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PM Yingluck allows congress to push forward with amnesty bill


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Prime Minister allows congress to push forward with amnesty bill


BANGKOK, 24 October 2013 (NNT) - Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has said she would like the country to move forward. In regard to the amnesty bill, people have the rights to protest but must do so in a peaceful manner.

The premier said she would allow the amnesty bill, recently amended by the scrutiny committee, to be put in the House for consideration. There have always been non-stop bickering and contentious arguments during her time in office; however, she prefers to see “solutions” rather than “talk” in order to move the country forward.

When asked whether passing the amnesty bill in the House would affect the government's stability, Ms. Yingluck replied that one must differentiate between the administrative power and the legislative power. Whether or not the bill would pass depended upon the legislators, given they are the Members of the House of Representatives who have been elected to represent the Thai people.

The Premier also urged the demonstrators, making a specific point directed towards the Democrat Party, to maintain peace in their demonstrations. The bill still needs to go through several procedures, as it has yet to be fully discussed in the House, she added.

-- NNT 2013-10-24 footer_n.gif

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No, her brother pushes forward. Wonder what the reprisals would be for his minions who don't push forward on it?

Exactly, the headline suggests she has power and control over what happens whereas nothing could be farther from the truth.

Only last week didn't the Chief Whip say that Mr. T hadn't said anything about a house dissolution and early election ?

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No, her brother pushes forward. Wonder what the reprisals would be for his minions who don't push forward on it?

Exactly, the headline suggests she has power and control over what happens whereas nothing could be farther from the truth.

Only last week didn't the Chief Whip say that Mr. T hadn't said anything about a house dissolution and early election ?

She just 'strikes a pose' like Madonna, or makes another mistake and says 'oops I did it again'

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Oh, how she must be longing for a long flight to Ethiopia for a conference on how to improve trade relations between the two countries.

"We have lots of rice and water we need to get rid of."

Could have gone and learned a lot on how to starve people into submission and the ideal feudalism fuhrer Thaksin is looking for.

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There have always been non-stop bickering and contentious arguments during her time in office; however, she prefers to see “solutions” rather than “talk” in order to move the country forward.

Maybe if the lady did a bit more talking and acted like a real PM there wouldn't be so much 'non-stop bickering and contentious arguments' annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gifangry.gif.pagespeed.ce.l3zkt7JShR.gifbah.gif

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But it was only two days ago that she declared that she wanted all parties to engage in "talks"... now it seems she doesn't want any talks, only solutions...!

And of course, despite the obvious opposition to the bill as it stands, a couple of days have now passed, so it's okay to push this piece of crap forward....!!

You ignore the will of the masses at your peril dear lady....!!!!

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Nice move... while - in Thailand - a foreigner with a few days overstay is treated like Luis Garavito, while a crook like Thaksin is pardoned and walks free.

"I think our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. And I think that's what I sussed when I was sixteen and twelve, way down the line. But I expressed it differently all through my life. It's the same thing I'm expressing all the time. But now I can put it into that sentence that I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends, you know. If anybody can put on paper what our government, and the American government, and the Russian, Chinese... what they are actually trying to do, and how and what they think they're doing, I'd be very pleased to know what they think they're doing. I think they're all insane. But I am liable to be put away as insane for expressing that, you know. That's what is insane about it." -- John Lennon

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