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Fed up with Thai police corruption


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I was passing through green traffic lights, when I was held up by the cars in front. The lights changed and out of his booth popped the over-eager traffic cop. Of course, the following argument was completely pointless, and instead of telling him he was a born liar and disgrace to his uniform etc, I bit my tongue and we began the familiar bartering: "฿100?" "No" "฿200?" "I don't want your money" "฿500?" "Put it inside this ticket!" Bastard!

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The ticket hadn't been written. It is corruption; a game played by their rules and one we can't win, only glad I held my tongue. Yes, it was a bribe, but it was what he wanted. I was in a no win situation. I couldn't stay at the green light and hold the cars up, and I wasn't to know the car in front would stop going round the corner. A situation the honest flat foots must exploit everyday.

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The ticket hadn't been written. It is corruption; a game played by their rules and one we can't win, only glad I held my tongue. Yes, it was a bribe, but it was what he wanted. I was in a no win situation. I couldn't stay at the green light and hold the cars up, and I wasn't to know the car in front would stop going round the corner. A situation the honest flat foots must exploit everyday.

its not corruption, it the law

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There just doesn't seem to be an overarching concept of policing in Thailand. Example, they could set up a road block and be told by their Sergeant to stop motorcyclists who aren't wearing a helmet. Fair enough. But you could down 3 bottles of Lao Khao get on your bike put your helmet on and they wouldn't think twice about stopping you.

Also, why on earth is there so bloody many police. Surely half the numbers double the salary and corruption will fall.

I met an American guy in Yangon a couple of months ago who was there to train the police force, i asked him whether he would consider doing anything similar here. He nearly wet himself laughing and said that they are beyond hope!

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

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The ticket hadn't been written. It is corruption; a game played by their rules and one we can't win, only glad I held my tongue. Yes, it was a bribe, but it was what he wanted. I was in a no win situation. I couldn't stay at the green light and hold the cars up, and I wasn't to know the car in front would stop going round the corner. A situation the honest flat foots must exploit everyday.

its not corruption, it the law

Then the law is an ass!

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The ticket hadn't been written. It is corruption; a game played by their rules and one we can't win, only glad I held my tongue. Yes, it was a bribe, but it was what he wanted. I was in a no win situation. I couldn't stay at the green light and hold the cars up, and I wasn't to know the car in front would stop going round the corner. A situation the honest flat foots must exploit everyday.

its not corruption, it the law

Then the law is an ass!

perhaps, but you knew that when you decided to drive

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I have to agree , where is the corruption?

He gave you a Ticket and did not ask for tea money. Your point may be valid concerning other drivers held you up in the intersection, not knowing the law in Thailand about entering an intersection my comment would only be an assumption...

The offering of a bribe, could backfire on you, He gave a ticket he could have added a charge of attempted bribery.

Good Luck!

Cheers:smile.png .

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It appears I'm outnumbered. In which case, I offer a full retraction. The Thai police are no longer the corrupt organization I once considered them to be. I will sell my car and go directly to bedlam!

whats your ticket for a traffic violation got to do with police corruption??

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It appears I'm outnumbered. In which case, I offer a full retraction. The Thai police are no longer the corrupt organization I once considered them to be. I will sell my car and go directly to bedlam!

whats your ticket for a traffic violation got to do with police corruption??

No comment. I'll open a new post on pedantic police officers! Cheers mate!

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It appears I'm outnumbered. In which case, I offer a full retraction. The Thai police are no longer the corrupt organization I once considered them to be. I will sell my car and go directly to bedlam!

This is not a number game, these people are stating the facts because you don't understand what is " corruption "..you should shit out of thailand instead of complaining over trival matters and go to a country you love...probably corruption free...

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It appears I'm outnumbered. In which case, I offer a full retraction. The Thai police are no longer the corrupt organization I once considered them to be. I will sell my car and go directly to bedlam!

This is not a number game, these people are stating the facts because you don't understand what is " corruption "..you should shit out of thailand instead of complaining over trival matters and go to a country you love...probably corruption free...

Yes, it is trivial, but if this kind of banter upsets you, perhaps you should try minding your own business,

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I got nailed a couple of days ago went to wrong booth on toll way, so the copper decided I had to be punished.... At first he wanted 1000 baht leaw leaw, but I have learned to never have more than 200 sit in my wallet gave him that.

You can call the corruption report line that's advertised in the tv.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I got nailed a couple of days ago went to wrong booth on toll way, so the copper decided I had to be punished.... At first he wanted 1000 baht leaw leaw, but I have learned to never have more than 200 sit in my wallet gave him that.

You can call the corruption report line that's advertised in the tv.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Wow - explain that one... Wrong Toll Booth ?

You mean you pulled up at the Easy Pass booth without an Easy Pass or something and thus had to reverse to slot back into the line for Normal toll booths ???

Please explain as this one does seem like corruption and a BiB taking advantage of a mistake which is not against the law.

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I may be wrong, but if the OP was stuck in the middle of the junction with the red light, it's his fault.

You are right, but you forgot that we are in Thailand.

I see it on countless occasions, when a junction gets blocked because everyone ignored the red light for the first 5 sec. or didn´t pay attention to the stuck traffic infront trying to pass the junction by all means.

Did you ever try to not cross a green light in heavy traffic because you can expect not to make it because of the heavy traffic? Well Somchai in his Fortuner behind you will teach you better!!

I don´t encourage you to break the rules, but if you want to stay in the actual "traffic flow" you will be pushed to break them anyway......

Mr serve and protect just saw an opportunity to make fast cash, could have been anyone - today it´s YOU tongue.png

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OP I can see where you coming from, but consider amount of times you broke road rules and got away with it.

Parking, speeding , turning, reversing etc, not to mention one can get caught driving without license or rego , pay 1000 baht fine and keep on driving

Edited by lemoncake
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Also, must be pointed out that said officer's eyes lit up when he saw a Falang at the wheel. So I'm racially paranoid, too!

Then why didn't you take the ticket and pay the standard fine at the police station ?

Because it was฿1000 with the station miles away.

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I got nailed a couple of days ago went to wrong booth on toll way, so the copper decided I had to be punished.... At first he wanted 1000 baht leaw leaw, but I have learned to never have more than 200 sit in my wallet gave him that.

You can call the corruption report line that's advertised in the tv.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Wow - explain that one... Wrong Toll Booth ?


You mean you pulled up at the Easy Pass booth without an Easy Pass or something and thus had to reverse to slot back into the line for Normal toll booths ???


Please explain as this one does seem like corruption and a BiB taking advantage of a mistake which is not against the law. 

You are absolutely correct, I reversed back and went through another one my fault I wasn't paying attention, on the other side there were bib doing checks for protestors and he asked me to stop pretending to look for people then that's when he came out with his pish, I didn't bother arguing waste of time just gave him 200. I'd love to have just chucked the cash at him but I smiled graciously as if he was correct and made sure his wee pal seen me handing the cash over :)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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The OP complains of corruption by the police but he, by his actions, encourages it. He offers 100thb, then 200thb, officer says No, then he offers 500thb. Too bad the cop didn't arrest him for the bribe. rolleyes.gif smh

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