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Thai visa in unusual place in passport

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I would say normal as compared to every other country I've traveled to. If you're that upset, perhaps better to stay home.

Every country you've travelled to puts your visas in the middle? Interesting I've travelled many places, seen many people's passports and never encountered that. Fantastic idea I'll stay home, thanks for your valuable input.

I to have traveled many places. I had to get extra pages put in my last passport. Yes it would seem that all countries just willie nillie stick there stamp or full page sticker any old place in my Passport. It has been funny as I have not traveled in the last few years and they would search through the book looking for the last extension and then when they put there's in it would be no where near the last one.

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If you are a structured...organized...detail examining type of guy...you will surely go nuts in Thailand...

You should see their method of running electrical lines...looks more like a rats nest...or spider web...

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Funnily enough, all my Thai stamps and visas are on the first few pages, while stamps from other countries are all over the other pages. They just open the passport, see a blank space and stamp. USA tend to stick all the stamps on the same page, probably so it's easier for them to see all the times entered in one place.

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just insert your arrival card in the same page as your visa and they will have no trouble finding it

My past observations do not confirm this and were as follows:

  • The officer removes the arrival card from the passport without opening it.
  • Then he opens the passport on the ID page to pass it through an apparatus to read the machine-readable code or the biometric chip.
  • Next, he checks the data that comes up on his computer screen to see if I need to be refused entry or need to be arrested.
  • Next he takes the arrival card and if there is a number entered in the field for the visa number he leafs through the passport to look for the corresponding visa or re-entry permit.
  • Etc.

You missed out the step where they open the passport at the wrong end and start looking for the photo page at the wrong end.

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I was also a bit annoyed that they wouldn't use up the available space in my passport, which forced me to apply for a new passport as there were no blank pages left. Having said that they were happy to go back and use the blank spaces when there were no blank pages for them to stamp. Looking over my old passport, the immigration officers of other countries are far more helpful and tend to stamp in a way that uses up least space. Thai immigration officers seem to have an unusually cavalier attitude when it comes to stamping.

Can't be worse than the Philippines....hopeless

Japan is very neat, considering how big their stamp is, they try to keep it neat.

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I can't help but think most people who visit / live in Thailand have obviously never traveled before based on all the topics I see here.

It's not a problem. Why do you care where the visa is?

Whenever I have a visa in my passport that I want the official to see I hand it to him open at the visa page so there's no chance of him missing it then once he's done his work before moving away I check it to see I've been giving the right stamp.

I've yet to have a problem.

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Whenever at BKK arrivals I have marked the Re-entry page with a paper clip, Post-It note, or have the passport open to that page, the first thing they do is remove the marker or close the passport and then thumb through the whole thing anyway -- I've decided when you do something other than just handing over the closed unmarked passport the IMM officer thinks there is something in there you don't want them to see.

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Geez, it would just seem that for the benefit of all concerned, including passport holders, embassy/consulate staff, and immigration officers, stamping and inserting visas in sequential order would make things a whole lot easier for everyone to find.

I'm on the 9th year with my passport, and two sets of extra pages added, and it is chaos sometimes trying to look through everything.

-Doesn't have to be that way-

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I find Thai immigration quite good with their stamping. The other day the officer squeezed a stamp in to fill a page and chuckled about how many stamps were on that page.

My most annoying stamp was in LAX when he stamped across two pages right in the middle of the passport. It's a tiny stamp but he managed to do it.

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...My most annoying stamp was in LAX when he stamped across two pages right in the middle of the passport. It's a tiny stamp but he managed to do it.

Yes, that requires a special skill, as does placing a stamp dead centre on an empty page (the red diagonal lines have been added by me):

post-21260-0-81471500-1383586321_thumb.j post-21260-0-25837900-1383587189_thumb.j

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