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I've Been Scammed


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Thank you A1, you make total sense, easy to think afterwards of the obvious but I thought her photos a little too good to be true, very delicate bone structure, small and very pretty. I guess you are all going to laugh at this but when I spoke to her on the phone her slightle deep voice didn't seem to match the photos, another thing that surprised me was her 100% perfect English, do many girls from Changrai have that? There were other pointers that I missed at the time but seem so obvious now.

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Thank you A1, you make total sense, easy to think afterwards of the obvious but I thought her photos a little too good to be true, very delicate bone structure, small and very pretty. I guess you are all going to laugh at this but when I spoke to her on the phone her slightle deep voice didn't seem to match the photos, another thing that surprised me was her 100% perfect English, do many girls from Changrai have that? There were other pointers that I missed at the time but seem so obvious now.

I rest my case, m'lud.

Now I must go to my own milking shed.

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dont let one head take over the other head never never never send money , for a sick buffalo or parents or grandparents or children or the pet dog . never . tell them you have no money and see what they will do i told my girlfriend that and she still came to me

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When I put my profile on these dating web-sites, I always mention that I have little money, but a good heart.

Strangely enough, despite being a very hansum man, I have not had a single Thai woman show interest in me...


well i did the same and i got a good woman she told me she would look after me it was a very long time before i told her to leave work as i would look after her i think it was about 11 months i had money for both of us that was 5 years ago and still very very happy man

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Posts giving personal detail including bank details have again been removed:

DO NOT post a persons detail on a public forum no matter what they may have or may not have done.

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I mean like, I'm 26 right and even I can easely see through these scams going on and on.. I am far from perfect but I keep questioning myself that what on earth have all these adults been doing all their life??? how can people so easely be fooled on later age?

on the other side maybe i've just been lucky and it's of course always after...

(no offence intended just wondering)

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Btw the 'girls' FB details, TF profile and phone number are still listed on page 1 of this topic.

My protocol for online dating.

1.Small talk on the dating site.

2.Add on fb.....carefully study her timeline....photos...etc...if no fb available...abort!

Beware of very sparse timelines and photos..possible scammer.

3.Talk through skype

4.Meet in person

...at no point send any money...and IF requested, abort asap and move on.

I never add to FB because I don't want a load of random girls from the internet on my FB with access to my friends, family, real name, home town etc.

Asking for trouble further down the line. Think about it...

Unless you have a fake account just for them then not a bad idea because FB can tell you a lot and help work out if legit or not.

I can't be bothered chatting on Skype either too time consuming and annoying to have open when online.

Dating site > LINE > meet in person.

People use dating sites to prevent them from working in, or drinking in, Bars.

This is a common scam. I know a couple of blokes who have fallen for the same trick. Online dating is like taking a walk in a mine field.

I'd say most of the girls on the dating sites are NOT bar girls or ever likely to be. They have nothing to do with p4p and aren't planning on entering it.

Just bored and lonely girls who can't get a boyfriend or a boyfriend that they would be happy with.

Most guys seem unable to get past the bar girls and dodgy ones though because they see slutty photos and can't help but send messages to them even though they know deep down these girls are likely to be no good.

Or they are 'older' and attract the gold diggers and hookers who are looking for an easy mark.

It's hardly a minefield. Used TF plenty myself and don't have any really bad experiences to report. Few girls not looking as good as their photos but no requests for money, scams or anything too bad.

Some guys just attract these dodgy types online and off and I wager if they were a bit more selective about who they corresponded with and used some common sense they'd be fine.

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The odds of getting your money back are about as slim as having a close encounter of the third kind, being hit by a meteorite, being struck my lightening and winning the lottery twice on the same day.

Here is something’s you can do:

If you have her photo taken from the dating site plus other information, mobile phone number, Skype, email addresses and so on, then do a Google search and see if she appears on other dating sites and social networking sites. Also check emails or names with the scammer warning sites to see if the person has a mention on those. Where ever you discover her, contact the website and inform them that this person is a scammer. Then upload the details onto a scammer warning site, such as, www.stop-scammers.com/, www.romancescams.org, dragonladies.org/ and there are countless more. You could also publish a warning in the rants and raves section of craigslist.

In these cases one should always insist on a personal one to one email contact, as then it is possible to do a header trace and discover the senders IP address, ISP and origins of email. This is good evidence if considering filing criminal charges with the police. For example, if after an email contact you do a search and discover that the email source is from Africa, Russia or anywhere else far from where the sender claims to be, then this should send alarm bells ringing. If this person was reluctant to communicate via email, then it appears he/she knows what they are doing and is a professional scammer.

Here are the golden rules:

Never send money to anyone you have contact with online before meeting them

Always insist on an email address and always do some online checks before getting too involved with them

If not traceable anywhere else online, then insist on further information from the person that can be checked out.

Also keep in mind that this is Thailand, which has strict anti defamation laws, so ensure you have your facts right and proof to back it up before publishing any details about this scam in the public domain.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Thank you witawat, no fiction and this my first ever post on thaivisa

Codswallop. I know a phony when I see one. Plus your writing style is eerily similar to several other clearly obvious troll posts under other names that have appeared here. I won't go looking for them as you're not worth the effort.

So, now you're ThaiVisa's master detective. rolleyes.gif Sherlock Holmes and Dick Tracey all rolled into one! cheesy.gif

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Good chance the photos aren't "her." She could be a man. She could be anywhere.

I too have used TF with no problems and never a request for money. But I don't message the slutty ones or the uneducated ones, and I've met a couple of really nice gals on there. But I'll agree it's a minefield if you aren't careful.

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I would definitely say that girls like that can only fall for your wallet, not for you. Anyway boyo, it is good you posted here coz many boys out there can learn more about this together with interesting tips from members here. I found myself years ago in same shoes of yours. Lost more than 5,000 baht but had good time too with her. It's not about the money but the feeling of being duped. Get over it. Just a further lesson learned. Wish you Good Luck in your love life.

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Come on man, if your that dumb you have got to learn somehow or you will never make it over here.

If you really wanted to pursue this telling her to come and paying her back once she is here would be an obvious answer.

What country and city did you grow up in, some sheltered life somewhere where there is no crime?

Same thing with the bar girls scams I hear all the time. I'm from a fairly rough area before I came here, but I can't believe how gullible people are over here, especially grown men.


WOW mate, I get that you see the scam for what it is, but c'mon you really need to call this guy "dumb"? you think he needs this from you now? I think he's a little the smarter now.

and well guess what sunshine your not the only one who grew up in "rough areas" I did a little growing up in Redfern Aust, in the 70's,,, nothing to do with your I grew up rough comment, just that maybe you need to learn that some people try to see the good in others, I wonder rough boy (donnieradit) , can you spell compassion?

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