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Thailand to attract 5m high-calibre Chinese


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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.


All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.


And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.


To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

You didnt know? Thais solved this problem a long time ago. They sticked their heads into the sand and ignored it. As a result, it ceased existing.

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Hey fellows, any of you with early teen-aged daughters? You might want to know that Chinese men (who outnumber Chinese females 116 to 100), are nutzoid about virgins. They pay top dollar to be the one to deflower a young girl (several mama-sang in Thailand have told this to me). Do they use a condom? Do pandas snowboard?

As alluded to above, the Chinese-Thai Shinawatres who run Thailand are bending over with glee to accommodate the Chinese, with whatever they're shafting: increased tourist numbers (if they come by sea, they'll be seamen ....sounds like semen, sorry) or speedo trains going the shortest route from Bkk to China. Also: concrete highways going north south (built to identical specs, whether linking Thailand, or Laos or Burma or Vietnam - to China). Before your grandkids are out of college, Thailand will be designated; 'Thailand Autonomous Region'.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Again, nice to see someone else who can see what's going on. Shame the Thai's are either too blind to it, or simply don't care. The "Chinese" already own a very large proportion of "Thailand" and it continues apace. Great way to colonise a country tho, marry, integrate, take over. Brilliant long term thinking.

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

You didnt know? Thais solved this problem a long time ago. They sticked their heads into the sand and ignored it. As a result, it ceased existing.

Ah, that old Thai gem, the "if I don't acknowledge something I don't like, then it doesn't exist and I don't have to do anything about it". Brilliant, it's worked so well for them in the past.

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Also: concrete highways going north south (built to identical specs, whether linking Thailand, or Laos or Burma or Vietnam - to China).

Driving on the left will take care of a fair number of them though.

Even that could change overnight " as from tomorrow you will all drive on the right" similar to " Loy Khratung is now postponed"

When you have persons running the job here anything can change at any time- no planning, just a whim and then action, no thought at all.

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It's just going to frustrate the Thais in the hospitality industry ,as the Chinese are not noted for being good tippers. This is the general consensus from what I have heard.

You are right. They are one of many nationalities that tipping is not their custom. However they spend huge amounts of money at meal times. Probabley cuz only half the food gets to their mouths. The other half is left all over the table to be cleaned up by the tipless waiters.

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Again, nice to see someone else who can see what's going on. Shame the Thai's are either too blind to it, or simply don't care. The "Chinese" already own a very large proportion of "Thailand" and it continues apace. Great way to colonise a country tho, marry, integrate, take over. Brilliant long term thinking.

They're not the first to do that- look at Israel.

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Again, nice to see someone else who can see what's going on. Shame the Thai's are either too blind to it, or simply don't care. The "Chinese" already own a very large proportion of "Thailand" and it continues apace. Great way to colonise a country tho, marry, integrate, take over. Brilliant long term thinking.

They're not the first to do that- look at Israel.

Anti semitic?????

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How about some facts: Approximately 25% of China's population is considered "middle class" by western standards. That translates to about 325 million people from China who have the means to travel and spend money. Anyone who has been to China and Thailand knows that Thailand is a preferable destination. And the Chinese know this too.

By comparison, the ENTIRE population of the US is about 320 million...so the middle class of China is about equal to the ENTIRE population of the US...as a Yank, I can tell you that about half the US population is living off government (read taxpayer funded) "entitlements"...The EU is not much better off than the US, and in some southern EU countries, it is awful...traditional western tourists to Thailand are on the decline and Chinese tourists are on the rise.

Face the facts; the portion of the Chinese population that can afford travel to Thailand and spend a decent sum of money are CHINESE...NOT Americans and Europeans. Aussies and Canucks are in better shape but cannot match the sheer large numbers of Chinese.

I was just recently in the LOS and the number of western farang has dropped a noticeable amount from years past, replaced by more and more Chinese...and there are more "tourists" from Africa.

A paradigm shift is occurring not just in tourist demographics in Thailand, but worldwide in terms of the US sole superpower role vs. a rising China. Buckle your seatbelts; we're in for a wild ride...

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Good luck.

Even the Singaporean Chinese hate the PRC, and are regretting having so many of them arriving in Singapore.

Add to the Singaporean Chinese, the Hong Kong Chinese also dislike the mainland Chinese...but money talks, and approx. 325 million mainland Chinese have lots of cash to spend. I even notice a lot of Chinese tourists in California. They are very well-behaved and keep a low profile...but they are buying up property (most of the US does not prohibit foreigners from owning property, like Thailand does) and steadily establishing themselves as an economic stabilizing force in the US. And not just the US; the Chinese are investing huge sums in Latin America and Africa...and they aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts; they are demanding substantial influence in return for their investments.

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I run an adventure park in northernmost Thailand. All sorts of nationalities visit, including Russians, Latin Americans, Japanese, Koreans, .....but no Chinese. I think I know why. Part of the reason: Chinese book and arrange everything from China, and Chinese aren't drawn to outdoor, challenging activity. Maybe that will change over time. I'm open to it.

Meanwhile giant busloads of Chinese go to the gaudiest temples (wedding cake architecture draped with Xmas lights) and purchasing places - and are never more than 5 meters from a paved road.

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I run an adventure park in northernmost Thailand. All sorts of nationalities visit, including Russians, Latin Americans, Japanese, Koreans, .....but no Chinese. I think I know why. Part of the reason: Chinese book and arrange everything from China, and Chinese aren't drawn to outdoor, challenging activity. Maybe that will change over time. I'm open to it.

Meanwhile giant busloads of Chinese go to the gaudiest temples (wedding cake architecture draped with Xmas lights) and purchasing places - and are never more than 5 meters from a paved road.

Looks as if you will have to do up your driveway doesn't it.smile.png

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Hurrah! Finally Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese. Though in actual fact, the Chinese already colonised Thailand decades ago and that is why the whole country is run by the Thai-Chinese while the Thais are "indirectly groomed thru poverty and lack of education and opportunities" to be the supporting menial classes to serve their colonisers and while the Chinese colonisation brought with it drugs,organised mafia, prostitution and corruption(tea money) into the Thai Culture, Thailand will soon be officially colonised by the Chinese.

All businesses, land etc will be under the control of the Chinese while there will be greater emphasis on the development of Chinese Cuture here , already we have top echelons of the country frequently visiting China and promoting Chinese Musical Instruments instead of Traditional Thai Musical Instruments.Even fair yellow skin is being promoted as the criteria for being rewarded a status in society here.

And we have thousand of overstays here of Chinese origin who blend in without the authorities checking on them.

To all you Thais on non-Chinese origin here, your days are numbered. You and all your offsprings and future generations will be condemmened to serve your new masters for generations unless you do something about it now to seize back your land and businesses.

Again, nice to see someone else who can see what's going on. Shame the Thai's are either too blind to it, or simply don't care. The "Chinese" already own a very large proportion of "Thailand" and it continues apace. Great way to colonise a country tho, marry, integrate, take over. Brilliant long term thinking.

They're not the first to do that- look at Israel.

Anti semitic?????

Zionists bombed the place into existence- my noticing a cult religion of elite creating a state for themselves is not racism. Lots of jews are peaceful judaists opposed to the fiefdom done by Zionists.

Edited by gemini81
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" I can tell you that about half the US population is living off government (read taxpayer funded) "entitlements"..." Yes you can tell that, but doesn't make it factual. Me thinks you watch Fox too much.

I wonder about "mandatory shopping"... how do they do that? Is it like if I go to a gogo bar and Thai guy puts a gun to my head and says "Take my girlfriend for the night! If you don't I will have to get a job and work!". TAT seems to have some weird bending of belief that is they create a vacuum of average Chinese tourists, that somehow high rollers will be sucked in to fill that space.

Agree totally that we who live here or come on our own are much more beneficial to local businesses than high rollers or group tours. High rollers stay at insular resorts, and if leave just pop down to Vutton shop or where ever..... little to no benefit to average Thai, but then again these geniuses don't kiss the average Thais backside either.

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