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Thai insensitivity continues..


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[How can it be anything but 'cultural differences' if they see it as acceptable and we don't?

I'm pretty sure you will inadvertently insult Thais from time to time and they will shrug it off because you obviously don't know better.... so why can't you?

Imagine how full the equivalent Thai forum would be if they had to detail all the insults and rude behaviour from visiting farangs

How are you sure? What insults are you talking about? Do you know this poster personally? If not then you're taking rubbish. You just sound like another misguided westerner enchanted by Thai culture. You'll work it out one day. Thais and their western wannabes are constantly passing off Thai bad behavior as 'Thai culture', Those of us who have spent a considerable amount of time n the country know all about Thai culture. And yet we still get Thai-apologists blaming the non-Thai victim..

Responding to poor behavior with even worse behavior is definitely not the way I was brought up.

Right, right! But calling a poster's wife a bargirl is perfectly fine? You're full of it!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Possibly post of the year....

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 I'm pretty sure you will inadvertently insult Thais from time to time and they will shrug it off because you obviously don't know better....



Absolutely, you see this on a daily basis in interactions betweens Thais and farangs.


Fortunately the Thais have the common sense and inner logic to let it roll smoothly.  

It would be a very ugly country if Thais got upset at every farang that did something culturally insensitive. Farangs usually don't bother learning anything about, or respecting what they do learn about Thai culture, they usually just shrug it off as something stupid as it is not how they were raised to do things so they're not going to do it here. Fortunately Thais understand the pigheaded nature and just laugh at the stupidity. 

Jesus, more Thai-apologist BS! So to summarize your post; Thais = common sense and logic.

Westerners = culturally insensitive, disrespectful, stupid and pigheaded.

Sorry but have you ever been to Thailand?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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First mistake: Being in Phuket.

Second mistake: caring

Third mistake: blogging about it

Fourth mistake: still not over it

this is the LOS......enjoy. tongue.png

Thank you, oh father, for pointing out my mistakes.jerk.gif

I wrote about it to promote a discussion on why this happens and how other Thai spouses would have reacted. I would love the mods to keep this open and delete all other bullshit.

Already, I made huge mistakes, according to you coffee1.gif and one idiot called my wife a tattoed ex whore... blink.png .

From the response(s), it is nice to know what I am not the only one who defends their wife in public and I am not the only one who allows a Thai spouse to deal with another Thai the THAI WAY. Because my way is far more aggressive and culturally insensitive.

From my perspective, I don't think he was attacking you. I think he was making a joke and I found it quite funny. I hope I'm not the only one.

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The OP's inscription above his avatar is "I live here because I like to laugh" but he seems to be taking himself far too seriously.

I wold also question his wife for reacting like that towards an older Thai woman who are supposed to command respect in Thai culture, even if they are uneducated. Yak Khao is not particularly insulting in these days of whitening creams and chemical peeling treatments for the well-to-do, whereas she retaliated with by calling the older woman black which certainly is. Seems like an overreaction to a somewhat amusing example of mild cultural insensitivity. A Yak is a mythological figure which is a kind of giant, not a devil.

Next time I would suggest turning the situation around by saying something, "May I introduce the Yak Khao? His name is......" Maybe all would have become friends after an episode that would be far more amusing to relate after dinner than telling people that the wife entered into an undignified slanging match with an older Thai woman whom she called black.

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If you are fluent in Thai and choose to listen to boring conversations between Thais it seems like they never stop talking about how much they dislike farangs.

I am pretty fluent in Thai and I guess you must be hanging out with a different crowd of Thais.

But, if you think this is a problem, try learning Cantonese and listen in to Hong Kong Chinese talking about Gwailos (ghost men), Gwaipors (ghost hags) and Hakgwai (black ghosts), not to mention the way they discuss Mainlanders, Overseas Chinese etc. I guarantee you will be soon be nostalgic about Thai culture.

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If you are fluent in Thai and choose to listen to boring conversations between Thais it seems like they never stop talking about how much they dislike farangs.

Maybe if you dislodged yourself from the Nana plaza barstool you occupy you'd hear some different conversations?

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If you are fluent in Thai and choose to listen to boring conversations between Thais it seems like they never stop talking about how much they dislike farangs.

Maybe if you dislodged yourself from the Nana plaza barstool you occupy you'd hear some different conversations?

LOL. The innuendos are multiplying. You do not know Don like a lot of us do. What load of crap to write about someone you have never met. There should be an idiot forum and make you and that newly crapped Thai guy the mods.

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If you are fluent in Thai and choose to listen to boring conversations between Thais it seems like they never stop talking about how much they dislike farangs.

I am pretty fluent in Thai and I guess you must be hanging out with a different crowd of Thais.

But, if you think this is a problem, try learning Cantonese and listen in to Hong Kong Chinese talking about Gwailos (ghost men), Gwaipors (ghost hags) and Hakgwai (black ghosts), not to mention the way they discuss Mainlanders, Overseas Chinese etc. I guarantee you will be soon be nostalgic about Thai culture.

I remember being stationed in Germany in the early 70s. Many Germans referred to the Auslanders (Foreigners) based on where they were from. The Italians were Macaronis, the Turks were called Rat Catchers, the Greeks aother name and so on.

Bigotry and hate is word wide and knows no socio-economic boundaries from my experience. As long as there is no physical contact made by the other person, they are free to call me or mine, any name they can come up with. I just put distance and a wall between us and they go away.

The alternative is to bash them at the risk of a knife or gun coming into the picture. Then the police, jail and civil penalties are added to the equation. It is sad consolation to know that I was "right"' while sitting in prison while my family is at home without my income for support.

I met a few people in my career that thought they were standing up and not wimping out when the were insulted. As they say in the back of the car in handcuffs, almost all regretted the outcome.

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If you are fluent in Thai and choose to listen to boring conversations between Thais it seems like they never stop talking about how much they dislike farangs.

I wouldnt consider myself fluent in Thai (far from it) but speak enough to have a decent conversation with the locals.

In my experience these Thai guys aint that much different to we farang, usually they bitch and moan about, their wife, their wifes family, lack of money, how expensive things are these days and how crap their football team is.

The locals where I live have other concerns to worry themselves with rather than comment on we farang.

As for dislike of farang, where are these conversations taking place?

I have listened to the conversations/comments made about idiot farang and their choice of partner and the farang mansions etc, too be frank, I agree with the comments being made.

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Some of this stuff reminds me of the old "Yo Mamma" jokes back in the States. I've become pretty thick skinned since coming to live in Thailand. In the areas I frequent in Isaan, I am (almost always) the only falang around. I might go for the better part of a week without seeing another expat. I've become so used to the stupid comments, finger pointing, laughing behind my back and little kids hollering FALANG! FALANG! every time I pass, that it almost doesn't register any more. Me and my wife have a running joke every time we go out in public.......She sweetly says, "O.K. honey, time go for monkey show!" Gotta love it!

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Hahaha happened to me a few times, my ex gf was Thai but didn't look like other Thais so they thought she was a foreigner and they said bad things in front off her all the time. Sadly she was too timid to stand up for herself, just bitched about it to me after. When she told me what they said about me, she refused to translate my retorts into Thai so I could throw them back. Quite a shame. A great many Thais use 'farangs' as some kind of monstrous threat to keep their kids in check. 'If you don't eat your vegetables nong Somchai the big bad farang will eat you' Since my Thai has improved, I don't stand for it. I tell them where to get off...As usual here, double standards apply.

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If you are fluent in Thai and choose to listen to boring conversations between Thais it seems like they never stop talking about how much they dislike farangs.

I take it you are?


I used to hear them talking about how much they enjoyed their last meal, then got bored, and stopped eavesdropping.

I think you were mistaking what they thought about you, with what they thought about foreigners in general.

Maybe you aren't as fluent as you think?

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Should have hopped out of the pool, and started doing this:

That would have gave her some gossip. smile.png

I did something similar to Microsoft Man many, many years ago when 2 young blokes looked as though they were going to steal my bag. Acted like a cross between the Incredible Hulk and a banshee. It worked, the look on their faces before they ran off was something I'll never forget. Not sure if I'd try it again though.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey i dont get this type reaction at all. yes the thais will point me out to their children as "farang" in case they miss seeing me. the young children will then look and smile broadly and warmly and even "wai" many-ost of the time. thai young children are beautiful. i smile and wave back.

clarification: i am not white or fat but i am blue eyed Caucasian. my longtime permanently suntaned arm against most thais shows me as the much darker. long dark curly hair on arms and legs make this even more apparent. never seen by thais as any thing other than farang.

no i dont display ostentatious signs of wealth either if thats what you thinking. just clothes that you can buy at any clothes shop for minimal price and mostly t-shirts some will worn holes, all well faded.

Edited by gone2
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Yes there is much insensitivity here.

The other day on an elevator, some Thais holding a very chubby and shall I say UGLY baby. The baby is looking at me. I am smiling at the baby trying to be a sport.

The baby starts crying. Oh well!

The Thais then start insulting me: calling me fat (in Thai), calling me UGLY (in English).


Yes I know Thais call people fat all the time but this was malicious.

It's like being regarded as a thing with absolutely no feelings.

That last sentence got me thinking.

Is that line, the title and thread accurate?

Is it insensitivity?

AND Where does this come from ?

Basically: WHY?????

Are WE overly sensitive and take things personally from STRANGERS?

Do thais treat each other this way?

Has it all been covered already in this long thread?

SUMMARY please?

I thought people are suppose to be polite to strangers and let your hair down in relationships.

The times they have a changed?

Thai Culture???

Issan uneducated ignorance?

Anyway OP thanks for posting this thread and all the poster responses.

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An uneducated, tattoed bargirl shouting down an uneducated old lady at a swimming pool doesn't exactly sound like a step in the right direction.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

so you know what his wife looks like then,perhaps a mirror image of yours...same same yeah,,or are you trying to be amusing,,,,,somehow it aint working,,not for me anyway..why dont you pm the writer of this topic,,and let him know what you think of his wife,instead of insulting him here.....can you remind your partner she still owes me change from a 50baht note for our short time together,,not because she was beautiful but dammed cheap....not nice is it..but to save face youl say its ok ...thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

Her behavior indicates a lack of education and good upbringing.

The rest was poetic licence.


Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Guess what that makes you look like nimcompoop. That comment was pretty much uncalled for.

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Yes there is much insensitivity here.

The other day on an elevator, some Thais holding a very chubby and shall I say UGLY baby. The baby is looking at me. I am smiling at the baby trying to be a sport.

The baby starts crying. Oh well!

The Thais then start insulting me: calling me fat (in Thai), calling me UGLY (in English).


Yes I know Thais call people fat all the time but this was malicious.

It's like being regarded as a thing with absolutely no feelings.

That last sentence got me thinking.

Is that line, the title and thread accurate?

Is it insensitivity?

AND Where does this come from ?

Basically: WHY?????

Are WE overly sensitive and take things personally from STRANGERS?

Do thais treat each other this way?

Has it all been covered already in this long thread?

SUMMARY please?

I thought people are suppose to be polite to strangers and let your hair down in relationships.

The times they have a changed?

Thai Culture???

Issan uneducated ignorance?

Anyway OP thanks for posting this thread and all the poster responses.

Err... Do you mind elaborating on what you mean by Issan uneducated ignorance?

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