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Don't Stop for an Accident!


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. anyway some of you might know him, his mum is married to a german guy and have a bar on soi 31...I will be going to that bar very soon and ring that bloody bell all night....peace out!!!

Could you please pm me when you're gonna be at that bar biggrin.png

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Best hope a family member of yours is never laying injured on the side of the road in urgent need and everyone drives on by like you did.

Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

I think your missus has an outstanding character, good for you.

Absolutely right SB.

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I followed a motorcycle that was hit by a car traveling in the opposite direction. Driver asleep at the wheel. How would I have felt on later hearing one of the folks had died and then also realising I knew them, if I hadn't stopped? It was bad enough for 3 or 4 days after seeing the accident happen before my eyes.

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I posted almost the same accident, Guy on motorbike, no helmet, goes off road, hits something and goes head over heels into the flooded field. I stopped to see if he was OK and helped him pull his bike out of the water. There is no way I could just drive by----- But, I have heard stories also

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Have been helped by a kind, young Thai when they absolutely did not have to and have reciprocated. Being taken for a ride does happen, however, to both Thais and farangs; for the monetary aspect and perhaps also the loss of face associated with not being able to control their vehicle and/or being on the deck.

Edited by jackr
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I just do not get it if there not lazy there sheep, they want stop to help accident victims, there stupid, there everything under the book but human beings what gives with you people and maybe the problem is you. When I wrecked my bike a truck driver and his wife stopped to help and then a Dr. arrived on the scene and assisted.

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I would never think to NOT stop and help in my country, at least to the extent of placing a 911 call, however, this is not my country and I'm not a doctor.

Let's say for argument sake that if I stopped for 20 accidents, one of those people would try to blame me and get money even though I had nothing to do with it. Let's also say I have two credible witnesses. Do I stop? I suppose it's a toss-up, but "spw888" who posted above me makes a very good point. However, it would certainly make you think twice about the possibility of getting tangled up in the uncertain and corrupted Thai legal system.

Actually, there use to be a similar situation in the US. There was a time that some people would try to sue people who stopped to help them and that certainly put a damper on people stopping at accidents to help. Then they made the "Good Samaritan" law and I suppose that helped.

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Many Thais do not stop, what a load of rubbish, have you ever seen an accident with the crowds gathering for a little bo peep?

There are sheep in Thailand?

A little Goggling and you would not need to ask such questions, but in short, YES, there are.

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Best hope a family member of yours is never laying injured on the side of the road in urgent need and everyone drives on by like you did.

Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

I think your missus has an outstanding character, good for you.


Same thing happens in China and some Eastern European countries

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I think it despicable that someone would not stop to help some who's injured. Humanity is lacking in some people who hide behind rumour and fear.

If first on the scene and If there is no obvious and immediate risk to you or others in your car I see no reason not to stop.

It is those, whoever they are and for whatever reasons who don't stop who prevent this world from getting any better, you are no better than those morons who may try and place the blame at your feet.

I have stopped at the scene of an accident, it was night time, the guy was unconscious on the road (drunk on motorcycle had simply ridden into a sign in the central reservation). I stopped other people from moving him, checked he was breathing and had a pulse. Asked someone to call an ambulance and asked the other people who arrived on the scene to head further down the road and use the lights on their phones to alert other traffic.

An ambulance arrived after 10mins, the paramedic took over the scene and we drove off... not even a sniff of blame from those involved with trying to help. People responded well to instructions.

I have no desire to get involved with another incident - I don't want the hassle. However, that wouldn't prevent me from helping where I can.

I did see 2 guys on a motorcycle drive into a ditch last Songkran. I slowed, saw they were ok brushing themselves off so I continued.

I also have a dash-cam - that can prove I was not involved if necessary, but realistically I can't see it coming to that. Nice to have though, an added security.

You are absolutely right in your comment.

I have had very similar experiences as well.

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I had a post a few months ago about the exact same thing, I said no one should stop at an accident in Thailand in case they get blamed, I got lambasted by a lot of posters for it. I still hold the same view, but again, If you are accompanied by any Thais, ie your wife, Bil, Sil etc, would it be safe to stop at an accident you are not part of? Would anything they say help? I do not know.

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Everybodys experiences are different, but it would seem that it would be risky to stop at an accident. Just say there is a one in five chance someone will try and get money from you after you stop at an accident you are not involved in, and I think that is very realistic. would you still stop?

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Many Thais do not stop, what a load of rubbish, have you ever seen an accident with the crowds gathering for a little bo peep?

There are sheep in Thailand?

Yes! Theres a sheep farm near Pattaya lol

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Your wife and sister-in-law absolutely correct. Police will also embezzle you too. Unless you got the whole thing on video that proves your not involved and just being a good samaritan, never stop.

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@ uptheos

Just because peoples opinions or perhaps experiences are different to yours it does not make it "rubbish"

in my experience and from that of family members, it is generally considered best not to get involved, especially as a "ferang".

Thais as stated, and in my personal experience also will not get involved in many things that do not directly concern them.

Oh and by the way, I've been here more than 5 minutes.

A guy goes off the road on a scooter, could do with a bit of help no doubt. car following with 3 people, two being Thai citizens albeit two hysterical Thai citizens and no-one helps!!

I'll give you one better, Guys comes off his motorcycle could be dead could be unconcious, people stood in a crowd at the roadside, body left in the centre of the carriageway, no one touches or moves him, the bus I am on drives right over him at 70kph (approx) THUMP ! no one batted an eyelid and the bus didnt even stop !

I find that hard to believe. I've seen a number of accidents and Thai people are very helpful and on scene immediately. I was in an accident myself and there must have been 20 people all around me immediately calling for an ambulance, directing traffic and so forth.

I don't that hard to believe, but I have to say I have read a lot of Charlies posts, and I think he is one of the more honest posters on TV.

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Been here 5 minutes and you know that 'many' Thai people don't stop.

Is this from personal experience?

My personal experience: Even if it is dark and you are stuck on a lonely road you get a helpful THAI-hand within a few seconds...

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Helping someone with a flat or run out of petrol is an entirely different game to framing yourself for an accident.

Your words contain way too much bias...

Helping someone with a flat or run out of petrol is an entirely different game to Helping someone after an accident.

There, bias removed... balance applied...

If you stop and help at an accident you are not framing yourself you are helping. If someone else wishes to frame you then let them run the risk of counter charges of making a false statement etc (I have a dash cam which in most cases would prove I was not involved in the cause).

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Actually the same with giving to charities.

A few years ago gave some baht to the blind man singing while being led by his wife. Then watched as they walked down the road, got into their own tuk tuk and he drove off.

So not a baht more to anyone.

Amazing how becoming more Thai makes you a more selfish, uncaring person.

Odd that, eh.

Yes, that happens, there is also the guy who crawls along the pavement in Sukhumvit around sois 5, 6.7 etc. I read somewhere that he actually walks on crutches, it is not a Thai thing, there are people like that in every country, although in different ways. I would say that in my experience, about 95% of Thais are decent and honest.

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I was advised 19 years ago by my Thai colleagues when I first came to Thailand never stop for an accident to help because you are a foreigner and will get the blame even if not your fault. I don't think things have changed.

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

I love how you maneuvered your asinine response right into the cliche "got a problem with it, move back to your country" line. That's really good creative writing.

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