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Thai airports to raise passenger service charge


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Thailand just becomes a bigger and bigger ripoff of everyone who comes here. The greed that governs this country is gone wild.

Yeah its gone up a whole 100 Baht where will it end cheesy.gif

The two week millionaires love to brag "100 baht means nothing to me"

As another poster pointed out the 100 baht increase along with the proposed 500 baht "Medical Fee (whatever) is about an 86% increase in fees.

Amazing Thailand, the more expensive the place becomes, the more people gush about how cheap it is.

And the more visitors eager to visit.

Ah heck, why not: raise prices, beat them up and they will come whistling.gif

Beam me up Scotty...

Wish I was a millionaire 2 week or otherwise, you can look at % if you wish but it comes down to 100 Baht, I live here, I'm not a tourist and Its still a hell of a lot cheaper than the UK and that includes their airport taxes.

Of course those tourists on a budget will take it into account but the final choice is always theirs ...not forgetting those who complain about everything....Freedom of choice you gotta love it!!

It has to be cheaper than the UK. That's why they call it the Third World.

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Thailand just becomes a bigger and bigger ripoff of everyone who comes here. The greed that governs this country is gone wild.

Yeah its gone up a whole 100 Baht where will it end cheesy.gif

Try BT1100.. 2 1/2 times from 700. for non Thai visitors just passing through the airport.. Beside being cheated by taxi drivers police immigration ( also incresed) scams and beaten and/or murdered by varius mafias wheile the cute LBFM drugs them and steals their belongings they now have to pay extra just to arrive. Sita undobtably fealt left out and a 53 billion cash mountain just wasn't enough to play in..

I think The land of smiles nasty little secrets are starting to become well known. This extra fee will als be a concern for airlines wh were considering a hub here for fly through transfers.

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Thailand just becomes a bigger and bigger ripoff of everyone who comes here. The greed that governs this country is gone wild.

Yeah its gone up a whole 100 Baht where will it end cheesy.gif

Try BT1100.. 2 1/2 times from 700. for non Thai visitors just passing through the airport.. Beside being cheated by taxi drivers police immigration ( also incresed) scams and beaten and/or murdered by varius mafias wheile the cute LBFM drugs them and steals their belongings they now have to pay extra just to arrive. Sita undobtably fealt left out and a 53 billion cash mountain just wasn't enough to play in..

I think The land of smiles nasty little secrets are starting to become well known. This extra fee will als be a concern for airlines wh were considering a hub here for fly through transfers.

From the OP

"The passenger service charge (PSC) for domestic travellers will be doubled from Bt100 to Bt200. Meanwhile, international travellers’ PSC will be raised from Bt700 to Bt800."

BTW two and a half times 700 is 1750... facepalm.gif

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Beside being cheated by taxi drivers police immigration ( also incresed) scams and beaten and/or murdered by varius mafias wheile the cute LBFM drugs them and steals their belongings they now have to pay extra just to arrive. Sita undobtably fealt left out and a 53 billion cash mountain just wasn't enough to play in..

I hope to Heaven that I never have to travel to LOS with you, Sailingbum1.

The day you were born was inviting trouble.

Can you let me know when you are in LOS.

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If one SWAGs the average international round-trip ticket price at 15,000 baht then a 100 baht increase would probably not be noticeable, and it certainly wouldn't have an impact on a traveler's decision. Travelers to Thailand are probably dealing with other costs: base fare, fuel surcharge, security/airport fees, excess baggage fees, local hotel/food/transpo., currency exchange, et al.

That said, I'd like to see AoT invest this increased revenue in maintaining and improving the entire airport experience for travelers.

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If one SWAGs the average international round-trip ticket price at 15,000 baht then a 100 baht increase would probably not be noticeable, and it certainly wouldn't have an impact on a traveler's decision. Travelers to Thailand are probably dealing with other costs: base fare, fuel surcharge, security/airport fees, excess baggage fees, local hotel/food/transpo., currency exchange, et al.

That said, I'd like to see AoT invest this increased revenue in maintaining and improving the entire airport experience for travelers.

Where do you get an average of 15K? I pay over 150K for my ticket to Miami each year. I see others are paying 60K 80K for tickets to Europe.

Did you read the article? They said the money was going to be used to improve the airport and start one phase 2.

"Suvarnabhumi is now expanding its capacity. For the second phase development, Sita said that the company would not raise capital or issue debentures to finance the investment. He said that AOT is now sitting on some Bt38 billion in cash. The rest could be balanced by the companys profits in the 2014-2015 fiscal years."

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Where do you get an average of 15K?

I was being deliberately conservative to illustrate that, even at a potentially low average estimate, 100 baht represents a minuscule fraction of the overall air travel expense.

AoT have many, many expenses, not all of which are related to improving the customer experience. I merely expressed a hope/desire that a significant portion of any increased revenue be directed towards improving the customer experience.

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Here's a link to AoT's latest quarterly presentation...


The PSCs last increased (50 to 100 baht for domestic; 500 to 700 baht for int'l) on 1 Feb. 2007

~ 40% of their revenue comes from the PSC

~ 60% pf their revenue comes from "Aeronautical" operations, the other 40% from rents/concessions

70% of the shares are held by the Ministry of Finance

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Thailand just becomes a bigger and bigger ripoff of everyone who comes here. The greed that governs this country is gone wild.

Yeah its gone up a whole 100 Baht where will it end cheesy.gif

I agree BUT: first the proposed tourist charge of THN 500.00, the increase in taxes on booze, now this. Thailand IS becoming expensive.

I am not complaining though as I work in a hotel in Cambodia and it can only mean more customers for me:-).

Name a country that does not charge taxes?

Go thru Heathrow if you want to see silly airport taxes

If you cannot afford and extra 500 baht .. stay home and go camping in your backyard

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600 baht to some Thais is 2 days pay ! Could you imagine the reaction if they charged the average tourust the equivalent of 2 days of their pay ?

Yes Sir,,,must uneducated Thais will never get more thanTHB 200,,,THB300 per day for 10hr,,12hr day work. sad.png

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Cannot believe the number of negative comments for thisarticle. Simple - don't like it; live somewhere else. To inc the increase in alcohol in this post simply tells me you have a problem.

...a direct descendant of the Hatfields & McCoys. "Iffen y'all don' lak it 'chere, ye kin jes' skedaddle!" We should all be grateful for such deep & searching introspection. And now remember everybody, if you mention the increase in the tax on alcohol, you've been herewith, herein and hereby officially diagnosed as an alcoholic. Seek rehab immediately! Mention of any OTHER tax increase is totally & obviously off-topic, and makes your mental health suspect. Larry the First has spoken!

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Thailand just becomes a bigger and bigger ripoff of everyone who comes here. The greed that governs this country is gone wild.

Couldn't agree more, I am preparing to leave this hell hole for the last time. I am totally and utterly over Thailand and it's greedy, surly, people. This is a good example. I think they take the tourists for granted now. How long since you had a restaurant staffer happy to see you? As for the airline, it's become a laughing stock it used to b so good. Have had it too good for too long. I for one am going to use my wallet and my feet. Goodbye Thai land, you deserve what you won't be getting! Hello Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Burma, Laos, China.

A 100 Baht rise and people are talking about leaving Thailand for good cheesy.gif

Enjoy paying the $45 it will cost you to enter and exit Cambodia

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