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Red shirts to rally at Chatuchak to counter anti-govt demonstrators

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Red shirts to rally at Chatuchak to counter anti-govt demonstrators

BANGKOK: -- Some red-shirt groups will hold a demonstration at the Chatuchak Park to counter anti-government rallies at the Urupong Intersection.

Wutthipong Kotthamkhun, a red-shirt from Pathum Thani, said he and Pongpisit Khongsena, chairman of the People Power Fellowship, would organize a rally at Chatuchak Park everyday from 5 pm to midnight.

The rally would continue until anti-government rallies end, he said.

He said the red-shirt people at Chatuchak would be ready to move to counter demonstrators to be led by the Democrat at any spot in Bangkok.

-- The Nation 2013-10-22

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centrala post # 3.

Time to implement an ISA for Chatuchak to shut the red shirt protests down.

No doubt that parliamentary time will be taken up with the current amnesty bill thus there will be no time to request an I.S.A. concerning this particular matter.whistling.gif

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centrala post # 3.

Time to implement an ISA for Chatuchak to shut the red shirt protests down.

No doubt that parliamentary time will be taken up with the current amnesty bill thus there will be no time to request an I.S.A. concerning this particular matter.whistling.gif

Surely no double standards exist.

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So, a protest till an anti-government protest ends. Apart from that any other reasons for this anit-anti-government protest?

BTW I would have expected red-shirt groups and this PPF to protest against the planned blanket amnesty, or do they first want to free space for the millions who will undoubtedly come to Bangkok for that ?

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When will the penny drop for these poor clowns ? The government is not interested in the redshirts after it used them to get into power, and they are going to end up in greater poverty than they were before. Incidentally, thais do not know what real poverty is. It looks like every kid in Thailand has an I-Phone. They should check out the state of rural philipinos and think themselves lucky.

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Blood on the streets!

I agree; this could be the spark that I have been alluding to in my previous posts, which could potentially lead to civil war...!

However, whilst the red shirts have had it all their own way in the past, this new, younger group of protesters are going to prove to be more than they bargained for, so we may see the red shirts turning tail and running...!!

If it does come to that, it would likely embolden more anti-government protesters to join their ranks.

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centrala post # 3.

Time to implement an ISA for Chatuchak to shut the red shirt protests down.

No doubt that parliamentary time will be taken up with the current amnesty bill thus there will be no time to request an I.S.A. concerning this particular matter.whistling.gif

The PM will look into the matter after a bit of shopping at Gaysorns...

Edited by Local Drunk
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