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Foreign tourist beaten unconscious, robbed by Thai gang in Pattaya

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In the seediest part of the country, in the middle of the night, alone, with a beer in his hand. In my opinion that's about as smart as pearl diving with a pocket full of chum.

So nobody should fly to a land of smiles destination ?.............rolleyes.gif

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Always feel sorry for these helpless sods, been there a dozen times myself (the last time waking up in hospital 555), when your mates have disappeared and left you to find your own way home, but I never used to mind, you can end up in some right bizarre situations (some good, some bad!!!).

But, even where I came from (a small market town back in the UK), if you were drunk and alone after 1.00am the chances of a gang of hoodies or the like jumping you is exponentially more likely to happen.


--so the city cuts down the tree for more secure night lighting, installs more security cameras and they are asking for more information. LIke I have stated many times on these forums, is it really that difficult for the police to have foot patrols, (meaning police walking around Beach Promenade) in order to cut down on the crime (after midnight). Or are they also afraid of being beaten up my Katoeys or scum bags????


Just another sign of the times...

Open season on foreigners...

This is not an isolated incident...

Gangs are springing up everywhere...foreigners are main targets...

Thailand is quickly becoming a very unsafe place...

Youre wrong....................it`s more safe here than most other places around the world !!


I have never had problem in thailand with locals. If i get in troubble its allways FORIGNERS and that means drunk russians and europeans

Just another sign of the times...

Open season on foreigners...

This is not an isolated incident...

Gangs are springing up everywhere...foreigners are main targets...

Thailand is quickly becoming a very unsafe place...

Youre wrong....................it`s more safe here than most other places around the world !!


the best here would be a vigilante type movement like one guy sits alone while the others hide when the perps attack hospitalize them, the gangs would sure think twice bout attacking loners.


Drunks get rolled everywhere on a daily basis...not really a concern unless you're a public drunk too out in public at 3;30 in the morning.

I'm sorry, but you (nor any of us) know anything about this man, yet you choose to victimize the victim instead of villainzing the perps! A pretty girl in a pretty dress is not asking to be raped! A man sitting quietly on the beach with a beer is not asking to be attacked and robbed. There could be a million perfectly good reasons for this man to sit down on the beach at 3:30am with a beer. For one thing, he could have just arrived, having landed at BKK very late--like most of us--and been jet-lagged. His father could have just died and he was just sitting and thinking. The list is endless. Yes, he could have also been drunk, as you presuppose, but that is only one of a million possibilities.

He was sitting alone, bothering nobody, breaking no law; and yet you choose to label him a "drunk" who should have known better. Why? Because that's the easy way out? It's also cowardly; victimizing victims. At least the witness yelled at the perps and chased them off. Would you have done the same brave act? Or just muttered to yourself about "some stupid drunk who deserves what he gets?" And because attacks like this DO concern me, in your book that makes me a public drunk, too! How simple a world view...

A good reply to the PATHETIC thai apologist "OMGImInPattaya"


whilst you should be able to sit alone on beach road drunk at 3.30 in the morning without any problem but we know that is asking for trouble. More often than not it would have been ladyboys that would have been the attackers. Take care of yourself get drunk with friends.



A lot of people knocking Pattaya but the problem is elsewhere.

Pattaya is a big place with lots of tourists so of course it happens more here than Hua Hin for example.

This sort of thing goes on everywhere, at least here they do not kill you which happens in a lot of other places.

With these scum the Police are usually pretty good and catch them, they are 99% uneducated idiots so not difficult really.

Just wish the judges would make the punishment suit the crime!

I have been living in Jomtien for roughly 5 years and have regularly been to Pattaya at night, sometimes early morning.

Never once have I had a problem, neither have my friends!

Hua Hin is also the home of some very very important families. There are a lot more police getting busy there to preserve the good image of Hua Hin. I guess the local police commander would get very uncomfortable if Hua Hin would be compared to pattaya or phuket .



The authorities realized they could hardly blame the sharks - or the bathers. Instead, they shut down the factory. Here in LOS, one cannot blame the victim or the police - the problem is the massive influx of mass tourism in urban centers like Pattaya. People from different cultures need time to get to know one another, and adjust accordingly. Mass tourism makes that impossible, and this resentment and anger in the host country, which can feel invaded. This is the current situation in Pattaya, and short-sighted greed on the part of "entrepreneurs" and some Thai authorities is to blame for creating the situation.

Since any change in tourism strategy is unlikely, the only immediate solution is to teach tourists to be street smart. This means different things to different people, but safe to say that hanging out in bars in the wee hours is asking for trouble - unless you are really sure of your surroundings.

Sho Nuff - its all the tourists fault. I guess you forgot about the massive influx of Thais to Pattaya as part of the problem


Opportunistic Crime & another example of the effectiveness of the many 'crackdowns' on Crime in Pattaya.

Police cannot be everywhere , BUT , one would assume because of prevalence one would have a regular Patrol of Beach Road 2 - 5 am daily

Preventative Patrols are more effective than Reactive Policing

Just an observation



More often than not it would have been ladyboys that would have been the attackers.

I knew it would not take long for someone to start on the Ladyboys rant.

Methinks you protest too much.


Again, it would be better if the ambassador of Russia, if the guy is Russian, stand up and demand a swift investigation with a real punishment. The ambassador can mobilize other ambassadors, like in Phuket,and inform the home country.

Also make this knowable on social websites like FB, Twitter and so on. If a foreigner is involved in a crime like this the Thais are very easy in finding the culprits and the punishment is not more then 2 Heineken beer.

If ambassadors and home offices make waves then the Thais will do something else they will feel it in the wallet.

Oh , forget in all my anger.... good luck to the mugged guy.


I am not so sure if this was an "innocent" russian tourist. Maybe he is a Russian expat, maybe he did something in the past to peovoke the attack. As long as we don't know the full story we should stop to speculate.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Drunks get rolled everywhere on a daily basis...not really a concern unless you're a public drunk too out in public at 3;30 in the morning.

I'm sorry, but you (nor any of us) know anything about this man, yet you choose to victimize the victim instead of villainzing the perps! A pretty girl in a pretty dress is not asking to be raped! A man sitting quietly on the beach with a beer is not asking to be attacked and robbed. There could be a million perfectly good reasons for this man to sit down on the beach at 3:30am with a beer. For one thing, he could have just arrived, having landed at BKK very late--like most of us--and been jet-lagged. His father could have just died and he was just sitting and thinking. The list is endless. Yes, he could have also been drunk, as you presuppose, but that is only one of a million possibilities.

He was sitting alone, bothering nobody, breaking no law; and yet you choose to label him a "drunk" who should have known better. Why? Because that's the easy way out? It's also cowardly; victimizing victims. At least the witness yelled at the perps and chased them off. Would you have done the same brave act? Or just muttered to yourself about "some stupid drunk who deserves what he gets?" And because attacks like this DO concern me, in your book that makes me a public drunk, too! How simple a world view...

Not victimizing victims but just pointing out the obvious and by example encouraging people to use common sense. Funny, in my tourist days, I arrived in Bangkok on many a red-eye flight but my first reaction after checking into my hotel was not to run down to the corner 7-11 and nurse a beer on the curb of Sukhumvit Road at 3:30 a.m. I guess I just had the good sense to know nothing good was likely to come of it. I guess this is too complicated a logic for some to grasp.

Some of us like to get rolling drunk before we accidentally visit a ladyboy bar. I must admit, it takes guts to do that sober and with common sense... I commend you sir!


look french coast ,police on the beach ,on bikes ,on motor bikes ,on horses ,on foot , in cars ,watching all the time ,see little betty crime ,thailand should wage up and take control , little like a farmers taking control of his cow ,we are your cash cows take care of us please

No! The farangs are not the cashcows for Thais. The Thai people really don't need us,......for anything. As "uneducated" as these Thais may seem to be, they are super street-smart, and can spot a falang patsy coming from 100km. away.

It's only the block-headedly stupid farangs, who refuse to listen to other (experienced) farang advice, and who arrogantly believe they are the best thing ever to come into some young Thai girls life, are the "cashcows (the fools)".

Remember, there are absolutely no starving people in Thailand.


These attacks are now becoming more than just isolated incidents. No one knows when and who`s going to be the next victim. This poor guy won`t be the last, that`s for sure.

Every tourist and visitor to Pattaya are perpetual victims of crime waiting to happen.

Too dangerous in my opinion, best to avoid Pattaya and be safe.

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These attacks are now becoming more than just isolated incidents. No one knows when and who`s going to be the next victim. This poor guy won`t be the last, that`s for sure.

Every tourist and visitor to Pattaya are perpetual victims of crime waiting to happen.

Too dangerous in my opinion, best to avoid Pattaya and be safe.

Tens of thousands of tourists visit Pattaya and thousands of expats live there, and a tiny number are affected by violent crime. You are being ridiculously over-cautious, or just trying to provoke a reactions from the sane people who actually live there or know the place!

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These attacks are now becoming more than just isolated incidents. No one knows when and who`s going to be the next victim. This poor guy won`t be the last, that`s for sure.

Every tourist and visitor to Pattaya are perpetual victims of crime waiting to happen.

Too dangerous in my opinion, best to avoid Pattaya and be safe.

I just moved away after being shake down by the immigration, I paid all my fee's and was completely legal.

That's when I realized that being legal in Pattaya meant that they can come in my door refuse to show me their badges shake me down for 3 hrs. Then leave. They were in plain cloths and when I asked for their identification they said no. Pattaya is nothing more then one big gang like Phuket. Now that their is heat in Phuket they will come to Pattaya.


I guess this incident is an example of the difference between eaat and west. I'm from the east and I can safely say that thai people generally are peaceful. The only time I've had an issue with thai people is the rude thai customs officer but other than that is fine with me.


I feel sorry for the chap. I am just curious that on more than a few occasions it always seems that Russians tend to get into this kind of trouble.

Personally, I found Russians to be rude, and obnoxious when they had a drink too many. But I do know good upstanding Russians, too. But the latter is a small minority.

Please do not misunderstand me, I am not a racist or wishes to offend anyone. Just wondering if rudeness and obnoxious behaviour is a key contributing factor to being attack?

Excuse my stupidity, but how does rude and obnoxious behavior become synonmous with racism? Duh?


These attacks are now becoming more than just isolated incidents. No one knows when and who`s going to be the next victim. This poor guy won`t be the last, that`s for sure.

Every tourist and visitor to Pattaya are perpetual victims of crime waiting to happen.

Too dangerous in my opinion, best to avoid Pattaya and be safe.

Tens of thousands of tourists visit Pattaya and thousands of expats live there, and a tiny number are affected by violent crime. You are being ridiculously over-cautious, or just trying to provoke a reactions from the sane people who actually live there or know the place!

Yes, I agree that these crimes have not yet reached epic proportions in Pattaya.

But only need to view the news reports to realise that physical assaults, robberies, extortions, scams, sexual assaults, drug and alcohol related crimes, rapes and murders are rapidly becoming common place in Pattaya.

What I said still stands, anyone who visits Pattaya does so at their own risk and discretion. Personally, I think it is wise to stay well away from there or second best is to always be on your guard, alert and cautious.


The knicker wetting on here never ceazes to amaze me. Drunks get mugged all over the world.

Bunch of drama queens at a Mothers meeting.

Lighten up, sir. Many expats are just bored and lonely. This is their only medium to vent, or express their opinions. Try a little compasion, instead of looking to put other people down. Who knows, you just might come to like yourself, even better, if you try. Cheerssmile.png


Drunks get rolled everywhere on a daily basis...not really a concern unless you're a public drunk too out in public at 3;30 in the morning.

I'm sorry, but you (nor any of us) know anything about this man, yet you choose to victimize the victim instead of villainzing the perps! A pretty girl in a pretty dress is not asking to be raped! A man sitting quietly on the beach with a beer is not asking to be attacked and robbed. There could be a million perfectly good reasons for this man to sit down on the beach at 3:30am with a beer. For one thing, he could have just arrived, having landed at BKK very late--like most of us--and been jet-lagged. His father could have just died and he was just sitting and thinking. The list is endless. Yes, he could have also been drunk, as you presuppose, but that is only one of a million possibilities.

He was sitting alone, bothering nobody, breaking no law; and yet you choose to label him a "drunk" who should have known better. Why? Because that's the easy way out? It's also cowardly; victimizing victims. At least the witness yelled at the perps and chased them off. Would you have done the same brave act? Or just muttered to yourself about "some stupid drunk who deserves what he gets?" And because attacks like this DO concern me, in your book that makes me a public drunk, too! How simple a world view...

Not victimizing victims but just pointing out the obvious and by example encouraging people to use common sense. Funny, in my tourist days, I arrived in Bangkok on many a red-eye flight but my first reaction after checking into my hotel was not to run down to the corner 7-11 and nurse a beer on the curb of Sukhumvit Road at 3:30 a.m. I guess I just had the good sense to know nothing good was likely to come of it. I guess this is too complicated a logic for some to grasp.

Some of us like to get rolling drunk before we accidentally visit a ladyboy bar. I must admit, it takes guts to do that sober and with common sense... I commend you sir!

"Accidentally" on purpose...but you would have to get me pretty drunk to venture into a ladygirl bar 5555.


Thais laugh at the judicial system. They know there is little or no punishment if they get caught. Who loses face? Haha.

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