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US school shooting: Teacher killed, two students wounded


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Nevada school shooting: Teacher killed, two students wounded
By Catherine E. Shoichet. Amanda Watts and Chuck Johnston, CNN

(CNN) -- A student opening fire with a handgun he took from his parents. Screaming students running for cover. A teacher, trying to help, shot dead. Two students wounded. The terror lasted just a few brutal minutes.

As authorities investigated, details were still trickling out hours after a deadly shooting Monday at a Nevada middle school.

One official described the scene at Sparks Middle School with one word: chaos.

Students described to CNN how they ran into the school screaming and crying when they realized the pops they heard were gunshots just before the morning bell welcomed them back from fall break.

The shooter took a handgun from his parents, a federal law enforcement source who was briefed on the situation told CNN's Evan Perez.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2013/10/21/justice/nevada-middle-school-shooting/index.html?hpt=hp_t1

-- CNN 2013-10-22

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I too would like to know where the kid got the gun. Hope the parents are held responsible. Unfortunately the shooter is dead so we will never know the real reason.

Edited by Mrjlh
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Well, here we go again....ALL the anti gun idiots who know everything about everything when it comes to crime but can't see the reality in front of them. It's people and society that's the cause of all issues. People kill people! People are the cause for whatever screwed reason they have. Guns just don't go out by thenselves and go off. Not do cars hit other cars or people and kill by themselves. Human intervention did this. It's so easy to blame an inanimate object and thr human. Wants some statics? Here you go. And you need to follow all the links ad sources before you run off at the mouth saying they are lies. I even helped you out by listing a couple of the links.




Point is, even in countries who "ban" guns, gun crimes are up! And surprisingly in the US, gun crimes are down. So argue away.

So are you trying to tell us that its not the guns to blame, but that the average American cannot be trusted with a gun.

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Well, here we go again....ALL the anti gun idiots who know everything about everything when it comes to crime but can't see the reality in front of them. It's people and society that's the cause of all issues. People kill people! People are the cause for whatever screwed reason they have. Guns just don't go out by thenselves and go off. Not do cars hit other cars or people and kill by themselves. Human intervention did this. It's so easy to blame an inanimate object and thr human. Wants some statics? Here you go. And you need to follow all the links ad sources before you run off at the mouth saying they are lies. I even helped you out by listing a couple of the links.




Point is, even in countries who "ban" guns, gun crimes are up! And surprisingly in the US, gun crimes are down. So argue away.

Come on Thai bashers form a posse...we've found ourselves an apologist!!! (not Thai admittedly but surely the principle is the same)

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there is no getting away from the evil that oversupply of weapons provides opportunity for.

The gun lobby imbeciles nauseating platitude that guns dont kill people, people do, is easy to counter:if people dont have guns then they cant shoot people. Another argument from the intellectually challenged gun lobby is that schools should have armed guards. How would an armed guard have made an ounce of difference in this case? Would that same armed guard in the right place at the right time have shot a 12 year old dead? Is it justifiable? Madness, madness that such a question should even arise.

Home of the brave, land of the free it is time to repeal your amendment to carry arms to protect the men and women of your future in the name of sanity. Are you American? The only people who will have guns if guns are taken away are the criminals.

You make some interesting points. But you make about as much sense as nonsense.

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No doubt this will fuel another round of "get rid of the guns" instead of get rid of dysfunctional parents.

In the US they have a constitutional right to own firearms and I have no dispute with that right providing due diligence is conducted with every permit issued and permit violations are treated in a harsh manner.

In my mind the main responsibility for this tragic incident and many similar incidents lies at the feet of the parents through who's negligence has cost them the life of their son, the death of a teacher and wounding of other school children.

The young boy should not have had any manner of access to a weapon and ammunition. Should the parent wish to have a firearm in the house it becomes incumbent on then to insure that there is no possibility for unauthorized access. People with children , especially young boys who can not control the presence of a firearm in their home should not have a permit to own a firearm. I brought up 3 kids around firearms and never had a single incident owing to common sense control measures on both my children and the weapons.

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there is no getting away from the evil that oversupply of weapons provides opportunity for.

The gun lobby imbeciles nauseating platitude that guns dont kill people, people do, is easy to counter:if people dont have guns then they cant shoot people. Another argument from the intellectually challenged gun lobby is that schools should have armed guards. How would an armed guard have made an ounce of difference in this case? Would that same armed guard in the right place at the right time have shot a 12 year old dead? Is it justifiable? Madness, madness that such a question should even arise.

Home of the brave, land of the free it is time to repeal your amendment to carry arms to protect the men and women of your future in the name of sanity.

How do we get all guns away from all people in all countries? In that case, just perhaps the only people that will have them are the governments (Which we all know are upfront and honest worldwide), or the police (Also upfront and honest worldwide) and the criminals who could care less about laws in the first place. That leaves all us peace loving, law abiding citizens at the mercy of all of the above.

I don't know what the solution is and these types of heinous crimes happen everywhere it seems. If it isn't deranged kids at US schools with guns, it's gangs of terrorists killing innocents such as at Beslan, Russia in 2007; or the Dunblane, Scotland Scool massacre of 1996; or the Toulouse, France School shooting of 2012; Baku, Azerbaijan, 2009 school shooting; Kauhajoki, Finland school shooting 2009; and on and on.

You questioned the usefulness of an armed guard? I wasn't there and don't know the answer. I guess it depends on the training and experience the officer possesses, which I won't try to second guess since I have never met them all.

No country can guarantee our total safety or freedom. It is an individual responsibility.

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Maybe it is time to spend more money on wellbeing instead of war...global ban of politicians owning shares from military/arms companies.Armed forces overseas back home building schools and hospitals...

Privatized prisons, privatized wars, a not very intelligent or educated people, what could go wrong. :rolleyes:

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Well, here we go again....ALL the anti gun idiots who know everything about everything when it comes to crime but can't see the reality in front of them. It's people and society that's the cause of all issues. People kill people! People are the cause for whatever screwed reason they have. Guns just don't go out by thenselves and go off. Not do cars hit other cars or people and kill by themselves. Human intervention did this. It's so easy to blame an inanimate object and thr human. Wants some statics? Here you go. And you need to follow all the links ad sources before you run off at the mouth saying they are lies. I even helped you out by listing a couple of the links.




Point is, even in countries who "ban" guns, gun crimes are up! And surprisingly in the US, gun crimes are down. So argue away.

Ok lets for a moment take your post seriously; I looked at the sites and I quote directly from one of your links:

"Guns were used in two thirds of the nation's murders last year, 41 percent of robberies, and 21 percent of aggravated assaults, the report showed."

So that is a reason to support unbridled distribution/holding of deadly weapons?

What you are quoting is a decrease in violent crime (albeit small but welcome) not gun crime

Come on now...

If you cant even support your own argument with your own post, how can you expect people to take you seriously?

I didn't know Piers Morgan had a brother named Robert.

There is no argument because its constitutional right for Americans.

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A friend who is a metropolitan homicide squad detective in the US said that every murder he has investigated has been either gang related or a crime of passion, in both cases the victim is not random. Not that it is any better, and this is just anecdote, but very few violent crimes are random like these school shootings. They make the news and bring out the America bashers but are basically irrelevant to life in the States. Most Americans are more distrustful of the big fish authorities than with regular people having guns.

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