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Hazard For Brits Returning To UK


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Big lesson to learn here is................. Don't bother telling it on a Thai Visa forum because there maybe those that are sympathetic but there are also those who naturally assume you've done something wrong and aren't telling us the whole story so will make up there own. Don't ya just love it! rolleyes.gif

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Big lesson to learn here is................. Don't bother telling it on a Thai Visa forum because there maybe those that are sympathetic but there are also those who naturally assume you've done something wrong and aren't telling us the whole story so will make up there own. Don't ya just love it! rolleyes.gif

The Thai Visa DSI are already scanning your past forum posts and will shortly make a judgement on you - guilty as charged. There's never any smoke without a fire here.

You'll be banged to rights before your internet lawyer can get to see you.

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I'm sorry but what you describe as a hazard is nothing more than a part of a travellers everyday life, if nothing to hide, no problems, get over it and get used to it.

Really? getting your laptops seized by customs is part of a travellers everyday life? if nothing to hide, no problems??? did you notice this man does not have his laptop back yet, and may not get it back....ever? His laptop is SEIZED he has had to leave the airport without it, and what do you recommend him to get used to? having to buy a new laptop when arriving at your destination?

The fact that people seem to think this is ok, and add in the spying these so called democracies are doing which nothing is being done about is great cause for concern....

Sure it is, it's a risk we all face in this day and age, do we like it, of course not, can we do much aout it, unsure, but it happens with increasing frequency, apparently, get used to it and take steps to mitigate your loss, what alternatives do you realsitcially have. Cutoms folks are not always totally unreasonable and uncontrolled people, they have rules they have to follow and instructions they have to act on, all for a reason, it's their job, just like yours or mine (used to be).

And while we are at it: I'm OK if you (police/customs) want to stop and search me, ask me questions, search my home/possessions etc and so on, it's their job and they need to be allowed to do it, as an innocent person I'm OK with it all, others who are not may not be, but whilst they are trying to provide security for me and my family, it's not the time for me to introduce principles into the discussion!

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I'm sorry but what you describe as a hazard is nothing more than a part of a travellers everyday life, if nothing to hide, no problems, get over it and get used to it.

Really? getting your laptops seized by customs is part of a travellers everyday life? if nothing to hide, no problems??? did you notice this man does not have his laptop back yet, and may not get it back....ever? His laptop is SEIZED he has had to leave the airport without it, and what do you recommend him to get used to? having to buy a new laptop when arriving at your destination?

The fact that people seem to think this is ok, and add in the spying these so called democracies are doing which nothing is being done about is great cause for concern....

Does anyone remember Baden Powell's motto ? BP = Be Prepared smile.png

Anyone that's ever run a business using computers knows that back up of the days work is done at the end of the day.

In my business we actually backed up twice a day so if anything happened to our computers we only lost half a days work !

The backup tapes were taken home at night in case the factory burnt down !

I travel with a 5 year old DELL Inspiron 1520 which I bought 4 years ago 2nd hand on E-Bay for GBP400

Amortised over the period it's actually cost me 2 quid a week to have and use 10-12 hours a day

Old habits die hard - I back up my data every week onto two flashdrives in case anything should go wrong.

One for pictures and music the other for Word and Excel

This year alone I have entered Thailand twice, the UK twice, Canada twice and the USA once.

At no time have I been stopped and searched by customs entering any of these countries !

The only time my computer was taken out of it's bag and sent through the X-Ray machine was when checking IN for flights.

If I had been stopped and subjected to the kind of treatment the OP received I would simply have laughed.

It would have given me great pleasure to tell them to keep the machine - I'm due a new one anyway smile.png

Edited by Papadragon
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I was red flagged a few years ago on arrival in LAX. What were you doing kind of visiting family, bang red stamp on paper work got to customs take that line sir, ok. What do you have in your bags clothes a few gifts for family here in America. What wee you doing in Thailand visiting friends on holiday, OO this is your camera yes he fumbles while trying to start, I say here give to me I start it up I ask him you want to see the photos he says yes. I go thru the photos this is my girlfriend in Thailand, this is my girlfriend with her mom in Thailand, this is my girlfriend with her kids in Thailand want to see more no that's ok. I ask want to see in the big bag no you are ok. I ask so the red stamp targeted me OO no we pull so many people over I think bullsh-t the woman at passport control fingered me for a pedofil

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And while we are at it: I'm OK if you (police/customs) want to stop and search me, ask me questions, search my home/possessions etc and so on, it's their job and they need to be allowed to do it, as an innocent person I'm OK with it all, others who are not may not be, but whilst they are trying to provide security for me and my family, it's not the time for me to introduce principles into the discussion!

But who's going to protect you from them after you have willingly surrendered all your rights?

I'm not surrendering anything, I'm assisting the law enforcement agencies in the execution of thier remit, I'm providing my co-operation.

I don't need protection from the people who are trying to protect me, I need protection from the people who are trying to harm me, if the composition and remit of those groups ever change then I will align with the group that is trying to protect me. Rather than trying to protest their indignation at having been stopped by people who are trying to do their jobs and potentially save my life, why not just help them do it, it reminds me of when I was a rebellious 16 year old trying to push back against authority, silly.

A silly debate at best, morononic at worst!

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I'm sorry but what you describe as a hazard is nothing more than a part of a travellers everyday life, if nothing to hide, no problems, get over it and get used to it.

Really? getting your laptops seized by customs is part of a travellers everyday life? if nothing to hide, no problems??? did you notice this man does not have his laptop back yet, and may not get it back....ever? His laptop is SEIZED he has had to leave the airport without it, and what do you recommend him to get used to? having to buy a new laptop when arriving at your destination?

The fact that people seem to think this is ok, and add in the spying these so called democracies are doing which nothing is being done about is great cause for concern....

Sure it is, it's a risk we all face in this day and age, do we like it, of course not, can we do much aout it, unsure, but it happens with increasing frequency, apparently, get used to it and take steps to mitigate your loss, what alternatives do you realsitcially have. Cutoms folks are not always totally unreasonable and uncontrolled people, they have rules they have to follow and instructions they have to act on, all for a reason, it's their job, just like yours or mine (used to be).

And while we are at it: I'm OK if you (police/customs) want to stop and search me, ask me questions, search my home/possessions etc and so on, it's their job and they need to be allowed to do it, as an innocent person I'm OK with it all, others who are not may not be, but whilst they are trying to provide security for me and my family, it's not the time for me to introduce principles into the discussion!

"get used to it"?..... IMO this is unbelievable

"what alternatives do you realsitcially have")....report the arrogant officer to his boss or as high as you need to get justice

"they have rules they have to follow and instructions they have to act on".. I refuse to believe their duty is to seize a pc without reason or any logic explanation

I can understand if they interrogate, search me, ask me questions.....BUT I don't understand and tolerate if they take from me what it is mine, I have paid for with MY money without any reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about the font, but I am getting really pissed............. I mean.... I have worked hard to buy a nice laptop and I got it "stolen" by an overzealous Immigration Officer "thinks" looking at me with his very expert eye that I might be a terrorist....unbelievable when you say: get use to it!!!!

There there, how does he/she know you're not a terrorist, just because you say so, they have jobs to do also and hopefully your complaining up the chain of command wont stop them from doing it. And you didn't get your PC stolen, you no doubt got a recipet, or at least you should have insisted on one if you didn't.

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@Chiang Mai

"a recipet", apparently, is what the OP didn't get!

Anyway, good for you who can afford to lose a pc with no reason because I never said they have to believe me or whatsoever, I am just saying that if after all their checking, searching(included my pc and other similar) they can't find anything which can justify the seizure of what it is mine....well, my pc remains with me because I need it.

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How is this thread relevant to Thailand and ThaiVisa? A Pom gets hassled by British customs...so what? He could have come from anywhere in the world and experienced the same treatment.

So ....?

Anyone can be subjected to this, that's the way of the world.

God knows there are enough people whining about the treatment by Thai immigration and the 90 day reports etc.

Suck it up princess...when you go through customs you are just another piece of fresh meat for them to do with as they see fit.

By the way they do use profiling...rightly or wrongly maybe you were a "fit".

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so you understand when the German govt got upset because US govt was spying on Angela Merkel.

who later "admitted" that NSA had a direct access to Yahoo and Google User data

and later NSA's chief admitted about this last case, everything was done with the consent of europe govt...

muslim terrorist is not our real problem. Old moron who support all these crooks above are... time for a big shake down!

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There there, how does he/she know you're not a terrorist, just because you say so, they have jobs to do also and hopefully your complaining up the chain of command wont stop them from doing it. And you didn't get your PC stolen, you no doubt got a recipet, or at least you should have insisted on one if you didn't.

I suppose they could do it the Monty Python way.

"Excuse me sir are you a terrorist?"

"Erm........I don't think so"

"OK well you're in then"

But I prefer they do the job properly.

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And while we are at it: I'm OK if you (police/customs) want to stop and search me, ask me questions, search my home/possessions etc and so on, it's their job and they need to be allowed to do it, as an innocent person I'm OK with it all, others who are not may not be, but whilst they are trying to provide security for me and my family, it's not the time for me to introduce principles into the discussion!

But who's going to protect you from them after you have willingly surrendered all your rights?

Ask any Germans old enough to remember, how it worked out for them in the '30s and '40s.

Oh please.

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There there, how does he/she know you're not a terrorist, just because you say so, they have jobs to do also and hopefully your complaining up the chain of command wont stop them from doing it. And you didn't get your PC stolen, you no doubt got a recipet, or at least you should have insisted on one if you didn't.

I suppose they could do it the Monty Python way.

"Excuse me sir are you a terrorist?"

"Erm........I don't think so"

"OK well you're in then"

But I prefer they do the job properly.

I think the "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition" sketch, more appropriate in these situations.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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There there, how does he/she know you're not a terrorist, just because you say so, they have jobs to do also and hopefully your complaining up the chain of command wont stop them from doing it. And you didn't get your PC stolen, you no doubt got a recipet, or at least you should have insisted on one if you didn't.

I suppose they could do it the Monty Python way.

"Excuse me sir are you a terrorist?"

"Erm........I don't think so"

"OK well you're in then"

But I prefer they do the job properly.

I think the "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition" sketch, more appropriate in these situations.

NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!!

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There there, how does he/she know you're not a terrorist, just because you say so, they have jobs to do also and hopefully your complaining up the chain of command wont stop them from doing it. And you didn't get your PC stolen, you no doubt got a recipet, or at least you should have insisted on one if you didn't.

I suppose they could do it the Monty Python way.

"Excuse me sir are you a terrorist?"

"Erm........I don't think so"

"OK well you're in then"

But I prefer they do the job properly.

I think the "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition" sketch, more appropriate in these situations.

I prefer the one from 'A Bit of Fry and Laurie':

'Are you a Russian spy?'

'I am not a Russian spy, cross my heart and hope to die.'

'Well that's cleared that up.'

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Opposite here!!

Just returned from my yearly visit to UK ....BKK BHX BKK Turkish airlines this yea,r before emirates, as usual ......hand luggage only laptop hard drive etc. never a blink of an eye British customs from memory and according to news are a bunch of ****s but Birmingham have only ever treated me friendly fairly and well

They are probably scared, and rightly so, of Dudley boys!!!!!

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I'm sorry but what you describe as a hazard is nothing more than a part of a travellers everyday life, if nothing to hide, no problems, get over it and get used to it.

Really? getting your laptops seized by customs is part of a travellers everyday life? if nothing to hide, no problems??? did you notice this man does not have his laptop back yet, and may not get it back....ever? His laptop is SEIZED he has had to leave the airport without it, and what do you recommend him to get used to? having to buy a new laptop when arriving at your destination?

The fact that people seem to think this is ok, and add in the spying these so called democracies are doing which nothing is being done about is great cause for concern....

I couldn't agree more with you manzan....

If my laptop would be seized withouy reason at any airport in the world, I would be really, really....really pissed!!!!

Sorry Chiang Mai, but you've just posted nonsense.

I would have to agree with you if I knew for sure the OP had not approached them with an attitude. I have a feeling he did. I am not a world traveler but I have learned one thing never never tell an immagration officer what his job is or what your rights are. I always approach them with a friendly attitude. They face enough people every day with an attitude that it is no wonder they have their off days.

Apparently they had been put on alert to some thing coming in on a communication device as witness the number that they had when he filed his complaint.

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Opposite here!!

Just returned from my yearly visit to UK ....BKK BHX BKK Turkish airlines this yea,r before emirates, as usual ......hand luggage only laptop hard drive etc. never a blink of an eye British customs from memory and according to news are a bunch of ****s but Birmingham have only ever treated me friendly fairly and well

They are probably scared, and rightly so, of Dudley boys!!!!!

Probably think you'll start another Dudley style riot.

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I came back to USA twice from Thailand. Once with backback ONLY: searched, questioned, and not treated like how I think an American citizen should be. Second time: bike box, 3 bags, tons of stuff......no problem.

you feel violated, i get it. you have rights in your country, or do you? that hurts. you finally come home, and are treated worse than in Thailand. I get it.

there is no way avoiding this treatment; it is a part of travel. i am sure nobody cares when it happens to someone else.

if others broke, recession. if you are broke, depression.

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Opposite here!!

Just returned from my yearly visit to UK ....BKK BHX BKK Turkish airlines this yea,r before emirates, as usual ......hand luggage only laptop hard drive etc. never a blink of an eye British customs from memory and according to news are a bunch of ****s but Birmingham have only ever treated me friendly fairly and well

They are probably scared, and rightly so, of Dudley boys!!!!!

also re above I regularly visit Yemen ( tourism advising) which should ring plenty of bells ....... but still never been stopped

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I appreciate many of the comments made and thank the contributors. I hope I have not missed with a 'like' any of those I believe have merit. There are also the inevitable comments of know-alls who show they in fact know nothing and just use forums in attempt to butch up. Clear is that some did not read the OP in any detail and just wanted to say something. One or two others have the common thinking that their experience must be the only one and their thinking has to be right. 'A person will not see another point of view if their ego depends on not seeing it.' (TC)

I take issue with part of the post which included the following, even though it was off-topic:

"...as a Brit, we complain about anything and everything, no matter where we are. We're never happy and can always find something to complain about."

There is no 'we', just as there is no 'they'. All societies have their good and bad, positive and negative. The only thing I go on forums for is in attempt to counter the negatives who get all expats a bad name. 'Expat Syndrome' (which does not affect all expats) draws mostly the same whines, sour gripes and moans everywhere there are expats. There are, fortunately, also the positives who don't get up each morning determined to find something wrong with the home they CHOSE. I did not post on here to seek advice, but to warn of the abusive hazard that it is clear is becoming more prevalent.

A prediction I will risk is that the seizures are already known to be illegal and, when no evidence of illegal activity is found in the seized items, the 'victim' is paid off (public funds, of course) with a Confidentiality Clause attached. If anybody who is interested in the outcome of my personal case does not hear or see more from me, they can take it that is what happened.

Well that pretty well covers your ass.

You are 100% right and there will be no follow up if you have made a mistake. You aren't about to admit you did any thing wrong.

If you did nothing wrong you will not give us the results as you have taken a bribe.

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A prediction I will risk is that the seizures are already known to be illegal and, when no evidence of illegal activity is found in the seized items, the 'victim' is paid off (public funds, of course) with a Confidentiality Clause attached. If anybody who is interested in the outcome of my personal case does not hear or see more from me, they can take it that is what happened.

You are totally delusional. You're not going to be paid anything. There doesn't have to be evidence of illegal activity, reasonable grounds for suspicion is enough and that includes matching a profile. The nature of law enforcement is that innocent people will be inconvenienced in order to find the guilty. Stop spitting your dummy out and learn to live with it.

Edited by edwardandtubs
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