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Phone and Tablet in the toilet


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I am a multitasker, so yes I do. Also I listen to Audio Books at night before i Go to sleep. I read a few pages while on the loo.. iPad is right next to the head

and why not? Magazines racks was there in the past, now no need for them.

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How does one use the Bum Spray while using the tablet/mobile?

Carefully......very carefully.

I think there is probably an App for that...


Now there's an idea! Access the the tablet's mic; distinguish the various sounds and it gives an analysis or your 'movement'. May be on to a winner here!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And don't forget to post photos on Arsebook.

Don't you mean "faecesbook"?

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Seems a lot of people do. Today at Rimping (airport) Chiang Mai, I had a very URGENT call of nature and shuffled as quickly as my Arthritic legs would allow to the Toilet. There are 3 cubicles and most times, there is at least one available.

Not so today.... all three occupied by gentlemen who were either all talking to each other or more likely, on their Mobile Phones chatting away while they dropped their load into the dunny.

I hung about for a couple of minutes but the conversations droned on and on, so I tightened my sphincter and headed to the other loos up stairs.

I was TEMPTED to provide the Mobile Phone users with a Whiff I what I wanted to evacuate from my lower bowel but was afraid that in so doing, it might not just be Hot Air and then I would have lost Face...or is that Feces?

Now I'm sure that was a riveting story but if the Moderators decide to delete it I will understand and accept a rap on my arthritic knuckles.

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I'm never in the toilet long enough to read or write anything. I get in there, do my business and get out. I've never understood why people take books or news papers in with them. We wash our hands after doing or business, but do you wash your tablet, book or news paper after having your dirty hands all over it?

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Another toilet thread! blink.png

yes there should be toilet/excrements sub forum.

A sub-forum is not big enough, there being many categories, and new ones being created every week (this week it was double-folding; tapeworms and stool samples; so constipated I can use both my smart phone, and my iPad in the toilet )

A whole website is required: www.TV. com

Toilet Visa.

Sample posts might be:

Where Can I Do My 90 Day Runs?

My GF Doesn't Give A Crap

What Would You Poo?

Got Arrested in Hawng Nam for Overstay.

Urgent! Where Can I Buy A Bumgun at 2am?

I Got Charged Double for Toilet at JJ Market!

Difference in Price of Toilet Paper for My Wife and Myself!

Accident Insurance.

What to Do About Squatter on my Land.

Don't Stop for An Accident!

Taxi Kept Meter Running While I Did Some Quick Business!


- Where is the best crapper on lower Suk?

- I paid one baht but there was no tissue.

- The toilets are better in Phuket than Pattaya.

- ThaiVisa dumper of the year award.

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Do you wai in the bathroom?

I’m pissed; no 3-prong in the toilet for my i-Pad!

What’s the best tablet to use one-handed?

Out of pages in my passport!

The cleaning lady called me farang!

Thai soaps: which one rinses quicker?

Girlfriend leaves; farang takes dump off 10th floor

Parenting potty-training styles: was I wrong to lock her out of the bathroom?

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Hope that the op's aware of the fact that 19% of people have actually dropped a phone down the toilet.

I wonder what caused the 19% to drop the phone. Maybe they read/saw something shocking!!!!

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Good commercial. Very soon there will be an app. - How to have a conversation !

For which there might indeed be a demand--

My mom went into a bathroom at Walmart to wash her hands.

She hears grunting, a bronx cheer-like sound (Google it) and a series of plops.

Then a voice echoes from a stall:

"I'm in Walmart … shopping, what else? …….. no, I'm not, I'm in the electronics department ….. what sound ….?"

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