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any one know this guy


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  • Chrysopelea

  • Chrysopelea, or more commonly known as the flying snake, is a genus that belongs to the family Colubridae. Flying snakes are mildly venomous, though they are considered harmless because their toxicity is not dangerous to humans. Wikipedia

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Looks like a Golden Tree Snake can bite but harmless

The only good snake is a dead one, then it's harmless.huh.png

Mate; how can you say that ? ? ? A snake, like any other living creature, does have the right to a life ! ! - Simply (and carefully) catch the serpent, put it in a safe container (garbage-bag; box; plastic-bin etc.) and take it some distance away from your home and release it; - I'll just bet that you will feel a lot better about yourself for NOT having killed a little creature for no good reason at all.

One day you will come to understand [regular people may take a while; Aussies take a bit longer !]


O Yeah, like the lady near Newcastle a couple of days ago, her husband came home and saw her out like a light in the back yard near the garden. Thought she had a heart attack. She died later but they found out later she died from a snake bite.

Yesterday the little kid bitten by a snake that crawled into his dads car.

Nah the only good snake is a dead one. If you are a tree hugger these guys can drop them at your place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this morning another one security told it is a krait snake

they will look around for a nest

If he means the snake in the pic of the pics in the OP,then the security guy is wrong,but it`s easy to confuse them because they both have bands.

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O Yeah, like the lady near Newcastle a couple of days ago, her husband came home and saw her out like a light in the back yard near the garden. Thought she had a heart attack. She died later but they found out later she died from a snake bite.

Yesterday the little kid bitten by a snake that crawled into his dads car.

Nah the only good snake is a dead one. If you are a tree hugger these guys can drop them at your place.

Please, Newcastle, Australia.

the only poisonous snake found in the UK is the Adder and only found in the south of England and their bits are rarely fatal to humans, the most common snake found in Newcastle is the Geodie Mamba and that has two legs.

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this morning another one security told it is a krait snake

they will look around for a nest

If he means the snake in the pic of the pics in the OP,then the security guy is wrong,but it`s easy to confuse them because they both have bands.

see my next post.

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this morning another one security told it is a krait snake

they will look around for a nest

If he means the snake in the pic of the pics in the OP,then the security guy is wrong,but it`s easy to confuse them because they both have bands.

I have just enlarged the picture and can see that it is a golden tree snake. I stand corrected (even if It is I who has done the correcting)!!

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this morning another one security told it is a krait snake

they will look around for a nest

If he means the snake in the pic of the pics in the OP,then the security guy is wrong,but it`s easy to confuse them because they both have bands.

That IS NOT a friendly golden tree snake - the security guard is right, it is a krait

Care to take another wild stab in the dark....believe everything a thai tells you do you ?


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this morning another one security told it is a krait snake

they will look around for a nest

If he means the snake in the pic of the pics in the OP,then the security guy is wrong,but it`s easy to confuse them because they both have bands.

That IS NOT a friendly golden tree snake - the security guard is right, it is a krait

Care to take another wild stab in the dark....believe everything a thai tells you do you ?


yes as long there is no bht involved
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  • 5 weeks later...


O Yeah, like the lady near Newcastle a couple of days ago, her husband came home and saw her out like a light in the back yard near the garden. Thought she had a heart attack. She died later but they found out later she died from a snake bite.

Yesterday the little kid bitten by a snake that crawled into his dads car.

Nah the only good snake is a dead one. If you are a tree hugger these guys can drop them at your place.


That little kid is FAR more likely to die from a traffic accident in his dad's car than from a snakebite.

The vast majority of snakebite victims are shoeless rural people who accidentally step on a snake they don't see.

Most of the other victims are young men who tried to grab or kill a venomous snake.

Virtually no one ever gets killed by a snake they've already seen if they just leave it alone. It's not going to come after you. And since less than one in a million snakes ever ends up biting and killing someone, killing it isn't going to make you any more likely to survive some future imagined bite, because chances are far more likely that you'll get bit by some snake you've never seen before.

If you're really scared, then call a snake removal service and have a professional do it. But try and do it yourself, and you're far more likely to get bit trying to kill the snake than you ever were by just leaving it alone.

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Old post, but its a Laotian Wolf Snake, mildly venomous, skinny like a pencil. Because of my cat, I try to keep the deadly snakes out, but the less deadly can stay. Of course if its an unknown snake, try to check it out online, before playing with it. Kinda like mushrooms, dont eat or touch, unless you are certain.

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