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fair dentist


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I second Studio Smile at the Dolphin Circle. Dr. Thappasit is very competent, has great friendly staff, and a spotlessly clean facility with state of the art equipment.

thankyou l will go see him
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience at Studio Smile. You did see Dr Tapasit? As their are several dentist working at the clinic. I thought his prices were reasonable, definitely much lower then USA prices. Before he did my work I checked several clinics in Pattaya and two in Bangkok and although he wasn't the cheapest he was around mid-range in comparison to the other clinics.

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First off I apologize for saying he put on a temporary cap. It was actually a temp filling which was explained to me by the 2nd dentist. Like I also said had it been done right the first time I wouldn't have had to go back. Today the 2nd dentist removed the temp filling as I developed an infection because food was lodging between the filling and gums.

Bottom line is I was not attacking anyone, just stating my opinion of what I considered poor dental practice. Getting a second opinion on a questionable procedure to me is a prudent thing to do. As far as what you suspect, that is irrelevant. Unless you are a qualified dentist, your opinion regarding why the filling came out means squat. Dentistry last I heard was not hereditary. I had nothing to gain by voicing my opinion, it was just an opinion in answer to the original op looking for a “fair dentist”. Sorry if I offended your buddy.

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mess me up for this post. it seemed to me every dentist had to sign an agreement. e.g. implants 40000 THB swiss implants 70000 - even the local government hospital got in line. implants where 12500 there, now foreign farangs pay 50 surcharge

Go to BKK

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First off I apologize for saying he put on a temporary cap. It was actually a temp filling which was explained to me by the 2nd dentist. Like I also said had it been done right the first time I wouldn't have had to go back. Today the 2nd dentist removed the temp filling as I developed an infection because food was lodging between the filling and gums.

Bottom line is I was not attacking anyone, just stating my opinion of what I considered poor dental practice. Getting a second opinion on a questionable procedure to me is a prudent thing to do. As far as what you suspect, that is irrelevant. Unless you are a qualified dentist, your opinion regarding why the filling came out means squat. Dentistry last I heard was not hereditary. I had nothing to gain by voicing my opinion, it was just an opinion in answer to the original op looking for a fair dentist. Sorry if I offended your buddy.

Dr Tappasit is not my "buddy" but a highly respected dentist. Yes, he is on the higher side of the costs curve as no one is disputing. I am glad your dentist taught you the difference between a cap and a filling and you have found a cheap alternative. Now the OP has more choices Dr. Tappasit at Studiosmile and your buddy.

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I'd recommend Dr Cherry in the Central Mall. I had real problems in telling her I wanted more expensive options than she suggested !!

When I said I wanted the Bottom Jaw to match the top veneered Jaw she said go back to the Uk and have a think about it first to be sure !!

8,000 Veneers and around 47,000 Implants

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I'd recommend Dr Cherry in the Central Mall. I had real problems in telling her I wanted more expensive options than she suggested !!

When I said I wanted the Bottom Jaw to match the top veneered Jaw she said go back to the Uk and have a think about it first to be sure !!

8,000 Veneers and around 47,000 Implants

I too went to Dr Cherry as she is highly recommended,however she was 25% dearer for identical work to that which the equally highly recommended Dr Warin carried out-higher overheads in CF I guess?

just saying

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I'd recommend Dr Cherry in the Central Mall. I had real problems in telling her I wanted more expensive options than she suggested !!

When I said I wanted the Bottom Jaw to match the top veneered Jaw she said go back to the Uk and have a think about it first to be sure !!

8,000 Veneers and around 47,000 Implants

I too went to Dr Cherry as she is highly recommended,however she was 25% dearer for identical work to that which the equally highly recommended Dr Warin carried out-higher overheads in CF I guess?

just saying

Two years ago when I needed dental work done i visited 7 dentist in the Pattaya area getting their opinion and price for the work I needed done. My short list was Dr. Cherry and Dr. Tapasit at Studio Smile. Dr. Cherry at that time was at a clinic on 3rd Road and it was very difficult to park so I chose Dr Tapasit as they have a large parking lot behind the clinic. The prices they quoted were about the same. His work was excellent and I again highly recommend him.

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I'd recommend Dr Cherry in the Central Mall. I had real problems in telling her I wanted more expensive options than she suggested !!

When I said I wanted the Bottom Jaw to match the top veneered Jaw she said go back to the Uk and have a think about it first to be sure !!

8,000 Veneers and around 47,000 Implants

I too went to Dr Cherry as she is highly recommended,however she was 25% dearer for identical work to that which the equally highly recommended Dr Warin carried out-higher overheads in CF I guess?

just saying

Fair enough. I've missed something as to what where CF is ??

I've got the lower jaw of veneers to do and if its identical work than happy to take your sugggestion ??

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I'd recommend Dr Cherry in the Central Mall. I had real problems in telling her I wanted more expensive options than she suggested !!

When I said I wanted the Bottom Jaw to match the top veneered Jaw she said go back to the Uk and have a think about it first to be sure !!

8,000 Veneers and around 47,000 Implants

I too went to Dr Cherry as she is highly recommended,however she was 25% dearer for identical work to that which the equally highly recommended Dr Warin carried out-higher overheads in CF I guess?

just saying

Fair enough. I've missed something as to what where CF is ??

I've got the lower jaw of veneers to do and if its identical work than happy to take your sugggestion ??

I think he means Central Festival Mall on Beach road?

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Remember the dentist, Dr. Apichai on soy 5 Pattaya? Very good "respected" dentist. He moved his practice to just off 3rd road. New fancy building. Now his prices have skyrocketed out of line to the rest of the "respected" dentists. The big difference between Dr.Apichai and Studiosmile is that Dr. Apchai, even though high prices, is a very good dentist. I still say, shop around and there are a lot of "respected" dentists at reasonable prices.

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I ve been to Studio Smile this week and i ve been checking out dentists as well, even the ones in BHP with their implants specialist. I still have 1 implant to go and I am more then satisfied with their services and equipment. The prices are a bit the same as BHP but they are worth it. Not worth to save a few baht and go to a different less experienced dentist in Pattaya.

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I ve been to Studio Smile this week and i ve been checking out dentists as well, even the ones in BHP with their implants specialist. I still have 1 implant to go and I am more then satisfied with their services and equipment. The prices are a bit the same as BHP but they are worth it. Not worth to save a few baht and go to a different less experienced dentist in Pattaya.

Just curious why you assume the other dentists are less experienced because they charge less? I respect your personal choice, but don't think Dr. Warin is less expericenced. His training is from UCLA in California. I have had dental work done by Tapasit, Warin and Apchai. Two of them are outstanding prices aside.

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I ve been to Studio Smile this week and i ve been checking out dentists as well, even the ones in BHP with their implants specialist. I still have 1 implant to go and I am more then satisfied with their services and equipment. The prices are a bit the same as BHP but they are worth it. Not worth to save a few baht and go to a different less experienced dentist in Pattaya.

Just curious why you assume the other dentists are less experienced because they charge less? I respect your personal choice, but don't think Dr. Warin is less expericenced. His training is from UCLA in California. I have had dental work done by Tapasit, Warin and Apchai. Two of them are outstanding prices aside.

I wasnt referring to the dentists which are commented above but more to tens or even hundreds other dentists which are around in Pattaya and all have promotions with how cheap it can be. I ve been living inhere almost 4 years now and thanks to a wrong choice of a dentist I am in need of 2 implants now.

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I ve been to Studio Smile this week and i ve been checking out dentists as well, even the ones in BHP with their implants specialist. I still have 1 implant to go and I am more then satisfied with their services and equipment. The prices are a bit the same as BHP but they are worth it. Not worth to save a few baht and go to a different less experienced dentist in Pattaya.

Just curious why you assume the other dentists are less experienced because they charge less? I respect your personal choice, but don't think Dr. Warin is less expericenced. His training is from UCLA in California. I have had dental work done by Tapasit, Warin and Apchai. Two of them are outstanding prices aside.

I wasnt referring to the dentists which are commented above but more to tens or even hundreds other dentists which are around in Pattaya and all have promotions with how cheap it can be. I ve been living inhere almost 4 years now and thanks to a wrong choice of a dentist I am in need of 2 implants now.
Pity you didn,t find Dr.Warin? one year ago when I wanted cosmetic dentistry done I did a search online "recommended Pattaya Dentists" three names were constantly repeated and as Dr Warin was the nearest to my apartment I went to make an appointment-I had to wait 3 weeks-I then visited Dr Cherry in CF and waited just a couple of days to see her she told me what I needed and gave me a price,she asked how I found out about her and also spoke well of Dr Warin on Pattaya klang-when eventually I saw him,his experience and professionalism were obvious plus his price for the work was 25% LOWER than the others-I saved 60,000 baht and his work was excellent-I cannot praise him enough-I will not knock any other dentists in Pattaya as I have little knowledge of them-but I know I made the right choice.
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I really need my teeth sorting, not been to the dentist for years........I really have a bad fear of dentist that has been with me since a kid. I would be ok with a consultation but my fear creeps in when I would need work doing. Can the patient decide if they can be put to sleep whilst any work gets done......is it deemed safe?.....thats the only way I would get in that chair.

Fear of Dentist arrrgghhhhh

Can anyone recommend a dentist for a scardycat

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I really need my teeth sorting, not been to the dentist for years........I really have a bad fear of dentist that has been with me since a kid. I would be ok with a consultation but my fear creeps in when I would need work doing. Can the patient decide if they can be put to sleep whilst any work gets done......is it deemed safe?.....thats the only way I would get in that chair.

Fear of Dentist arrrgghhhhh

Can anyone recommend a dentist for a scardycat

I think you have lots of good suggestions on this thread. I was terrified of dentists for many years from bad experiences as a child. Dentistry has improved so much over the years you can put your fears to rest. Perhaps select a dentist that has some earphones and good music and relax!

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I really need my teeth sorting, not been to the dentist for years........I really have a bad fear of dentist that has been with me since a kid. I would be ok with a consultation but my fear creeps in when I would need work doing. Can the patient decide if they can be put to sleep whilst any work gets done......is it deemed safe?.....thats the only way I would get in that chair.

Fear of Dentist arrrgghhhhh

Can anyone recommend a dentist for a scardycat

I'd suggest Dr Cherry again. Whilst I'm not afraid of dentists as such she kept on saying "are you ok" throughout. I must have spent 10 hours all told in the chair so must have heard several hundred times.

No issues at all. No idea how much Novacaine shes puts in but it was good 12 hours after each session that it wore off !! No complaints from me though...

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