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Why are thais so religious? Does religion serve a purpose?


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It serves the same purpose as Catholicism. You sin when you want and how you want it, then ask for forgiveness. Leave the house of worship (input name of religion and their house here) and go do it again.

the village monk might tell them they can have forgiveness but buddha sure as hell never did.

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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". Karl Marx

All religions are cults.

Deism is the only philosophy that makes sense to me, but to each his own.

well, old karl's answer ended up oppressing more people than religion ever did! dictatorship of the proletariat!! talk about a soulless cult!!

Apples and Oranges! Communism was failed political ideology, not a religious one.

Ask the Native American's if Christianity uplifted their souls. How about Latin America, Christianity worked wonders over there. Muslim's around the Middle East are not oppressed by Islam, right?

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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". Karl Marx

All religions are cults.

Deism is the only philosophy that makes sense to me, but to each his own.

well, old karl's answer ended up oppressing more people than religion ever did! dictatorship of the proletariat!! talk about a soulless cult!!

Apples and Oranges! Communism was failed political ideology, not a religious one.

Ask the Native American's if Christianity uplifted their souls. How about Latin America, Christianity worked wonders over there. Muslim's around the Middle East are not oppressed by Islam, right?

the fact that evil humans use religion to abuse others is hardly the fault of the religion. those bastards would be abusing folks no matter what ideology they were selling. the commies proved that by getting rid of the religion but continuing the oppression. in spades

I agree. Human nature is always going to take precedent.

But the fact remains that people use religion to justify or advance their evil intent.

If people want to believe in a virgin birth, or that Mohammed flew into heaven on a winged horse...etc, then that's their decision. My mind is based more on logic and reason.

But again, to each his own.

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I perform transcendental meditation five times a day and rest on my head between meditations. I also sleep standing up with my eyes open. But, I don't claim to understand Buddhism.

Transcendental meditation is not even remotely related to the type of meditation done by Buddhist.

There is no reason T..M. ,sleeping standing up or any other non related rituals would help you understand Buddhism.

Like most things, to understand Buddhism, you need to study it.

Studying still will not guarantee understanding.

Some believe it takes far more than one life time to gt it right!

Choke Dee!

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I agree. Human nature is always going to take precedent.

But the fact remains that people use religion to justify or advance their evil intent.

If people want to believe in a virgin birth, or that Mohammed flew into heaven on a winged horse...etc, then that's their decision. My mind is based more on logic and reason.

But again, to each his own.

I wonder how is an evil monk going to use thai religion to futher his intents? Maybe get them to donate more money but many thai ppl already donate money to various temples. How to get them to donate even more?

I wonder how did those monks get so rich in the first place. The corrupt monks.

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Allow me to use a quote we use in Africa, a lot.

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land."

I grew up in a Christian household as well, but with the little exposure and travel I have had, I came to realise that religion marks one of the major contributions to the downfall of the human race.

Thais are, as you mentioned, very religious. But most of them portray deeds that are extremely opposite to the doctrines of their religion (Buddhism).

Thailand, for example ranks as one of the leading countries with the highest alcohol consumption rates in the world. Thais pray and offer sacrifices before they leave out to sell their bodies on the streets, and then come back and pray once the sale has been made. A taxi man will 'wai' at the intersection with a temple across, and then proceed to overcharge you for the taxi ride. A sex massage shop owner has a small statue that she prays to and offers sacrifice to inside her shop.

Of course there are many genuinely religious Thais out there, who mean well and understand the true meaning of buddhism, but majority of them are in it to gain material wealth.

they dont pray, they dont offer sacrifices and they are no more sinful than any other nation. nd there may be some thais that understand the true meaning of buddhism, but you dont.

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"Religion is to keep the poor from killing the rich" - Napoleon Bonaparte

I don't believe in religion.

If all that claim to be religious would actually follow all religious teachings, including Buddhist following Buddhist teachings,

there would not be much wrong in the world.

But there is.

For Thais, I think it is a habit, they are exposed to it from an early age, it is expected. It often looks like a routine action.

Of course, Buddhism does not threaten with a hell. They basically have to do merit, give alms, wai to spirit houses, to compensate for sins.

Also, going to a temple is not exactly the same as attending a Christian or Catholic mass, is it? It is not

sitting quietly for a few hours on a hard wooden bench.

Going to a temple, you just light some incense sticks, do a repetitive bow, make a donation, wai the Buddha statue, and be on your way.

At Thai weddings or house blessings or car blessings or whatever, you never see people quietly listening to the monks' chants.

Everybody keeps talking, moving, eating and drinking. I only hear them say it is good for luck to make merit, but never say

they don't drink alcohol because they are Buddhist.

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"Religion is to keep the poor from killing the rich" - Napoleon Bonaparte

I don't believe in religion.

If all that claim to be religious would actually follow all religious teachings, including Buddhist following Buddhist teachings,

there would not be much wrong in the world.

But there is.

For Thais, I think it is a habit, they are exposed to it from an early age, it is expected. It often looks like a routine action.

Of course, Buddhism does not threaten with a hell. They basically have to do merit, give alms, wai to spirit houses, to compensate for sins.

Also, going to a temple is not exactly the same as attending a Christian or Catholic mass, is it? It is not

sitting quietly for a few hours on a hard wooden bench.

Going to a temple, you just light some incense sticks, do a repetitive bow, make a donation, wai the Buddha statue, and be on your way.

At Thai weddings or house blessings or car blessings or whatever, you never see people quietly listening to the monks' chants.

Everybody keeps talking, moving, eating and drinking. I only hear them say it is good for luck to make merit, but never say

they don't drink alcohol because they are Buddhist.

you really have no idea of the tenets of buddhism do you?

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The Thai laity only have 5 rules they're supposed to try and live by. They don't have a big list of 'thou shalt nots'. You don't appear to know very much about Buddhism at all.

Why should i know much about buddhism when i'm not even buddhism or believe in any of the thai animalistic beliefs?

The fact of the matter is i am curious as to why they even bother to go inside a temple when many ppl not only me but in the west won't even step into a church.

As you're asking questions about it I thought you'd want to do a little of your own research or are you expecting the rest of us to do that for you?

What an excercise in futility this argument is..

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Allow me to use a quote we use in Africa, a lot.

"When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land."

I grew up in a Christian household as well, but with the little exposure and travel I have had, I came to realise that religion marks one of the major contributions to the downfall of the human race.

Thais are, as you mentioned, very religious. But most of them portray deeds that are extremely opposite to the doctrines of their religion (Buddhism).

Thailand, for example ranks as one of the leading countries with the highest alcohol consumption rates in the world. Thais pray and offer sacrifices before they leave out to sell their bodies on the streets, and then come back and pray once the sale has been made. A taxi man will 'wai' at the intersection with a temple across, and then proceed to overcharge you for the taxi ride. A sex massage shop owner has a small statue that she prays to and offers sacrifice to inside her shop.

Of course there are many genuinely religious Thais out there, who mean well and understand the true meaning of buddhism, but majority of them are in it to gain material wealth.

they dont pray, they dont offer sacrifices and they are no more sinful than any other nation. nd there may be some thais that understand the true meaning of buddhism, but you dont.

I don't like gettin involved in these arguments but when they leave fruit and a glass of Sangsom on the little shrines, is that not a sacrifice? When Thais go into a temple they pray. My wife goes to the lady's temple at Chiang Mai for 3 days now and then and for 30 days once a year. They spend most of the days praying and meditating so why you say Thais don't pray is a mystery to me. The sacrifice bit i understand as they're not human sacrifices.. Maybe "offerings" is a better word?

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Your cavalier attitude alone in how you approach such a sensitive and personal subject, such as religion and the role it has in a culture and family shows a great amount of ignorance. Nobody is beating you over the head here, and nobody is going to burn you as a heretic, but for crikey's sake.....do not bring this up among believers. You just might end up finding out which religion/God is actually true !

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Everybody assumes that all Thais have Buddha but I can tell you that the whole village where I live they all go to 2 nd church every sunday and believe in god , they don't want to know about Buddha ,temples and everything that goes with it .

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Because it allows them to do bad things and then feel good about it. When Thais have been bad they go and make Tamboon, say some prayers ask for forgiveness but ask more for more and more, whether it is love, money, health etc.

They will honk their horns as they pass their Wats, now feeling they can drive 120 because they are protected. Or take their hands off the wheel to Wai a temple in the passing.

In general Thai Buddhists were more benevolent 35 years ago when I visited Thailand and the area. People on the whole are less religious now and spend less time at the Wat, more time working, drinking, or doing as little as possible. But I also believe all over the world religions have lost followers over the years, other than possibly Islam, I thinks its numbers are growing.

I was raised as a Catholic and at about 13 saw through all this preaching and stopped going to church, sex scandals, masses in the Latin language, no divorce. My mother was stuck with an alcoholic because the church would not allow her to divorce.

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It serves the same purpose as Catholicism. You sin when you want and how you want it, then ask for forgiveness. Leave the house of worship (input name of religion and their house here) and go do it again.

A dull and unstudied observation on your part....as if you can sum up the Catholic Religion in just those terms. silly.

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Just to clarify, if I am out with Thai friends I do go to the Wat with them, I say my prayers for goodness for everyone and " pid thong" put gold on Buddha, I respect his teachings, try to follow them and respect Thai people for their religious views and ceremonies.

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It serves the same purpose as Catholicism. You sin when you want and how you want it, then ask for forgiveness. Leave the house of worship (input name of religion and their house here) and go do it again.

A dull and unstudied observation on your part....as if you can sum up the Catholic Religion in just those terms. silly.

Does Catholicism offer confession and forgiveness whilst alive which defines it from other forms of Christianity?

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Just to clarify, if I am out with Thai friends I do go to the Wat with them, I say my prayers for goodness for everyone and " pid thong" put gold on Buddha, I respect his teachings, try to follow them and respect Thai people for their religious views and ceremonies.

And? Do you want a gold star?

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i wonder why so many humans believe these bizarre stories upon which religions are based

there are many different religions and more are always being invented - max 1 is true (probably 0)

i might go to hell but at least i will not be punished too much for committing to the wrong god

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It serves the same purpose as Catholicism. You sin when you want and how you want it, then ask for forgiveness. Leave the house of worship (input name of religion and their house here) and go do it again.

A dull and unstudied observation on your part....as if you can sum up the Catholic Religion in just those terms. silly.

Does Catholicism offer confession and forgiveness whilst alive which defines it from other forms of Christianity?

Let me answer like this. There are thousands of issues you could bring up about any religion to demonstrate how it does not live up to your logic. Forgiveness is just one. Do not be foollish and try to argue with those who do have faith. Mine is failing me, but there are several others who I admire.....in many religions. Arguing faith is like going fishing without bait....you are not equipped.

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There are many Thais who try to be good Thai Buddhists.

However, Thai Buddhism is all a bit of a joke morally and if you were to ask them why, most couldn't come up with a better answer than the fact that they were born into it.

Considering that Buddhism isn't in the strictest sense a religion anyway, I would say that Thais aren't that religious.

There are many Thais who try to be good Thai Buddhist's. "they may well try but they fall down miserably"

Get them to name the 5, 8, or 10 Buddhist precepts and a minority would even what they are and if you were to ask how many of them live by the Buddhist precepts the majority would say yes,

they do and, they would be lying through their teeth (which is of course in itself is failing to live by the precepts)

IMHO Thais are not particularly religious but they go through the motions like sheep.

Islam is (if adhered to and live by a good religion) the problem is that there are so many fanatics who use Islam as an excuse to commit atrocities.

Christianity has stood the test of time but will be over run by the Muslim fornicators churning out offspring like one shells peas.

Edited by johnlandy
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I am in NW Thailand. 60% budhist 40& christian. Budhism in indoctrination throughout with speakers placed everwhere, babbling monks, christian churches bible bashing and insisting on donations. I'm athiest because I can't understand all the devestation caused by so called religious leaders. Too much killing and death by sickness.

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The Thai laity only have 5 rules they're supposed to try and live by. They don't have a big list of 'thou shalt nots'. You don't appear to know very much about Buddhism at all.

Why should i know much about buddhism when i'm not even buddhism or believe in any of the thai animalistic beliefs?

The fact of the matter is i am curious as to why they even bother to go inside a temple when many ppl not only me but in the west won't even step into a church.

Superstition as much as anything.

Thai Buddhist beliefs are closely intertwined with ghosts and spirits.

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This thread is talking about 2 topics.

1:) We do know that there are still numerous countries out there with a national religion where the majority subscribe to one religion.

Many catholic countries out there. If you go to brazil, france, philippines the majority would be catholic for example. Same with the middle east.

The difference between thailand and those countries especially the middle eastern ones isn't the fact that they believe in a different religion but how those countries have so many restrictions and thailand doesn't have them yet thais are pretty religious almost on par with those muslims/catholics.


You mention France and the Philippines as Catholic countries and say "those countries have so many restrictions". Really makes me wonder about your knowledge of the world. Almost half the population of France professes to be either atheist or agnostic. As far as I know, none of the possible restrictions on behaviour there are linked explicitly to tenets of the Church. Faith is stronger in the Philippines, true, and the majority of Filipinas/os I know will go to church on Sunday, but that doesn't seem to prevent them from having a good time. And the young people there don't seem much different in terms of behaviour than North Americans (for example).

Strangely enough, the US is a bit of an outlier among western nations... religious belief is unusually strong there.

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Christianity has stood the test of time but will be over run by the Muslim fornicators churning out offspring like one shells peas.

Your vernacular is a bit offensive, but I do agree. Perhaps, in hindsight, the last caucasian man/woman in the world might be put to task to produce enough offspring to prevent the inevitable. It comes to no surprise, to me, that the last words of the Catholic Priest, especially in the Philippines, is "Go forth, be fruitful and multiply". One Irish priest in Olongapo actually said it in English......"Go make babies !" Not a bad idea when faced by overwelming births in Islamic Nations. In that light, I hope the girls in PI do their best....and win the day. I know I will support them in any way I possibly can. Ok, they are not Caucasians, but at least they are Christians..eh?

Please....this is a light hearted, parody of a possible outcome.

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"Religion is to keep the poor from killing the rich" - Napoleon Bonaparte

I don't believe in religion.

If all that claim to be religious would actually follow all religious teachings, including Buddhist following Buddhist teachings,

there would not be much wrong in the world.

But there is.

For Thais, I think it is a habit, they are exposed to it from an early age, it is expected. It often looks like a routine action.

Of course, Buddhism does not threaten with a hell. They basically have to do merit, give alms, wai to spirit houses, to compensate for sins.

Also, going to a temple is not exactly the same as attending a Christian or Catholic mass, is it? It is not

sitting quietly for a few hours on a hard wooden bench.

Going to a temple, you just light some incense sticks, do a repetitive bow, make a donation, wai the Buddha statue, and be on your way.

At Thai weddings or house blessings or car blessings or whatever, you never see people quietly listening to the monks' chants.

Everybody keeps talking, moving, eating and drinking. I only hear them say it is good for luck to make merit, but never say

they don't drink alcohol because they are Buddhist.

you really have no idea of the tenets of buddhism do you?

I doubt any of us do. However, this is what we see daily in Thailand. Call it bullshit buddhism, but it is what we see. coffee1.gif

I am sure an altar boy sitting on the lap of a priest thinks that is the catholic way. whistling.gif

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