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It's time Thai society started holding people responsible


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It's time Thai society started holding people responsible

Can I frame this headline?

Sorry. I don't want to read the rest of the story. It should be the only headline on any newspaper in Thailand for the next 5 years.

It really should read ' It's time Thai society start holding government, police and army people

accountable and responsible...'

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It's time Thai society started holding people responsible

Yes it is...but it won't happen. Most Thais want to avoid conflict and if there is any face-saving way to do so they will take that route which usually means just not wanting to address the issue anymore. While many will come out and briefly protest some issue they don't have the long term commitment to fight for the issue. "Mai bpen rai" may best sum it up.

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It's time Thai society started holding people responsible

Can I frame this headline?

Sorry. I don't want to read the rest of the story. It should be the only headline on any newspaper in Thailand for the next 5 years.

It really should read ' It's time Thai society start holding government, police and army people

accountable and responsible...'

Not complete!

It is high time Thai society starts holding government, police, army, civil servants, business and private persons accountable and responsible for their deeds.

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This is another Thai "it's high time" point of view. Preposterous tripe. It's up to the Thai press to call attention to "specific" abuses and breaking of law with impunity. If the Thai press is too weak, intimidated, or inept, then who would beat on the table for justice and prosecution?

Try starting with some Ferrari cop killers on the streets of Bangkok as well as police colluding to obstruct justice. The Thai press should beat on that drum until justice is served. Who else in Thailand has the power to beat the drum? Better yet, who has the will in Thailand to ever see justice served?

The Thai press should stop preaching with platitudes and dreams that are not in touch with reality. The Thai press should exhibit a realistic approach to leading the charge. Set an example, common Thai press. Do your job to help turn around this sorry state of affairs in Thailand.

Indeed! 100% spot on!

Worry not, the head editors of all Thai newspapers, TV and radio stations will embrace your suggestions and accurate indications... as soon as they finish reading your words.

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No doubt all parties have enough dirt on each other to make it messy if any should be so foolhardy as to suggest accountability and responsibility. They could have nipped the protest early on with some well placed canisters of tear gas. I was down there before the shooting started, and it was more of a party atmosphere than a group of armed thugs.

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"It should also look at the bigger picture and ensure that future generations do not face the risk of being shot and killed in broad daylight on the streets of Bangkok without anybody being held responsible."

This is another Thai "it's high time" point of view. Preposterous tripe. It's up to the Thai press to call attention to "specific" abuses and breaking of law with impunity. If the Thai press is too weak, intimidated, or inept, then who would beat on the table for justice and prosecution?

Try starting with some Ferrari cop killers on the streets of Bangkok as well as police colluding to obstruct justice. The Thai press should beat on that drum until justice is served. Who else in Thailand has the power to beat the drum? Better yet, who has the will in Thailand to ever see justice served?

The Thai press should stop preaching with platitudes and dreams that are not in touch with reality. The Thai press should exhibit a realistic approach to leading the charge. Set an example, common Thai press. Do your job to help turn around this sorry state of affairs in Thailand.

Add the hundreds murdered during Thaksin's "war on drugs" in 2003/4 to the list. I can't understand why the press / human rights groups / victims' families aren't pushing for justice in that case.

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Mr. Pravit Rojanaphruk

It's really ironic and a bit stupid to stand up at this point and preach about things of which you and the people you live among have no concept of, nor seem to give a damn when taking this standard and applying it to every senseless death throughout your fine land, most of which are brought on by the same lunacy which compels you to rant. It's about as ludicrous as standing up in the middle of a riot and yelling, "Fire", but you try to paint the riot as a theater.

I do not see much difference in crying "murder" and "justice" whilst at the same time tolerating (ignoring) lunatics who irresponsibly and unaccountably go forth every day and kill each other off through acts of utter lunacy. You are crying about "reasons". I am pointing out reality, regardless of reasons, and no one is doing anything about that.

The reality is that people who are not protesting are being kept dumb and ignorant by the very elite you single out over an isolated incident, or a few isolated incidents that are related to "protesting".

How about protesting against money not going towards the betterment and well-being of the everyday victims of lunacy, whose death count far supersede a few "protests", and continue to increase in count until the next "protest".

Thai people need to stop protesting about the big, impossible things, and take ownership of their neighborhoods and communities and protest about that instead. Their blood would go a lot further than political issues which affect them neither good or bad, regardless of the outcome.

Being shot down by a drug gang when 10,000 angry Thais show up at their "hang-out" to lynch them is much more noble than getting shot for rallying and protesting some politician's political views.

You sir, are wasting your time and mine.

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"It should also look at the bigger picture and ensure that future generations do not face the risk of being shot and killed in broad daylight on the streets of Bangkok without anybody being held responsible."

This is another Thai "it's high time" point of view. Preposterous tripe. It's up to the Thai press to call attention to "specific" abuses and breaking of law with impunity. If the Thai press is too weak, intimidated, or inept, then who would beat on the table for justice and prosecution?

Try starting with some Ferrari cop killers on the streets of Bangkok as well as police colluding to obstruct justice. The Thai press should beat on that drum until justice is served. Who else in Thailand has the power to beat the drum? Better yet, who has the will in Thailand to ever see justice served?

The Thai press should stop preaching with platitudes and dreams that are not in touch with reality. The Thai press should exhibit a realistic approach to leading the charge. Set an example, common Thai press. Do your job to help turn around this sorry state of affairs in Thailand.

Add the hundreds murdered during Thaksin's "war on drugs" in 2003/4 to the list. I can't understand why the press / human rights groups / victims' families aren't pushing for justice in that case.

The whole premise of this argument is ridiculous.

If a policeman/soldier tells me to go home or surrender or he's going to shoot me, why should I be surprised if he shoots me?

This action happens everywhere every day. They were told go home or you will be removed and you run the risk of being shot.

What in earth would you do?

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This exactly the impression I've gotten of society at large since moving here:
I can;t put my finger on it, but there's a general permissiveness. or, maybe, some sort of apathy or disenfranchisement that's enveloped all aspects of public life. People don't vote. Support is paid for. Politicians, at least the names you see in the paper, always seem to be in it for themselves. Where is the conscience? Where's the Greater Good?

If my brother were a shady c*nt and it threatened the stability of my country and millions of citizens, I have to say I'd lean toward letting him go on permanent vacation. That's a brother. Much less some asshoke that happens to be part of my political party. (and that's only addressing the first line on the agenda. I can't imagine what keeps lower ranking jackasses in their comfortable seats)

A zeitgeist that I can't seem to wrap my head around.

Just constantly stupified by headlines over here.

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Responsibility,Ethics, Morality,Integrity are 'concepts' formed from platonic thought later influenced and applied to Western intellectual development and corner stones to the Judeo-Christian mind set.

​Buddhist thought is fundamentally different (yet a closer proxy to the true nature of the world) can be summed-up very simply;

In the West 1+1=2 ......in the East 1+1= "whatever you want it to be"

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Responsibility,Ethics, Morality,Integrity are 'concepts' formed from platonic thought later influenced and applied to Western intellectual development and corner stones to the Judeo-Christian mind set.

​Buddhist thought is fundamentally different (yet a closer proxy to the true nature of the world) can be summed-up very simply;

In the West 1+1=2 ......in the East 1+1= "whatever you want it to be"

Nice explanation. However, there are simple moral precepts in Buddhism also.

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This is another Thai "it's high time" point of view. Preposterous tripe. It's up to the Thai press to call attention to "specific" abuses and breaking of law with impunity. If the Thai press is too weak, intimidated, or inept, then who would beat on the table for justice and prosecution?

Try starting with some Ferrari cop killers on the streets of Bangkok as well as police colluding to obstruct justice. The Thai press should beat on that drum until justice is served. Who else in Thailand has the power to beat the drum? Better yet, who has the will in Thailand to ever see justice served?

The Thai press should stop preaching with platitudes and dreams that are not in touch with reality. The Thai press should exhibit a realistic approach to leading the charge. Set an example, common Thai press. Do your job to help turn around this sorry state of affairs in Thailand.

Indeed! 100% spot on!

Worry not, the head editors of all Thai newspapers, TV and radio stations will embrace your suggestions and accurate indications... as soon as they finish reading your words.

To be fair, the BP (for one) did keep updating the Red bull and other cases. International press is the same, there's only so much mileage before people get bored and skip to 'this' day's news. They too must account to their shareholders, it pains me to say. it really rather is down to people everywhere having the attention span of a gnat. That's why the likes of Twitter are so popular.

I think you'll see the latest 'sensation' without any updates on the old 'ones', prevalent, well, anywhere whistling.gif

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there are simple moral precepts in Buddhism also.

.... yes, that is true,but the form is different,being based on duality. However, if applied the Precepts themselves will embrace all of the above 'Platonic ideas'....but,with a different motivation(form) behind them.

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