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Corruption today 'unprecedented', says Abhisit


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So true, this administration has conducted corruption on an industrial scale that will affect the Thai quality of life for generations to come. Thaksin culturists think of him as a Robin Hood type thief when in fact he is just a criminal out to amass a fortune of corrupted funds that will dwarf anything that has ever been attempted in Thailand. Hopefully the Dems education program will highlight that to those that are blinded by Red spin.

A Thai friend just returned to Chiangmai from the mountains. He went there to contest for a seat on council at the local elections. He says he lost because the other candidate paid everyone in the village 500 baht. The way it looks is the winner should recoup his outlay in the first year in his new job.

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If Abhisit and his crew were any better, wouldn't they still be in charge? If the D's can make a strong enough case, and prove their allegations, then maybe they deserve another shot. It's up to the voters to decide. Of course, all of the TV Wisemen think the Thai voters are mostly stupid.

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If the Democrats were half as bent as the Shin Gang they would stand a chance of winning power, but the Evil family has it sown up, bought all the votes, thugs, professional "protesters" (thugs) and look to rule for a long time. The old adage "give them enough rope and they will hang themselves" comes to mind. thumbsup.gif

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"Contrary to the government's propaganda, the economy has contracted for two consecutive quarters, he said, emphasising this was the first time the country had suffered such a decline when not facing an international crisis."

If this is true then perhaps we will see the Baht weaken and the value of my pension worth more. smile.png Or maybe not. sad.png

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So true, this administration has conducted corruption on an industrial scale that will affect the Thai quality of life for generations to come. Thaksin culturists think of him as a Robin Hood type thief when in fact he is just a criminal out to amass a fortune of corrupted funds that will dwarf anything that has ever been attempted in Thailand. Hopefully the Dems education program will highlight that to those that are blinded by Red spin.

A Thai friend just returned to Chiangmai from the mountains. He went there to contest for a seat on council at the local elections. He says he lost because the other candidate paid everyone in the village 500 baht. The way it looks is the winner should recoup his outlay in the first year in his new job.

Normal...also when you want to get promoted at the police or other government agencies you must pay corruption money.

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So true, this administration has conducted corruption on an industrial scale that will affect the Thai quality of life for generations to come. Thaksin culturists think of him as a Robin Hood type thief when in fact he is just a criminal out to amass a fortune of corrupted funds that will dwarf anything that has ever been attempted in Thailand. Hopefully the Dems education program will highlight that to those that are blinded by Red spin.

A Thai friend just returned to Chiangmai from the mountains. He went there to contest for a seat on council at the local elections. He says he lost because the other candidate paid everyone in the village 500 baht. The way it looks is the winner should recoup his outlay in the first year in his new job.

It's been like that forever.....

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So true, this administration has conducted corruption on an industrial scale that will affect the Thai quality of life for generations to come. Thaksin culturists think of him as a Robin Hood type thief when in fact he is just a criminal out to amass a fortune of corrupted funds that will dwarf anything that has ever been attempted in Thailand. Hopefully the Dems education program will highlight that to those that are blinded by Red spin.

A Thai friend just returned to Chiangmai from the mountains. He went there to contest for a seat on council at the local elections. He says he lost because the other candidate paid everyone in the village 500 baht. The way it looks is the winner should recoup his outlay in the first year in his new job.

My Missus did v.well this local election she managed to get 800 Bht for voting the 'Isaan way' but when you consider that the Democrats did absolutely nothing ever for the Isaan villagers & never offered them money either it's hardly surprising which way they'll vote is it?

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I think the precedents are there but likely buried deeper than his miltary records.

The spread,depth and volume of everyday abuse you can hardly expect the journos to recall yesterdays outrages.

Anyone who has lived here 3 decades or more is almost unshockable at the brazen ,shameless ,blatant shenanigans.

Seldom do folks serve time.

Don't take it form me Swampy contracts ,Kasikorn Bank fraud ,Saxena will bring up plenty of examples

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I agree with Mikemac that the Democrats were outdone in the corruption stakes by the master & his clan. It appears that the more corrupt the party, the better they are at winning.

As for identifying incidents of corruption there are reasons why it is difficult. Take the lady who spoke out about the real losses in the rice scheme. Her treatment was a warning to anyone else to keep their mouth shut.

Another reason is the defamation laws. Accusing another person, either directly or indirectly, of 'benefitting' from a deal or project immediately brings the legal suits.

Yet another reason is that there is no anti-corruption body with teeth. Yingluck has been vocal sometimes about it but has never done anything to follow the words with action.

Yes, the Dems were far from perfect especially with Newin's lot in support. But Thaksin has taken corruption & nepotism to a new level - the outstanding cases against him don't involve satangs & are likely the tip of the ®iceberg.

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I'll save some people some effort.

But the Democrats ...

To coin a phrase "let he who casts the first stone....."

In any society there are plenty of stones, plenty of targets and plenty of people with short memories to throw them.

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"Contrary to the government's propaganda, the economy has contracted for two consecutive quarters, he said, emphasising this was the first time the country had suffered such a decline when not facing an international crisis."

If this is true then perhaps we will see the Baht weaken and the value of my pension worth more. smile.png Or maybe not. sad.png

My crystal ball is in the shop, so I had to use the Taro Cards in conjunction with reading chicken entrails. From what I see, the Baht will weaken and lots of us retired folk will eat imported steak soon after. :)

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Instead of making statements about things people already know, how about implementing the action plan to stop this happening. In my opinion, all politicians are irrupt to the core and the only way ahead is to start prosecuting.

The "Action Plan" could be the Chinese model for anti-corruption. They at least, seem to be eliminating the king-pins one by one, with plenty to go.

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The democrats cant even punch a dent in a package of butter. I wish they were more powerful they never were this corrupt or spend this wasteful. The big rally against the bill to set free mr T. I doubt it will happen or make an impression. It seems the Thais don't care. Let them loan let them be corrupt, just wait in 10 years when their neighbors pass them. Its the only way.

Agreed, they seem so spaced and ineffectual that as an opposition they do not so far seem to even register. They need a top class marketing team and get a professional strategy in place that really THUMPS home their message. Or is it that they feel that all the Agencies who should be investigation all their suspicions are tightly under PTP control, therefore they will loose, even before they start? Or they need a new Leader and Executive who are capable of making noises and doing a bit of rough housing to get the message across.

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It is all verry simple. Ceasar stated this 2000 years ago. Give the poor something to eat and give them play in the Collosium. In Thailand it is the same, just enough money to buy food and a soap on the tv before they go to bed.

The corroption will never change, as long as there are people in the goverment that fill there pockets.

But as a farangyou have to look at the bright site. 4 months ago the Thai Bath was 38 to the Euro. Today it is 42 Bath.

Yust wait what happens in 2015 when ASIAN will be completed. Maby 80 Bath for 1 Euro.

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It is all verry simple. Ceasar stated this 2000 years ago. Give the poor something to eat and give them play in the Collosium. In Thailand it is the same, just enough money to buy food and a soap on the tv before they go to bed.

The corroption will never change, as long as there are people in the goverment that fill there pockets.

But as a farangyou have to look at the bright site. 4 months ago the Thai Bath was 38 to the Euro. Today it is 42 Bath.

Yust wait what happens in 2015 when ASIAN will be completed. Maby 80 Bath for 1 Euro.

Look what happens in Brussel....They try hard to catch up with Thailand

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I'll save some people some effort.

But the Democrats ...

To coin a phrase "let he who casts the first stone....."

One should not throw stones when he lives in a glass house!

Blessed are the cheesemakers?

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I'll save some people some effort.

But the Democrats ...

To coin a phrase "let he who casts the first stone....."
In any society there are plenty of stones, plenty of targets and plenty of people with short memories to throw them.

Well, abhisit may be personally clean, but when you are going to have a go about institutionalised corruption and your own political party is full of it, it hardly helps does it.

Abhisit should clean his own house first..

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And Abhisit had the chance to change it and all he did what, improved it on the previous lot, not a very clever statement from one of the worst ever for Thailand on the corruption table.

Surpassed tremendously by Thaksin, Samak, Somchai, and Yingluck.


Edited by centrala
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I'll save some people some effort.

But the Democrats ...

To coin a phrase "let he who casts the first stone....."
In any society there are plenty of stones, plenty of targets and plenty of people with short memories to throw them.

Well, abhisit may be personally clean, but when you are going to have a go about institutionalised corruption and your own political party is full of it, it hardly helps does it.

Abhisit should clean his own house first..

I don't think you quite grasp the role of an opposition party

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Not unprecedented, it is that it is more open than before.

Do you mean that corruption is the only thing transparent about the PTP and BIB??????????????????????????? I've been here 26 years and I will take any government prior to the Shin Clan, over the current thugs that do nothing but get useless articles and photo's in the newspapers and on the television.

Even though Thailand's most prosperous and stable times during that period were between 2001 and 2006 when Thaksin was in power?


You will be old enough to remember the dictator Suchinda's coup, and his 'cabinet', which contained a certain Mr. Vejjajiva, the corruption plagued and inefficient Chuan Leekpai cabinets of the 90's including the bitter medicine policies that alienated the Thai electorate or perhaps you preferred the government of Slippery Eel?

People tend to forget the previous corrupt governments and how corrupt they were.

Agreed, they seem so spaced and ineffectual that as an opposition they do not so far seem to even register. They need a top class marketing team and get a professional strategy in place that really THUMPS home their message. Or is it that they feel that all the Agencies who should be investigation all their suspicions are tightly under PTP control, therefore they will loose, even before they start? Or they need a new Leader and Executive who are capable of making noises and doing a bit of rough housing to get the message across.

It's who they are aligned with and what they represent that is the problem. All the gloss in the World couldn't polish that turd.

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Khun Abhisit has never done anything constructive to reduce or stop corruption himself yet he includes it in yet another statement of Democrat objectives all of which he has presented over and over again with no substantial result..

It is time for you to put your back into your claims and accusations in a genuine quest to produce results.

Calling this or any government names and making disrespectful remarks about their Prime Minister serves neither the Nation or yourself.

Last but not least inciting your various Democrat alliance mobsters to rally for the removal of the present government repeatedly by a variety of target dates, none of which have achieved a positive result, is having a negative effect on the government's attempts to return Thailand to normality.

Please use your ingenuity to remove corruption from your own party members and their families This is a challenge which of course you and others have laid at PM Yingluck's feet too and hopefully she is making an attempt to achieve same.

Thanks a lot. i had a very tough day, and really needed laugh!

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I don't think you quite grasp the role of an opposition party

he can say anything he likes. If anyone wants to listen, and anyone wants to take him seriously, a little better that he comes from a place of the moral high ground, the higher the better.

I mean honestly, the former head of the SET talking about corruption a few days ago. I guess he's seen plenty of it up front and personal. When you want to harp on about criminal or moral issues, it pays not to be working with or complicit in it being carried out, or approving with your silence.

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