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Cheep, Small, Unique, Thailand Gifts


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Hello Friends,

I'm going back to the States for Christmas and am preparing a little gift pack for the people back there. I need this gift pack small, cheep, and uniquely Thai. I'll be giving at least 20 of them.

So far, I'm going for a Thai inhaler, Thai brand tiger balm mini tin (suggestions on the best one would be appreciated), and a set of coins (1,2,5,10). It's shaping up, but it's not quite there yet.

I'd really love to find a couple more small items under 30฿. All Thai writing on the packaging perhaps. Something exotic but useful like the inhaler and the tiger balm maybe. I'm open to anything. Anything cheep.

Cheaper the better, so I can get more items per person.

Located in Bangkok.

Any suggestions are very appreciated!

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Have a look at dried fruit section at 7-11 or Tesco.
Low cost, light, weight, Thai text and will last for a long time.
Dried durian for example, bet they never tried that one.

Green tea is also inexpensive and light weight.

For someone that likes to cook, Pla-raa and dried chilli.

And of course for 10 baht.


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Man, great suggestions so far. I tried Amazon for ideas, but didn't think of Ebay. Getting on that, will report back.

Tesco/711 dried fruit. You make a good argument; I'm going to look into it and report back.

I too thought about Thai Red Bull, but 20 glass bottles in a suitcase sounds like trouble. I am going to LA first through, and I've hear rumors you can find it in Thai grocery stored there.

The mixed bugs look a little too touristy, and expensive. Unless you know where to get a local sealed packet...

Shokobutsu is a cool brand, but I haven't seen any products that are tiny/cheep.

A cursory look makes is seem like worry dolls aren't thai. Cute concept through, any idea where to get in Bangkok?

Edited by AdventureArtist
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for women:

wooden carved elephant.

Or there are small pillows in elephant shape.

sarong (or something similar) in Thai fabric

for men:

a bottle wiskey from the duty free, made in don't care where :-)

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I really like those eucalyptus air fresheners. Small, lightweight, cheap. They are, if you didn't know, small pouches of granulated eucalyptus. I use them in the car, or closet, or bathroom.

Used to see them everywhere. Not so much now, but the "Big C" in Khlong Toey still has them, amongst the kiosks downstairs.

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I bring back all the latest movies .....(50 baht) ....buy them at Seacon Shopping Mall and ALWAYS declare them for US customs ....never had a problem although once the customs agent upon examining my bag ask how many I had (while she was counting them) and I said "I think 90" to which she replied "NO...you have 110 ....have a good day"

EVERBODY loves them....and if your tight on packing (not enough room) tell them forget the box and just leave it in the plastic sleeve!

Edited by beachproperty
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My family has visited Thailand many times and their list of items they like, include, pumpkin seeds, matoom tea (bael fruit -tesco 105 baht a kilo and divide up), powder toothpaste, Pelle mosquito talcum 65 baht, Boots face moisturiser, 48 hour roll on antiperspirant, Blue Elephant sauces and mixes & other herbs from Gourmet @ Siam especially Holy Basil. I also buy 30 or 40 pair of the anklet socks that you see people wearing in shoes here, well you cant actually see them but you know what i mean :) usually I wait until I see them 6 for 150, the teenagers like the funky colours, my Mum loves those spa music CD's you see for sale in the BTS.

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