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Corruption today 'unprecedented', says Abhisit


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The failure of Democrats was promotion site, now days from sweets to mama also needs packaging to attract customers, the success of Mr, Dubai is promotion itself and the party image. The more opposition bark the more people get fed up with it.

The rice scheme is very important to hold in power of majority votes even everyone knows it's a failure .

Famous Chinese Sun Zu art of war once saying 'to win your enemy was to understand him and he thinks he was intelligent but his ego that kills himself one day.

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I'll save some people some effort.

But the Democrats ...

To coin a phrase "let he who casts the first stone....."

One should not throw stones when he lives in a glass house!

Well you filled in a blank.

Surely the correct filling of the blanks should have been..."Let he who is without sin amongst you, let him be the first to throw a stone"?

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The democrats cant even punch a dent in a package of butter. I wish they were more powerful they never were this corrupt or spend this wasteful. The big rally against the bill to set free mr T. I doubt it will happen or make an impression. It seems the Thais don't care. Let them loan let them be corrupt, just wait in 10 years when their neighbors pass them. Its the only way.

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I'll save some people some effort.

But the Democrats ...

To coin a phrase "let he who casts the first stone....."

One should not throw stones when he lives in a glass house!

Well you filled in a blank.

Except that it was the wrong blank ...

I think he was referring to:

"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"...!

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The failure of Democrats was promotion site, now days from sweets to mama also needs packaging to attract customers, the success of Mr, Dubai is promotion itself and the party image. The more opposition bark the more people get fed up with it.

The rice scheme is very important to hold in power of majority votes even everyone knows it's a failure .

Famous Chinese Sun Zu art of war once saying 'to win your enemy was to understand him and he thinks he was intelligent but his ego that kills himself one day.


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The democrats cant even punch a dent in a package of butter. I wish they were more powerful they never were this corrupt or spend this wasteful. The big rally against the bill to set free mr T. I doubt it will happen or make an impression. It seems the Thais don't care. Let them loan let them be corrupt, just wait in 10 years when their neighbors pass them. Its the only way.

The Democrats would have the power to make a big demonstration but I doubt they'll be able to get it organized.

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There is corruption, but personally I am tired of AV shouting corruption at everything and never giving any details of the corruption. No names, amounts, places etc. If he continue without details he is crying wolf and are not doing the Thai people any favors. He should take a specific case and put the heat on that case until conviction in a court of law. Until he do that its only politics.

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I'll save some people some effort.

But the Democrats ...

To coin a phrase "let he who casts the first stone....."

Someone has to start throwing stones, otherwise it will never change.

"Yes ,but" you immediately hamstring the "other side" from saying anything in response by disallowing them from mentioning anything about the opposition - how does that work with your sense of fair play?

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"Yes ,but" you immediately hamstring the "other side" from saying anything in response by disallowing them from mentioning anything about the opposition - how does that work with your sense of fair play?

Hopefully, the "other side" should be agreeing that something needs to be done about the corruption.

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There is corruption, but personally I am tired of AV shouting corruption at everything and never giving any details of the corruption. No names, amounts, places etc. If he continue without details he is crying wolf and are not doing the Thai people any favors. He should take a specific case and put the heat on that case until conviction in a court of law. Until he do that its only politics.

I too acknowledge there is corruption in Thailand (as there ever was) but don't stop at Abhisit - I am tired of constant whinging about "corruption" and "stealing millions" by certain TV posters without a single detail to back up their allegations.

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Khun Abhisit has never done anything constructive to reduce or stop corruption himself yet he includes it in yet another statement of Democrat objectives all of which he has presented over and over again with no substantial result..

It is time for you to put your back into your claims and accusations in a genuine quest to produce results.

Calling this or any government names and making disrespectful remarks about their Prime Minister serves neither the Nation or yourself.

Last but not least inciting your various Democrat alliance mobsters to rally for the removal of the present government repeatedly by a variety of target dates, none of which have achieved a positive result, is having a negative effect on the government's attempts to return Thailand to normality.

Please use your ingenuity to remove corruption from your own party members and their families This is a challenge which of course you and others have laid at PM Yingluck's feet too and hopefully she is making an attempt to achieve same.

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