of them totally negative about what seems to be their daily struggles with the Thais and living in Thailand.

It appears that so many farangs in Thailand these days have plenty to gripe about, nothing here seems to please them. Their lives must be one form of living hell and suffering here in the LOS, only in their cases Thailand is not the LOS, but more of a LOG, land of gloom.

Ohhh, come on, and I was actually trying to be positive. One of the things I really do enjoy about Thailand is that on the whole, people keep their opinions to themselves. It's just a common courtesy thing here, which doesn't exist as much in the West.

You have to admit though, those old bitties are exempted for that rule, and can be annoying at times. I've also been lectured for being lazy, and never going to work. All the while I work from home, and probably put in more hours than your average person. I've also been lectured for using a push broom instead of a straw one to clean the street in front of the house. Those straw things are an absolute pain, whereas a commercial sized push broom works great, even if you have to sometimes ensure an evil eye from an old bitty. :)

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I was on an elevator in a hospital full of Thai's and I hear the infamous word (Farang) I raised my hand and said "I'm a farang" and the whole elevator busted up laughing.

No broken face but I could see that they were all embarrassed. I am pretty sure my grandparents taught me that "stick's and stone's may break my bones but names can never hurt me"

Of course racial judgments happen all over the world but it is usually westerners who doing the race judging. When the table is turned we westerners get so bent out of shape.

Just a funny observation.

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Yes there is much insensitivity here.

The other day on an elevator, some Thais holding a very chubby and shall I say UGLY baby. The baby is looking at me. I am smiling at the baby trying to be a sport.

The baby starts crying. Oh well!

The Thais then start insulting me: calling me fat (in Thai), calling me UGLY (in English).


Yes I know Thais call people fat all the time but this was malicious.

It's like being regarded as a thing with absolutely no feelings.

Don't worry about it. The only thing they got left is that most of them are slim so they call everybody fat. Besides I dont know when they are going to notice that they are not slim because they are in good shape but they are simply skinny fat so they should just stay quiet.

?????????what the jumpin jehosafat is "skinny fat"? Am I missing something here?w00t.gif

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An uneducated, tattoed bargirl shouting down an uneducated old lady at a swimming pool doesn't exactly sound like a step in the right direction.

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so you know what his wife looks like then,perhaps a mirror image of yours...same same yeah,,or are you trying to be amusing,,,,,somehow it aint working,,not for me anyway..why dont you pm the writer of this topic,,and let him know what you think of his wife,instead of insulting him here.....can you remind your partner she still owes me change from a 50baht note for our short time together,,not because she was beautiful but dammed cheap....not nice is it..but to save face youl say its ok ...Posted Image 

Her behavior indicates a lack of education and good upbringing.

The rest was poetic licence.


Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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My feelings can't be hurt by people I don't respect.

I think we, in our Western world of political correctness, have become over sensitised to perceived 'insults' when they are often in fact merely ingenuous observations from people who don't see it as derogatory to state the obvious.

Thais may say "ooh you fat more than before" or playfully call you "chang noi" (baby elephant) or even yell "hey, chocolate man" at Afro Caribbeans and not think for one moment this could be offensive.

Although I do really like Jingthing's attitude as a fail safe approach.. water of a duck's back if you are genuinely being insulted

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Yes there is much insensitivity here.

The other day on an elevator, some Thais holding a very chubby and shall I say UGLY baby. The baby is looking at me. I am smiling at the baby trying to be a sport.

The baby starts crying. Oh well!

The Thais then start insulting me: calling me fat (in Thai), calling me UGLY (in English).


Yes I know Thais call people fat all the time but this was malicious.

It's like being regarded as a thing with absolutely no feelings.

It is only getting a tiny bit worse, step by step, drip by drip every day. Basic daily nicety and simple human respect is getting eroded here every day.

Am pleased someone else sees how radically this place is changing, and not in a good way. To all the others that are blind to it or don't accept that things are changing, open your eyes and see the real world and what is going on around you. Your little fantasy world won't be around much longer.

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Calling someone fat isn't exactly an insult here.

Luckily enough Thais speak honestly. If someone they know has gotten fat, they will tell oh, you are fat. Fat people are nicknamed Moo (pig) for crying out loud.

Delicate PC Westerners.

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