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DSI warns Attorney General’s decision could affect court trials

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DSI warns Attorney General’s decision could affect court trials
By English News


BANGKOK, Oct 29 – Thailand's Department of Special Investigation (DSI) insisted today that the Attorney General’s indictment of former premier Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban in connection with the deaths and injuries of protesters in the 2010 political unrest could jeopardise the court’s current trials.

DSI director general Tharit Pengdit was referring to the Attorney General’s announcement yesterday to indict the two political heavy-weights for premeditated murder in the months-long demonstration at Ratchaprasong intersection in which about 90 persons were killed and hundreds injured.

Mr Tharit said the Attorney General resolved that the orders to crack down on anti-government protesters in 2010 involved a single case though the orders were issued at different times, covering different locations and leading to deaths and injuries in different periods and places.

It is defined as a single intention to disperse the demonstration, he said.

Mr Tharit said the DSI however would pursue those cases separately including the allegation of murder which resulted in the injuries and damages of about 1,000 people.

“We have to respect the right of those injured in and damaged by the protest. They have filed complaints with the authorities. We have to consider their petitions on a case-by-case basis,” he said.

He said the Attorney General’s indictment could affect many cases pending the court’s trials.

He said the DSI has submitted autopsy reports to investigative police for further action, adding that among the 52 murder cases, the court has had its ruling on 15 cases.

As long as the Amnesty Bill is not enforced, investigations in the 2010 case would carry on, he said.

The Amnesty Bill, passed in the first reading and currently under Lower House scrutiny, will pardon all people involved in the 2010 political upheaval. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-10-29

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When will Thaksin be indicted for the Tai Bak?

And will that be before or after he is indicted for the 2500 extra judicial killings he ordered?

Never.And frankly it is extraordinarily naive to ask the question (though the Tak Bai case against Thaksin is thin to the point of being non existent).As to the drugs war it was of course a major human rights crime.But ask yourself why he has never been charged - even when his enemies were desperate to pin something on him.Why did they not charge him with the one crime that had the power to destroy him? If you know the answer to that question the mystery is solved.

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When will Thaksin be indicted for the Tai Bak?

And will that be before or after he is indicted for the 2500 extra judicial killings he ordered?

Never.And frankly it is extraordinarily naive to ask the question (though the Tak Bai case against Thaksin is thin to the point of being non existent).As to the drugs war it was of course a major human rights crime.But ask yourself why he has never been charged - even when his enemies were desperate to pin something on him.Why did they not charge him with the one crime that had the power to destroy him? If you know the answer to that question the mystery is solved.


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Interesting comment from Tharit concerning the Amnesty bill.

Now it leads one to speculate as to why and how this bill interfere with matters, who might it implicate and put in the frame who is not in the frame at the moment?

Perhaps the sweet taste of power and a stipend and a get out of jail free card for those who were involved in earlier matters are too sweet tidbits to lose.

Now we see the perpetrator of supposed criminal acts crying foul whilst he now seems to be actually charging others with supposed criminal acts in which he himself was actively involved in.

Perhaps he is a trifle worried that he too will become yet another pawn if he isn't already a pawn in Thaksin's diabolical game of chess.

Indeed this matter and its bit players (pawns) have more twists in them than Thaksin's minds.

Tharit needs to remember that '' one needs a long spoon to sup with the devil.''

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When will Thaksin be indicted for the Tai Bak?

And will that be before or after he is indicted for the 2500 extra judicial killings he ordered?

Never.And frankly it is extraordinarily naive to ask the question (though the Tak Bai case against Thaksin is thin to the point of being non existent).As to the drugs war it was of course a major human rights crime.But ask yourself why he has never been charged - even when his enemies were desperate to pin something on him.Why did they not charge him with the one crime that had the power to destroy him? If you know the answer to that question the mystery is solved.

Because Thaksin is a billionaire and almost everything and everybody in Thailand can be bought? Or, because everything related to the army will never be investigated? Or a mix of both?

Did Thaksin buy Abhisit because the latter did nothing to press drug war charges against the former when the latter was in power? Don't think so. Army may have approved but wasn't really involved in drugs war - a police matter.

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Did Thaksin buy Abhisit because the latter did nothing to press drug war charges against the former when the latter was in power? Don't think so. Army may have approved but wasn't really involved in drugs war - a police matter.

You would do well to remember that Abihist was somewhat preoccupied with other matters that were being financed and managed by Thaksin and his motley crew , thus the matter of the unlawful massacre of many innocent people in ''the war on drugs'' could not be followed up.

Indeed a masterpiece of political strategy or chicanery (call it what one may) by Thaksin and his motley crew in escaping justice.

Mind you precedents are being set are they not by this current puppet government regarding the interpretation of moves to contain and curtail illegal activities.

Still time for retrospective justice to be meted out concerning ''the war on drugs as well as Tak Bai massacre along with the disappearance of a prominent Muslim lawyer who was a thorn in the side to the Thaksin government at the time. please recall the murder of a key witness in a case concerning Thaksin's in Chang Mai too.

''.Let him who is innocent cast the first stone.''

Edited by siampolee
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Sounds like the Attorney General has stepped on Tharit's ego.

circus lol

So the DSI wants to bypass the AG's authority. All these departments have a definitive roll in the judicial process Tarit obviously wants to run the whole show himself on behalf of Thaksin - perhaps at some future date he will set up his own court room and bypass the official courts - the guy needs to be removed from office

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Truly bizarre

Not really. You have to understand the game. Obviously Tharit is not happy with the Attorney General’s indictment of former premier Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban because now AV and ST are not under his control anymore. Tharit's only purpose is to take AV and ST hostage in order to force them into accepting amnesty for Thaksin. Tharit knows very well that AV and ST will not and cannot be held responsible for premeditated murder. Because If that would ever happen, then all past Thai PMs have to be held responsible for killings that were done by security forces. Just impossible.

Then I assume that the AG will have to withdraw his accusation. If he does, then Aphisit and Suthep can sue him for damaging his reputation with a false accusation in public. What a mess they are getting into in order to help the Boss. I think that A & S will not find it hard to sue the DSI in the end, which will be the perfect Karma for the Boss's lapdog.

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Did Thaksin buy Abhisit because the latter did nothing to press drug war charges against the former when the latter was in power? Don't think so. Army may have approved but wasn't really involved in drugs war - a police matter.

You would do well to remember that Abihist was somewhat preoccupied with other matters that were being financed and managed by Thaksin and his motley crew , thus the matter of the unlawful massacre of many innocent people in ''the war on drugs'' could not be followed up.

Oh right, he was "preoccupied with other matters".But since Abhisit's main preoccupation in office was hounding down Thaksin, it is on the face of it inexplicable he shouldn't find the time to press the one charge that woulds actually have neutralised Thaksin forever.Unless of course there is another reason different from your childish and absurd interpretation.

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If I read this, Tharit wanted Abhisit and Suthep to be investigated for every single little piece of damage, injury or death on an individual basis, without anyone having even yet worked out if they were legally responsible?

And the Attorney General came along and said, "what a load of <deleted>", if we are going to do this, lets save a lot of time, and work out whether their individual orders caused any on the damage? Well of course, Tharit would love to have tied Abhisit in legal knots for a lifetime defending himself against 1000000000000 individual cases, without him even being provably responsible for anything I support?

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Of course he didn't mean it like that. Must be a slip of the tongue or simply a case of incorrect translation. whistling.gif

As long as the Amnesty Bill is not enforced, investigations in the 2010 case would carry on, he said.

I think that says it all!

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Why would the courts run the cases separately when the defence will be exactly the same for every one of them?

I think the implications are that the response from abhisit and suthep towards the protesters escalated over time. The security forces at first were allegedly issued with blank ammo (yeah sure) to being issued with live ammunition, to establishing barricades, to employing snipers and live fire zones and finally to the assault on the Protest Site.

Hence it could be established whether the response was disproportionate or discriminatory as time went by. If that is the case the "get out of jail free" card that the emergency decree provides them is null and void.

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Oh right, he was "preoccupied with other matters".But since Abhisit's main preoccupation in office was hounding down Thaksin, it is on the face of it inexplicable he shouldn't find the time to press the one charge that woulds actually have neutralised Thaksin forever.Unless of course there is another reason different from your childish and absurd interpretation.

Sad to see even now your blinkered childlike adoration of the school bully.Facts are facts and Thaksin is as guilty as hell regarding his murderous and varied other unpleasant activities including the outright support of civil unrest.

It is amusing to be titled ''childish'' by your good self.

It is said that it takes one to know one doesn't it. By that yardstick I can only but presume your opinion is based upon your own personal experience and action and makeup.whistling.gif

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You probably mean as the responses intensified with the prolonged 'peaceful anti-government protest' which also so a few grenades lobbed for fun. Mostly (or maybe only) on / at non-red-shirts. Now that in itself is clearly discriminatory and disproportionate.

Why would the courts run the cases separately when the defence will be exactly the same for every one of them?

I think the implications are that the response from abhisit and suthep towards the protesters escalated over time. The security forces at first were allegedly issued with blank ammo (yeah sure) to being issued with live ammunition, to establishing barricades, to employing snipers and live fire zones and finally to the assault on the Protest Site.

Hence it could be established whether the response was disproportionate or discriminatory as time went by. If that is the case the "get out of jail free" card that the emergency decree provides them is null and void.

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Oh right, he was "preoccupied with other matters".But since Abhisit's main preoccupation in office was hounding down Thaksin, it is on the face of it inexplicable he shouldn't find the time to press the one charge that woulds actually have neutralised Thaksin forever.Unless of course there is another reason different from your childish and absurd interpretation.

Sad to see even now your blinkered childlike adoration of the school bully.Facts are facts and Thaksin is as guilty as hell regarding his murderous and varied other unpleasant activities including the outright support of civil unrest.

It is amusing to be titled ''childish'' by your good self.

It is said that it takes one to know one doesn't it. By that yardstick I can only but presume your opinion is based upon your own personal experience and action and makeup.whistling.gif

Are you able to read and comprehend simple posts? I am aware of Thaksin's guilt regarding the drugs war.I commented that it was significant he had never been charged and that there were reasons for this omission by Abhisit.You ignore all this - challenging I know actually having to think issues through.

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That's a bit unfair, jayboy. Remember that there are still several cases awaiting for k. Thaksin to hear the charges? With such a backlog and our criminal fugitive still on his bail jumping tour not much progress there. We have to rely on Abhisit/Suthep for amuzement as they will appear to hear the charges against them.

Oh right, he was "preoccupied with other matters".But since Abhisit's main preoccupation in office was hounding down Thaksin, it is on the face of it inexplicable he shouldn't find the time to press the one charge that woulds actually have neutralised Thaksin forever.Unless of course there is another reason different from your childish and absurd interpretation.

Sad to see even now your blinkered childlike adoration of the school bully.Facts are facts and Thaksin is as guilty as hell regarding his murderous and varied other unpleasant activities including the outright support of civil unrest.

It is amusing to be titled ''childish'' by your good self.

It is said that it takes one to know one doesn't it. By that yardstick I can only but presume your opinion is based upon your own personal experience and action and makeup.whistling.gif

Are you able to read and comprehend simple posts? I am aware of Thaksin's guilt regarding the drugs war.I commented that it was significant he had never been charged and that there were reasons for this omission by Abhisit.You ignore all this - challenging I know actually having to think issues through.

Edited by rubl
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