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The go-for-broke amnesty and Thailand's Year Zero


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The go-for-broke amnesty and Thailand's Year Zero

Suthichai Yoon
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- If the ruling Pheu Thai Party carries out its threat of passing the wholesale amnesty bill that will effectively absolve ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra of all guilt, including corruption and conflict of interest, a new round of political chaos is just around the corner.

Thaksin, in his latest interview with the local press, was calling for a "set zero" (sic) for the country. What he presumably meant was "resetting the country back to zero". In other words, he's proposing that the country be reset in such a way that we will go back to Square One. All past wrongdoings - political, economic and criminal - would be forgiven. Of course, he will stand to benefit the most from this move - if it is ever passed into law, that is.

Opposition to the move is only to be expected. The Democrats, losing the vote at both the House and committee levels, are now threatening to go out on the streets to protest the bill's imminent third and final reading.

The ongoing anti-government rallies at Lumpini Park and the Urupong intersection have been radicalised further. The size of the protests might not be huge, but the negative sentiment among members of the "silent majority" has certainly intensified. The government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and the Pheu Thai Party run the risk of underestimating the public mood over this controversial and sensitive issue.

Thaksin also risks losing the support of several red-shirt groups, some of which have publicly opposed the move since the thinly veiled revision of the amnesty bill will also offer clemency to Democrat leaders Abhisit Vejjajiva and Suthep Thaugsuban.

Not all red-shirt factions come under the Pheu Thai umbrella. In fact some of them have made clear that they are independent of party affiliations and do not necessarily support Thaksin's every move, particularly if the latest move is aimed mainly to help him without regard for the new roadblock that threatens to undermine the whole amnesty move.

The original version of the bill was to benefit red-shirt leaders who were charged or jailed for taking part in violent protests. Because the interpretation of the initial draft suggested that Thaksin and Abhisit would not gain from the move, the bill could have been passed without much controversy. But when Pheu Thai at the committee level revised the wording of the draft in a stealthy manoeuvre, all hell broke loose.

The issue isn't confined to the possibility of declaring null and void the court verdicts on Thaksin's jail term - arising from conflict of interest charges - and the Bt46 billion in seized assets of the former premier. Now critics are saying that if the amnesty bill is rammed through in its present form, all pending corruption charges against the government at the Anti-Corruption Commission would also be thrown out.

These highly inflammatory scenarios have been pointed out by analysts reading between the lines of Article 3 of the amnesty bill. It says that all mechanisms or activities instituted after the 2006 military coup, up until August 8 this year, will be invalidated.

Anger has been fanned over the blatant attempt to whitewash everything that is wrong with the ruling party and all its affiliates. Premier Yingluck's attempt to distance herself from the controversy won't convince voters that she isn't aware of the political machinations behind this highly incendiary move that could undermine her government's stability.

Thaksin is proposing his convoluted "set zero" so that he can gain the most from the proposed amnesty, and is adamant that he will never accept defeat. But if he persists in pursuing this make-or-break strategy without regard for the disastrous consequences, he won't be resetting the country back to zero. He might be plunging the nation back to Year Zero.

-- The Nation 2013-10-31

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Disgusting attempt to not only whitewash Thaksin, but also distance all those guilty of corruption between 2006 and August 2013 from blame. Still, the voters are ultimately responsible for the government they elect, so now they have to take it on the chin, even if they disagree. Perhaps lessons will be learned in the very distant future about electing responsible, transparent and accountable governments.

Edited by Sunderland
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Year Zero was the Khmer Rouge's Pol Pot's designation for 1975 and the KR takeover and genocide. Year Zero also refers to the French Revolution of 1792 and the elimination of the French monarch. Thaksin's characterization of this year zero or set zero with regard to his return should be very incendiary to many Thais.

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Thaksin, in his latest interview with the local press, was calling for a "set zero" (sic) for the country. What he presumably meant was "resetting the country back to zero". In other words, he's proposing that the country be reset in such a way that we will go back to Square One.

I think the reporter should substitute "he" for "we".

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Thaksin, in his latest interview with the local press, was calling for a "set zero" (sic) for the country. What he presumably meant was "resetting the country back to zero". In other words, he's proposing that the country be reset in such a way that we will go back to Square One.

Funny, in all the time I've been here, I've completely failed to notice that Thailand, or at least its politics, had actually managed to make it to Square Two.

Due perhaps to there being too many 'snakes' on the board, and the 'ladders' being only for the use, of those who can pay ? whistling.gif

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I read the headline wrong upon first glance as 'Thailand's Yearly Zoo' instead of Thailand's Year Zero, haha. I guess exposure to the news has made me see and perceive references and resemblances to a never ending circus here, haha.

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Year Zero was the Khmer Rouge's Pol Pot's designation for 1975 and the KR takeover and genocide. Year Zero also refers to the French Revolution of 1792 and the elimination of the French monarch. Thaksin's characterization of this year zero or set zero with regard to his return should be very incendiary to many Thais.

He like to choose lucky name and lucky dates.....

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Anger has been fanned over the blatant attempt to whitewash everything that is wrong with the ruling party and all its affiliates. Premier Yingluck's attempt to distance herself from the controversy won't convince voters that she isn't aware of the political machinations behind this highly incendiary move that could undermine her government's stability.

If the people allow this travesty to take place, they deserve whatever the consequences may be.

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Thaksin, in his latest interview with the local press, was calling for a "set zero" (sic) for the country. What he presumably meant was "resetting the country back to zero". In other words, he's proposing that the country be reset in such a way that we will go back to Square One.

I think the reporter should substitute "he" for "we".

Just to think that everything will be fine and rosy if the "Reset" button is pressed and the country is set back to "zero" can only be the product of an unbalanced mind. The damage that this man has done to Thailand, all for personal gain, is beyond imagination, and it does appear that some of the redshirts are finally wising up.

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Year Zero was the Khmer Rouge's Pol Pot's designation for 1975 and the KR takeover and genocide. Year Zero also refers to the French Revolution of 1792 and the elimination of the French monarch. Thaksin's characterization of this year zero or set zero with regard to his return should be very incendiary to many Thais.

It should be and it would be if many Thais actually studied history.

To anyone who has this potential double whammy is a scary concept. sad.png

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Year Zero was the Khmer Rouge's Pol Pot's designation for 1975 and the KR takeover and genocide. Year Zero also refers to the French Revolution of 1792 and the elimination of the French monarch. Thaksin's characterization of this year zero or set zero with regard to his return should be very incendiary to many Thais.

It should be and it would be if many Thais actually studied history.

To anyone who has this potential double whammy is a scary concept. sad.png

Very scary indeed. It's easy to denigrate Thaksin as a wannabee despot. But, he's also a very cunning manipulator. He created the insurgency and used this as means to get a puppet government in place, that could work on his whitewash, restore the assets previously seized, and at the same time replenish the family coffers. All controlled from outside the country.

He wants to create enough confusion and camouflage so that his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges can be made to disappear. Then he can return a free and innocent man, avoid any accountability for known past crimes, and ones that may subsequently come to light, petition the court to return his assets (hope he can show how he accumulated them), and of course take his rightful place as head of the government. Then, he can complete the job of removing and remaining checks and balances, become truly untouchable and law to himself, and take revenge and retribution on all who oppose.

You can see he studies history as well as having a detailed knowledge of the Thai legal frameworks and how to manipulate them. He dangerous combination when added to the wealth and power his clan control.

The consequences of a person with this sort of personality taking control have been seen many times before. Hopefully some people will realize this and put a stop before its too late.

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Even if the bill passes its third reading tomorrow it still has to pass the Senate, this will take months with subcommittees set up, plus the Constitutional Court may well shoot it down. I think we're looking at several months before it can become law.

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It's certainly going for broke and I don't see how Thaksin can win. Ram it through and Yingluck and PT will face much more trouble that they are now, at the risk of the govt falling and perhaps not winning an outright majority at the next election, Thaksin can't come home under those circumstances too risky to his personal safety.

If he backs down and it was all a ruse to gain acceptance for the original bill he's done a lot of damage to his goodwill among the red shirts. I think a lot of them are now going to stand up and say 'is this guy for real, he's betrayed us'.

This might be the most useful thing Thaksin's done towards eroding his popularity and eventually overcoming PTs ability to win elections. Let him have his money and freedom but lose power in the long run.

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Year Zero was the Khmer Rouge's Pol Pot's designation for 1975 and the KR takeover and genocide. Year Zero also refers to the French Revolution of 1792 and the elimination of the French monarch. Thaksin's characterization of this year zero or set zero with regard to his return should be very incendiary to many Thais.

Carefully chosen by this paper to obtain such an unfounded and imbalanced reaction.

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Very scary indeed. It's easy to denigrate Thaksin as a wannabee despot. But, he's also a very cunning manipulator. He created the insurgency and used this as means to get a puppet government in place, that could work on his whitewash, restore the assets previously seized, and at the same time replenish the family coffers. All controlled from outside the country.

He wants to create enough confusion and camouflage so that his criminal conviction and outstanding criminal charges can be made to disappear. Then he can return a free and innocent man, avoid any accountability for known past crimes, and ones that may subsequently come to light, petition the court to return his assets (hope he can show how he accumulated them), and of course take his rightful place as head of the government. Then, he can complete the job of removing and remaining checks and balances, become truly untouchable and law to himself, and take revenge and retribution on all who oppose.

You can see he studies history as well as having a detailed knowledge of the Thai legal frameworks and how to manipulate them. He dangerous combination when added to the wealth and power his clan control.

The consequences of a person with this sort of personality taking control have been seen many times before. Hopefully some people will realize this and put a stop before its too late.

All a direct consequence of others manipulating ways to get rid of him without using the correct checks and balances.

You reap what you sow Thailand, time to learn some valuable lessons.

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Look on the bright side. If the Free and Compensate Taksin Amnesty Bill becomes Law, then the Chinese hero of the illiterates and misleds will rejoice.

Bad for the other 80% of Thais?

Well pretty bad, but when the great convict returns - he will be "in reach".

Which IS a cheering thought.

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