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Thai Interior Minister to file rebellion against leaders of the anti-amnesty bill


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He also urged the Democrats to bring its fight against corruption to Parliament. He admitted that there are concerns on the negative impact of this on investment sentiment. If Thailand loses any opportunity, the Democrats must be responsible for that, he said.

Totally irrational people in this administration. blink.png

They are going to blame the opposition for their own shortcomings?

It's a truly bizarre state of affairs of the Thai nation.

I don't think even Tom Sharpe could have come up with a plot so convoluted, a government so conniving or a Prime Monister so comprehesively useless

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Will he be filing the 2010 charges against the Redshirts first? Stupidity of the Pheu Thai lackies knows no bounds.

Pretty sure many of them had similar charges laid at them when the dems were in power - it's quid pro quo - lighten up Francis

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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The protest is against the amnesty-bill, which is still before the Senate, but this is now deemed an act of rebellion ?

What a wonderful world, where a Minister in the sitting government can decide, what is or isn't an acceptable reason for a peaceful protest. wink.png

Remember when PTP were in opposition, they used to claim to fight for justice & freedom-of-expression & democracy, now they reveal their true anti-democratic colours.

Yay for Red-Faces All Round ! facepalm.gif

Is there anything left or is the store selling ' Stupidity ' all sold out.


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He also urged the Democrats to bring its fight against corruption to Parliament. He admitted that there are concerns on the negative impact of this on investment sentiment. If Thailand loses any opportunity, the Democrats must be responsible for that, he said.

Totally irrational people in this administration. blink.png

They are going to blame the opposition for their own shortcomings?

Yes, it looks like they are. However, to be absolutely fair on Peua Thai, most governments around the world would do the same. Politics is all about the blame game.

But obviously they are acting undemocratically and unconstitutionally when they file treason charges against (or do anything to stifle) any protest movement, as long as it's peaceful, lawful and doesn't infringe on others' rights.

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Ok...so  I'm a rebel.  Are the students rebels? Are the business people rebels? Are the judges rebels? Are university professors rebels? Is anyone that disagrees with your party a rebel?


I have a question for you Mr. Interior Minister. Are you really so stupid? 


Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).


Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.


Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.



..spark confrontation by stoking hate....


But isn't that what all previous protests and their leaders have at some point engaged in? And look at how they, the last group of protest leaders  were rewarded - Seats in government!!!


So it seems a very sad state of affairs indeed, when those who have previously sparked confrontation by stoking hate have managed to by pass the judicial system and now have an active part in the decision making protest of Thailand.  Hardly a deterrent is it? 


Perhaps if all those involved in past actions had been punished accordingly (without financial,  social or political bias perverting the judicial process) this situation would not have happened. But, unfortunately vested interests, both (financial and political)  prevailed and the cycle maintains itself perpetually. Neither PTP nor the Dems have anyone but themselves to blame for the mess Thailand is in. 


Shoot them all and start again - easiest solution (if rather contemptible, I know) 

"Shoot them all" could be a solution indeed.

But the yellows and the Dems would prefer to shoot only the reds (they missed quite a lot last time).

On their side, the reds would most certainly prefer to shoot all the Dems, as well as the yellows, the whites, the anti-everything,...

You could shoot the ones who, naively, supported the latest street protests too.

Well, shooting one or both or all sides is not the best solution I guess >_>

There was the solution of the amnesty, but that was not good either... Some people still prefer confrontation.

Parliament does not work either since the Dems prefer to give ultimatum from the streets.

Not sure what is left...

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Ok...so I'm a rebel. Are the students rebels? Are the business people rebels? Are the judges rebels? Are university professors rebels? Is anyone that disagrees with your party a rebel?

I have a question for you Mr. Interior Minister. Are you really so stupid?

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

I think your stroking it, hate I mean and causing panic with your conspiracy theories. Sure the government bite off more than it can chew with the amnesty bill and protestors are in the street, but there hasn't been any violence, no interference with the running of the government, no blocking of trade, except for the SOE restrictions. What is this government panicking about?

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Ok...so I'm a rebel. Are the students rebels? Are the business people rebels? Are the judges rebels? Are university professors rebels? Is anyone that disagrees with your party a rebel?

I have a question for you Mr. Interior Minister. Are you really so stupid?

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

I think your stroking it, hate I mean and causing panic with your conspiracy theories. Sure the government bite off more than it can chew with the amnesty bill and protestors are in the street, but there hasn't been any violence, no interference with the running of the government, no blocking of trade, except for the SOE restrictions. What is this government panicking about?

Indeed. He's a rebel without a clue.

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Ok...so I'm a rebel. Are the students rebels? Are the business people rebels? Are the judges rebels? Are university professors rebels? Is anyone that disagrees with your party a rebel?

I have a question for you Mr. Interior Minister. Are you really so stupid?

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

..spark confrontation by stoking hate....

But isn't that what all previous protests and their leaders have at some point engaged in? And look at how they, the last group of protest leaders were rewarded - Seats in government!!!

So it seems a very sad state of affairs indeed, when those who have previously sparked confrontation by stoking hate have managed to by pass the judicial system and now have an active part in the decision making protest of Thailand. Hardly a deterrent is it?

Perhaps if all those involved in past actions had been punished accordingly (without financial, social or political bias perverting the judicial process) this situation would not have happened. But, unfortunately vested interests, both (financial and political) prevailed and the cycle maintains itself perpetually. Neither PTP nor the Dems have anyone but themselves to blame for the mess Thailand is in.

Shoot them all and start again - easiest solution (if rather contemptible, I know)

"Shoot them all" could be a solution indeed.

But the yellows and the Dems would prefer to shoot only the reds (they missed quite a lot last time).

On their side, the reds would most certainly prefer to shoot all the Dems, as well as the yellows, the whites, the anti-everything,...

You could shoot the ones who, naively, supported the latest street protests too.

Well, shooting one or both or all sides is not the best solution I guess >_>

There was the solution of the amnesty, but that was not good either... Some people still prefer confrontation.

Parliament does not work either since the Dems prefer to give ultimatum from the streets.

Not sure what is left...

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

..... a giant drug fueled orgy in parliament perhaps?

BTW, what is this confrontation you speak of?

There is no confrontation only an expressing of an opposite view. Embrace it. That's what democracies do. Why fear it?

As Abhisit government showed, the tighter you attempt to hold on to power the looser your grip becomes! PTP could do well to remember that lesson.

Thai literally means "free / independent"

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Roadman post # 9

His legal team is "brainstorming". There is something missing there.


Yes there is something missing. It's the one collective brain cell that the legal team have between them, it's missing as it's in for further brainwashing.whistling.gif

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As Abhisit government showed, the tighter you attempt to hold on to power the looser your grip becomes! PTP could do well to remember that lesson.

Now that seems a strange statement considering the Abhisit Govt agreed to the red leaders demands for an early election only to have that offer rejected after it was initially accepted.

He then held early elections even though there was no compunction to do so.

Does not sound like trying to 'hold on to power'

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Ok...so I'm a rebel. Are the students rebels? Are the business people rebels? Are the judges rebels? Are university professors rebels? Is anyone that disagrees with your party a rebel?

I have a question for you Mr. Interior Minister. Are you really so stupid?

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

I think your stroking it, hate I mean and causing panic with your conspiracy theories. Sure the government bite off more than it can chew with the amnesty bill and protestors are in the street, but there hasn't been any violence, no interference with the running of the government, no blocking of trade, except for the SOE restrictions. What is this government panicking about?

I'm hardly stoking hate with my posts or causing panic on here, am I? If I were a Ex Thai politician on a stage with 40,000 stoked up Thais hanging on my words , well there you have a problem.

According to the other paper 4 disparate groups are now converging on the dem party stage to await the ICJ judgement which is now in. I wonder what Suthep will be doing to keep peace amongst the masses? Oh and there goes Sutheps 6pm deadline.

Edited by fab4
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Interior Minister lashes out at Suthep

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan Monday revealed that the legal team is brainstorming to file charges against Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban, for proceeding with the protest without a proper reason.

He said that Sutheps original demand was to have the government withdraw all amnesty bills. Now that all coalition parties agreed to his demand, Suthep still led the protest and refiled the demand that all amnesty bills be dropped by 6pm today.

The minister said he personally viewed this as a new condition and Suthep could be charged for treason.

He also urged the Democrats to bring its fight against corruption to Parliament. He admitted that there are concerns on the negative impact of this on investment sentiment. If Thailand loses any opportunity, the Democrats must be responsible for that, he said.


-- The Nation 2013-11-11

Are they going to run to teacher and complain that he gave them a Chinese burn also?

Poor old Suthep. What with all the charges against him already he must be looking at a firing squad, followed by being hung, drawn and quartered... if he's lucky.

And if that wasn't enough it looks like he'll get hit with a 500 baht suspended fine for rebellion too. sad.png

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"Interior Minister to file rebellion against leaders of the anti-amnesty bill"

Ah, the inner fascist emerges.

Or indeed the communist people's democracy approach.

Perhaps he can charge them with crimes against the people or the state ? That was always a good catch all for the soviet bloc dictatorships.

As usual, if you are against anything PTP says or wants to do, then you must be a criminal. If you are supporting them, then you can do anything, regardless of the law. Total arrogance and transparent with it.

No doubt that crusading champion of impartial justice Tarit will see these charges as something he must investigate and prosecute - whoops, I mean suggest prosecuting to his boss.

When is the Ombudsman going to file charges against Yingluck and her cousin for their illegal activity ? Don't see Tarit picking that one up.

Rebellion - that was in 2010, with armed perps, leaders inciting violence and destruction and the insurgents refusing to accept when the government agreed to their demands.

And, the pantomime continues - all for the sake of one man, and one man only.

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..spark confrontation by stoking hate....

But isn't that what all previous protests and their leaders have at some point engaged in? And look at how they, the last group of protest leaders were rewarded - Seats in government!!!

So it seems a very sad state of affairs indeed, when those who have previously sparked confrontation by stoking hate have managed to by pass the judicial system and now have an active part in the decision making protest of Thailand. Hardly a deterrent is it?

Perhaps if all those involved in past actions had been punished accordingly (without financial, social or political bias perverting the judicial process) this situation would not have happened. But, unfortunately vested interests, both (financial and political) prevailed and the cycle maintains itself perpetually. Neither PTP nor the Dems have anyone but themselves to blame for the mess Thailand is in.

Shoot them all and start again - easiest solution (if rather contemptible, I know)

"Shoot them all" could be a solution indeed.

But the yellows and the Dems would prefer to shoot only the reds (they missed quite a lot last time).

On their side, the reds would most certainly prefer to shoot all the Dems, as well as the yellows, the whites, the anti-everything,...

You could shoot the ones who, naively, supported the latest street protests too.

Well, shooting one or both or all sides is not the best solution I guess >_>

There was the solution of the amnesty, but that was not good either... Some people still prefer confrontation.

Parliament does not work either since the Dems prefer to give ultimatum from the streets.

Not sure what is left...

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

..... a giant drug fueled orgy in parliament perhaps?

BTW, what is this confrontation you speak of?

There is no confrontation only an expressing of an opposite view. Embrace it. That's what democracies do. Why fear it?

As Abhisit government showed, the tighter you attempt to hold on to power the looser your grip becomes! PTP could do well to remember that lesson.

Thai literally means "free / independent"

One side going to the streets to topple an elected government looks more like confrontation to me than "expressing opposite views" giggle.gif

Also not sure that this is what democraties should do... whistling.gif

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Ok...so I'm a rebel. Are the students rebels? Are the business people rebels? Are the judges rebels? Are university professors rebels? Is anyone that disagrees with your party a rebel?

I have a question for you Mr. Interior Minister. Are you really so stupid?

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

As in "pot calling kettle black", eh?

Ironic ain't it wink.png

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As Abhisit government showed, the tighter you attempt to hold on to power the looser your grip becomes! PTP could do well to remember that lesson.

Now that seems a strange statement considering the Abhisit Govt agreed to the red leaders demands for an early election only to have that offer rejected after it was initially accepted.

He then held early elections even though there was no compunction to do so.

Does not sound like trying to 'hold on to power'

So easy to forget those "little" things, eh?

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The words that spring to mind are "cornered" and "desperation". The Senate apparently is in chaos, the Lower House are running around like scalded cats and just to add to the fun, the ruling on the Temple has gone against Thailand. Time for a fresh pot of tea and to sit back to watch the fireworks, me thinks?coffee1.gif

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So, stepping down as a parliamentary member will now mean Suthep can face the charges previously laid, that, being a member of parliament, has so far has provided him immunity!!!! Who wrote this constitution? The constitution that allows a bill, once rejected in the senate, go back to the reps to be ratified. No wonder this place is mess. The 'WE' know betters, clearly do not know better despite all the education money can buy. The fact that they think themselves superior is testament to the fact that they weren't listening because they already knew better.

Edited by chrisrazz
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So, stepping down as Democrat party member k. Suthep is still an MP.

Who wrote the constitution is outside the scope of this topic.

A bill returned by the Senate and to be handled by parliament again is something which is common in lots of constitutions, includion the 1997 and 2007 version of Thailand as far as I know.

I don't know who the "we know betters" are, but somehow get the impression you might not be a member of that club wink.png

So, stepping down as a parliamentary member will now mean Suthep can face the charges previously laid, that, being a member of parliament, has so far has provided him immunity!!!! Who wrote this constitution? The constitution that allows a bill, once rejected in the senate, go back to the reps to be ratified. No wonder this place is mess. The 'WE' know betters, clearly do not know better despite all the education money can buy. The fact that they think themselves superior is testament to the fact that they weren't listening because they already knew better.

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Ok...so I'm a rebel. Are the students rebels? Are the business people rebels? Are the judges rebels? Are university professors rebels? Is anyone that disagrees with your party a rebel?

I have a question for you Mr. Interior Minister. Are you really so stupid?

Ah, but they are Rebels with a Cause. They are either campaigning against the government or they are campaigning against Thaksin or they are campaigning against the ICJ decision (whatever it may be).

Suthep and the dem party who are backing him is campaigning against the amnesty bill. Then he put an unrealistic time limit on the deliberation of the bill, saying he will carry on the protest if it is not "done and dusted" by 6pm. He also announced a "Peoples Court" that is supposed to be making judgement today. He is doing everything he can to coincide "his", read dem party, demands to coincide with the ICJ Verdict being read and the other demonstration sites and hoping for it all to go off.

Which is what the government were saying would be an unreasonable escalation of the protest which doesn't sound stupid at all. It sounds like a fair reading of what the dems are trying to do,spark confrontation by stoking hate.

I think your stroking it, hate I mean and causing panic with your conspiracy theories. Sure the government bite off more than it can chew with the amnesty bill and protestors are in the street, but there hasn't been any violence, no interference with the running of the government, no blocking of trade, except for the SOE restrictions. What is this government panicking about?

In case you missed it its called "Significant Loss Of Face!...."

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I am sure that according to that pathetic little megalomaniac in Dubai anyone who disagrees with his countenance must be a rebel. The Shin clan has truly shot themselves in both feet and should be a nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

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..spark confrontation by stoking hate....

But isn't that what all previous protests and their leaders have at some point engaged in? And look at how they, the last group of protest leaders were rewarded - Seats in government!!!

So it seems a very sad state of affairs indeed, when those who have previously sparked confrontation by stoking hate have managed to by pass the judicial system and now have an active part in the decision making protest of Thailand. Hardly a deterrent is it?

Perhaps if all those involved in past actions had been punished accordingly (without financial, social or political bias perverting the judicial process) this situation would not have happened. But, unfortunately vested interests, both (financial and political) prevailed and the cycle maintains itself perpetually. Neither PTP nor the Dems have anyone but themselves to blame for the mess Thailand is in.

Shoot them all and start again - easiest solution (if rather contemptible, I know)

"Shoot them all" could be a solution indeed.

But the yellows and the Dems would prefer to shoot only the reds (they missed quite a lot last time).

On their side, the reds would most certainly prefer to shoot all the Dems, as well as the yellows, the whites, the anti-everything,...

You could shoot the ones who, naively, supported the latest street protests too.

Well, shooting one or both or all sides is not the best solution I guess >_>

There was the solution of the amnesty, but that was not good either... Some people still prefer confrontation.

Parliament does not work either since the Dems prefer to give ultimatum from the streets.

Not sure what is left...

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

..... a giant drug fueled orgy in parliament perhaps?

BTW, what is this confrontation you speak of?

There is no confrontation only an expressing of an opposite view. Embrace it. That's what democracies do. Why fear it?

As Abhisit government showed, the tighter you attempt to hold on to power the looser your grip becomes! PTP could do well to remember that lesson.

Thai literally means "free / independent"

One side going to the streets to topple an elected government looks more like confrontation to me than "expressing opposite views" giggle.gif

Also not sure that this is what democraties should do... whistling.gif

But oddly the only people who are speaking about confrontation are the government.

Why? Perhaps they hope that the more they speak of such things the more it will become true,? or perhaps they are tactical encouraging confrontation as a means to remain in power? or perhaps they are simply feeding this line to the public so that if it does happen - we told you so can be the media line they spin and they can respond in kind.

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